Recent Why SERVPRO Posts

Managing Crisis: Ten Essential Steps To Take When a Pipe Bursts In Your Attica Business

7/24/2024 (Permalink)

When a pipe bursts in your Attica business, it's not just a nuisance; it can lead to significant damage, downtime, and potential loss of revenue. However, with a clear action plan and swift execution, you can minimize the impact and swiftly get back on track. In this guide, we'll outline the essential steps to take when faced with this unexpected crisis.

What Are The Steps To Take When Facing a Burst Pipe in Your Business? 

Assess the Situation

1. Your first step shoudl be to assess the extent of the damage. Determine the location of the burst pipe and identify any immediate hazards, such as electrical risks or flooding. Shut off the main water supply to prevent further damage.

Ensure Safety

2. Safety should be your top priority. Evacuate employees from affected areas and ensure everyone is out of harm's way. If necessary, call emergency services for assistance.

Contain the Damage

3. Act quickly to contain the water and minimize the spread of damage. Use towels, mops, or buckets to soak up excess water. Place containers under leaking pipes to catch drips.

Document the Damage

4. Take photos and videos of the damage for insurance purposes. Document the affected areas, including equipment, inventory, or structural damage. This documentation will be essential when filing an insurance claim.

Contact Your Insurance Provider

5. Notify your insurance provider as soon as possible to begin the claims process. Provide them with detailed information about the damage and any documentation you have gathered. Work closely with your insurer to understand your coverage and expedite the claim.

Mitigate Further Damage

6. While waiting for repairs, take steps to prevent further damage; this may include using temporary fixes such as pipe clamps or shutting off utilities to affected areas. Consider hiring professional restoration services to assess and mitigate damage to your property.

Arrange for Repairs

7. Once the immediate damage has been contained, arrange for professional repairs. Hire licensed plumbers or contractors experienced in commercial repairs to ensure the job is done correctly and safely.

Communicate with Stakeholders

8. Keep stakeholders informed about the situation and any impact on business operations; this includes employees, customers, suppliers, and investors. Provide customers and staff with regular updates on the status of repairs and when normal operations are expected to resume.

Implement Preventive Measures

9. After resolving the crisis, take proactive steps to prevent future pipe bursts. Schedule regular inspections of your plumbing system, address any maintenance issues promptly, and consider investing in upgrades or reinforcements where necessary.

Review and Learn

10. Once everything is back to normal, take some time to review the incident. Identify any weaknesses in your emergency response plan and implement improvements. Use the experience to better prepare for future crises and ensure your business is resilient in adversity.

Why Should I Call SERVPRO® In An Emergency?

While a burst pipe can be a disruptive and stressful experience for any business, following these essential steps can help you navigate the crisis effectively. By prioritizing safety, swift action, and clear communication, you can minimize the damage and get your Attica business back on track as quickly as possible. Preparation is critical, so take proactive measures to protect your business from future plumbing emergencies.

When you call (419) 443 1790 or message us online, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties will immediately arrive at your Attica business to help with commercial water restoration. We also handle:

And much more! Check out our other commercial restoration services here.

Strategies For Maintaining A Mold-Free Environment In Your Norwalk Warehouse

6/19/2024 (Permalink)

Warehouses are essential hubs for storage, distribution, and manufacturing activities. However, if not properly maintained, they can also be breeding grounds for mold. Mold not only damages goods but also poses serious health risks to employees. Therefore, implementing strategies to keep your warehouse mold-free is crucial for your products' safety and your staff's well-being.

Maintaining a mold-free environment in your warehouse requires a combination of preventive measures and a proactive approach. By implementing proper ventilation, humidity control, regular inspections, and employee education, you can minimize the risk of mold growth and ensure a safe, healthy work environment for everyone. Early detection and prompt action are vital in preventing mold-related issues from escalating!

What Are The Most Effective Actions When Maintaining A Mold-Free Environment?

Here are some strategies for ensuring a mold-free environment in your Norwalk warehouse:

Proper Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation throughout the warehouse. Good airflow helps reduce moisture levels, which is essential for mold prevention. Consider installing exhaust fans, roof vents, or air circulation systems to keep air moving effectively.

Control Humidity Levels: Monitor and control humidity levels within the warehouse. Ideally, humidity levels should be below 60% to inhibit mold growth. Utilize dehumidifiers in areas prone to moisture buildup, especially those with poor ventilation or near water sources.

Regular Inspections:

  1. Conduct routine warehouse inspections to identify any signs of water leaks, condensation, or moisture intrusion.
  2. Pay close attention to areas such as roofs, walls, windows, and plumbing fixtures.
  3. Promptly repair any leaks or damages to prevent moisture buildup.

Effective Drainage Systems: Ensure proper drainage systems redirect water from the warehouse structure. Clean and maintain gutters, downspouts, and drainage pipes regularly to prevent blockages and water accumulation around the building.

Proper Storage Practices:

  1. Implement proper storage practices to minimize clutter and allow adequate airflow between stored items.
  2. Keep goods elevated off the floor using pallets or shelves to prevent moisture absorption.
  3. Regularly inspect stored items for signs of moisture or mold growth.

Invest in Mold-Resistant Materials: Consider using mold-resistant building materials for construction and renovation projects within the warehouse. These materials are designed to inhibit mold growth and are particularly beneficial in areas prone to moisture exposure.

Educate Employees: Educate warehouse staff about the importance of mold prevention and the signs to watch out for. Encourage prompt reporting of any water leaks, condensation, or mold sightings. Provide training on using personal protective equipment and proper cleaning techniques when dealing with mold-contaminated areas.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance: Establish a regular cleaning schedule for the warehouse, including surfaces, equipment, and storage areas. Use appropriate cleaning solutions and techniques to remove dirt, dust, and potential mold spores. Pay extra attention to areas with high moisture levels or previous mold problems.

Monitor Indoor Air Quality: Install air quality monitoring systems to track humidity levels, temperature, and airborne mold spores within the warehouse. Review the data regularly and take corrective actions to maintain optimal indoor air quality.

Why Should I Partner With SERVPRO For Mold Prevention And Remediation?

If mold contamination becomes widespread or challenging to manage, seek assistance from remediation professionals like SERVPRO. We have the expertise and equipment to assess the extent of the problem and implement effective remediation strategies.

Regarding mold, remember that the SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team is here to help Norwalk business owners with mold remediation. We are commercial mold prevention and remediation specialists! 

Mold can spread quickly through a property if left untreated. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can respond rapidly, working first to contain the infestation to help prevent its spread to other parts of the building. Next, we will begin the remediation process, working safely and effectively to manage the situation. We have the training, experience, and equipment to remove mold infestation and remediate it to preloss condition.

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties mold remediation specialist receives these training and certifications:

  • Applied Microbial Remediation Specialist
  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Structural Drying Technician
  • Odor Control Technician
  • Upholstery and Fabric Cleaning Technician

We are also experienced in commercial fire and water damage restoration and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Contact us for all your commercial cleaning needs!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Emergency Response: How SERVPRO Saves The Day

5/8/2024 (Permalink)

You need to protect yourself and your family from cooking fires, fires from heating units, weather-related damage to your home, water damage from flooding, and so much more - and that’s true of your business, too. 

You do your best to avoid disaster, but accidents will still happen in spite of well-laid plans.

When a disaster strikes your Bellevue location, you may not have time to handle it. Call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties at (419) 443 1790, and let us help you get back to normal as soon as possible. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Recover From A Disaster?

If disaster strikes, how does SERVPRO save the day?

  • We provide 24-hour emergency service!
  • The SERVPRO team of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a trusted mold and disaster restoration industry leader.  
  • Our highly-trained technicians are dedicated to responding quickly to any disaster, such as fire or water damage, and mold remediation is one of our specialties. 
  • We have the training and expertise to handle all your restoration and cleaning projects, large or small, throughout the greater Tiffin area and East Seneca Counties.
  • SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is strategically positioned to be “Faster to Any Size Disaster” and will help you recover your Bellevue home or business as soon as possible!

What Are The Disaster Recovery Services Provided By SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties?

No matter what disaster you face, we can handle it. Our Bellevue residential restoration services include:

We are also the ones to call if you need cleaning services. Our Bellevue residential cleaning services include:

If you are a Bellevue business owner, you can learn about all our commercial restoration services here.

No matter what you might be facing in your Bellevue home or business, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you recover quickly and return to enjoying life and doing what you do best!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

SERVPRO’s First Steps In Water Damage Recovery For Your Bloomville Location

4/3/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage can take many forms and cause a wide range of issues. Whether your Bloomville water damage is caused by recent storm damage, a burst pipe, firefighting efforts in dealing with recent fire damage, or any other sources, the results can be the same: extreme property damage that can disrupt your daily life.

When your Bloomville location experiences water damage, such damage can affect your structure, cause unhealthy conditions due to mold or mildew, create unsightly issues such as peeling paint and warped wood, and much more. 

What Does The SERVPRO Water Damage Recovery Process Look Like?

Our water damage recovery process begins when you contact us for assistance. Check out our process from the very start:

  • ONE HOUR: Within one hour from notice of loss, a SERVPRO® Franchise Professional will contact you to arrange for service. You’ll know help is on the way! 
  • FOUR HOURS: Within four hours of loss notification, a SERVPRO Franchise Professional will be on-site to start mitigation services. The key to reducing damage and saving money is responding quickly to your damage. 
  • DETAILED EXPLANATION: A trained, uniformed, and equipped SERVPRO Franchise Professional will walk you through the job process step-by-step, explaining what to expect and the anticipated outcome. 
  • EIGHT HOURS: Within eight business hours of on-site arrival, the appropriate person, usually your adjuster or property manager, will receive a verbal briefing of the scope. 
  • PRETESTING: A SERVPRO Franchise Professional will begin pretesting to determine what can be restored, working from the source of the damage outward. 
  • CLEANING & RESTORATION: SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals will work neatly and efficiently to help you regain control of your property when a damaging event has taken over. They will use state-of-the-art restoration techniques to ensure your property is handled right the first time. 
  • FINAL WALK-THROUGH: After completing the work, we conduct a final walk-through with you to help ensure your satisfaction.

At SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we offer extensive water damage restoration services to area homes and business owners. Our top priority is getting you back to your pre-damage state immediately!

Why Should I Call SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties To Help Me Recover From Water Damage?

The SERVPRO team is ready to assist you with water damage to your Bloomville home or business any time of the day or night:

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you with emergencies. In addition to our water damage services, we can assist your recovery from storm damage, mold infestations, odor removal and deodorization, and much more. Call us at (419) 443 1790 to learn more about our home and commercial restoration processes.

Winter Mold Prevention Guide: Keeping Your Willard Home Healthy and Mold-Free

2/28/2024 (Permalink)

As winter blankets the world in a layer of frost, homeowners revel in the coziness of the season. However, with the drop in temperature, the risk of mold growth in homes increases, so you can’t let down your guard. 

Mold poses a threat to the health of your loved ones and the structural integrity of your property. This Winter Mold Prevention Guide will explore practical tips to help you keep your Willard healthy and mold-free during the colder months.

What Are SERVPRO's Top Recommendations For Keeping My Willard Home Mold-Free?

