Recent Commercial Posts

Water Woes: How to Handle a Flooded Office When Sprinklers Go Off

7/17/2024 (Permalink)

A sudden flood in your office due to sprinklers going off can be a nightmare. Not only does it disrupt operations, but it can also cause significant damage to property and equipment. 

However, with the right approach and preparedness, you can minimize the impact of such an event and get your Bloomville office back up and running as quickly as possible. Today's blog post discusses handling a flooded office when the fire emergency sprinklers go off. 

How Do I Handle A Flood In My Bloomville Office?

Keep reading to learn about some best practices if your office experiences flooding.

Stay Calm and Assess the Situation:

  • The first and most crucial step when dealing with a flooded office is to stay calm and assess the situation. Panicking will only make matters worse. Evaluate the extent of the flooding and identify any immediate hazards, such as submerged electrical outlets.

Shut Off the Water Supply:

  • If the flooding is caused by sprinklers going off, the next step is to shut off the water supply to prevent further damage. Locate the main water shutoff valve for your building and turn it off as soon as possible; this will stop the water flow and help contain the damage.

Safely Evacuate Employees:

  • Evacuate all employees from the flooded area to ensure their safety. Designate assembly points outside the building where employees can gather to ensure accountability. Safety should always be the top priority in any emergency.

Protect Important Documents and Equipment:

  • If important documents or equipment are in the flooded area, move them to a dry and safe location as quickly as possible. Water can cause irreversible damage to paper documents and electronic devices, so it's essential to act fast to salvage what you can.

Call in Professional Help:

  • Dealing with a flooded office requires expertise and specialized equipment. Contact professional water damage restoration services as soon as possible to assess the extent of the damage and begin the cleanup process. These professionals have the tools and knowledge to extract water, dry out the affected area, and prevent mold growth.

Document the Damage:

  • Before any cleanup efforts begin, document the damage by taking photographs or videos of the flooded area. Such documentation will be necessary for insurance claims and ensure you receive proper compensation for damages incurred.

Communicate with Stakeholders:

  • Keep employees, clients, and other stakeholders informed about the situation and its impact on operations. Clear and timely communication can help alleviate concerns and ensure everyone knows how to address the issue.

Review and Improve Emergency Preparedness Plans:

  • Once the immediate crisis has been resolved, review your emergency preparedness plans and identify any areas for improvement. Consider conducting regular drills to ensure employees know how to respond effectively in a flood or other emergency.

Dealing with a flooded office when sprinklers go off can be challenging and stressful. However, by staying calm, taking immediate action, and enlisting professional help, you can minimize the damage and get your office back on track. Remember to prioritize safety, communicate effectively with stakeholders, and review your emergency preparedness plans to handle future emergencies better.

Who Do I Call In Case Of A Disaster In Bloomville?

Call SERVPRO! We can be reached at (419) 443 1790, 24 hours a day and seven days a week. You can also submit a request for service online.

We proudly serve Bloomville and the surrounding communities at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. When a disaster occurs at your home or business, we'll help you recover immediately. 

We are here to help you recover from commercial water damage, and we also handle commercial mold remediation and other related services. SERVPRO is available and prepared 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to help you recover from disasters of all types and sizes.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Essential Cleaning Guidelines For A Fresh Willard Workspace

6/12/2024 (Permalink)

In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a clean and organized workspace is more crucial than ever. Whether working from home or in a traditional office setting, a tidy environment enhances productivity and contributes to overall well-being. 

With that in mind, let's explore some essential cleaning guidelines to ensure your Willard workspace remains fresh and conducive to success.

What Are Ten Ways You Can Make Your Willard Workspace Shine?

Following these essential cleaning guidelines can create a fresh, inviting workspace that promotes productivity, creativity, and well-being. 

Remember, a clean environment isn't just aesthetically pleasing—it's also essential for your mental and physical health. So roll up your sleeves, grab your cleaning supplies, and transform your Willard workspace into a thriving place:

  1. Declutter Regularly: Before deep cleaning, take some time to declutter your workspace. Remove any unnecessary items, file away papers, and clear off surfaces. A clutter-free environment fosters clarity of mind and allows you to focus on the tasks without unnecessary distractions.
  2. Establish a Cleaning Routine: Consistency is key to maintaining a clean workspace. Set aside a specific time each day or week to clean and tidy your area; this could be a few minutes at the end of each workday or a more extended cleaning session once a week.
  3. Keep Cleaning Supplies Handy: To make cleaning more efficient, ensure you have all the necessary supplies within reach. Stock up on basic cleaning products such as disinfectant wipes, glass cleaners, microfiber cloths, and trash bags. These readily available items will encourage you to clean up spills and messes promptly.
  4. Focus on High-Touch Areas: Certain areas in your workspace accumulate more dirt and germs than others. Pay special attention to high-touch surfaces such as keyboards, computer mice, desk phones, and doorknobs. Regularly disinfecting these areas can help slow the spread of illness - and even prevent it! - and keep your workspace hygienic.
  5. Organize Cables and Wires: Tangled cables look unsightly and can also pose a safety hazard. Take the time to organize and label your cables to prevent tripping accidents and make it easier to clean around your workspace. Invest in cable management solutions, including cable ties or sleeves, to keep wires neatly tucked away.
  6. Don't Forget about Air Quality: Clean air is essential for a healthy workspace environment. Regularly dust surfaces, including vents and fans, to prevent the buildup of dust and allergens. Consider incorporating indoor plants or investing in an air purifier to improve air quality and promote well-being.
  7. Promote Personal Hygiene Practices: To maintain a clean workspace, encourage good personal hygiene practices among yourself and your colleagues. Such practices include washing hands regularly, covering coughs and sneezes, and staying home when feeling unwell. By collectively prioritizing hygiene, you can create a healthier work environment for everyone.
  8. Deep Clean Periodically: In addition to your regular cleaning routine, schedule periodic deep cleaning sessions to tackle areas that may be overlooked. This could involve steam cleaning carpets, wiping down walls and baseboards, and disinfecting shared spaces such as break rooms and bathrooms. Deep cleaning helps prevent grime buildup and keeps your workspace looking and feeling fresh.
  9. Invest in Storage Solutions: Adequate storage is essential for keeping your workspace organized and clutter-free. Invest in storage solutions such as shelves, filing cabinets, and desk organizers to maximize space and keep belongings neatly stowed away. Label storage bins and folders for easy access to documents and supplies.
  10. Lead by Example: Lastly, lead by example by maintaining a clean and organized workspace yourself. When your colleagues see your commitment to cleanliness, they're more likely to follow suit, creating a positive domino effect throughout the workplace.

Can I Count On SERVPRO For Professional Cleaning Help?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers services ranging from cleaning restaurant hoods to removing biohazard contaminants. We have the specialized training and products to get your property back into business. Our commercial cleaning services include the following:

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can clean anything life throws at you, whether it's just the grime of day-to-day living or you've experienced an accident or damage. We can typically be onsite within four hours of your call to begin the cleanup and restoration process. Call us today at (419) 443 1790 to discuss how we can make your Willard business shine!

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

Tailored Commercial Restoration Services For Your Tiffin Business

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

In business, unforeseen disasters can strike at any moment, disrupting operations and causing significant damage to your Tiffin location. 

Whether it's a fire, flood, storm, or any other catastrophe, the impact can be devastating, not just to physical assets but also to your company's ability to serve its customers and maintain its reputation. Tailored commercial restoration solutions come into play here, providing the means to recover swiftly and effectively, ensuring minimal downtime and a seamless return to normalcy.

What Should I Know About Disaster Recovery For My Tiffin Commercial Business?

The following tailored restorations will be crucial in getting you back to work!

Understanding the Need. The aftermath of a disaster can leave your Tiffin business reeling, with critical infrastructure compromised, inventory damaged, and employees displaced. In such situations, a comprehensive commercial restoration plan is essential. However, not all businesses are alike, and their restoration needs can vary significantly based on industry, size, location, and the nature of their operations. Tailored solutions become indispensable in these situations, as they address the unique requirements of each business, ensuring that the restoration process is customized to deliver optimal results.

Assessment and Planning. The first step in crafting a tailored commercial restoration solution is thoroughly assessing your business needs and vulnerabilities, which involves evaluating the physical infrastructure, identifying critical assets, and assessing potential risks. A team of experienced restoration professionals works closely with the business owner or manager to understand their priorities and develop a comprehensive plan that aligns with their goals and objectives.

Customized Restoration Services. The restoration process can begin once the assessment is complete, and the plan is in place. Tailored commercial restoration solutions encompass a wide range of services designed to address specific needs, including:

  • Emergency Response: Swift action is crucial in the aftermath of a disaster. Tailored solutions include round-the-clock emergency response services to mitigate further damage and begin the restoration process immediately.
  • Structural Repairs: From repairing damaged buildings to restoring electrical and plumbing systems, tailored solutions encompass comprehensive structural repairs to restore the business's physical infrastructure to its preloss condition.
  • Content Restoration: Businesses often have valuable assets such as equipment, inventory, documents, and electronics that require specialized restoration services. Tailored solutions include content restoration services to salvage, clean, and restore these items, minimizing losses and maximizing recovery.
  • Business Continuity Planning: Besides physical restoration, tailored solutions may include business continuity planning to help businesses resume operations as quickly as possible. Such solutions can involve temporary workspace solutions, data recovery services, and logistical support to ensure minimal disruption to day-to-day activities.

Continuous Support and Monitoring. Tailored commercial restoration solutions extend beyond the immediate restoration process. They include ongoing support and monitoring to ensure that the business remains resilient in the face of future challenges. This may involve regular inspections, maintenance services, and proactive measures to enhance preparedness and mitigate risks.

Why Should I Partner With SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties?

By partnering with experienced restoration professionals like SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, who understand your unique challenges, you can ensure your Tiffin business is prepared to weather any storm and emerge more vital than ever. Learn more about our commercial services:

Don't wait until disaster strikes—invest in tailored commercial restoration solutions today and safeguard the future of your business!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Surviving the Unexpected: A Guide to New London Business Disaster Preparedness

3/27/2024 (Permalink)

Uncertainties are inevitable in the dynamic world of business. From natural disasters to global crises and economic downturns, unexpected events can disrupt operations and pose significant challenges to organizations. 

To successfully navigate these challenges, you must prioritize disaster preparedness for your New London business. This guide will explore the key aspects of business disaster preparedness and provide actionable steps for organizations to survive and thrive in the face of the unexpected.

What Are Key Aspects Of Disaster Preparedness For My New London Business?