As mold remediation experts, we know a lot about mold infestation management. We're also well-versed in how to prevent mold in the first place! Here are some of our top recommendations for protecting your Willard home:

  • Maintain Optimal Indoor Humidity Levels. During winter, indoor humidity levels can rise due to activities like cooking, showering, and using heating systems. Aim to keep indoor humidity between 30-50% to prevent mold growth. Using a dehumidifier to regulate moisture levels in damp areas, such as basements and bathrooms, can be very helpful.
  • Ventilate Your Home. Use exhaust fans in your bathrooms and kitchen to ensure your home is well-ventilated; proper ventilation is crucial in preventing mold growth. Additionally, open windows periodically to allow fresh air to circulate, helping to reduce humidity and expel stale air.
  • Insulate and Seal Gaps. Have your home inspected for gaps, cracks, and leaks that may allow moisture to enter. Proper insulation helps regulate indoor temperature and prevents condensation, reducing the risk of mold. You'll want to seal gaps around windows, doors, and pipes with weatherstripping or caulking to keep cold air out.
  • Monitor Indoor Temperature. Maintain a consistent indoor temperature to prevent condensation, a common precursor to mold growth. While it's tempting to lower the thermostat to save energy, keep the temperature relatively stable to minimize temperature fluctuations that lead to moisture buildup.
  • Clean and Dry Wet Areas Promptly. If you notice any water leaks, spills, or dampness, address them promptly. Clean and dry affected areas within 48 hours to prevent mold from taking hold. Pay special attention to moisture-prone areas like the kitchen, bathroom, and basement.
  • Use Mold-Resistant Products. Consider using mold-resistant materials in areas susceptible to mold growth, such as drywall and insulation. Mold-resistant paint can also be applied to walls to create an additional barrier against mold.
  • Inspect and Maintain HVAC Systems. Have your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems regularly inspected and maintained. Replace filters as recommended and ensure the system functions efficiently to prevent mold spores' circulation.

Why Should I Call SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties For Help With Mold?

Winter is a time for warmth and comfort, but it's also to be vigilant against mold growth during this time of year. By following these practical tips in our Winter Mold Prevention Guide, you can create a healthier and mold-free home environment, ensuring that your winter season remains cozy and safe for you and your loved ones.

If you experience a mold infestation at your Willard location, your best bet is to contact SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, and here's why:

We're always ready to help in any disaster, including mold remediation, and you can also count on us for disaster restoration services for storm, water, and fire damage.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties:

Contact us today for help with your Willard home or property! We are trusted restoration industry leaders.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Can SERVPRO Do For Your Tiffin Property?

1/17/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is locally owned and operated and strategically located in the greater Tiffin area to help remediate damage in the East Seneca Counties. We are your neighbors, and we care about your safety and well-being! 

You may be wondering what we do to help our Tiffin community, so today, we’re sharing information about our team and our services. 

What Types Of Disaster Restoration Services Does SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Offer?

We offer restoration services for your Tiffin home, including:

We also offer restoration services for your Tiffin business, such as:

Why Should I Trust SERVPRO With Disaster Recovery?

The SERVPRO team of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a trusted leader in the mold and disaster restoration industry, and our highly-trained technicians are dedicated to responding quickly to any disaster, such as fire damage or water damage, and mold remediation is one of our specialties. We provide 24-hour emergency service and have the training and expertise that comes with the SERVPRO name to handle all your restoration and cleaning projects, large or small, throughout the greater Tiffin area and East Seneca Counties! SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is strategically positioned to be “Faster to Any Size Disaster” and will help you recover your Tiffin home or business as soon as possible!

With SERVPRO, you can expect:

Our team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you with damages and disasters of all kinds and sizes. We are close by and ready to respond immediately when you need cleaning or restoration services. 

We’re also part of a national network of over 2180 Franchises, which allows us to respond quicker with more resources. For major storms and disasters, we can call upon special Disaster Recovery Teams for additional resources.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Do I Do If A Pipe Bursts At My Bloomville Business?

12/20/2023 (Permalink)

As a business owner, you have to expect the unexpected. Supply chain issues arise, workforce problems - such as illness or conflict - can happen anytime, and mechanical failures are all in a day's work. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we're equipped and ready to help you with disasters any time of the day or night

So, what do you do if a pipe bursts at your business location, for example? Call us at (419) 443 1790! While you're waiting, there are some proactive steps you can take to protect your premises - keep reading to learn more.

What Are Some Proactive Steps I Can Take To Protect My Bloomville Commercial Location?

When a pipe bursts and you're faced with flooding, there are some steps you should take right away to protect your property:

  • If a pipe bursts, go to your main water valve and shut the water flow off immediately.
  • Turn off the electrical system before you start cleaning up any water.  Call an electrician if water is blocking your path to the breaker box; never wade in water where electricity is live.
  • Drain the remaining water from the system and relieve pressure by turning on sink faucets; this prevents further damage.
  • Toxic mold can be even worse than property damage, so clean up standing water to prevent mold from forming in the ceiling, walls, and floors.
  • Start the cleanup process yourself using industrial-sized blowers and dehumidifiers. If there's a lot of water, it's recommended that you contact a water removal company, like SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, certified by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC).
  • Documenting the broken pipe, water damage, and anything that needs repairs due to the burst pipe is always a good idea. Take photos and keep notes of any communication with your insurer and restoration specialists. (NOTE: SERVPRO can help manage the insurance paperwork and process for a stress-free claims process. Contact us for details.)

Why Should I Partner With SERVPRO When Disaster Strikes At My Bloomville Business?

Our commercial water damage restoration services are second to none! 

There is never a convenient time for flooding or water damage to strike; this is particularly true if you are a business owner. You lose money every day that you cannot serve your customers. Each hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity, which is every business owner's worst nightmare. 

In addition to commercial water damage restoration, we manage the following:

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can be onsite immediately at your Bloomville commercial business location to begin your water damage restoration project!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Does The “Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned” Program Ensure Satisfaction?

11/8/2023 (Permalink)

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, our defensive pathogen cleaning program, goes beyond standard janitorial cleaning practices; this is proactive viral pathogen cleaning. With over 50 years of experience in biochemical spill remediation and decontamination, you can trust the SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties professionals to bring a higher standard of cleanliness to the places we gather.

How Does The “Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned” Program Work?

It’s grounded in our unique 3 C’s:

  • Consult: Not all businesses are the same, so we’ll tailor a bespoke cleaning program based on the unique needs of each facility.
  • Clean: Based on the agreed plan, an expert deep clean is initiated using our proprietary EPA-approved hospital-grade cleaning solutions and always adhering to the leading level of cleaning and decontamination standards set by the CDC.
  • Certify: You’ll know a business is Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned by the shield posted on their front window. Along with digital emblems and other collateral, this beacon represents their commitment to the comfort and security of their employees, customers, and community.

So when you see the “Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned” shield sticker at any location, you can confidently walk in - because you’ll know the #1 choice in clean up and restoration was there.

Why Is SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties My #1 Choice For Cleanup And Restoration Projects?

The SERVPRO team of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a trusted leader in the mold and disaster restoration industry, and our highly-trained technicians are dedicated to responding quickly to any disaster, such as fire damage or water damage, and mold remediation is one of our specialties. We provide 24-hour emergency service and have the training and expertise that comes with the SERVPRO name to handle all your restoration and cleaning projects, large or small, throughout the greater Tiffin area and East Seneca Counties! 

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is strategically positioned to be “Faster to Any Size Disaster” and will help you recover your Tiffin home or business as soon as possible!

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a team of industry professionals who maintain high-quality standards in every area. Our technicians are highly trained and certified. In areas ranging from commercial property cleaning to document restoration, you can be assured that you are getting the best in the business when you work with us. We handle crime and trauma scenes, biohazards, sewage spills, contamination, mold remediation, and more. 

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Clean! 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Top Maintenance Tips For Your Willard Business?

9/27/2023 (Permalink)

To the HVAC system at your Willard business working its best during those times of the year when you need it most - when it's hot or cold - you must inspect and maintain it regularly. 

Preventive maintenance tune-ups will help to reduce the wear and tear every system experiences when it's working the hardest. as well as any other issues that hinder the performance of your system. We recommend that you have your HVAC checked and serviced at least twice yearly, especially before summer and again before winter begins. 

What Equipment Gets Checked During HVAC Maintenance?

You will need to hire a professional to check and maintain your system if you aren't a licensed HVAC technician. The equipment that will be serviced will be:

  • Air Conditioner
  • Heat Pump
  • Electric Heater
  • Gas Furnace
  • Dual Fuel Heat Pump Furnace

What Should HVAC Maintenance Should Include?

Maintaining the HVAC system at your Willard business location should include the following: 

  • Air Filters. Your air filter needs to be replaced before seasons of heavy use so your HVAC system operates as it should. Schedule routine inspections with your technicians so they may determine if your filters need to be replaced sooner than the recommended 3-month mark when use is heavy. 
  • Air Return Grills. Registers and air return grilles in your Willard business must be maintained to ensure they have not become blocked; this will restrict airflow throughout your HVAC systems and negatively affect performance.
  • Outdoor Cooling Equipment. Have your cooling equipment outdoors inspected. Ensure that vegetation that has grown up around these units is trimmed back to allow for easy maintenance and airflow. The area around your HVAC needs to be clear of obstructions, so your professional HVAC technician can access the units. 
  • Drip Pans. Drip pans and condensate drain lines need to remain clear. If these HVAC system components become clogged with mold or algae, condensation will not exit your office or business premises; that can cause the cooling system to malfunction or water to back up indoors, causing water damage. Your technician can clear any clogs within the drip pan or condensate drain lines as soon as they find them. 

Whenever you need help with HVAC maintenance, or if your Willard business has experienced fire damage, water damage, or a mold infestation, remember that your friends here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are always here to get you back to work immediately. Learn about all of our commercial restoration services here!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Can SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Do To Help Me At My Norwalk Home?

8/9/2023 (Permalink)

Every home is a big responsibility. The care of your Norwalk house has to be monitored all year round! In winter, we're concerned about staying warm and damage from snow and ice, while in the springtime, the rains begin, and flooding can be a concern. Summer brings the heat, so we must care for our HVAC system and ensure sufficient insulation. When fall comes around, high winds may occur, and this is also the time of year we need to winterize our home to stay warm! It's never-ending. 

Many of these jobs you can do yourself, but if disaster strikes and your home experiences damage, you may find you can use the help of a professional restoration company, The team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here for you! 

What Are SERVPRO's Specialties?

When caring for your Norwalk home, we've got you covered. Here is a sampling of our specialties:

No one is ever fully prepared for or expecting water damage or fire damage to strike their home or business. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we understand what it is like to experience these disasters. We aim to help minimize the intrusion into your life and quickly make it "Like it never even happened."

If I Experience Damage At My Norwalk Home, Can SERVPRO Help Me Recover?

That’s what we’re here for! We’re proud to serve the residents and business owners of the Norwalk area.

In addition to the services we provide to help you maintain and prepare your home, we're also ready to help in case of disaster. Our disaster restoration services include storm, water, and fire damage, and much more!

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties:

Contact us today for help with your Norwalk home or property!

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

Why Should You Choose The SERVPRO Professionals For Your Biohazard Cleanup Project?

6/28/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO's biohazard cleanup services are top-of-the-line. If you experience a biohazard at your Tiffin home or business, you don't have time to search for a company to handle it; the situation must be addressed immediately to avoid any associated damage and health risks. 

Exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health consequences. Failure to properly remove such substances can contribute to unhealthy and dangerous environments. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is trained to safely remove and dispose of biohazards properly per OSHA and health regulations.

What Protective Measures Can I Take While I Wait For SERVPRO To Arrive?

After any biohazard or sewage contamination in your home or business, your primary focus should be safety:

  • Is it safe to stay in the house?
  • Exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health consequences.
  • Flood water can contain sewage, pesticides, and other contaminants.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.