Here are some actionable steps for you to keep your New London business operational even when disaster strikes:

  • Risk Assessment. The first step in disaster preparedness is conducting a thorough risk assessment. Identify potential risks your business may face, including natural disasters, supply chain disruptions, cybersecurity threats, and financial downturns. Understanding the risks effectively tailors your preparedness plan to address these challenges.
  • Business Continuity Plan. A robust business continuity plan ensures your organization can continue operations after a disaster. This plan should outline critical business functions, designate key personnel responsible for each function, and establish alternative strategies for continued operation. Regularly review and update your plan to reflect any changes in the business environment.
  • Emergency Response Team. Assemble an emergency response team comprising individuals with diverse skills and expertise. This team should be equipped to iplay a crucial role in implementing the business continuity plan, coordinating communication, and ensuring the safety of employees. Plan and conduct regular drills and training sessions to prepare the team for various scenarios.
  • Communication Strategies. Effective communication is paramount during a crisis. Establish clear communication channels both internally and externally to keep your employees, stakeholders, and customers informed about a disaster situation, the steps being taken, and any changes in operations. Utilize various communication tools, including social media, email, and traditional media outlets.
  • Data Backup and Cybersecurity. In the digital age, protecting your organization's data is critical. Implement robust data backup systems to ensure that essential information is not lost during a cyber attack or system failure. Regularly update and test your cybersecurity measures to guard against evolving threats.
  • Financial Resilience. Maintain financial resilience by establishing emergency funds and exploring insurance options that cover a range of potential risks. Diversify revenue streams and regularly assess your organization's financial health to identify areas for improvement.
  • Collaborate with Local Authorities. Build relationships with local emergency response agencies and authorities. Understanding the resources available and establishing collaborative efforts will enhance your organization's ability to respond effectively to disasters.

Business disaster preparedness is not just a proactive measure but a necessity in today's uncertain world. By investing time and resources in assessing risks, developing comprehensive plans, and cultivating a culture of preparedness, organizations can significantly improve their chances of surviving and thriving in the face of unexpected threats. Embrace preparedness as a fundamental aspect of your strategy to ensure long-term success and resilience for your New London business.

What Are Some Effective Methods For Maintaining My HVAC Unit?

2/14/2024 (Permalink)

Cold weather here in Attica will be over soon, and it won’t be long before you’ll need to start preparing for summertime! Your HVAC unit has worked hard all winter, so some care and maintenance will be required to prepare it for warmer weather. 

How Do I Get My HVAC Unit Ready For Warmer Weather?

Here are some effective methods to help you get your HVAC unit ready for warmer weather:

  • Air Filters. Checking your air filter during heavy use is vital to properly operating your HVAC system. It should be inspected every month and may need to be replaced even sooner than the recommended 3-month mark when use is heavy. Make sure you have the proper replacement handy. 
  • Air Return Grills. Registers and air return grilles in your home or business must be maintained to ensure they haven’t become blocked or shut; this will restrict airflow throughout your HVAC systems and negatively affect performance.
  • Outdoor Cooling Equipment. Have your cooling equipment outdoors inspected. Trim vegetation that has grown up around these units to allow for easy maintenance and airflow. Ensure the area around your HVAC is clear of obstructions so your professional HVAC technician can access the units. 
  • Drip Pans. Drip pans and condensate drain lines need to remain clear. If these components of your HVAC system become clogged with mold or algae, condensation will not exit your office or business premises. That can cause the cooling system to malfunction or water to back up indoors, causing water damage. Your technician can clear any clogs within the drip pan or condensate drain lines as soon as they find them. Use a wet/dry vacuum to remove water from the drip pan or rags to soak it up, and clean the drip pan using a mild soap. 

Why Should I Trust SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties With My Attica HVAC?

SERVPRO prides itself on our quick turnaround and attention to detail. With SERVPRO, you can expect

The professionals at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties will routinely inspect your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning unit (HVAC). Keeping them clean can extend the life of the equipment; this can save you money and give you cleaner air to breathe.

The benefits of servicing your Attica HVAC unit include the following:

  • It helps to restore peak energy efficiency.
  • It may eliminate offensive odors.
  • It helps reduce the potential for mold growth.

For more information on HVAC and air duct cleaning, call us today at (419) 443-1790. Our other residential cleaning services include water damage restoration, fire damage restoration, storm damage restoration, and so much more!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Why Should I Make Cleaning Resolutions For My Norwalk Commercial Property This New Year?

1/10/2024 (Permalink)

We all make New Year’s resolutions. A brand new year is the perfect time to clean the slate, do away with bad habits, and form new ones. 

As a successful business owner in Norwalk, you’re always thinking about ways to make your enterprise better. From finances to cleaning, every aspect of running a business is essential. One fantastic New Year’s resolution you can make is to get - and keep - your Norwalk business spotless!

Let’s discuss commercial cleaning for your organization to get you off to a fresh start in 2024. 

Should I Consider Professional Cleaning Services For My Norwalk Business?

We recommend professional cleaning services for any business in 2024, and here are some reasons why:

  • Deep cleaning any building is time-consuming, and depending on the type of business you own, it can require specialized equipment and products.  Having your commercial location professionally cleaned regularly frees you and your staff up to do what you do best! 
  • A professional cleaning company can ensure that your environment is adequately sanitized ahead of flu season and other seasonal illnesses - you’ll save money by lowering the number of call-outs and lessening productivity that often results when your staff gets sick.
  • The condition of your commercial business tells your story to anyone who goes by or enters your building. If your environment is less-than-pristine, it says something about how you do business; a prospective client may decide that if you don’t care about your own property, you probably won’t care about their concerns, either. However, a well-cared-for workspace tells people that you pay attention to detail and care about your customers and workforce. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Keep My Norwalk Business Property Clean, Neat, Tidy - And Healthy?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers cleaning services ranging from cleaning restaurant hoods to removing biohazard contaminants. We have the specialized training and products to get your property back to business. Our cleaning services include the following:

We also offer the Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned service, created to keep your Norwalk business location as clean and healthy as possible. 

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, our defensive pathogen cleaning program, goes beyond standard janitorial cleaning practices; this is proactive viral pathogen cleaning. With over 50 years of experience in biochemical spill remediation and decontamination, you can trust the SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties professionals to bring a higher standard of cleanliness to the places we gather.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a team of industry professionals who maintain high-quality standards in every area. Our technicians are highly trained and certified. In areas ranging from commercial property cleaning to document restoration, you can be assured that you are getting the best in the business when you work with us. We handle crime and trauma scenes, biohazards, sewage spills, contamination, mold remediation, and more. 

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Clean! 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Why Is SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties My Best Choice For Commercial Restoration?

11/22/2023 (Permalink)

If you own a business in the Huron and East Seneca area, consider the systems and processes you have in place to get your business back up and running if disaster strikes. In the commercial industry, damaging events such as flooding or fire can take significant time and effort to clean up and remediate. 

Cleaning and restoring commercial properties like your Norwalk location requires a unique blend of training, experience, and equipment, and SERVPRO has the resources and expertise to give you excellent results while minimizing the disruption to your clients. We can help make it “Like it never even happened!”

What Types Of Commercial Locations Does SERVPRO Handle?

We’re equipped to manage disasters at all different types and sizes of commercial enterprises, including:

  • Small Office Buildings
  • Large Office/High-Rise Office Buildings
  • Apartment Buildings
  • Restaurants
  • Hotel/Motels
  • Small Retail Stores
  • Large Retail/Big-Box Stores
  • High-Rise Residential
  • Manufacturing & Industrial
  • Government/Military

Why Should I Choose SERVPRO If I Experience A Disaster At My Norwalk Commercial Location?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is available 24 hours daily to restore your Norwalk property and get you back to business. We have the expertise, equipment, and highly trained personnel to handle your commercial water, fire, or mold damage. We can also access the resources of our national network of 2160 Franchises to manage large commercial projects and major storm events. Learn more about our commercial restoration services:

Contact us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to learn how we can help you keep your Norwalk commercial business in tip-top shape!

Our highly-trained team uses advanced technology and offers fast, 24-hour service.

We’re also disaster mitigation experts. The SERVPRO Commercial Large Loss Division is composed of our best of the best in restoration. Our elite large-loss specialists are pre-qualified and strategically positioned throughout the United States to handle any size disaster. A commercial operations manager supervises every large-loss project to help ensure seamless communication and timely mitigation. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Floods, Fires, And More: What Do I Need To Know About SERVPRO’s Comprehensive Commercial Restoration Services?

8/23/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO has a network of strategically positioned storm teams on standby should a disaster strike near you, and our crew is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We are prepared for the unpredictable!

There's never a convenient time for fire or water damage to strike your Bellevue business. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency arises in your business, call us at (419) 443-1790, and we'll be there fast with the help you need.

What Types Of Commercial Restoration Services Does SERVPRO Provide?

It might be easier to list what we don't provide! Our comprehensive services cover any disastrous situation you may experience in your Bellevue business, regardless of its size. No job is too small!

Learn more about our commercial restoration services here:

Is Any Restoration Job Too Big For SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties?

No restoration job is too large for SERVPRO. Our Large Loss Division is in place to help with major disasters.

The SERVPRO Commercial Large Loss Division is composed of our best-of-the-best in restoration. Our elite large-loss specialists are pre-qualified and strategically positioned throughout the United States to handle any size disaster. A commercial operations manager supervises every significant loss to help ensure seamless communication and timely mitigation. 

At SERVPRO, the difference is our ability to dispatch trained production professionals and cut costs through the strategic placement and oversight of temporary labor. Get the professionals; call SERVPRO.

Clients for the Commercial Large Loss program include the following:

  • The Hospitality Industry
  • Property Managers
  • Universities
  • Municipalities
  • The Pentagon

Our team is highly-trained, uses advanced technology, and offers fast 24-hour service

Contact us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to learn how we can keep your Bellevue business running smoothly, no matter what comes!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Can SERVPRO Restore The Roof Of My New London Business?

7/12/2023 (Permalink)

The roof of your New London business takes a beating every day of the year from heat, rain, sleet, snow, wind, and more. Keeping your roofing in good condition is one of the most important aspects of protecting your investment, but when the worst happens, you need to know who to call.

SERVPRO is here to help you repair and restore your roof - and the rest of your property - if you experience severe damage from a violent storm, fire, or other disasters, so don't hesitate to contact us any time.

How Will SERVPRO Help Restore My New London Business After A Disaster?

Here are some of the steps SERVPRO will take to restore your property when disaster strikes:

  • When your New London business has been damaged by fire, water, or storm damage, the immediate concern should be temporary protective measures, such as placing roof tarps to prevent additional damage and boarding up to secure the building and remove water and debris. 
  • After protecting and securing the structure, professionals at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can begin the restoration process. Your business may need reconstruction work to restore your property to its preloss condition. 
  • The professionals at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can simplify the restoration process by handling the initial damage mitigation and rebuilding the affected areas. Having one qualified company for the entire process can save time and keeps costs low.

What Other Commercial Services Does SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Offer New London Business Owners?

Many different types of situations can occur to cause damage to your commercial property, and SERVPRO has the necessary expertise to help you with each of them. We offer commercial services that enable you to recover from such issues as:

Accidents occur regularly in the busy commercial business world, and the result is often a big cleanup job. Completing this kind of project is time-consuming, and a busy business owner may need more time to manage it. Enlisting the help of a professional restoration company like SERVPRO will be the right choice here. Our commercial cleaning services include:

When the worst happens, knowing that SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is available to help you 24 hours a day and seven days a week will give you the peace of mind you need. We are faster to any size disaster, and our highly-trained technicians bring all the tools and equipment to get you back to normal as soon as possible.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Why Is It Important To Keep My Bloomville Business Emergency Plan Up-To-Date?

5/24/2023 (Permalink)

The structures and equipment of your Bloomville business can be negatively affected by an often completely unexpected emergency. Staff can be injured or find themselves in dangerous situations, so you should take steps to prevent this kind of situation whenever possible. 

Putting an emergency preparedness plan in place will help you avoid these types of situations, and it should be kept up-to-date to keep everyone safe. If you do not have such a plan, now is the perfect time to create an emergency-ready plan for your business.

What Kinds Of Emergencies Should I Plan For?

You want to be prepared for any emergency event, such as: 

  • Fire/Wildfire
  • Earthquake
  • Hurricane
  • Tornado
  • Flood
  • Hazardous material spill
  • Blizzard
  • Health-related emergency

What Can I Do To Be Ready For An Emergency In The Bloomville Area?

Here are a few tips to help you be ready for an emergency. Each of these items should be part of your overall emergency preparedness plan!

  • PROACTIVE MAINTENANCE. Establish a regular maintenance plan to ensure that all areas around your buildings are kept free from flammable materials and that landscaping is trimmed regularly to prevent fires from spreading if they occur; this is a vital first step to any emergency-ready plan. For example, doors or windows need to be adequately sealed, parking and entrance/exit areas should always be clear and safe, and the roofing of your structures should be in good repair. 
  • EVACUATION INFORMATION. You should post an evacuation plan in a visible place for your staff and customers, which must always be current. Make sure your employees know where it can be found and that it is clear to them, and practice evacuation procedures so they can be followed easily should the worst happen. 
  • CURRENT CONTACT INFORMATION. Update your phone and email contact information regularly so that all employees can be effectively alerted to important information, whether at work or home, should an emergency occur. Contacts for utilities, fire departments, law enforcement, and other government agencies should be listed in a specific location, and each employee should have easy access to this information at all times. 
  • RESOURCES. Here are some great resources available for you to use when you are creating your emergency-ready plan:
  • OSHA: How to Plan for Workplace Emergencies and Evacuations
  • CDC Emergency Response Resources

Our team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is ready to help when your home or business is affected by water damage, fire damage, mold infestations, odor removal, and more. 

When an emergency happens, the professional damage restoration technicians here at SERVPRO are an essential resource; we can complete all necessary repairs promptly and efficiently to keep you, your workforce, or your loved ones out of harm’s way. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Keep Your Bellevue Commercial Property Clean With SERVPRO's Help!

1/18/2023 (Permalink)

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Keep My Bellevue Commercial Property Clean?

Our highly-trained technicians at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are fully equipped to professionally clean your Bellevue commercial location. Whether you need assistance with restoration and cleaning after an emergency or want to schedule routine cleaning and maintenance, we can be onsite to help you immediately so you don’t lose time or money.

Which Commercial Cleaning Services Does SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca County Offer?

We are trusted leaders in the disaster restoration industry, and commercial mold remediation is one of our specialties. We provide fast, 24-hour emergency service, and our team’s intensive, ongoing training ensures that we have the expertise to handle all your restoration and cleaning projects. 

We also handle specialty commercial cleaning projects, such as:

Every hour you have to spend cleaning up your Bellevue commercial location is an hour of lost revenue and productivity, so SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties provides professional cleaning and emergency restoration services to get your business running smoothly again as soon as possible. We have the training, equipment, and resources to handle commercial cleaning projects of any size. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Clean My Bellevue Commercial Location In A Health-Related Scenario?

In the case of a health-related issue such as a seasonal flu outbreak, our Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned defensive cleaning program will give your Bellevue business a way forward by providing your employees and customers with ongoing safety. 

As America’s #1 cleanup and restoration brand, we have developed a program that is grounded in our 3 C’s: Consult, Clean, and Certify:

  • Consult: We start by consulting the client about the unique needs of each space.
  • Clean: An expert deep clean is initiated using our proprietary EPA-approved, hospital-grade cleaning solutions. We always adhere to CDC standards.
  • Certify: You’ll know a business is Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned by the shield posted on their front window. Along with digital emblems and other collateral, this beacon represents their commitment to the comfort and security of their employees, customers, and community.

Whether you need help removing an odor problem or deep cleaning ceilings, walls, or flooring at your Bellevue commercial property, you can depend on SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to get the job done right the first time. We respond promptly and make your workspace look its very best. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Can I Best Maintain My Commercial Property?

11/16/2022 (Permalink)

Highrise buildings How Can I Best Maintain My Commercial Property?

You don’t have time to worry about the everyday wear and tear that gradually soils your office - you’re too busy running your business! When grime, odor, and moisture challenges go beyond the scope of your regular janitorial staff, you should call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties for prompt service at  (419) 443-1790.

Whether it’s removing an odor problem or deep cleaning flooring or carpets, you can rely on us to make your workspace look its very best.

What Services Does SERVPRO Offer Commercial Property Owners?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers services ranging from cleaning restaurant hoods to removing biohazard contaminants. We have the specialized training and products to get your property back to business. Our cleaning services include the following:

Why Should I Choose SERVPRO To Maintain My Commercial Property?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is locally owned and operated—so we’re a part of this community too. We are also part of a national network of over 2010 Franchises, which enables us to respond quicker with more resources. We can call upon special Disaster Recovery Teams strategically located throughout the country for major storms and disasters.

We are proud to serve our local communities:

Our team is highly-trained, uses advanced technology, and offers fast 24-hour service

We’re also disaster mitigation experts. The SERVPRO Commercial Large Loss Division is composed of our best of the best in restoration. Our elite large-loss specialists are pre-qualified and strategically positioned throughout the United States to handle any size disaster. A commercial operations manager supervises every large loss to help ensure seamless communication and timely mitigation. 

Contact us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to learn more about how we can help you keep your commercial business in tip-top shape!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Can I Keep My Huron & East Seneca Counties Commercial Property In Great Condition?

7/27/2022 (Permalink)

three green SERVPRO trucks SERVPRO knows how to keep your property in good, working condition. Give us a call today!

When a client comes to see you in your place of business, what they see first will determine their opinion of what you do. It’s always a wise business decision to establish consistent routine cleaning and maintenance for your organization, including all offices, warehouses, and entryways so that your Hermitage/Donelson commercial property is always in excellent condition.

What Are The Areas Of My Business My Clients Will Notice First? 

  • Your entries, walkways, and landscaping should be well-kept and in good repair. 
  • Ensure that your waiting area, the first thing a customer will see when they step inside, is comfortable, cozy, and adequately lit. The seating should be in the best shape possible, and it should not need to be cleaned from spots or spills. 
  • When your customer uses your public restroom, it must be a pleasant experience. 

If you haven’t been paying enough attention to your property, you will probably pay the price through a loss of business. No smart business owner wants that.

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Keep My Commercial Location In Good Shape?

A professional cleaning and restoration company like SERVPRO can sit down with you and create a schedule for a routine commercial cleaning and maintenance schedule that will work just right for your business. They will assess what needs to be done and get it done in your timeframe. 

In addition to commercial cleaning, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers a wide range of commercial services, including:

Whether you need day-to-day maintenance and repair or damage remediation, we are here to help you keep your Huron & East Seneca business property in the best shape possible. 

Our SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team is skilled and experienced in completing all your commercial cleanup and maintenance projects. We have the expertise necessary to get the job done and get it done right. Contact us online or call us at (419) 443 1790 for more information. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Why Is It Important To Keep The Air Ducts Of Your Bloomville Business Clean?

6/22/2022 (Permalink)

Air ducts on the ceiling It's important to keep up with your air duct cleanings for all commercial properties!

When it comes to poor indoor air quality, dirty ventilation systems are often the most prominent cause. You can schedule an inspection of the ductwork in your Bloomville commercial business to ensure that your air quality is acceptable. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we can help. You can reach us online or call us at (419) 443 1790 to start the process.

What Can Happen If My Bloomville Air Ducts Are Dirty?

If your HVAC has been operating for some time with no attention, the following materials could be circulating through your interior air space:  

  • Dust, 
  • Pollen
  • Dirt and debris
  • Odors
  • Other contaminants

Such materials can negatively affect the overall health and comfort of your workforce and cause the productivity of your business to fall. 

What Are The Benefits Of Keeping My Bloomville Air Ducts Clean?

The benefits of cleaning out air ducts include: 

  • Helping your HVAC unit(s) to run at peak efficiency 
  • Eliminating offensive odors
  • Reducing the potential for any mold growth. Mold growth can be devastating. These situations could be related to mold growth or poor air quality, and clean air ducts will prevent these issues.
  • Extending the life of your heating and cooling equipment by lowering the amount of stress on your system. 

If you are thinking about getting your Bloomville business air ducts/HVAC cleaned, don’t hesitate to contact the professionals here at SERVPRO. We are your best choice for commercial cleaning services. We offer the most advanced technology available on the market today to help you keep your premises clean and in excellent condition.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers cleaning services ranging from cleaning restaurant hoods to removing biohazard contaminants. We have the specialized training and products to get your property back to business. Our cleaning services include the following:

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Are Some Carpet Cleaning Tips For Your Tiffin Business?

5/11/2022 (Permalink)

The carpets in your Tiffin commercial location will need to be cleaned regularly since constant foot traffic is brutal on any flooring. Remember SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is here to help with the carpet cleaning needs for your Tiffin business. 

What Are Some Carpet-Cleaning Facts I Should Keep In Mind?  

  • A well-kept carpet will last longer; regular cleaning and maintenance will save you the higher costs of replacing carpeting.  
  • Clean carpeting and flooring are part of the professional image of your Tiffin business; you will attract clients to that image, and your employees will feel more positive about their work environment, too. 
  • Keeping your carpets in good repair will lessen the possibility of trips and falls and resulting liability issues.
  • Clean carpets reduce loose particles, protecting your business’s indoor air quality. It has even been proven to reduce exposure to cancer-causing substances that can collect in carpet fibers. 
  • A clean carpet reduces illness-causing biological contaminants - such as bacteria, mold, and viruses - that can negatively affect your clients and staff. 

What Are Some Important Points To Consider For My Professional Carpet Cleaning?

  • Color, nap and pile, type, and density of your carpet: a higher-quality carpet will probably be able to go longer without cleaning, for example, and hold up better over time. 
  • The type of dirt brought in. For example, if your Tiffin business is rural, dust and mud may be more prevalent than one in a more urban one.
  • The type of business you conduct: a construction office, restaurant, or busy retail location will need more attention than a clerk’s office, for example. 
  • If you are a business related to the medical field, your needs may be very specific, based on your practice area. Check with us about our Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned services. 

The team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is always ready to help with all your commercial cleaning needs for your Tiffin location. Having your carpets cleaned regularly should be part of your commercial maintenance program.  

In addition to commercial cleaning projects, we handle everything from commercial water damage to commercial storm damage; no matter your Tiffin business location experiences, we can handle it right away and get you back to work!

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Are Some HVAC Maintenance Tips For My Bellevue Business?

4/6/2022 (Permalink)

Now that warmer weather is here, your HVAC system will get used more often. Have you done any maintenance on your unit since winter? If not, it’s time to take care of that. Keeping your unit in good condition will help you avoid the uncomfortable situation of experiencing an air conditioning malfunction at your Bellevue location during the hottest part of the year. 