Follow this link for further helpful information in case of a biohazard event. 

Is SERVPRO Equipped To Handle Biohazards Of All Types?

Decontaminating a home or business due to trauma, sewage backups, chemical spills, hoarding, or other biohazards can be dangerous and emotional. SERVPRO has the specialized training and technology needed to resolve these circumstances.

We provide cleanup and recovery services for many biohazard situations. These include the following:

Here are some of the most common biohazards and how we handle them:

  • Sewage Backups. Sewage backups and dark water intrusions are more than nasty, smelly deposits – these damages also introduce harmful microorganisms into a structure. We remove the sewage, contaminants, and moisture and help ensure the structure is properly cleaned, disinfected, and deodorized.

  • Bloodborne Pathogens. We remove and dispose of bodily fluids, tissue, and other pathogenic substances resulting from accident, trauma, crime, or death. Trained SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Professionals clean, disinfect and deodorize the structure.

  • Illegal Drug Manufacturing Labs / Meth Labs. SERVPRO realizes many chemicals used in producing illicit drugs, such as "meth," are volatile and can leave harmful residues throughout a structure. We follow federal and state guidelines to clean all surfaces properly.

If you experience a biohazard event at your Tiffin home or business, don't hesitate to call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties for fast emergency restoration service. We can be reached online or by calling (419) 443 1790.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Top Tips For Protecting My Bellevue Property From Summer Storm Damage?

5/10/2023 (Permalink)

When the summer storm season hits, you want to be ready. Watching a lightning display or hearing the thunder roll can be exciting, but what comes next can be anything but. High winds, heavy rains, tornadic activity, and flooding can cause damage to your residential or commercial property in minutes, leaving you with a mess and sometimes even unsafe conditions. 

Preparing your Bellevue property is the best way to stay safe and avoid undue damage and related costs. Keep reading for top tips to protect your home or business from summer storm damage!

What Is My First Step In Preparing For Summer Storms In Bellevue?

Safety comes first. Here are some resources you can use to make an emergency preparedness plan, which should be your first priority:

  • FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) offers a website that maps historical flooding.
  • NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) offers a site that provides images of historical hurricane tracks and one for hurricane preparedness.
  • The National Weather Service offers the StormReady site, which covers thunderstorms/tornadoes, hurricanes, floods/flash floods, fire weather, and tsunamis.
  • The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) offers tornado emergency planning.

How Can I Ready My Property Ahead Of Severe Summer Storms?

Here are some things you can do to ready your Bellevue property ahead of severe summer storms:

  • Conduct proper maintenance on your building and surrounding areas; this includes regularly inspecting the roof, structure, and equipment and repairing any areas of weakness that may put the building and property at risk for damage. 
  • Make necessary repairs immediately to ensure that vulnerabilities won’t become dangerous during a summer storm. 
  • Check your residential or commercial business insurance coverage. Review your policy at least twice a year to ensure your coverage is up to date.

If you do experience storm damage, contact us immediately by calling (419) 443 1790! Our highly-trained technicians are standing ready at any time to help, and as a locally owned company, we’re proud to serve our Bellevue friends and neighbors. 

From storm damage to water and fire damage, we handle it all here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

When Spring Cleaning Gets Serious SERVPRO Is Here To Help

3/29/2023 (Permalink)

Spring cleaning freshens your home and business after the effects of fall and winter weather, and the result is a sparkling clean location - and it will be a healthier environment, too!

You may face many routine cleaning tasks this year, but your spring cleaning project may get serious. If the Bloomville area experienced more bad weather than average, it might be that you have a lot of work ahead of you!

You can use the following checklist to keep your cleaning on track. If your spring cleaning project becomes overwhelming, you can always rely on the help of the professionals here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties for help.

What Are Some Routine Spring Cleaning Tips I Can Use To Get My Location In Great Shape?

This spring cleaning checklist contains some helpful tips for you as you go through your home or business location handling routine dirt and grime:

  1. Remove surface grime on ceilings and walls with a solvent-free degreaser after vacuuming.
  2. Grout is porous, and it can become stained easily. Use a grout sealer that penetrates to protect it after cleaning.
  3. Rugs with waterproof backing and synthetic carpets can be vacuumed and shampooed. All others need to be professionally cleaned. 
  4. Empty shelves and use a feather duster to remove dust. Use your vacuum’s crevice tool for tight spots.
  5. Remove cushions and take them outside to remove dust. Check care labels on how to remove stains properly. Use the vacuum to clean under the cushions.
  6. Medium tarnished surfaces can be handled with a liquid polish, while creams and pastes work nicely on heavier jobs. 
  7. Dust everything, including hard-to-reach spots like window casings and ceiling fans. Work from top to bottom, and vacuum when finished.
  8. Wash wooden furniture pieces with a mild detergent; use a cotton rag to apply paste wax. Let it dry, and buff clean.
  9. Use mild dish soap and brush to clean each window screen thoroughly. Wash curtains and drapes, and wipe panes with a glass cleaner.
  10. Return the shine to vinyl and linoleum flooring with polishes designed for this task. Use a specialty wax or paste for stone and tile floors.
  11. This is an excellent time to replace batteries in your smoke alarms and check to ensure they are functioning correctly.

How Can SERVPRO Help Me When Spring Cleaning Becomes Overwhelming?

We provide 24-hour emergency service and have the training and expertise that comes with the SERVPRO name to handle all your restoration and cleaning projects, large or small, in Bloomville, throughout the greater Tiffin area, and East Seneca Counties! 

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is strategically positioned to be “Faster to Any Size Disaster” and will help you recover your Bloomville home or business as soon as possible!

We offer:

Contact us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to learn more about how we can help you keep your Bloomville home or commercial business in tip-top shape!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Let SERVPRO Help You With Your 2023 Spring Cleaning Checklist!

3/15/2023 (Permalink)

As you head into the warmer months, enjoying the longer days and the brighter sunshine, you’ll start to notice the effects of winter on your home. Winter can be hard on a house, with extreme temperatures, snow, ice, and wind. 

It’s time for spring cleaning! Your house may need a power washing or a new coat of paint, or maybe your floors are dingy from all the mud and dirt that has been tracked in. 

Whatever you may be facing, SERVPRO can help you create a spring cleaning checklist. We can also complete deep cleaning projects you can’t do yourself. 

What Tasks Should Be On My 2023 Spring Cleaning Agenda?

Here is a list of tasks you can complete during your spring cleaning project:

  • Move furniture in preparation for vacuuming, scrubbing, and carpet cleaning. Vacuuming, sweeping, and carpet cleaning are critical to restoring your home to a clean and healthy environment. 
  • You can check for damage, mold, and pests as you complete these projects. Make lists of what you find and schedule repairs and remediation accordingly.
  • Make sure all appliances are properly sanitized and cleaned; this can prevent germs and illnesses from spreading. 
  • Surfaces often forgotten when cleaning daily, such as doorknobs, window frames, mop handles, and brooms, should all be wiped down.
  • Countertops, sinks, restroom walls, toilets, and floors should be sanitized and cleaned regularly. Taking the time to break everything down, replace malfunctioning fixtures, and deeply sanitize your restrooms can be part of your spring cleaning plan. It is also an optimum time to have the caulking around the toilets and sinks re-done to improve and support the seals.
  • An essential part of the deep spring cleaning process is ensuring that those areas often ignored will get cleaned thoroughly. The dust in areas such as under furniture, inside storage spaces, and around appliances, for example, can build up over time and be unhealthy for you and your family. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me With My Deep Cleaning Needs?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has the expertise to provide a deeper clean than your basic house cleaning service. Our residential cleaning services will ease the burden of the constant maintenance cleaning of your home and will also create a safe, clean and comfortable living environment for you and your family.

A few of our deep cleaning services include

  • Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning. The SERVPRO carpet and upholstery cleaning service will eliminate the dirt you see and remove the unwanted dust you don’t see. A professionally cleaned carpet and furniture may make all the difference in brightening a room and freshening your home.

  • Air Duct Cleaning. We all have tasks around the house that don’t make it to our priority list. Properly maintaining your home’s air ducts should not be one of them. Regular duct cleaning can increase your home’s heating and cooling efficiency and improve the quality of the air you and your family breathe.

  • Odor Removal. Your basic cleaning service will need more expertise to deodorize your home effectively. Take advantage of SERVPRO’s residential cleaning services to remove unwanted odors.

  • Sewage and Biohazard Clean Up. Our experts are ready to assist in cleaning sewage and other biohazard materials and provide deep cleaning services for your home. 

Contact us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to learn more about how we can help you keep your home or commercial business in tip-top shape! In addition to our cleaning services, you can count on us for help with water damage, fire damage, mold remediation, and many other services. Call us today at (419) 443 1790!

SERVPRO Can Help with Winter Disasters

2/15/2023 (Permalink)

How Can SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Help Me A Winter Disaster?

If you have lived in the Tiffin area for any time, you will know that our winter weather can sometimes be unpredictable! It can be difficult to anticipate any flooding, storm damage, and water damage that may occur. 

When it comes to winter storm damage and the accompanying water damage and flooding, acting without hesitation is vital to minimizing and remediating the damage to your East Seneca home or business. Choose a company with storm damage experience and expertise, like SERVPRO, to help you recover from a winter disaster as quickly as possible.

Why Is SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties A Smart Choice When Managing A Winter Disaster?

Here are some reasons why you should choose SERVPRO when you have experienced a disaster:

  • Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certifications, rest assured that our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.
  • Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours, nor do we. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, seven days a week—including all holidays. You can expect an immediate response time, day or night.
  • In many cleaning and restoration situations, immediate action is needed. With over 2030 U.S. and Canadian Franchise locations, SERVPRO is strategically positioned to be faster to any size emergency. A quick response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.
  • We are storm and water damage specialists who promptly get your property dry and back to pre-storm condition. We document the drying process using advanced equipment and scientific drying techniques to validate that your home or business is ready.

What Other Kinds Of Disaster Recovery Services Does SERVPRO Offer?

In addition to storm damage, we are ready to help you recover from the following:

Ask about our commercial restoration services if you own a business in the Huron & East Seneca Counties area!

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you with disasters of all sizes and types. We can make it like it never even happened. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

New Years Resolution: Prioritize Home Safety

1/4/2023 (Permalink)

How Can I Prioritize Home Safety As My New Year’s Resolution?

Starting a new year can be exciting; the possibilities for making positive changes in our lives are endless. From choosing healthier lifestyle options to creating new projects, there are many things we can do to make life better. 

Have you ever considered elevating your home safety program as your New Year’s resolution? Making your home safer for you and your loved ones would be an excellent way to start 2023! 

Keep reading for helpful suggestions on prioritizing home safety for the upcoming year. 

What Are Some Top Home Safety Tips For Me To Consider?

When discussing home safety, we’re referring to your awareness of risks, education about risks, and the potential dangers these risks could cause in and around your home. These risks may result in bodily harm, injury, or even death to those residing in and around your Huron & East Seneca County home.