What Are Some Signs That My HVAC Unit Needs To Be Serviced?

When your HVAC needs attention, you’ll know it. Here are some telltale signs that mean you need to do some maintenance or repairs to your system:

  • When the temperatures have started to soar, and you find your air conditioning unit barely has any airflow at all, then you probably have some clogged vents on your hands. It doesn’t take long for dirt to build up inside the HVAC system, causing a host of problems, from blocked fan units to dust-filled air filters and impacting each component, hindering the overall efficiency of your system.
  • If the charges on your electric bill are higher than usual, it’s time for repairs. Your invoice will increase when the temperatures rise, but a consistently high or increasing energy bill is an indication that your HVAC system isn’t working correctly. 
  • If your air conditioner has been running the entire day but is still not doing its job, this can be a sign of leaking connectors and refrigerant lines. Some parts of the HVAC system are more prone to leakage than others and may get damaged quickly, while the lines that form the primary connection between your home and the outdoor HVAC unit can sometimes start leaking because of wear. Such leaks allow the cool air to escape the pipes, so the system must work harder yet less efficiently.

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Maintain The HVAC System At My Bellevue Commercial Location?

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties professionals will routinely inspect your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning unit. Keeping them clean can extend the life of the equipment, saving you money and giving you cleaner air to breathe.

Air duct cleaning is not always necessary. We will recommend the best way to address any indoor air quality concerns, which saves you money and provides peace of mind on the health of your system.

The benefits of having SERVPRO service your HVAC unit include:

  • Restoration of peak energy efficiency.
  • Elimination of many offensive odors.
  • Reduces the potential for mold growth.

Ventilation systems are often the biggest culprit in poor indoor air quality. Make it a priority to inspect the ductwork of your home or business. If your HVAC has been operating for some time without attention, it could be circulating the following:

  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Odors
  • Dirt and debris
  • Other contaminants

In addition to servicing your HVAC system, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers many other commercial restoration and cleaning services. You can learn more by calling us at (419) 443-1790 or contacting us via our website. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Carpet Cleaning Tips For Your Attica Business?

2/23/2022 (Permalink)

Carpet is designed to camouflage dirt, and this is especially true in your Attica business. Your carpeting will see a lot of traffic, and it can get pretty dingy and rough-looking over time, especially during the winter months. You may find it necessary to schedule a professional cleaning service, and SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is here to help with the carpet cleaning needs for your Attica business location. 

What Are Some Carpet-Cleaning Facts You Need To Consider? 

  • A carpet that isn’t well cared for will need to be replaced sooner than one that receives regular cleanings and maintenance, costing you a lot more money in the long run. 
  • Keeping your carpets in good repair can reduce customer complaints and liability from any trips and falls. 
  • Clean carpeting and flooring are part of the good image of your Attica business; clients will be more comfortable with you, and your employees will feel more positive about their work environment, too.
  • Clean carpets reduce loose particles, protecting your business’s indoor air quality. It has even been proven to reduce exposure to cancer-causing substances that can collect in carpet fibers. A clean carpet also reduces illness-causing biological contaminants - such as bacteria, mold, and viruses - that can negatively affect your clients and staff. This will be especially important during cold and flu season. 

Having your carpets regularly cleaned should be part of your commercial maintenance program. 

What Are Some Important Points To Consider When Scheduling A Professional Carpet Cleaning?

  • Color, nap and pile, type, and density of your carpet: a higher-quality carpet will probably be able to go longer without cleaning, for example, and hold up better over time. 
  • Foot traffic in your place of business: this aspect will change based on seasons and weather. A busy workplace is great, but it comes with its own set of challenges.
  • The type of your commercial space: if you own a business that uses heavy machinery, you will need to have a much heavier cleaning schedule. 
  • The type of business you conduct: a veterinary office, daycare, or restaurant will need more attention than an attorney’s office, for example. If you are a business related to the medical field, your needs may be very specific based on your medicine area. 

The team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is always ready to help with all your commercial cleaning needs. We handle everything from commercial water damage to commercial storm damage; no matter what your Attica business location experiences, we can manage it right away and get you back to work!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Winter Weather Safety Precautions For Your Norwalk Home?

1/12/2022 (Permalink)

During the winter months, Norwalk homeowners face many challenges that arise from freezing weather. You have probably dealt with frozen pipes, slip and fall accidents, and fallen trees in the past, so you know these kinds of things happen without any warning. Being prepared ahead of time is the best way to avoid winter-related safety issues, so today we’re going to share some precautions for you to use to keep your Norwalk home and loved ones safe.

What Are Some Proactive Steps You Can Take To Keep Your Norwalk Home In Good Repair During The Winter? 

  • Have a professional company like SERVPRO inspect and perform routine maintenance on your air ducts, HVAC system, chimney, and dryer vents. You will extend the life of your essential services by having them regularly maintained. Many HVAC service providers offer annual contracts to check and service your units in the spring and fall. They may also provide a bonus of emergency priority service for clients with annual contracts.
  • Properly insulate all water pipes along exterior walls, as well as any exposed to unheated interior locations. Turn off the water supply to outdoor spigots and drain them; you may want to consider installing freeze-proof outdoor faucets. Open all rooms, enclosures, and cabinets that contain water pipes to help keep them warm. In extreme sub-zero temperatures, keep water flowing by turning faucets on just enough to create a slight drip. 
  • High winds, snow, and sleet can turn trees and landscaping into severe threats to your home. You should top off and trim back any trees or tree branches that could fall and cause significant damage to your home. 

How Can You Stay Safe In Your Norwalk Home During Extreme Winter Weather Conditions? 

You may experience situations where you cannot leave your home due to extreme winter weather conditions, and wise planning can ensure that you and your loved ones stay protected. 

  • Put together an indoor emergency kit. Keep an adequate supply of drinking water and no-cooking necessary food, and be sure to provide for family members that have special diets and medications. You’ll want to create a winter disaster kit that includes: 
    • flashlights 
    • batteries 
    • wind-up flashlights
    • radios
    • warm blankets, 
    • hats, boots, gloves, and winter coats 
  • In addition to keeping your home safe, you will want to make sure your car is in good running condition if you have to travel due to an emergency. Keep your fuel tank near full and winterize your vehicle by checking your radiator and antifreeze levels. Replace worn tires with all-weather or snow tires and add an appropriate antifreeze solution to your windshield washer. Put together a wintertime vehicle emergency kit in case you get stuck or stranded. You’ll want to include: 
    • extra gloves and hats 
    • blankets and sleeping bags 
    • nonperishable food 
    • mobile phone charger and cords 
    • extra batteries 
    • plastic storage bags 
    • booster cables 
    • flashlight shovel 
    • sand or cat litter
    • first aid kit

If the worst should happen, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help. We can be onsite right away to help you manage storm damage, water damage, and much more. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Can You Prevent Fires In Your New London Business?

12/8/2021 (Permalink)

You’ve invested your time, energy, and finances into your New London business, and as a successful business owner, you know that protecting your investment is vital to your success. An essential facet of protecting your New London commercial endeavor is understanding the steps you need to take to safeguard that endeavor from any disaster, including fires. Prevention is, of course, the very first step in fire safety. Let’s talk about some ways you can prevent fires in your business. 

What Are Some Important Tools To Use To Avert Fires At Your New London Commercial Location? 

  • FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, SPRINKLERS, AND ALARMS. Each of these tools is required to be installed at your location. Fire extinguishers should be stored no more than 75 feet from all work areas for easy access and mounted in a prominent spot. Have licensed fire prevention professionals test and service your extinguishers, sprinkler system, and fire alarm system every 12 months or less.
  • EMERGENCY EXITS. Illuminated EXIT signage should have a battery backup in case of power outages and be maintained in good working order at all times.

What Are Some Best Practices You Can Put In Place Around Your New London Business To Keep It Fire-Safe?

  • STORAGE. Stored materials should be stacked at least two feet below the ceiling in an orderly manner. Eighteen inches of clearance from the sprinkler system is required; this allows smoke to collect in areas above all items and gives the sprinklers a clear space for their spray pattern, enabling water to reach flames. These instructions have been put in place by area fire personnel and, if not complied with, can result in fines. 
  • SAFE OUTLET USE. Electrical outlets should only support the appropriate number of items, including a power strip with a circuit breaker; overloaded outlets can often catch fire. All electrical cords should be kept in good repair and replaced whenever they are no longer safe to use.
  • PREMISES. The emergency exit areas and spaces around your building need to be kept clear of debris and plant material to allow everyone to get out of the building with no mishaps. This practice reduces the risk of fire outside, as well. Trash receptacles need to be kept at least five feet away from combustible roofs, windows, and entryways and away from exit pathways.
  • EMERGENCY CONTACTS. The address numbers for your building or suite need to be highly visible so that emergency responders can find your location quickly and easily in the event of a fire or other emergency. 
  • FIRE SAFETY IN A COMMERCIAL KITCHEN. If your business is a commercial kitchen, make sure stove hoods, stovetops, ovens, and grease traps are cleaned regularly and thoroughly to prevent excessive grease buildup. Ceiling exhaust fans and bathroom heater/light/fan combinations can also pose a risk due to dust and grease buildup, resulting in increased operating temperatures.

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team is experienced in restoring your New London home or business after a fire. We can also help with what you may need in the event of flooding and water damage, and we are equipped to handle mold remediation, odor removal, and more. 

This franchise is individually owned and operated. 

How Do I Manage Odor Removal In My Monroeville Apartment Complex?

11/3/2021 (Permalink)

Odor issues are something you are aware of as a Monroeville apartment complex owner or manager. Many unpleasant odor situations occur when people live close together. There are many reasons an unpleasant odor event can happen, but keep in mind that if it becomes serious and even unhealthy, SERVPRO is here to help. 

What Are Some Sources of Unpleasant Odors In My Apartment Complex?

  • A leak or small flood will leave a resident with wet flooring and dampen walls. Each of these items must be professionally dried and cleaned.
  • Broken pipes carrying sewage will definitely affect your apartment complex in both unpleasant odors and unhealthy conditions.
  • Pets that are not properly house-trained can become quite a nuisance and can not only create odors that are unpleasant but unsanitary conditions, too. 
  • A lack of cleanliness can bring about bad odors and smells, as well. Food that needs to be discarded, rooms that have not been cleaned and freshened for long periods of time, or residents who collect more items in their apartment than they have room for can all contribute to bad smells. 

What Can SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Do To Help Me With Bad Odors In My Apartment Complex?

As experts in deodorization, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is trained to identify and eliminate offensive odors. These odors can come from several sources both inside and outside a structure.

SERVPRO teaches IICRC technical classes in the proper removal of odors. Masking and other shortcuts don't work when your odor problem is serious or persistent.

SERVPRO has the training and equipment to identify and eliminate these offensive odors. By identifying the cause of the odor, and determining the conditions where it contacts surfaces, the odor can often be removed over time without a trace. Our technicians have access to several odor removal products capable of penetrating surfaces to neutralize an unpleasant odor thoroughly.

The science of identifying and eliminating odors can be a tricky thing, so give us a call, and leave the restoration to us.