To protect yourself and your loved ones from such disasters, you may want to consider these tips:

  • Keep fire extinguishers and smoke detectors on every floor. Use extreme caution when smoking. Never smoke when alone or in bed.
  • Avoid using slippery wax on floors. Wipe up spills promptly.
  • To avoid scalds, turn the water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit or below.
  • Use door locks that can be opened from both sides.
  • Avoid standing on ladders or chairs.
  • Have sturdy rails for all stairs inside and outside the house. If necessary, purchase a stairlift for those who need extra assistance.
  • Remove electrical or telephone cords from traffic areas.
  • Ensure all staircases have good lighting with switches at the top and bottom. Staircase steps should have a non-slip surface. Keep floors clean and uncluttered.
  • Mark “ON” and “OFF” positions on appliances clearly and with bright colors.
  • Store sharp knives in a rack. Store heavier objects at the waist level. Store hazardous items separate from food. Avoid wearing long, loose clothing when cooking over the stove. Make sure food is rotated regularly. Check expiration dates.
  • Cover electrical outlets to prevent children from inserting objects. Check electrical cords for wear. Do not use cables that are frayed or have exposed wires. Be sure to check the junction between the cord and the plug. Ground all three-pronged plug adapters.
  • Check heating pads for cracks before use. Do not use if present.
  • Review your medicines frequently with your doctor or pharmacist and when you take a new medication. Make sure medicines are clearly labeled. Read medicine labels in good light to ensure you have the right medicine and always take the correct dose. Dispose of any old or used drugs. Store all medications out of reach of children.

Can I Rely On SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties If A Disaster Occurs?

Yes! SERVPRO is always available to help with disasters of all types and sizes! 

SERVPRO has over 2020 Franchises in the U.S. and Canada. Whether you need help with emergency flood damage or your upholstery needs to be cleaned, you can depend on SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. Our technicians have extensive restoration training that focuses on getting you back to normal right away. We can make it “like it never even happened!”

Learn more about our residential services:

Contact us today for a free consultation!

SERVPRO Is Here For You This Holiday Season

12/7/2022 (Permalink)

Why Should I Choose SERVPRO This Holiday Season?

Accidents can happen any time of year. During the holiday season, you need to protect yourself and your family from cooking fires, fires from heating units, weather-related damage to your home, water damage from flooding, and so much more.

You’ll be busy this holiday season - hosting and entertaining, celebrating with those you love, and attending events and religious services - so if a disaster strikes, you may not have time to handle it. Call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties at (419) 443 1790, and let us help you get back to normal as soon as possible. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Recover From A Disaster?

  • The SERVPRO team of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a trusted leader in the mold and disaster restoration industry.  
  • Our highly-trained technicians are dedicated to responding quickly to any disaster, such as fire or water damage, and mold remediation is one of our specialties. 
  • We provide 24-hour emergency service!
  • We have the training and expertise to handle all your restoration and cleaning projects, large or small, throughout the greater Tiffin area and East Seneca Counties.
  • SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is strategically positioned to be “Faster to Any Size Disaster” and will help you recover your Tiffin home or business as soon as possible!

Why Is SERVPRO The Best Choice For Disaster Recovery?

We do it all. No matter what disaster you face during the holidays - or any other time of year - we can handle it. Our residential restoration services include:

We are also the ones to call if you need cleaning services. Our residential cleaning services include:

No matter what you might be facing in your home or business, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you recover as quickly as possible. Our specialties include fire, water, and storm damage restoration for residential and commercial clients. We are experts in managing mold and mildew remediation and much more.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Can SERVPRO Help Me In My New Bloomville Home?

10/19/2022 (Permalink)

Home for Sale Sign How Can SERVPRO Help Me In My New Bloomville Home?

How Can SERVPRO Help Me In My New Bloomville Home?

Owning a new home is an exciting prospect - and often challenging. Your home might be newly constructed, so you’ll focus on landscaping and additions, such as extended decks, hot tubs, or organizing the garage. 

Or you may have purchased an older home, and if this is the case, you will have different needs. You may need to have some deep cleaning done, or you may have to complete mold remediation. Even if you get a clean pest report before you close, issues can crop up after your home purchase. 

What Types Of Services Does SERVPRO Offer?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers a wide variety of cleanup and restoration services for Bloomville home and business owners. These services include:

Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning. The SERVPRO carpet and upholstery cleaning service will eliminate the dirt you see and remove the unwanted dust you don’t. A professionally cleaned carpet and furniture may make all the difference in brightening a room and freshening your home.

Air Duct Cleaning. We all have tasks around the house that don’t make it to the top of our priority list. Properly maintaining your home’s air ducts should not be one of them. Regular duct cleaning can increase your home’s heating and cooling efficiency and improve the quality of the air you and your family breathe.

Odor Removal. Your basic cleaning service will not have the expertise to deodorize your home effectively. Take advantage of SERVPRO’s residential cleaning services to remove unwanted odors.

Sewage and Biohazard Clean Up. Our experts are ready to assist in cleaning up sewage and other biohazard materials and provide deep cleaning services for your home.

Why Is SERVPRO The Best Choice For Home Restoration And Cleaning Services In Bloomville?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is strategically positioned to be “Faster to Any Size Disaster” and will help you recover your Bloomville home or business as soon as possible!

No matter what kind of services you may need as a Bloomville homeowner, SERVPRO of Huron & East Senecal Counties is here to help. Our highly trained and certified team uses the most advanced technology to ensure you get the best results. Contact us today!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Top Tips On Maintaining Your Tiffin Property With SERVPRO?

9/14/2022 (Permalink)

What Are Some Top Tips On Maintaining Your Tiffin Property With SERVPRO? What Are Some Top Tips On Maintaining Your Tiffin Property With SERVPRO?

What Are Some Top Tips On Maintaining Your Tiffin Property With SERVPRO?

As a Tiffin property owner, you are very aware that regular maintenance is vital to keeping your property in good repair all year round. 

Some home maintenance projects are easy, while others may require the help of a professional restoration company like SERVPRO. We maintain the latest training and the most advanced technology to help us help you keep your Tiffin home or business in the best shape possible!

What Are Some Ways SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Can Help You Keep Your Tiffin Location In TipTop Shape?

Keeping an eye on the overall condition of your Tiffin home or business is the best way to keep it in the best shape. Noticing an issue is the first step, and the next step is to get it repaired immediately to avoid future problems. SERVPRO is here to help. 

We can come to your location and help you conduct inspections of exterior trouble spots on your property, such as:

  • Roofing
  • HVAC
  • Drainage 
  • Possible mold infestations
  • Sewage
  • And much more

When it comes to the interior of your home or business, we are experts in:

Why Is SERVPRO Your Best Choice For Restoration And Maintenance Assistance?

  • We some highly recommended! Read the testimonials of your Tiffin friends and neighbors!
  • SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, seven days a week—including all holidays. You can expect an immediate response time, day or night.
  • With over 2000 U.S. and Canadian Franchise locations, SERVPRO is strategically positioned to be faster to any size emergency. An immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs, so if the worst should happen, call SERVPRO at (419) 443 1790!

At SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we have the experience and equipment to keep your Tiffin property in good repair year-round. We are HVAC experts, and we’re the ones to call if you experience unpleasant odors or biohazards. We are fire and water damage specialists and handle mold remediation and prevention, too.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Can SERVPRO Restore Your Bellevue Home?

8/3/2022 (Permalink)

Hands holding an IPad with SERVPRO app Staff showing clients our SERVPRO services on our IPad.

Regular maintenance and repair are essential for keeping your Bellevue property in good condition to protect your investment. Some repair and maintenance projects are easy to do yourself, while others can be complex and require specialized equipment and expertise, and that’s where SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties comes in.

Our business is here for that reason - to help Bellevue area residents recover from any damage or emergency quickly and smoothly; we are also available to help with all your routine home maintenance.  

What Types Of Restoration Services Does SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Offer?

Maintaining your Bellevue home means you want to handle repairs immediately, such as any damages from storms or other unforeseen events. We can also help you regularly clean and maintain your:

What Services Does SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Specialize In?

We handle repairs and restoration projects of all kinds, but a few areas make up the majority of requests we receive. If the worst happens to your New London home, we can be onsite right away to manage such events as:

  • Water Damage, Our team will quickly extract all water from any affected areas in your Bellevue home or business and then dry your property and belongings using our top-of-the-line equipment and methods. SERVPRO Huron & East Seneca Counties effectively tracks and documents the drying process throughout, ensuring your property is dried thoroughly and completely.
  • Fire Damage. Our team members are fire damage and water damage cleanup and restoration experts, enabling us to quickly restore your Bellevue home or business to its pre-fire condition. Often, odor removal and deep cleaning of carpet and upholstery are needed due to the smoke and soot that coats the interior of your location after a fire occurs. Our team has specific training and equipment to handle these aspects of a fire.
  • Mold Remediation. Our team of highly qualified and trained professionals will come out to assess your property and use our specialized equipment and expertise to remediate your mold infestation and restore your home or business to its pre-mold growth condition.

No matter what kind of emergency you face as a Bellevue homeowner, SERVPRO of Huron & East Senecal Counties is here to help. Our highly trained and certified team uses the most advanced technology available to ensure you get the best results. Contact us today!

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

Why Is SERVPRO Your Best Choice When Restoring Your Attica Home Or Business?

6/29/2022 (Permalink)

string lights with a house in the background WHY SERVPRO is the company to handle all of your storm damage needs!

A fire, flood, or storm can leave you with too much damage to handle alone. Your goal will be to get your home or business back to normal as soon as possible, and SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are the ones to call! 

What Are Some Of SERVPRO’S Guarantees For The Restoration Of Your Attica Property? 

  • Our highly-trained technicians provide fast 24-hour emergency service. We know that an accident or disaster can happen at any time, so we are always on standby to help in case the worst happens!
  • Our quick and timely response times ensure that further damage can’t occur. 
  • We are locally owned and operated, which means we know the Attica area very well. Read what some of our previous clients say about what we do here
  • Our professional team undergoes a series of courses and training materials that provides them with the most updated knowledge on property restoration. The Employee Training modules include Fire and Water Restoration, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, and Crew Training. 

What Are Some Things That Make SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Different From Other Restoration Companies? 

  • We are a trusted leader in the restoration industry! With over 1,700 franchises in the U.S. and Canada, we are committed to providing quality service. 
  • Whether you need storm damage restoration or your upholstery cleaned, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has the advanced technology and techniques necessary to restore your Attica residential or commercial property fully. Our methods include water extraction equipment, drying equipment, odor removal and deodorization equipment, moisture detection and measurement equipment, etc. SERVPRO guarantees a reliable and prompt restoration journey! 
  • We work with your insurance. We can even help manage the paperwork to secure a steady, stress-free recovery process. 
  • We are a Better Business Bureau Accredited Business and the recipient of the Angie’s List Super Service Award! 

No matter what you might be facing in your Attica home or business, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you recover as quickly as possible. Our specialties include fire, water, and storm damage restoration for residential and commercial clients. We are experts in managing mold and mildew remediation and much more. Call us today at (419) 443 1790!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Why Should I Choose SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties To Help With Damage To My Norwalk Property?

5/18/2022 (Permalink)

Your goal will be to get back to normal as soon as possible after damage to your Norwalk home or business. A fire, flood, or storm can bring your business to a standstill or make it impossible to stay in your home. That’s where SERVPRO comes in. 

If the worst should happen to your Norwalk commercial property, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are the ones to call at (419) 443 1790!

What Are Some Of Our Guarantees For The Restoration Of Your Norwalk Property? 

  • Our highly trained technicians provide 24-hour emergency service. A disaster can happen at any time, so we’re always ready.
  • Our response times are quick and timely to help you avoid further damage to your Norwalk home or business.
  • We are locally owned and operated, so we know the Norwalk area well; this helps us get to you faster. 
  • Our professional team undergoes a series of courses and training materials that provides them with the most updated knowledge on property restoration. Our Employee Training modules include Fire and Water Restoration, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, and Crew Training. 

What Are Some Things That Make SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Different From Other Restoration Companies? 

  • We are a trusted leader in the restoration industry. With over 1,700 franchises in the U.S. and Canada, we are committed to providing quality service. 
  • Whether you need storm damage restoration or you need your upholstery cleaned, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has the advanced technology and equipment required to restore your Norwalk property. These include water extraction equipment, drying equipment, odor removal and deodorization equipment, moisture detection, and measurement equipment, and more; this makes for a reliable and prompt restoration journey. 
  • We work with your insurance and help manage the paperwork to secure a steady, stress-free recovery process.
  • We have a reputation for excellence! Read what your friends and neighbors say about their experiences with us here.

No matter what you might be facing, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you recover as quickly as possible. Our specialties include fire, water, and storm damage restoration for residential and commercial clients. We are also mold and mildew remediation specialists. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Why Should I Choose SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties To Help With Damage To My Norwalk Property?

4/19/2022 (Permalink)

Your goal will be to get back to normal as soon as possible after damage to your Norwalk home or business. A fire, flood, or storm can bring your business to a standstill or make it impossible to stay in your home. That’s where SERVPRO comes in. 

If the worst should happen to your Norwalk commercial property, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are the ones to call at (419) 443 1790!

What Are Some Of Our Guarantees For The Restoration Of Your Norwalk Property? 

  • Our highly trained technicians provide 24-hour emergency service. A disaster can happen at any time, so we’re always ready.
  • Our response times are quick and timely to help you avoid further damage to your Norwalk home or business.
  • We are locally owned and operated, so we know the Norwalk area well; this helps us get to you faster. 
  • Our professional team undergoes a series of courses and training materials that provides them with the most updated knowledge on property restoration. Our Employee Training modules include Fire and Water Restoration, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, and Crew Training. 

What Are Some Things That Make SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Different From Other Restoration Companies? 

  • We are a trusted leader in the restoration industry. With over 1,700 franchises in the U.S. and Canada, we are committed to providing quality service. 
  • Whether you need storm damage restoration or you need your upholstery cleaned, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has the advanced technology and equipment required to restore your Norwalk property. These include water extraction equipment, drying equipment, odor removal and deodorization equipment, moisture detection, and measurement equipment, and more; this makes for a reliable and prompt restoration journey. 
  • We work with your insurance and help manage the paperwork to secure a steady, stress-free recovery process.
  • We have a reputation for excellence! Read what your friends and neighbors say about their experiences with us here.

No matter what you might be facing, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you recover as quickly as possible. Our specialties include fire, water, and storm damage restoration for residential and commercial clients. We are also mold and mildew remediation specialists. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Can SERVPRO Help You Maintain Your New London Property?

4/13/2022 (Permalink)

Whether you own a home or a business in New London, that property represents a significant investment of both time and money. Regular maintenance and repair are essential for keeping your property in good condition to protect that investment. Some repair and maintenance projects are easy to do yourself, while others can be complex and require specialized equipment and expertise. That’s where SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties comes in!

What Types Of Restoration Services Does SERVPRO Offer?

Maintaining your New London home means you will want to handle repairs right away, such as any damages from storms or other unforeseen events. We can also help you regularly clean and maintain your:

SERVPRO is here to help with all your routine home maintenance. 

What Services Does SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Specialize In?

We handle repairs and restoration projects of all kinds, but a few areas make up the majority of requests that we receive. If the worst happens to your New London home, we can be onsite right away to manage such events as:

  • Water Damage, Our team will quickly extract all water from any affected areas in your New London home or business and then dry your property and belongings using our top-of-the-line equipment and training. SERVPRO Huron & East Seneca Counties effectively tracks and documents the drying process throughout, ensuring your property is dried thoroughly and completely.
  • Fire Damage. Our team knows the ins and outs of fire damage and water damage cleanup and restoration, enabling us to restore your home or business to its pre-fire condition quickly. Often, odor removal and deep cleaning of carpet and upholstery is needed due to the smoke and soot that can coat the interior of your location. Our team has specific training and equipment to handle these facets as well.
  • Mold Remediation.  Our team of highly qualified and trained professionals will come out to assess your property and use our specialized equipment and expertise to remediate your mold infestation and restore your home or business to its pre-mold growth condition.

No matter what you face as a New London homeowner, SERVPRO of Huron & East Senecal Counties is here to help. Our team is highly trained and certified, and we use the most advanced technology available to ensure that you get the best results. Contact us today!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Why Is SERVPRO The Best Fit To Assist Monroeville Homeowners?

3/2/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, seven days a week—including all holidays. Fires, flooding, and other emergencies don't wait for regular business hours, and neither do we. You can expect an immediate response time, day or night. 

What Makes SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Stand Out From Other Restoration Companies?

SERVPRO has such a stellar reputation in the restoration community because our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO's Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certifications, rest assured that our team is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property. Our training program includes the following:

  • IICRC Training
  • Employee Certification Training
  • Initial Franchise Training
  • e-Learnings
  • Continuing Education Classes

What Technology Will SERVPRO Use To Get My Monroeville Home Back To Normal After A Disaster?

The past few decades have seen a rapid advancement in the technology and techniques used in the restoration industry. These advancements allow the professionals at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to quickly, reliably and more effectively restore a property to preloss condition.

The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) sets practical standards for restoration and cleaning. The IICRC S500 Water Damage Guide is a specific set of applicable standards that incorporate the field of psychometry, which involves the manipulation of temperature and relative humidity to remove moisture and dry a property quickly and thoroughly.

Moisture Detection and Measurement Equipment. Scientific drying principles rely upon specialized equipment to detect, measure and monitor a property's moisture levels. Recent advances, like infrared cameras, can help us see the water through a wall, ceiling, or floor.

  • We may use an infrared camera to identify water location for thorough water removal.
  • Sensitive moisture detectors, hygrometers, and other meters measure the extent of moisture saturation.

Water Extraction Equipment. Powerful extraction equipment speeds the drying process by removing the bulk of the water from your home or business.

  • Submersible and gas-powered pumps perform continuous pumping of high-level water. 
  • Truck-mounted and portable extraction units perform efficient water removal.

Drying Equipment. Industrial strength air movers and dehumidifiers are needed to remove the remaining moisture from your home business's ceiling, walls, and floors. Proper drying helps to prevent swelling and warping of floors, walls, and furniture.

  • High-speed air movers cause moisture to evaporate at a faster pace
  • Industrial grade dehumidifiers pull the water vapor from the air.

Odor Removal and Deodorization. Water and fire damage often causes powerful odors. The machines we use will remove airborne contaminants and control the air quality during the restoration and cleanup process.

  • Air scrubbers
  • Thermal foggers and deodorization agents

Sanitizing Agents, Germicides, and Antimicrobial Treatments. The use of OSHA-approved cleaning agents are sometimes needed to clean and remove odors and contaminants on your property.

  • Deodorization products control odors from excessive moisture.
  • Disinfection products stop the growth of bacteria, fungi, mildew, and other harmful microorganisms.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties handles cleanup projects large and small, whenever you have experienced issues related to fire, water, mold infestations, unpleasant odors, or other various types of emergencies in your Monroeville home.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Can SERVPRO Do For Your Willard Property?

1/19/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a trusted leader in the restoration industry, and our highly trained technicians are standing ready to provide you with 24-hour emergency service. When a disaster of any type or size affects your Willard home or business, you can count on us to respond right to get your recovery project started.

What Are Some Services SERVPRO Offers For My Willard Location?

We can help you in many ways after a disaster, such as:

  • Water Damage. We are water damage specialists. When your home or business experiences any disaster from water due to flooding or equipment failure, SERVPRO has all the skills and equipment necessary to dry damp areas and restore items that have been negatively affected. Such items can be textiles, structure-related, documents, and more. We will help you pack up what is salvageable for cleaning, and we inventory every piece. We remove sheetrock, carpet, and insulation and remediate the building. 
  • Fire Damage. No matter what size the blaze may have been, your belongings and structure will be affected and damaged, and we are trained to help you handle all the issues surrounding a disaster of this kind. We can manage the unhealthy odors and air quality from the smoke and burned materials, and we focus on renovating and recovering your premises. 
  • Biohazards. In addition to water and fire damage, we are equipped to safely and adequately handle biohazards of all kinds, from chemical spills and explosions to mold infestations and viral/bacterial issues. 

Why Should I Call SERVPRO To Help With A Disaster In My Willard Home Or Business?

  • Expert Help. We are certified large-scale disaster experts as well, so if you suffer from the damages that a tornado or heavy thunderstorm can cause, we are only minutes away. Visit our website to find out more about all of our services; we are here for you whenever you experience disasters of all kinds. 
  • Highly Trained Technicians. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certifications, rest assured that our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property. Our training program includes the following:
  • IICRC Training
  • Employee Certification Training
  • Initial Franchise Training
  • e-Learnings
  • Continuing Education Classes

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we have all the experience and equipment needed to get your Willard home back to normal as quickly and efficiently as possible. In addition to water damage, fire damage, and biohazards, we can help with mold infestations, vandalism, focused cleaning protocols, and more. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Can SERVPRO Do For Your Bloomville Home?

12/15/2021 (Permalink)

A minor leak, a stove-top fire, or a chemical spill in your garage can cause issues that you can’t handle alone. You may find that you need the help of a professional restoration company, and that’s where SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties comes in. We can get you back to normal as soon as possible, no matter what kind of emergency and damage you may be facing. 

What Kind of Service Can You Expect From SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties?

  • We know that a disaster in your Bloomville home can happen at any time of the day or night, so our team of highly trained technicians provides 24-hour emergency service.
  • Our response times are quick, ensuring that further damage won’t occur. 
  • We are locally owned and operated, and we’re proud to serve our Bloomville friends and neighbors with personalized service.
  • Our professional team must undergo a series of courses and training materials to provide them with the most updated knowledge on property restoration. The Employee Training modules include Fire and Water Restoration, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, and Crew Training. Our technicians receive their certification after they complete the courses and exams.

How Is SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Different From Other Restoration Companies?

  • We are a trusted leader in the restoration industry. With over 1,700 franchises in the U.S. and Canada, we are committed to providing quality service. 
  • Whether you need mold remediation or odor removal and deodorization, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has all the advanced technology and techniques required to restore your Bloomville property. Our services include water extraction and drying equipment, odor removal and deodorization equipment, and more. Our services ensure that you receive a professional and thorough restoration experience from start to finish.
  • We work with your insurance representatives to help manage the paperwork to secure a steady, stress-free recovery process. 
  • We are a Better Business Bureau Accredited Business and the recipient of the Angie’s List Super Service Award! 

No matter what your situation may be, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help whenever a disaster of any type or size occurs at your Bloomville location. Our specialties include fire damage and water damage restoration, recovery from storm damage, mold remediation, biohazard cleaning, and much more.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Can SERVPRO Do For Your Tiffin Home?

11/10/2021 (Permalink)

The end goal after any disaster in your Tiffin home is to get back to normal. Even the most minor leak, a simple stove-top fire, or a chemical spill in the garage can cause issues that you can’t handle alone. You may find that you need the help of a professional restoration company, and that’s where SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties comes in. 

What Kind of Service Can You Expect From SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties?

  • Our highly trained technicians provide 24-hour emergency service. We know that a disaster in your Tiffin home can happen at any time of the day or night.
  • Our response times are quick and timely, ensuring that further damage won’t occur. 
  • We are locally owned and operated and are proud to serve our Tiffin friends and neighbors with personalized service.
  • Our professional team has to undergo a series of courses and training materials to provide them with the most updated knowledge on property restoration. The Employee Training modules include Fire and Water Restoration, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, and Crew Training. Our technicians receive their certification after they complete the courses and exams.