In addition to odor removal, SERVPRO also manages sewage removal, biohazard cleaning, and more. 

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Does Commercial Mold Remediation Look Like In Willard?

9/29/2021 (Permalink)

It doesn't take much water damage to create the perfect environment for a mold colony to get started at your Willard business location. A tiny water leak or excess humidity can be all it takes. Once a mold colony has begun, it can spread through your commercial property and become a severe problem in less than 48 hours. 

Mold has the potential to negatively impact the health of anyone in contact with your business. This includes customers, vendors, and employees, so it's essential to handle a mold infestation right away. SERVPRO can be on-site quickly to help!

How Do I Start The SERVPRO Mold Remediation Process For My Willard Business?

Every mold damage scenario is different and requires a unique solution. However, our general procedure stays the same. Our mold remediation process begins the moment you call us!

  • Call Our Emergency Contact Number - (419) 443-1790

The mold cleanup and restoration process starts as soon as you contact our office. Our representative will ask you a series of questions to help us determine the necessary equipment, resources, and personnel.

  • Inspection and Mold Damage Assessment. Local and state laws may need a specific inspection and documentation protocol. This depends on the size of the affected area. We can guide you based on your unique situation while inspecting your property for any signs of mold. Mold feeds on cellulose and water and is hard to see with the naked eye. We use various technologies to detect mold and hidden water sources.

What Steps Will SERVPRO Take To Remediate A Mold Infestation In My Willard Commercial Property?

  • Mold Containment. Our professionals use various containment procedures to prevent the spread of mold. We may use advanced containment procedures like negative air chambers to isolate the contaminated area with physical barriers. We also use negative air pressure to keep the mold from spreading during the cleanup process. We will turn off all fans, heating, and cooling systems to prevent the spread of mold.
  • Air Filtration. Our specialized filtration equipment allows our Professionals to capture microscopic mold spores out of the air. We use powerful "air scrubbers" and HEPA vacuums to prevent the spread of these mold spores.
  • Removing Mold and Mold-Infested Materials. The mold remediation process depends on the amount of mold growth and the types of surfaces on which the mold appears. We'll use antifungal and antimicrobial treatments to remove mold colonies and to prevent new ones. Removing and disposing of mold-infested porous materials - such as drywall and carpeting - may be necessary to remediate heavy mold growth.
  • Cleaning Contents and Belongings. We clean your furniture, decorative items, curtains, clothing, and other restorable items affected by mold. We use a variety of cleaning techniques to clean and disinfect your belongings. Our skilled technicians will remove odors and deodorize your commercial property using fogging equipment.
  • Restoration. Depending on the level of mold damage, SERVPRO may remove your drywall, subfloors, and other building materials. Your restoration can also involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall, painting, and installing new carpet. It could also entail major repairs such as the reconstruction of various areas in your business. 

If you suspect your Willard business is experiencing mold growth, be sure to reach out today to our team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. Our team of highly qualified and trained professionals will come out to assess your property and use our specialized equipment to remediate your mold infestation and restore your home or business.

Besides mold remediation, we handle many other types of disasters of all sizes. This includes damage from fire and water, and we are commercial restoration experts!

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Can I Prepare My Bloomville Business For Water Damage?

8/17/2021 (Permalink)

Disasters, both large and small, are usually unexpected, and if you don't prepare for anything that may happen, you can suffer more water damage than necessary. Steady rain during the year, snowfall and ice, or equipment failure can leave you with water damage to your Bloomville business.

What Are Some Ways I Can Prevent Water Damage At My Bloomville Commercial Property? 

Interior Weather Preparation. 

Make a careful inspection of the interior of your Bloomville business to determine if you are ready for wet weather, and ask yourself these questions:

  • Do the exterior doors fit as tightly as they should? 
  • Are both doors and windows weather-stripped properly? 
  • Is the roof of your office or warehouse well-maintained to protect your machinery, product, and furniture from water damage?
  • Are the pipes and hoses used during your daily operations in good repair? Pipes and hoses can become weak with much use and fail at the worst of times, leaving you with a water cleanup project. Periodic inspections of all your equipment will help you avoid water damage, too. 

Exterior Weather Preparation. 

The exterior areas of your Bloomville business involve some unique considerations, such as:

  • Your business's parking lot or driveway should have a well-planned drainage system so that clients, employees, and family members can get to and from their vehicles safely. If people have to travel on foot through standing water to your door, floors will suffer, and a slip-and-fall accident due to wet floors can also be a disaster. Inspect the parking lots of your business regularly for potholes, especially after a storm. 
  • If you know bad weather is coming and bringing a lot of water with it, consider sand-bagging low-lying areas to prevent flooding. 
  • Rain gutters and downspouts need regular inspections, as well. If your rain gutters become clogged with debris such as dead leaves or small branches, they aren't going to be able to drain away rainwater. As water backs up, it may leak back into the walls of your building, leaving you with severe water damage and mold.

Can Professionals Help Me Prepare My Business For Possible Water Damage?


  • Power lines and telephone poles near your business can be an issue when storm season comes. Contact your utility companies and have them look before wet weather to make sure your business is ready for whatever comes. 


  • Be aware of the condition of any large trees or bushes on your property. If the grounds of your place of business become saturated, a tree with an unstable root base can fall and create problems for you, your employees, and your customers. The help of a professional tree-trimming company will be invaluable in readying your property for water-related incidents. 

Construction And Restoration.

  • Like SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, a restoration company maintains all the licensure, training, and equipment you need to restore your Bloomville business location. We will assess the damage and take immediate action to restore your property as soon as possible. 

The team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is standing by to help in any way we can, 24/7. In addition to helping you manage water damage, we also offer restoration assistance with fire damage, mold remediation, and much more. 

We can get your business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, as well. 

This franchise is Independently Owned and Operated.

What Commercial Services Are Offered By SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties?

7/14/2021 (Permalink)

As a commercial business owner, you know it's vital to the success of your business to be ready for anything. From spills and mechanical failures to spills and bad weather, the worst can happen in the blink of an eye, leaving you with repairs and cleanup projects that have to be completed so that you can get back to work. According to the Small Business Administration, many small businesses never open again after a disastrous event, so you will want to be as prepared as possible. Always remember that the trained technicians on the Tiffin, Ohio SERVPRO team are ready any time to help you do just that!

How Will SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties Assist Me IN Commercial Damage Recovery?

Many different types of situations can occur to cause damage to your commercial property, and SERVPRO has the necessary expertise to help you with each of them. We offer commercial services that enable you to recover from such issues as:

Types of Commercial Clean Up Projects  

Accidents occur regularly in the busy commercial business world, and the result is often a big cleanup job. Completing this kind of project is time-consuming, and a busy business owner won't have time for that. Enlisting the help of a professional restoration company like SERVPRO will be the right choice here. Our commercial cleaning services include:

and much more!

When the worst happens, just knowing that SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is available to help you 24 hours a day and seven days a week will give you the peace of mind you need. We are faster to any size disaster, and our highly-trained technicians bring with them all the tools and equipment necessary to get you back to normal as soon as possible.

We can get your business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too!

Franchises are Independently Owned And Operated.

What To Do When The Overhead Sprinklers Go Off In Your Office

6/2/2021 (Permalink)

Your overhead sprinkler system is there to keep you and your workforce safe from possible fire damage, and that’s a good thing, of course. Once the fire is put out, however, you will have a mess on your hands. Also, there may be an incident where your overhead sprinkler system discharges unnecessarily; the mess from this type of situation will still need to be managed. That’s where SERVPRO comes in! 

So what do you do when the overhead sprinklers go off in your office? 

Here are a few points to help guide you:

  • Water within your overhead sprinkler system is going to be stagnant and non-potable, and the water also picks up and absorbs oils and other contaminants within the piping, resulting in discoloration and odors that can be unpleasant. Cleanup actions should not only involve moisture remediation but also include surface cleaning to prevent and remove stains, as well as measures to remove odors. 
  • Prompt professional assistance following an overhead sprinkler discharge will be vital in saving your property from permanent damage. Your actions in the first 24-48 hours can save you significant time and money and eliminate subsequent mold growth, preventing potentially unhealthy conditions in your office.
  • Professional follow-up will also be invaluable when it comes to the odors that can result from damp conditions. The team can evaluate the water damage and potential for mold growth in hidden areas. As well as ensure that any affected building materials are dry before rebuilding, and manage electronics and other equipment. 
  • We recommend that you hire an independent water damage and mold remediation expert to represent you during planning, response, and closeout. As well as to work with your insurance carrier. 
  • Prompt action for cleaning is essential when it comes to fabric and textile items that have been affected to minimize permanent staining and damage. If paper documents are damaged, SERVPRO has the equipment and training to recover them.

If your office has experienced a discharge from your overhead fire sprinkler system, SERVPRO is here to help you get your workplace back to normal as soon as possible. We are fully trained and equipped to manage water damage, fire damage, flooding, cleanup projects both large and small, and more here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties. Ask us how we can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too! This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

Creating an Emergency Readiness Plan For Your Business

4/28/2021 (Permalink)

Preparing an Emergency Readiness Plan for your business will ensure that you are prepared for emergencies ahead of time. Emergency preparedness is vital when you are planning for the protection of your business investment. SERVPRO has developed SERVPRO Ready Plan information which gives you the security of emergency preparedness. Your plan information can be downloaded into our Ready Plan app, allowing you to share information with us instantly so that we can intercept damage right when it occurs. 

Here are some things to consider when creating an emergency readiness plan for your business:


Studying local emergency events can help you effectively project possible disasters that might be related to unique elements in your area; these can be due to weather, demographics, or geography, or other factors. 


You will want to create an ERP that will protect everyone on your premises - from staff and customers to vendors and transportation personnel. Such proactive protection measures should include:

  • Fire Drills. Rehearsals for action during a fire.
  • Shelter. Sheltering staff during a natural disaster.
  • Sheltering in Place. Sheltering staff during a man-made emergency.
  • Lockdown. Eluding an active shooter.


Preventing further damage or injury on the scene is known as stabilization, and this will require the help of trained individuals who can help to mitigate issues. This can be accomplished by training your employees in various rescue procedures including:

  • First Aid and CPR
  • Proper use of fire extinguishers
  • Security measures


People often panic during a disaster and providing trustworthy guidance can help to reduce such reactions. Adding an evacuation team to your ERP is one way to manage this part of an emergency. Your Emergency Readiness Plan can:

  • Assign point persons to guide evacuees from the premises.
  • Appoint helpers to assist anyone needing extra help, such as those with disabilities or those who are emotionally distraught.
  • Train an evacuation team that will assist others in reaching an alternate exit if an exit is blocked or too dangerous to use safely.

SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties provides professional restoration services if you experience fire damage, water damage, mold infestations, biohazard situations, and more. We can help you devise an effective Emergency Readiness Plan for your business, too, and we can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Clean. This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Maintaining the HVAC System in Your Office

3/24/2021 (Permalink)

Proper maintenance for your office HVAC system will help limit malfunctions during those times of the year when you will need it the most: hot weather, humid weather, cold weather - in other words, pretty much almost year-round. Preventive maintenance tune-ups will help to reduce the wear and tear every system experiences when it’s working the hardest. as well as other issues that hinder the performance of your system.  We recommend that you have your HVAC serviced at least once every year, especially before the hotter summer months set in. 