How Is SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Different From Other Restoration Companies?

  • We are a trusted leader in the restoration industry! With over 1,700 franchises in the U.S. and Canada, we are committed to providing quality service. 
  • Whether you need storm damage restoration or you need your upholstery cleaned, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has all the advanced technology and techniques required to restore your Tiffin property. Our services include water extraction equipment, drying equipment, odor removal and deodorization equipment, moisture detection, measurement equipment, and more. Our services ensure that you receive a professional and thorough restoration experience. 
  • We work with your insurance. We can even help manage the paperwork to secure a steady, stress-free recovery process. 
  • We are a Better Business Bureau Accredited Business and the recipient of the Angie’s List Super Service Award! 

No matter what your situation may be, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help whenever a disaster of any type or size occurs. Our specialties include fire damage and water damage restoration, recovery from storm damage, mold remediation, odor removal/deodorization, and much more.

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, as well.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Manage Large Loss Water Damage In My Bellevue Business?

10/6/2021 (Permalink)

Water damage is the most common kind of damage that can occur to a commercial property, and most commercial property owners will have to deal with a water damage incident at some point. A sudden rush of large amounts of water can cause massive damage to your Bellevue commercial building and all assets and inventory stored within.

What Kinds of Large Loss Water Damage Can SERVPRO Help Me Manage?

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Disaster Recovery Team can assist with all kinds of large loss water damage that can be the result of these events like these:  

  • large water or sewer system failure
  • tornado 
  • hurricane 
  • blizzard 
  • flood

With our ability to mobilize local command centers, along with the additional resources of more than 1,700 franchises nationwide available, no disaster is too big for us to handle!

What Restoration Services Does SERVPRO Offer To Help My Bellevue Company Recover From Large Loss Water Damage?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties maintains the training, experience, and equipment to handle extensive commercial flooding or water damage emergencies. No matter what kind of water damage event your business has suffered, we’ve got you covered! Whether your large loss water emergency has occurred in a small office building or big box store, we will respond quickly to mitigate the damage and manage the restoration project through to its completion. Our training and certifications include:

  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Structural Drying Technician
  • Odor Control Technician
  • Upholstery & Fabric Cleaning Technician

We’re able to manage all aspects of large loss water damage, from the removal of the water from your premises to the restoration of your structure, managing any resulting unpleasant or unhealthy odors or conditions, and cleaning and restoring your property, furniture, and fixtures. 

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a full-service restoration company helping Bellevue commercial properties recover from emergencies and return to preloss conditions. We know that any downtime means a high risk of potential loss of revenue, and we also know what needs to happen to get you back up and running as quickly as possible. We're available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to answer your call for help. 

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Can I Prevent Mold In My Attica Rental Home?

9/1/2021 (Permalink)

Although outdoor mold is not very harmful and will not impact the quality of your life, mold inside your Attica rental home will create the risk of health effects for your tenants. It is essential to understand that it can cause health effects to humans and pets, no matter which type of mold. You can learn more about mold on the Environmental Protection Agency website. 

What Are Some Effective Strategies I Can Use To Prevent Mold In My Attica Rental Property?

Controlling Moisture. The most effective strategy you can employ to prevent mold is to control moisture. Humidity is common in home interiors, and its definition refers to the amount of water vapor in the air. Environments with high humidity (above 50%) provide one of the main elements for mold to establish itself and grow. 

Testing Humidity Levels. Humidity levels can be tested in two ways: 

  • Do it yourself own with a hygrometer, or 
  • Call professionals like SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to assess your rental home environment. Once you have a good understanding of the humidity levels in your home, you are ready to take further steps to lower it down to the optimal level and keep it that way to prevent mold from growing.

Using Mold-resistant Products. The actual mold prevention process can be as simple as checking and installing mold-resistant products, or it may include waterproofing and roof repair. 

What Are Some Common Causes Of Mold In A Rental Home?

Humidity. which can be caused by:

  • Large quantities of water (such as floods or leaks)
  • Daily activities (such as cooking, showering, drying clothes)
  • Condensation can appear due to differences in temperature between indoor and outdoor air.

Inadequate Maintenance:

  • Water leaks that go unnoticed or unrepaired:
  • Dust, dirt, & poor maintenance
  • Inadequate ventilation
  • Compromises in insulation
  • An incorrect dew point

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are experts in mold prevention and remediation. Once established, mold can never be entirely removed, so it’s essential to guard against it before it ever gets started in your Attica rental property. We are here to help you do that! In addition to mold services, we handle many other types of disasters, both small and large, such as biohazards, sewage, and more. 

We can get your rental home Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

This franchise is Independently Owned and Operated. 

What Should I Do Before SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Arrives in Norwalk?

7/21/2021 (Permalink)

After you experience a disaster in your home or business, the stress may cause you to feel confused or helpless. That’s normal, and we’d like to help with that. 

The first thing you will want to do is call a professional restoration company like our team here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties; we will be onsite as soon as possible to assist you. In the meantime, you can take some proactive steps while you wait for us to arrive.

What Are Some Important Steps To Take Before SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties Arrives?

There are a few things you can do that will help the restoration process move along more quickly by enabling various personnel with vital information, like:

  • ENSURE SAFETY. The first thing you can do is ensure that everyone is safe and accounted for, especially children, the elderly, and pets. If anyone is injured, do what you can to make them comfortable until medical personnel is on the scene.
  • NOTE DANGEROUS CONDITIONS. As you investigate the damage, please make special note of any dangerous conditions and alert the appropriate people as they arrive to help. You may want to write these issues down or take pictures to be accurate in the information you give us. 
  • DOCUMENT DAMAGE. Take pictures and videos of the damage so that you have an accurate record for your insurance representative. You will be able to compare these with any that you took before the damage occurred.
  • INSURANCE. We will work together with your insurance representative to ensure that your recovery is made right and that your coverage is not negatively affected. Locating your insurance information ahead of our arrival will be helpful in this part of the process. 

What Can I Expect When SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties Arrives?

Once our team arrives, we will get right to work to get you back to normal. For example, if you have suffered from water damage, SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties will:

  • PERFORM WATER EXTRACTION. We will quickly extract all water from any affected areas in your Norwalk home or business.
  • RECOVER DAMAGED PROPERTY. The next step is to dry your property and belongings using our top-of-the-line equipment and training. Effectively tracks and documents the drying process throughout, ensuring your property is dried thoroughly and completely with no room for error.
  • BEGIN RESTORATION. If your structure has been affected, we will begin the restoration process to get your property back to its original condition. 

For more information on the various methods used to ensure that our customers are properly cared for when the worst happens, visit our website. We manage water damage, fire damage, mold remediation, vandalism, and much more. 

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, as well. 

Franchises are Independently Owned And Operated.

What Is Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned?

5/5/2021 (Permalink)

Unforeseen events, such as dangerous weather, accidents, equipment failure, or threats to our health - both natural and manmade - are going to happen. And as a smart business owner you know it is vital to get things back to normal as quickly as possible, and that’s where SERVPRO comes in. 

SERVPRO has always been committed to getting the homes, businesses, and possessions of our clients as clean as possible, no matter what type of event might have occurred. We are experts at handling contamination that can come about from flooding, air quality issues that develop after a fire, and biohazards both natural and manmade, just to name a few. 

Due to the events over the past year we have chosen to add the statement “Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned” to our communications to let our clients and the general public know that SERVPRO is the company they can go to in the event that they are experiencing any threats to their health or safety.

What is “Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned”?

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned is our defensive proactive viral pathogen cleaning program; it goes far beyond standard janitorial cleaning practices. With many years of experience in biochemical spill remediation and decontamination, you can trust SERVPRO to bring a higher standard of cleanliness to the places you do business.

Our trademark cleaning system is grounded in our unique 3 C’s:

  • Consult: Not all businesses are the same, so we’ll tailor a bespoke cleaning program based on the unique needs of each facility.
  • Clean: Based on the agreed plan, an expert deep clean is initiated using our proprietary EPA-Approved Hospital-Grade cleaning solutions and always adhering to the leading level of cleaning and decontamination standards set by the CDC.
  • Certify: We place digital emblems and other collateral to represent our commitment to the comfort and security of our employees, customers, and communities.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a team of industry professionals who maintain high-quality standards in every area. Our technicians are highly trained and certified. In areas ranging from commercial property cleaning to document restoration, you can be assured that you are getting the best in the business when you work with us. We handle crime and trauma scenes, biohazards, sewage spills, contamination, mold remediation, and more. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned! This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What To Do If A Pipe Bursts In Your Business

12/29/2020 (Permalink)

A burst pipe in your business can be extremely costly if not handled correctly and efficiently, so taking the appropriate steps will be vital to making sure your machinery, equipment, and products are protected. 

  • Professional Help. A professional cleanup organization will arrive right away to assess the damage and to assess any parts of your premises that may have been affected to make sure it is safe. Structural damage is common when large amounts of water are present. 
  • Water Main. Turn off any water that is going to the affected area - you can just go to the water main and stop all water for the entire building. This step will help to prevent further issues.
  • Standing Water. Soak up any standing water as long as it can be done safely; keep in mind that “black (sewer/contaminated) water” should be avoided as dangerous; leave it for the professionals to handle. Standing water can lead to mold damage and continued damage to flooring and walls, so this is an important step to complete right away.
  • Air Flow. Open all doors and windows to begin circulating airflow and start the drying out process. Once the professionals arrive with their industrial-grade equipment, they will be able to complete the process. 
  • Electricity. Ensure that the electricity is turned off in the affected areas to prevent shocks and have everyone leave any areas that are affected. Water can easily run into electrical circuits and create injuries. 
  • Insurance. You will want to contact your insurance company as soon as you can to let them know what has happened; take pictures and/or video of the damage after the event. A professional water damage remediation company will be able to work with your insurance company to make sure that everything goes smoothly and that you and your workforce can get back to business right away. 

The SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties team is here to help you any time you experience water damage from a burst pipe in your home or business or from any other kind of flooding. We are water and fire damage cleanup specialists, and we also have the tools and experience necessary to properly prevent and remediate mold.

Do I Need To Worry About Mold In The Winter?

12/14/2020 (Permalink)

The short answer here is: Yes. But...

Mold is a serious issue, and it can get worse in the wintertime when damp conditions are common. The melting of snow and ice or heavy rain, paired with warm indoor temperatures, create the perfect conditions for the establishment of a mold colony. Mold spores are all around us in the air at all times, and it is difficult to completely remove them once they take hold; however, if you take early action, that mold growth can be stopped, and you can stop worrying! 

Here are some preventative measures you can take to ensure that mold won’t be a source of worry this winter:

  • Pipes can be a source of moisture, and if they freeze and burst that causes flooding and saturation of flooring and belongings. Keep your pipes well-insulated to avoid this situation.
  • Control moisture by drying leaks and any other wet areas immediately. Vacuum and clean regularly to remove sources of mold growth. 
  • Gutters and downspouts should be cleaned regularly to avoid excess water in your walls or attic spaces. 
  • Adequate air circulation and ventilation is important, and using fans can help increase ventilation. 
  • Well-insulated walls can not only prevent condensation and mold within your walls, but it will also cut down on your energy costs.
  • Make sure your doors and windows are properly sealed and that moisture is not coming in through the cracks, and make any necessary repairs to these areas as soon as you can to avoid leaks. 
  • If there is a room in your home or business that is prone to humidity, using a dehumidifier to counter that might be a helpful step to take. 

If you take these steps to prevent mold growth in your business, your chances of it occurring will greatly decrease and then you really won’t have to worry about mold! It is easier to take action early to prevent it than having to remove it. However, even with taking preventative steps, it is not 100% guaranteed that it will not grow. Mold growth can be dangerous, and if you spot any in your business, call the professionals! 

To guarantee that mold growth doesn’t endanger your business, be sure to contact us at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties for assistance. We are experts at mold removal and remediation and can handle your mold issues quickly and professionally. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too. Ask us how!

What To Do After Finding Mold In Your Home

10/6/2020 (Permalink)

If you recently found mold in your house, you are aware that this is something to be taken seriously. Mold can be dangerous to your health, so it’s important to take the necessary steps in handling mold right away. Here are some tips on what to do after finding mold in your home.

Have your home tested by a trained mold tester; many people make the mistake of cleaning up the mold without testing. It is important to know the type of mold you are dealing with and how bad your problem actually is. If it’s a small problem, a professional may recommend that you clean the mold up yourself, and they can give you advice on best practices to use in removing it.

Cleaning up mold yourself may be a good idea if:

  • The mold only covers a small area.
  • The mold is growing on easy-to-clean surfaces like glass, metal, tile, tubs, or sinks.
  • The mold is growing on hard-to-clean materials, like carpet, that are easy to remove and replace and you know how to do it properly.
  • You don’t have any health problems likely to be made worse by increased exposure to mold (check with your doctor if you’re not sure if it’s safe for you to clean up a mold problem yourself).

If it is a large job, however, you will need to contact a professional mold remediation company. (Before any work is done, contact your insurance company and find out if mold removal is covered in your policy. In many cases it will be, although it often depends on the cause of the mold.) A professional will oversee the proper, and thorough, cleanup and removal process. When the job is done, they will come back and test again to make sure the removal was properly completed. 

Cleaning up mold yourself is probably not such a good idea if:

  • The mold covers a large area.
  • Mold develops after flooding with water that might be contaminated with sewage or other potentially hazardous substances.
  • There is mold in your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system.
  • You aren’t sure how to do all parts of the job correctly, For example, if there is mold in your wall interiors and you don’t know how to remove and replace drywall or if you don’t have all the tools required to do the job.
  • You have moldy wood that cannot be removed and replaced, so the moldy area needs to be sanded and encapsulated instead (it’s recommended that only mold remediation professionals sand moldy wood since it significantly increases one’s exposure to mold, which can lead to potentially serious illnesses).
  • You smell mold but can't find it. Mold can hide in the subfloors, attic, inside walls, under carpets, or crawl-spaces.

Identify the cause of the mold, and make sure that any issues are fixed so that the mold will not re-establish itself. For example, if you find that there was a leak in the roof that led to optimum damp conditions, make sure that leak is repaired. Another issue could be that the humidity level in your home is too high, so you may want to get a dehumidifier to bring it down to the proper levels. 

If you are going to hire a professional mold remediation company, make sure you get a few estimates and choose a company that you believe will do a thorough job. Be sure to check with your local Better Business Bureau or Health Department to find out if the company has a good reputation here in the Huron and East Seneca area.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties, we maintain the training and equipment that are necessary to handle a mold infestation. Call us today if you need help with a project of this kind, no matter the size. We are fire damage and water damage experts, too, and we are committed to getting your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned!

Mold Prevention In Your Commercial Warehouse

8/11/2020 (Permalink)

If the odors associated with mildew or mold in your warehouse become apparent, don’t wait to investigate. Mold can live in walls, behind wallpaper, under flooring, and in ceilings, and these are just the most common places. After a period of wet weather, mold may have taken hold anywhere that has stayed damp.  You can hire a certified mold inspector to stop by and check it out; they will be able to run the necessary tests to determine if you have a mold problem in your warehouse. 

Practicing preventive measures will help to keep your commercial warehouse safe from the damage of a mold infestation. Inspecting those areas that are vulnerable is always the best step to take first, of course. 

Mold will take hold in low-lying areas that remain damp and the spores will be attracted there, especially if these areas are dark. Scheduling periodic visual inspections in these places will help to identify a mold colony before it becomes unmanageable. 

If your warehouse has recently undergone a flooding event or significant leaks have developed recently, these will be situations that could promote a mold issue. Always consider areas with moisture as places you need to pay attention to. 

Keeping everything as dry as possible is another way to practice mold prevention in your commercial warehouse. If your warehouse has air conditioning, keep it running during wet weather, or place dehumidifiers into use. If you are experiencing standing water, have it removed and the area dried out. 

When it comes to storage use storage shelving; the metal styles with grating will allow water to escape and air to reach the bottoms of boxes, etc. so that damp conditions don’t develop and create a haven for mold. 

If you need help with a mold infestation in your commercial warehouse, call the mold remediation experts here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties. Our team has the experience and skills needed to take care of the mold issues that can develop in your warehouse or business. We handle water damage and fire damage, too, and we are committed to getting your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned!

HVAC Maintenance For Your Business

7/7/2020 (Permalink)

When you own a commercial property, you know that regular maintenance is an important part of keeping your organization running the way it should. Equipment and machinery need to be cared for properly so that you don’t lose business, time, or money. With summer coming, an important maintenance aspect of your business is the interior environmental climate you provide for your staff and clientele, so proper HVAC maintenance is certainly going to be high on your list of maintenance to-dos, and here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties.

You may want to consider setting up a contract with a professional HVAC company if you own a large amount of square footage. The owner of a smaller business might be able to maintain their system themselves, while larger companies are probably going to need professional assistance maintaining their HVAC systems.

A professional that handles large-scale maintenance of this kind will have a predetermined schedule that will include tune-ups, clean-and-checks, and other services whose purpose will be to keep your HVAC system and units performing at their best. 

Changing all the filters and humidifier pads on a regular basis is an important action that will prolong the life of your system, and your HVAC company will include that in your contract. 

Test your natural gas heating system to see if carbon monoxide is being released into spaces in your building. This is a project that would be difficult for anyone without the necessary training. With the right equipment, a professional HVAC maintenance company can determine oxygen levels, carbon monoxide levels, and flue temperature, allowing your furnaces to be adjusted for optimum performance.

Before you engage a professional on a maintenance contract, consider both the costs and the benefits. Some companies will provide priority service calls at reduced rates for customers who have maintenance contracts, and if you choose this option you will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing there is an experienced team doing all those regular inspections and necessary maintenance on your behalf, while you get on with the business doing business. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are HVAC system experts, and we have all the experience necessary to keep your system functioning properly year-round. We are fire damage and water damage specialists, and we handle mold remediation and prevention, too.

Scheduling Regular Cleaning And Maintenance

5/29/2020 (Permalink)

The appearance and condition of your physical property speak volumes about you as a business person. When a client comes to see you in your place of business, what they see first will determine their opinion of what you do. It is a wise business decision to establish routine cleaning and maintenance for your organization, including all offices, warehouses, and entryways. 

For example, if your entries, walkways, and landscaping are well-kept and in good repair, your clientele will notice, and if the opposite is true, they will notice that, as well. Ensure that your waiting area, the first thing a customer will see when they step inside, is comfortable, cozy, and properly lit. The seating should be in the best shape possible, and it should not need to be cleaned from spots or spills. When your customer uses your public restroom, it should be a pleasant experience, as well. Your client will see all this and act accordingly. If you haven’t been paying enough attention to your property, you will probably pay a price through a loss of business. No smart business owner wants that.

When it comes to keeping your premises in top condition, the very best way to make sure it all gets done is by scheduling regular cleaning and maintenance. This way you can have peace of mind knowing that all your needs are being taken care of in a timely manner.

A professional cleaning and restoration company can sit down with you and create a schedule for a routine cleaning and maintenance schedule that will work just right for your business. They can come in and assess what needs to be done, and then get it done in your timeframe. No more concerns about the little things like light bulbs or dirty walkways, and if the carpet needs to be deep cleaned, they will schedule that with you and take care of it while you run your successful business. 

Our SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties team is skilled and experienced in completing all your cleanup and maintenance projects, and we have the expertise necessary to get the job done and get it done right. We are experts in water and fire damage, and we handle mold remediation, too.

Why You Should Maintain Your HVAC In Your Condo

2/4/2020 (Permalink)

As the owner of a condo, maintenance is something you are concerned about. You know that equipment failure and malfunction are annoying and costly, and you are also aware that it is often avoidable. One of the most important benefits of owning your own home is that you have control over your interior environmental climate. That is a great reason why you should maintain your HVAC thoroughly and regularly. 

Changing filters and humidifier pads on a regular basis will go a long way to prolong the life of your system, that is something that you can do yourself. Keep notations so that you can be sure to do this chore regularly, and so that you always get the right brands and sizes. Regular upkeep will help you save both energy and replacement costs. 

You might want to consider setting up a contract with a professional HVAC company if you don’t have the time or the skills you need to maintain your HVAC. A business that handles maintenance of this kind will have a predetermined schedule that will include tune-ups, clean-and-checks, and other services whose purpose will be to keep your HVAC system and units performing at their best. 

When it comes to natural gas heaters, a professional can handle these easily and safely, alleviating the stress that can be a part of this particular maintenance. Your HVAC company will be able to test to see if carbon monoxide is being released into your living spaces due to gas not burning completely. This is a project that would be difficult for someone not familiar with this area. With the right equipment, they can determine oxygen levels as well as carbon monoxide levels and flue temperature, allowing your furnaces to be adjusted for optimum performance. 

You will want to calculate costs and benefits before you engage a professional on a maintenance contract. Some companies will promise priority service and reduced rates for service calls to customers who have maintenance contracts, and then there’s the peace of mind you will have from knowing there is an experienced eye doing regular inspections, alleviating any guesswork. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we have the knowledge needed to evaluate your HVAC system inside and out, and we have the experience necessary to keep it at top functionality. We are water and fire damage specialists, as well.

Unpleasant Odors After Water Or Fire Damage? We Can Help!

11/7/2019 (Permalink)

Does a musty smell waft throughout your house? Would you describe it as earthy, mildewy, or moldy? Has your home recently experienced any kind of water damage? If so, then your home most likely suffers from mold. If you are not aware of your home having water damage or mold, then this particular smell is typically the first sign of a larger issue. However, here are some easy steps to identify the issue and remove the problem:

  • Track down the source of the smell. If this is difficult, look for places in your home that are dark, warm, and damp. That is the kind of environment that mold thrives in. These can be areas such as your bathroom or basement. 
  • If you have found the source, and it is a relatively small area of mold, you can clean it up by using a mixture of household detergent and water. Be careful around mold, and make sure you wear protective gloves while cleaning. Do NOT use bleach, as it can make the mold grow even more. However, if it is a large area of mold, call the professionals to safely remove it here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. If the smell is coming from an area that has been damaged from water, such as carpet or drywall, it will need to be removed and replaced. The source of the water will need to be repaired as well. 
  • After making sure the entire area is completely clean, be sure to fully dry the area with a fan or heater. If there is a window nearby and it is not damp outside or raining, then open the window to allow airflow and ventilation. If the smell still lingers, then mix water with baking soda into a paste and rub it into the area, and allow it to dry. When it does, then clean up the excess.

Remember, if the mold is extreme or your home has serious water damage, do not hesitate to call the professionals to safely and accurately remove and fix the dangers.

Smells from fire damage can be tough to remove because smoke is easily absorbed by fabrics and plastics. However, it is not impossible to get rid of it. Note, if you still have soot left in your home from fire damage, call the professionals to remove it as soot can be very dangerous.

For removing the smell of soot:

  • Have airflow going throughout your house by opening up any windows and doors. You should also turn on any and all fans you have to force any lingering smoke particles out of your home.
  • Collect all of your fabric items from the affected area such as pillows, clothing, blankets, etc. and have them washed and dried. Make sure you keep the fabric items away from the affected area until the smell is completely gone as to not have them reabsorb the smell.
  • If there is upholstery in the affected area that contains the smell, you will need to have that cleaned as well. We recommend calling the professionals in those cases.
  • For carpets, sprinkle baking soda and then leave for an extended amount of time - preferably overnight - to deodorize the area. After waiting, vacuum up the remainder. If that does not work, then you may try steam cleaning your carpet as well. If that does not work either, then you may have to have it deep cleaned by a professional or replace it altogether.
  • For hard areas such as wooden surfaces, countertops, appliances, windowsills, cabinets, walls, or doors, you should make a cleaning solution consisting of a gallon of warm water, half a cup of distilled white vinegar, and a teaspoon of dishwashing soap. Transfer the solution into a spray bottle, then spray onto any hard surface and wipe with a cloth or sponge afterward. However, do not spray the solution onto a stone surface, as the white vinegar will damage it.
  • As a final step, it is highly recommended that you change the air filter in your air conditioning unit and have your air ducts or ventilation system cleaned by professionals to ensure that all remaining smoke particles are cleared as to not cause any more danger to you or your family.

Remember, if your home contains a large amount of mold, any amount of soot, or suffers from severe water or fire damage, then your best option is calling the professionals! Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are experts at repairing and restoring fire damage and water damage and have what you need to get your home smelling brand new again!

How Mold Can Affect Your Health

10/29/2019 (Permalink)

Mold has always been with us, and always will be, both on surfaces and in our air. Mold is millions of years old and grows wherever there might be moisture—even in our homes and businesses. When we are exposed to damp, moldy environments, our health can often be adversely affected. Some of us are especially sensitive to mold and can experience serious problems.

In many cases, a person might experience skin or throat irritation, coughing or wheezing, nasal congestion, and even irritation to the skin and eyes. Someone who is allergic to molds and those with compromised immune systems or suffering from lung disease can contract serious infections in their lungs through mold exposure. These individuals should avoid areas that are prone to mold growth. These include the woods, cut grass, and composting piles.       

There is some evidence linking exposure to mold indoors with upper respiratory tract symptoms in otherwise healthy people, and the effects can be even more severe on children. In fact, some studies suggest that there may be a potential link of early mold exposure to a later development of asthma in some children, especially those who are already more susceptible to its development.    

Mold is found indoors and outdoors, and it can enter your home anywhere that air is able to. It will attach itself to you, your clothing and accessories, and even your pets. It grows anywhere there is a lot of moisture and can be found around roof leaks, piping, windows, or areas that have experienced flooding. It grows quickly on paper products, your ceiling and its tiles, and products made of wood, as well as on paint and wallpaper, insulation, carpet, and fabrics.     

You can control mold growth in your home or business by controlling humidity levels, cleaning and drying thoroughly after flooding, and promptly fixing leaks in roofs, windows, and piping. Ventilation in areas where you use a lot of water, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms will go a long way towards handling and preventing mold from establishing a colony. Once a colony has started, it can never be completely eradicated. After all, mold has been around for millions of years already; it’s a survivor.

If you or someone you know is dealing with health issues caused by mold, contact a professional immediately to start the mold remediation process. Don’t suffer from the effects of mold any longer! Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are mold remediation experts, and we’re here to help you 24/7.

Eliminating Odors from Your Home

8/23/2019 (Permalink)

Everyday scents are an inevitable part of life. No matter how often we mop or scrub, they are always with us. As long as we cook, play, and just plain live, we will be dealing with odors. Using your favorite products or natural remedies can help to make your home more comfortable and fresh-smelling. 


  • Sometimes it’s not the trash that smells so bad, it’s the actual trash can. You can clean the can by sprinkling it with baking soda or by using a deodorizing pack or pod under the liner or inside the lid. Spraying it with a disinfecting spray will also kill odor-causing bacteria. 
  • If the smells of last night’s dinner are still lingering in the fridge, store open boxes of baking soda both there and in the freezer. Be sure to double-wrap more pungent items and store your leftovers in containers with lids that fit properly. 
  • We often forget to clean the dishwasher, and that can cause some unpleasantness. Once a month, just use a dishwasher cleaning tablet, and always rinse your dirty dishes before placing them in the dishwasher to avoid dealing with food that sticks to the interior. 
  • Microwaves often have lingering smells as well. Boil one quart of water with lemon slices for a few minutes in your microwave, and leave the door open afterwards to air it out. 


  • Cleaning your toilets before they start to look dirty will help to combat odors and stains. Adding ½ cup of bleach into the water after cleansing for extra assistance. 


  • After some time, your mattress may start to smell musty. Use baking soda to refresh it; sprinkle it on and let it sit, and then vacuum it up. A simple fix, but very effective. 
  • Keeping your closet door open allows fresh air to circulate, discouraging unpleasant odors. 
  • Carpeting absorbs odors like no other floor covering. Baking soda can help here, too. Sprinkle it over all your carpeting and let it sit for a while. Vacuum it up, and odors will have vanished. You can use the same tactic for pet beds, as well—a common place for odors to linger. 

Here at SERVPRO of East Huron & Seneca Counties, we can help with all your household or business needs. If you are dealing with unhealthy or unpleasant odors, give us a call. We can investigate and take care of any issues you may have.

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips for your HVAC System

6/11/2019 (Permalink)

Proper HVAC maintenance is essential.

Dirty coils and clogged filters in your HVAC system could be costing you an extra $1,000 or more each season. We know you don’t want to spend that much extra money on your energy bills, so let’s talk about properly cleaning and maintaining your HVAC system.

Whether the seasonal changes are dramatic or mild, these systems require regular care, and it is vital to prepare your energy equipment for both colder and warmer weather in order to avoid breakdowns and those high costs. Today, we are going to share some tips with you for both cleaning and maintaining your HVAC system as well as some energy-saving tips:

  • Change Filters. Your air conditioning filters will need to be changed once a month. This enables your unit to run efficiently, causing less wear and tear.
  • Inspections. Take a close look at your ductwork to make sure it is not leaking.
  • Weather Stripping. Replace weather stripping around exterior doors and windows and install this wherever it is lacking. Cracked and worn weather stripping allows cool air to escape, and when you keep this from happening, you could save up to 15 percent of your energy costs every month.
  • Insulation. Make sure your home is properly insulated, using insulation with an R factor between 30 and 49 for the best savings.
  • Temperature Regulation. Keep the temperature in your home cool at night and warm during the day while everyone is gone. You can use a programmable thermostat to regulate your temperatures for optimal comfort and efficiency. Keep doors and windows closed when the air conditioning is on, and use ceiling fans to circulate cool air.

Mold, mildew, pollutants, and toxins (such as formaldehyde, pesticides, and cigarette smoke) can become issues if your HVAC system isn’t kept clean, causing health problems. When cleaning and maintaining your HVAC system proves to be too big of a job for just you, you can call our team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. We have the experience and equipment necessary to take care of a job like this easily and quickly.

First Steps in Recovering From Water Damage

5/14/2019 (Permalink)

Flooding often can’t be predicted, so educating yourself on the areas most susceptible to flood damage will help you be prepared to handle such an event and will be helpful in the necessary recovery. Some areas of your home or business are going to be more likely to experience water damage than others, such as rooms that have sinks, as in kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry areas, while low-lying areas like basements and cellars are also at risk. Keeping an eye on these spaces in your home or business will alert you to a developing issue and allow you to take the necessary steps to avoid further damage.

Here are some first steps you can take in recovering from water damage:

Basements and cellars, bathrooms and kitchens, workshops and garages, roofing and attics - all of these spaces either involve water or can be seriously affected by it. Pipes can become a real problem when they get clogged, leak, or wear out, and a roof that needs attention can allow damp conditions to develop, resulting in water damage.

  • When damages from water become an issue, turn off all water sources immediately and soak up standing water using mops, or towels, blankets, and rags, being sure to remove them as they become saturated. Employ a shop vac if you have one, and get fans started to dry the affected areas as soon as possible.
  • Remove and prop up all wet upholstery and cushions so that they can dry, and protect carpeting by placing wooden blocks or aluminum foil under furniture legs.
  • During the summer, turn your air conditioning on for additional drying.

Be safe! A few cautions:

  • Hang furs and leather goods and don’t leave wet fabrics lying on wet surfaces.
  • Remove books and magazines from wet carpets or floors; the colored inks will leave marks.
  • Refrain from using household appliances and ceiling fixtures.
  • Avoid rooms with sagging ceilings.
  • Wet materials are often extremely heavy; avoid moving anything that is difficult.

When you experience a water damage event, keep us in mind. Our team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has the experience and expertise that you will need in this kind of situation. We are also experts when it comes to fire damage and mold remediation.

Scheduling Regular Mold Inspections for Your Business

4/17/2019 (Permalink)

We’ve all seen ugly mold patches in corners and smelled musty odor in the bathroom. We’ve also heard that mold can sometimes be harmful, and we know that it thrives in humid environments, spreading very quickly and easily. But do you know that mold colonies needs less than 48 hours to begin growing? Or that dead mold spores are just as harmful as live ones, and that modern-day building practices actually promote mold growth?

Mold is a fungi that reproduces by making tiny spores which can survive extremely harsh weather conditions and spread easily over large areas. Mold spores exist everywhere in the outdoor environment and can get indoors through open doors, windows, air ducts, vents, etc. or even attached to clothes, shoes, and bags. Once the mold spores get into your business, they will wait for the right conditions to start developing.

The purpose of mold colonies in our ecosystem is to decompose dead organic material, and so it thrives in warm, humid conditions where organic “food” such as wood, paper, leather, fabric and upholstery, grout, paint, drywall, insulation materials, carpet, etc. is available in abundance. As soon as there is any source of moisture – like flooding, leaky roofs, pipe leaks, condensation, storm damage, or steam from cooking, the mold spores will begin reproducing and spreading all over your business.

Mold will begin growing within 24 to 48 hours when the right conditions are present. However, it can often remain hidden until the spores have already affected large areas of your property and caused considerable structural damage. This is because mold usually starts growing in very inconspicuous areas of the house – inside walls, behind leaky appliances, within insulation, throughout the HVAC system, in crawl spaces, and in other damp, dark places that humans don’t normally see. Scheduling regular mold inspections for your business will help you identify these areas right away, along with practices that could be encouraging the growth of a mold colony in your business spaces. A few of the most important precautions you can take:

  • Ensuring good air circulation – keeping windows open, running bathroom fans, keeping air ducts clean and in good condition – can help reduce the risk of mold growth
  • Keeping indoor humidity levels below 45 percent can inhibit mold growth
  • Keeping your property in good repair (roofs and foundations, plumbing system, HVAC system) can prevent excessive moisture from entering your home and causing mold growth
  • Inspecting your property at regular intervals, especially after a damp weather season, can help detect mold growth in its early stages and prevent it from spreading any further
  • Adding mold-inhibitors to paints before the application can reduce the potential for mold growth

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are mold remediation experts as well as fire damage, water damage, and storm damage remediation professionals.

Winter Mold Prevention Tips

2/25/2019 (Permalink)

Even during the colder winter months, your home maintenance routine should include preventive measures when it comes to mold.

The kitchen, bath, and laundry spaces have a higher moisture level than most of the other rooms in your house, of course, and surfaces and flooring can become moldy quickly if not kept dry, even during the colder months