Maintaining the HVAC system in your office should include: 

Air Filters

Having your air filter checked during heavy use is vital to the proper operation of your HVAC system. It should be inspected every month and it may need to be replaced even sooner than the recommended 3-month mark during times when use is heavy. Make sure you have the proper replacement handy. 

Air Return Grills

Registers and air return grilles in your home or business need to be maintained to make sure they haven’t become blocked or shut. This will restrict airflow throughout your HVAC systems and will negatively affect its performance.

Outdoor Cooling Equipment

Have your cooling equipment outdoors inspected. Trim vegetation that has grown up around these units to allow for easy maintenance and airflow. Make sure the area around your HVAC is clear of obstructions so that your professional HVAC technician can access the units. 

Drip Pans

Drip pans and condensate drain lines need to remain clear. If these components of your HVAC system become clogged with mold or algae, condensation will not exit your office or business premises. That can cause the cooling system to malfunction or water to back up indoors, causing water damage. Your technician can clear any clogs within the drip pan or condensate drain lines as soon as they find them. Use a wet/dry vacuum to remove water from the drip pan or rags to soak it up, and then follow this with cleaning the drip pan using a mild soap. 

Whenever you need help with HVAC maintenance, or if your business has experienced fire damage, water damage, or a mold infestation, remember that your friends here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are always here to get you back to work right away. We are able to get your premises Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned anytime - as us how. This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Maintaining Your HVAC In The Winter Months

12/14/2020 (Permalink)

The colder months are on their way, and now would be a good time to think about the maintenance of your HVAC system. You never really know when that first chilly cold front will roll in, so let’s get ready! The very best way to maintain your HVAC in the winter months is to have it in tiptop shape before winter even arrives. 

It’s always a good idea to hire a professional to come to inspect your HVAC system; if any maintenance is needed, that same company can take care of it right away. Schedule an inspection now while things are pleasant; having a routine inspection done every fall and again in spring will help your unit to recover from the more extreme weather months. A professional will inspect and clean all of your unit’s wiring and mechanisms, which would be a bit challenging for anyone without the training or expertise. Using a professional ensures that the future of your business’ HVAC is bright!

As a home or business owner, there are some simple maintenance chores that you can do to prolong your system’s life and increase its efficiency between those professional inspections and maintenance visits, such as:

Regularly (especially before winter and again ahead of summer heat):

  • Get a high-efficiency, pleated air filter for your system
  • Keep your heating units and AC free of pollen, leaves, and grass
  • Keep two feet of space clear around your outdoor AC and heating units
  • Inspect refrigerant lines every month
  • Replace air filters at least every 90 days
  • Turn off the water running to the furnace humidifier ahead of Summer
  • Replace the humidifier filter and turn the water back on in the Fall


  • Replace the carbon monoxide detector battery
  • Make sure your outdoor AC unit is on firm and level ground
  • Clean AC condensation with a bleach and water mixture

Inspecting, preparing, and maintaining your HVAC throughout the year will keep your environment air quality and atmosphere pleasant, and it will also make maintaining it during the winter months an easy task.

The team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is always ready to inspect and maintain your HVAC system, and we are here to answer any questions you might have. We are also experienced in large cleanup jobs such as those needed because of fire damage or water damage, and we are mold remediation experts. We can also get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned; ask us how!

Do You Have A Fire Evacuation Plan For Your Business?

10/13/2020 (Permalink)

While a fire itself is dangerous enough, the threat of fire can be compounded by panic and chaos.   If you aren’t prepared, injuries and even more damage can result. The best prevention here is to have a detailed fire evacuation plan; a high-quality fire evacuation plan will not only prepare your business in the event of a fire but also for any other type of emergency that could happen on your business premises. 

Do you have a fire evacuation plan for your business? The law requires you to have a plan.  If the answer is no or if you need to revisit the one you have in place, we have some points to share with you while you are creating a fire evacuation plan.

Location. An average of 3,000 fires occur in office properties per year, and most of those fires were caused by faulty cooking equipment, intentional acts, or electrical malfunctions. These are the areas to pay special attention to in your business. 

Causes. Do you have a kitchen in your office or are people using portable space heaters or personal fridges? Do wildfires threaten your location during the summer? Make sure you understand the specific threats in your area and on your premises. 

  • Note: fires related to cooking are at the top of the list for office properties, so make sure to post rules about using the microwave and other office kitchen appliances where everyone can see them.

Leadership. Your employees will need leaders for guidance and reassurance during an evacuation. Choose those you believe you can rely on to be responsible and create a chain of command.  These people will be the ones who lead everyone to safety, handle calm communications, and ensure that even the most vulnerable on your team are safe. Designate volunteers who are willing to learn and operate fire extinguishers correctly, should the need arise. 

Communication. Designate someone to handle the job of calling the fire department and getting information to employees, customers, news media, and any other entities, such as the community, organizational management, suppliers, transportation partners, and government officials. Whoever you choose will need a robust, multi-channel communication system, as the chaos of a disaster, such as a fire, can result in people not necessarily thinking clearly and may miss important information. Being able to communicate through email, phone, text, and mobile app will ensure your communication gets to everyone in a timely manner. 

Route. A good fire evacuation plan for your business will use primary and secondary escape routes, and clear signage should mark all the exit routes. Make multiple maps and post them so all your employees know the evacuation routes to the safe spot(s) you have designated.

Tools. It is recommended that you refill reusable fire extinguishers every 10 years and replace disposable ones every 12 years. Also, make sure your employees know where the fire extinguishers are located in the workplace. While you’re at it, make sure these office tools are up-to-date and operational at all times wherever applicable:

  • Fire alarms
  • Emergency lighting
  • Fire doors 
  • Escape ladders 
  • Megaphone/Traffic Controller Wand 

Drills. Regular fire drills will minimize confusion through repetition, giving your employees a clear idea of how a real evacuation should work. A safe outcome is more likely when everyone knows what is happening. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties, we care about you and your business, and we care about the safety of your workforce, too. If you need help with cleanup after a fire or flood, or if you have experienced fire damage or water damage, we are here to help. We can get your home and business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too! Ask us how. 

We Offer Commercial Cleaning Services

8/25/2020 (Permalink)

If you own a business in the Huron and East Seneca area, you should consider the systems and processes you have in place to get your business back up and running again if disaster should strike. Disasters such as water damage or fire damage can take a significant amount of time and effort to clean, and cleaning and restoring commercial properties requires a unique blend of training, experience, and equipment. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has the resources and expertise to give you excellent results while minimizing the disruption to your clients. Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we offer commercial cleaning services to:

  • Small Office Buildings
  • Large Office/High-Rise Office Buildings
  • Apartment Buildings
  • Restaurants
  • Hotel/Motels
  • Small Retail Stores
  • Large Retail/Big-Box Stores
  • High-Rise Residential
  • Manufacturing & Industrial
  • Government/Military

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers professional cleaning and preventative maintenance for your carpet and upholstery that keeps your property looking its best. Our cleaning system offers a number of specialized cleaning options to match your needs. Whether your business needs a deep cleaning or a persistent odor removed, you can trust SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties.

You don’t have time to worry about the common wear and tear that gradually soils your business. When grime, odor, and moisture challenges go beyond the scope of your regular janitorial staff, you can call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties for prompt and professional service. Whether it’s removing an odor problem or deep cleaning flooring or carpets, you can rely on us to make your commercial workspace look its very best.

SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties offers commercial cleaning services ranging from cleaning restaurant hoods to removing biohazard contaminants. We have specialized training and products to get your property back to business. Our cleaning services include Air Duct and HVAC maintenance, biohazard and sewage cleanup, trauma and crime scene cleanup, drapes and blinds cleaning, odor removal and deodorization, and so much more! Contact us today to schedule your commercial cleaning.

Checking Your Commercial Property For Mold

7/14/2020 (Permalink)

From heavy rainstorms and thunderstorms to extreme heat and unstable weather, you’ve come to expect it all during the summers. High temperatures paired with humid conditions will create an environment that is just right for mold to establish itself in your commercial property, too. Mold thrives in dark, moist, and unventilated places such as closets, warehouses, and office storage, and since the spores are always in the air looking for a place to land, it’s smart to check your commercial property routinely to see if a colony has established itself. It’s really the best way, and often the only way, to stay on top of a possible mold issue, and we here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties. 

You will definitely want to take a look around a day or two after wet weather during the warmer months. Move machinery, furniture, and office equipment so you can see any of the places where the walls join the floor and in the corners. Check out the ceiling carefully, while you’re at it. This is a great time to schedule an upgrade of your interior lighting if that lighting is insufficient. Regular inspections can also keep you informed as to whether your roofing or walls have experienced any kind of damage that can result in leaks, which is another ideal spot for a mold colony to get started. 

The best way to handle mold - or any damage related situations - is to use preventive measures in the first place. Here are a few ideas that we here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties recommend that can help:

  • Keep all your workspaces well-ventilated
  • Use a dehumidifier, especially during the more humid months
  • Make sure exterior doors and windows are properly sealed
  • Organize all stored items on shelves, using the floor and walls as little as possible
  • Don’t store cardboard in storage areas - this can also attract spiders
  • Remove any standing water immediately and dry the area as thoroughly as possible
  • Trim back shrubs and plants near structures
  • Keep your roofing in good condition

If you suspect that your home or business has developed a mold problem, SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties has all the skills and training necessary to take care of it, so give us a call. We are also experienced in cleanup after water damage and fire damage.

How To Prevent Mold Damage In Your Commercial Building

6/9/2020 (Permalink)

Mold can be beneficial; cheese and medicines are made from mold, and it plays a necessary part in the natural world, too, by decomposing organic matter. However, it can be a dangerous organism when it establishes a colony in your commercial building. The spores spread easily through the air and once a colony has started it can never be completely eradicated. It can grow anywhere: on the carpet, paper, inside walls, and on food. 

Here are three tips to help you in the prevention of mold damage in your commercial building:

  • Handle Issues Immediately: Leaks and flooding aftermath need to be cleaned up and dried as soon as possible. Keep an eye open for stains on ceilings and walls so that you can identify any leaks that may be happening behind the scenes. Keep your rain gutters clean and in good repair to ensure water is properly diverted from the foundations and low-lying areas around your commercial building. Mold grows where it’s wet and can take over within 24-48 hours. 
  • Proper Workspace Ventilation: Make sure all work areas are properly ventilated. Any appliances or machinery that produce moisture need to be vented to the outdoors. Using a dehumidifier can be a solution, especially during the more humid months of the year; today’s energy-efficient materials can actually cause a building to hold moisture indoors.
  • Mold-Resistant Products: When doing repairs or renovations, choose mold-resistant products, such as drywall or sheetrock. Many paints on the market today contain mold inhibitors, as well. These paints are especially good for use in bathrooms and other areas where the air stays moist most of the time.

In the event that a mold problem has developed in your commercial building, contact the team here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties for assistance. We are water damage, fire damage, and mold prevention experts.

Odor Removal In Your Apartment Complex

2/25/2020 (Permalink)

You are very familiar with odor issues as the owner of an apartment complex. When there are lots of people living in close quarters, there are going to be situations that arise to create unpleasant and even overpowering odors. Many times, opening doors and windows to allow apartment units time to air out will solve the problem, such as when unpleasant cooking smells arise. If a tenant has had a leak or small flood in their unit and wet carpeting is causing a bad odor, the carpet can always be professionally dried and cleaned to alleviate unpleasant smells. You’ll need to ensure that damp carpeting gets dried as soon as possible, completely and thoroughly, because we all know what comes next in a damp environment: Mold, along with all its odors and unhealthy influence. 

You may want to consider renovation of all units to wood or linoleum floors to alleviate this kind of issue in the future. 

Sometimes an odor issue is just too serious, and it’s obvious that it is going to require professional help; that’s where your SERVPRO team comes in. We are experts in deodorization, and our team is trained to identify and eliminate offensive odors by determining the conditions that are causing the issue. Many times, the problem can be removed without a trace, given a little time. 

SERVPRO teaches IICRC technical classes for our crew members on the proper and thorough removal of odors. Our team members know that using shortcuts just won’t work when it comes to a serious and persistent odor problem.

The process of identifying and eliminating odors can be tricky, so let our SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties team help! We are here for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We’re experts when it comes to mold prevention and remediation, which will eliminate the unpleasant odors related to an infestation. We are proud to serve the homeowners and entrepreneurs of Huron and East Seneca Counties.

Cleaning Your Hotel Carpets

1/7/2020 (Permalink)

Dirt and germs that are tracked in by foot traffic and baggage accumulate on your hotel carpeting, accelerating the breakdown of fibers and matting. The clean and classy impression you want your hotel guests to experience is going to be negatively affected by unkempt carpeting. Today, we would like to share a few simple tips and reminders that can help you maintain your carpet to the highest standards possible. 

SPOTS AND STAINS. There isn’t really much difference between spots and stains. All that it takes for a spot to become a stain is to forget about it for a while! Any spot should be immediately soaked up with a paper towel or another absorbent material to soak up as much of the spill as possible. This should keep the spot from becoming a more unsightly stain. 

PRE-TREATMENTS. Carpet cleaning chemicals can leave behind residue that will actually collect even more dirt. The next thing you know, your carpeting is a dingy mess. Only properly diluted chemicals that break down these stains and rinse clean should be used for spots. Allow your pre-spray to penetrate the spots for a while so that they can do their work. 

REGULAR (DAILY) CARE. Regular cleaning, such as daily vacuuming, can vastly reduce your need for deep cleaning when it is done with high-quality equipment. Shop for properly dated filters and backpack-style vacuums, and remember that correctly completing periodic deep carpet extraction cleaning in your hotel is essential to keep carpeting dry, which prevents mold growth. Daily vacuuming removes dirt and dust quickly before it has time to get wet and become embedded in your carpeting. 

TEAMWORK. Make sure your team knows how to clean your hotel carpets correctly, using all the established machinery and cleaning solvents as per manufacturer’s directions. The most efficient way to ensure that your carpeting lasts is to establish a routine maintenance plan that is executed by properly trained cleaners. 

DEEP CLEANING. Call a professional cleaning company to come in and help you when it’s time for large-scale deep cleaning of your hotel carpets. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we have the expertise to ensure that your carpets are looking like new in a timely manner. 

New Year’s Resolutions For Your Commercial Building

12/10/2019 (Permalink)

It’s the time of year when every commercial business owner is considering the future and deciding what they could do differently. One of the challenges any commercial building owner will face is that of keeping their property clean and in good repair so that their investment can be protected in the months to come. 

Here are some tips for New Year’s resolutions you can make to help keep your property in great shape:

  • Scheduled Cleaning. Establish a schedule for the year to have your commercial building cleaned. Contract a professional cleaning and restoration company to come in and do deep cleaning of floors, walls, and ceilings regularly. Deep cleaning of the public bathrooms and waiting areas will ensure that those who visit your building will want to come back. Your commercial building will be attractive to both tenants and their customers when it is sparkling clean and in tiptop shape, and that is just a great business practice. 
  • Flooring Refinished. The floors in your building will see a lot of traffic, so getting them redone at regular intervals will help save you money over time. If tile, linoleum, and wooden floors are not properly cared for, they will need to be replaced due to wear and damage. That can be an expensive proposition and will inconvenience your tenants. They may even lose money due to having areas of their space inaccessible while work is going on. A professional cleaning and renovation company will be able to care for your floors properly so that they will look great and last longer. 
  • Exterior Cleaning. Have your commercial building pressure washed after every season to ensure that your property presents a great image to everyone who passes by. Schedule a thorough cleaning of all exterior windows and doors, as well. 

The SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca team is ready to help you with your commercial property needs. Call us today for a consultation! We are experts at cleanups both large and small, as well as fire damage restoration and water damage restoration, and we offer mold inspection and mold remediation services, too.

How To Prepare Your Employees For A Weather Emergency

12/4/2019 (Permalink)

As you head into the winter months, take a minute to prepare your business and your employees for any possible winter weather emergencies. Doing this will hopefully minimize the amount of property damage, financial loss, and potential injuries or accidents to your business and workforce. 

When a weather emergency occurs, it will bring with it a lot of logistical and human resource challenges to your enterprise. Whether it’s a heavy snowfall or torrential downpour, the productivity of your employees will be affected, especially if they work outdoors or travel any distance to your location or outside of the area on projects. 

Here are some ways to prepare your employees for a weather emergency:

  • Policy. Set a fair and logical office policy that addresses the expectations you have for your staff when it comes to their attendance at work, and what allowances will be made when the weather has produced dangerous conditions for travel. If you require your employees to come in when the conditions are poor, that can, and will, adversely affect your employees’ morale. 
  • Plan. Ensure that you have an updated continuity plan for your business that clearly explains what will happen in the event of serious weather situations. It is important to address different weather scenarios and set the expectations for everyone involved. You should clearly spell out who is responsible for announcing any communication closures, for example, and you should have a clearly-defined place for everyone to go for further information. Your social media accounts or email threads need to be in the hands of a great communicator, someone who can be relied upon to keep everyone in the loop with correct information in a timely manner.
  • Pay. If your office or business closes due to bad weather, the issue of payment will be at the top of everyone’s mind, especially if they are paid on an hourly basis. Under federal law, you can establish these rules as you see fit, but keep in mind that in a hot job market, employees are going to be far more likely to look for a new job if you aren’t focused on their retention. Create your policies and procedures with this most important business consideration in mind, and think back to those days in your own past when you may have struggled financially. Remember, a happy workforce is a productive one!

Here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties, we are always ready to help in any weather-related emergencies. If your business has sustained damage from a flood, fire, or other circumstances beyond your control, give us a call. We are damage repair specialists!

Top Three Places To Check For Mold Growth In Your Business

11/7/2019 (Permalink)

Did you know that mold can be found almost anywhere? To keep your business safe from mold and safety risks, make sure you’re taking every precaution. There are various types of mold, and all mold can cause potential health problems if present in large quantities. If health problems persist, it can have negative effects on your employees and business. In order to prevent the spread of mold within your business, you first have to know where to look for it. 

Here is a list of where to check for mold growth in your business:

  • Leaks. Mold needs water and oxygen in order to continue to grow. If a leak is not repaired correctly and in due time, it can cause the growth and expansion of mold. The source of water or moisture has to be completely eliminated in order for the problem to dissolve. This includes pipes, windows, and roofs.
  • Basements and areas affected by flooding. Any water-damaged area is at risk for mold. If it wasn’t assured before-hand that all water had been dried up and the area was repaired properly, it puts you at risk for mold. It’s important to check for any standing water lines on walls within your office building.
  • Plumbing. Watch out for any humid or musty-smelling areas within your business. Places like bathrooms tend to be affected by mold due to plumbing. If humidity and musty smells persist, be sure to have your business checked for mold to assure you and your employees are healthy and safe!

If you or your business suspect health issues caused by mold, contact a professional immediately to start the mold remediation process. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are mold remediation experts, and we’re here to help you 24/7.

Top Three Reasons To Deep Clean Your Office Building

11/7/2019 (Permalink)

Considering much of our time is spent in our offices, the environment and conditions in which employees work influence their attitudes and overall health. You want to assure that your employees work in a clean environment in order to feel healthy, happy, and efficiently complete their tasks and responsibilities. 

In busy and chaotic work seasons, it can be easy to forget the importance of keeping a clean and safe office. Here is a list of reasons to deep clean your office building to remind you of the significance of keeping the office clean and your employees happy!

  • Health. Commonly used spaces and workspaces can maximize the number of germs and potential mold if employees are not taking the proper precautions, like cleaning up after themselves and washing their hands often. This can lead to sickness and an increase in employees taking time off. Assuring that your office is at its best and safest is essential in order to keep a healthy and happy business. Employee productivity will also thrive in a clean and healthy working environment. SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties is happy to help you with any of your carpet cleaning or Air Duct cleaning needs!
  • First Impressions. First impressions are important and often make or break a client’s view of your business. Keeping your office building clean is necessary in order to keep your business looking professional and running smoothly. A clean workspace can influence a customer by allowing them to see that you take great care of your space and your employees.
  • Reducing injuries. The less mess and distractions, the less chance of accidents within your business. If liquids or items fall and spill, it can increase the chance of injuries like slips and falls. Encouraging employees to clean up after themselves and having the proper equipment to deep clean your office building is crucial to avoiding injury and increasing the productivity of your business. 

At SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties, we are always ready to help with any cleaning projects necessary to improve the well-being of your business! Call us at (419)-442-1790 to schedule an inspection, or for cleanup assistance!

Add Value With A Commercial Restoration

10/1/2019 (Permalink)

Our business restoration projects will require expertise that is necessary to deal with machinery and other specialized business equipment, so you will have to work with professionals—preferably professionals of a company that has a reputation for responding quickly if you experience flood, fire, or heavy weather-related issues. Every hour spent cleaning up your commercial property after a disaster is an hour lost when it comes to revenue and productivity, and it’s just good business to work with the best and the fastest in the restoration field. 

A commercial renovation done well will add value to your enterprise, as well. Using quality materials and highly skilled labor will give you premium results that translate into financial gain on more than one level. Your clients will appreciate attractive and well-done upgrades, and your workforce will be proud to work in premises that are safer, more user-friendly, and make their job easier to complete. 

Nationwide, SERVPRO handles large commercial loss for many types of clients, which include:

  • Hospitality Industry
  • Property Managers
  • Universities
  • Municipalities 
  • The Pentagon

We are proud to handle smaller situations, too. Our neighbors can always count on us! Whether you own a manufacturing business, an apartment complex, or a sales warehouse and showroom, we can be onsite to assist you with any restoration project quickly and get the job done correctly. 

When it comes to your business, you may face restoration projects at times that will include:

  • Flood Damage
  • Fire Damage
  • Inclement Weather Damage
  • Damage from Equipment Failure
  • Damage from Vandalism
  • Damage from Accidents 
  • Damage due to Aging of Property

These types of restoration projects are ones that we see often in the commercial business world, but we are trained and ready to help, 24/7. You will be happy with the results and the added value to your business. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. we are experts in restoration for businesses that experience a fire event, flooding or violent weather, and industry experts in mold prevention and remediation, as well. Call us today for assistance with your commercial restoration projects. 

Summer Cleaning Tips for your Business

6/25/2019 (Permalink)

Keeping your business clean is never underrated!

Keeping your work environment pleasant and healthy during the summer is a big, and important, job. The heat, dust, and insects can cause your workplace to look a bit less professional than it usually does, and with employees out on vacation more often, the normal maintenance might be overlooked. Here are some tips for you to use to keep your place of business looking great during the summer months:

Every Day

  • Dust surfaces daily.
  • Clean and disinfect all bathrooms, to include: mirror, countertop, sinks, and both the inside AND outside of toilets. 
  • Clean and disinfect doors, door handles, and light switches. 
  • Sweep and mop floors, using a disinfectant liquid. Make sure the mop head gets cleaned and/or replaced regularly. 
  • Clean cigarette trash from provided receptacles. 
  • Clean and polish drinking fountain.
  • Clean and disinfect kitchen area to include sinks and countertops. 
  • Clean all glass, especially entrance doors. 

Every Week

  • Install insect traps in places where they hide, and use fly strips near entrances. 
  • Wipe down and disinfect work desks and machinery such as phones, keyboards, printers, and filing cabinets. 
  • Sweep and vacuum all offices. 
  • Dust accessible window sills and baseboards. 
  • Dust artwork, framed certifications, and news articles, etc. 
  • Clean out the refrigerator and wash/disinfect microwave. 
  • Sweep exterior entrances, both front and back.
  • Make sure break areas are clean and presentable. 
  • Remove trash and debris from parking areas.
  • Ensure there is no standing water on the property that could attract mosquitoes.

End of Month

  • Inspect the roofing, exterior doors and windows, and parking areas for potential problems and maintenance needs, especially if there have been some heavy storms in the past few weeks.
  • Trim back large bushes and tree limbs on your property ahead of wet summer weather. This is a great time to remove leaves and branches from the area, as well, and get rid of weeds. 
  • Do a quick inspection of fencing and entrance gates.
  • Schedule periodic maintenance of HVAC and ductwork regularly during this season of heavy use. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are ready to help you handle all your cleaning and maintenance projects, both large and small, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Call us at (419) 442 1790 to schedule an inspection, or for cleanup assistance after water or fire damage. We are also experienced in mold remediation!

Preparing Your Business For Any Disaster

5/27/2019 (Permalink)

Follow these tips to be prepared in the face of the worst case scenario!

Disaster preparedness is a vital part of being a smart business owner. We all hope disaster never comes, but we need to be ready. If you don’t have a plan, it’s a good idea to consider one while everything is going well - once one occurs, it’s obviously too late, and it could be an extremely expensive omission. That’s a gamble that just isn’t worth taking.

A few steps you can take that will help prepare your business for any disaster:

  • Risk Assessment. This is an essential first step and will help you understand threats to your business and the corresponding potential costs. If anyone on your team is hesitant to spend time on emergency preparedness, showing them the business impact numbers may help them to get behind the project.
  • Team Building. Put together a cross-functional team that makes sense for your business, and clearly define the roles.
  • Action plan. Define how your organization will respond to any disaster.
  • Training. Train your staff to ensure that they have a clear understanding of what they are to do and that they are comfortable in carrying out their responsibilities. Live action practice can be invaluable here. Make sure you do regular updates and training to keep everyone ready.
  • Supply Chain. Your immediate operations will be top of mind, but don’t forget your suppliers. A supplier disaster could cause you huge issues in your own operation.
  • Monitor. Keep an eye on any threats that could be developing so that you can respond appropriately, and immediately, should the worst happen. Know what the threat is, and be ready for the worst. It may not be possible to have more than just a few minutes’ warning, but that can be essential when it comes to safety.

Being prepared for a disaster can seem overwhelming, but if you take it one step at a time, it can be accomplished. Call us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties for help with your plan, and if the worst happens, we are here to help. We are experts in fire and water damage, and mold remediation is one of our specialties.

New Years Cleaning Resolutions for Your Business

1/22/2019 (Permalink)

It’s that time of year again. The time of year where everyone is thinking about what they can do to make the new year even better than the last one. Business owners are planning ways to do better business and how to succeed in bigger ways, and you’re no exception.

One of the challenges any business owner faces is that of keeping their place of work clean and tidy, presenting a great image to the rest of the world. Perhaps in your case, your processes haven’t been the best, or everyone has just gotten busy with other things. It’s understandable; there is so much that must be attended to when running a business, even if it’s a small, local organization.

Here are some tips for New Years cleaning resolutions you can make with your staff to help keep everything looking good:

  • Delegate. Put together committees made up of the people who work for you and delegate specific areas of your grounds to keep up. You may be in a position to add a pay incentive for a job well done, or perhaps staff members can go home a bit early on Friday. Incentives are always a good idea!
  • Organize. Have a cleaning schedule posted in a noticeable spot so that everyone knows what needs to be kept up. If you are having professional cleaners come in, make that schedule available so that your staff can do a bit of prepping before they come in, such as remove fragile personal items from desktops, or put up breakable items in the kitchen or break room.
  • Tidy. If your workspaces are neat and tidy, they will be much easier to keep clean. Encourage everyone to pick up after themselves and to limit the amount of clutter they keep at their desks and workspaces. Clutter is also a safety hazard and could save you money spent on injuries.
  • Sanitize. Keeping work areas clean and sanitized on a regular basis, like perhaps every Friday evening before going home, will go a long way towards preventing seasonal illnesses.

The SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca team is ready to help you with all cleaning needs for your business. Call us today for a consultation! We are experts at fire damage restoration and water damage restoration, and we offer mold inspection and mold remediation services, as well!

Caring for the HVAC in Your Commercial Buildings

10/16/2018 (Permalink)

For the care of your HVAC systems in your commercial buildings, engaging a professional HVAC company to do maintenance on your system every spring and fall will ensure that the heating and cooling of your property is running as efficiently as possible. Inspection and cleaning of the wiring and mechanisms of all your HVAC units will be completed, which requires the kind of training these professionals have. The experience and expertise of such a company is invaluable to any business owner since the comfort of all interiors and the energy efficiency of the buildings themselves is important to residents, tenants, and the owner alike.

Here are some things you can do yourself as a commercial business owner both monthly and seasonally to maintain and prolong the life and efficiency of all your units and systems in between professional maintenance visits:

  • Use high efficiency, pleated air filters. These types of filters have an electrostatic charge that works like a magnet to attract particles, such as those that carry bacteria.
  • Keep HVAC units free of grass, leaves, and pollen. Make sure landscaping companies don’t allow grass to shower on top of any exterior units on the grounds.
  • Clear two feet of space around all outdoor heating and cooling units.
  • Inspect refrigerant lines each month.
  • Replace air filter at least every 90 days.
  • In summer, turn off the water to the furnace humidifier.
  • In fall, replace the humidifier filter and turn on the water.
  • Replace your carbon monoxide detector battery.
  • Ensure outdoor AC unit is on firm and level ground.
  • Clean AC condensate drain with bleach/water mixture.

Have your professional maintenance company check all your ductwork to make sure it’s sealed properly when they come to tune-up your HVAC. For more energy savings, preprogram the thermostats in your building.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca, we care about you and your business. When it comes to caring for the HVAC system in your commercial building, we are here to help. Visit our website, or call us today at: (419) 443-1790. We offer our services to a wide area across the greater East Seneca areas, including Green Springs, Milan, Wakeman, and more!

Keeping Your Break Room Clean

9/11/2018 (Permalink)

The break room is a popular space, a place where the staff comes together to eat, visit, and relax during their lunch hours or mid-shift breaks. It’s the spot that will be used for the occasional potluck put together for holidays or staff birthdays, or perhaps a celebration of retirement or awards earned. Keeping this common area as clean and comfortable as possible is good for morale, and will play a part in the happy memories your employees will have of working for you.

When outfitting your break room and considering appliances and furniture, comfort should be the first word that comes to mind. This room needs to be the place your workers go to relax, so chairs and tables need to be large enough for a crossword puzzle game or to hold several trays of food during a potluck, and the chairs should be easy on the back and seat. Just as importantly, though, they should be constructed of materials that are easy to clean and disinfect and are able to stand heavy usage and the test of time.

The appliances chosen need to be user-friendly and placed so that anyone from the shortest to the tallest can use them conveniently, and they also should be simple to clean and maintain. No one likes to use a microwave that is covered with samples of the last week’s lunches inside!

A cleaning checklist should be available, and a team should be designated to care for this area of your business. You can get input from the whole team as to what should be done and when, and then everyone will be on the same page to keep your break room spic and span.

If water or fire damage happens, call a professional cleaning company to come in and get you back to normal. For heavy duty cleaning projects such as stripping and waxing floors or washing walls and ceilings, this type of company can be a great help, too.

The team at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is here to help with all your cleanup needs, large or small. Call us today at (419) 443 1790.

A Cleaning Checklist for Your Business in the Fall

7/31/2018 (Permalink)

A wise business owner is always thinking about the future, making sure that material and product orders are placed well in advance, employee schedules are completed and posted weeks ahead of time, and customer complaints and concerns are dealt with in a timely manner. Keeping proper records of everything that needs to be done is a necessity, and checklists are helpful in this way. Keeping your business clean and your work environment pleasant and healthy will require a checklist, as well. Here’s a sample of what a cleaning checklist for Fall could look like:


  • Keep entryways neat and tidy; wet Fall weather means wet and muddy footprints as well as leaves and debris.
  • Clean and disinfect all bathrooms including: mirror, countertop, sinks, and both the inside and outer area of toilets, paying close attention to the flooring around the base, and the base itself.
  • Clean and disinfect doors, door handles, and light switches in preparation for the coming flu season.
  • Sweep and mop floors using a disinfectant liquid. Make sure the mop head gets cleaned and/or replaced regularly to keep mold from taking hold.
  • Clean cigarette trash from provided receptacles.
  • Clean and polish drinking fountain, if you have one.
  • Clean and disinfect kitchen area, including the sinks and countertops.
  • Clean all glass, especially entrance doors.


  • Wipe down and disinfect work desks and machinery such as phones, keyboards, printers, and filing cabinets.
  • Sweep and vacuum all offices.
  • Dust accessible window sills and baseboards.
  • Dust artwork, framed certifications and news articles, etc. You want your image to shine!
  • Clean out refrigerator and wash/disinfect microwave.
  • Sweep exterior entrances, both front and back.
  • Make sure break areas are clean and presentable.
  • Remove trash and debris from parking areas.


  • Inspect roofing, exterior doors and windows, and parking areas for potential problems and maintenance needs.
  • Trim back large bushes and tree limbs on your property before inclement Fall weather.
  • Do a quick inspection of fencing and entrance gates.
  • Schedule periodic maintenance of all HVAC systems and duct work.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we are prepared to help you handle all your cleaning and maintenance projects, both large and small. Call us at (419) 443-1790 for cleanup assistance after water or fire damage. We are also experienced in mold remediation. Visit our website: SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties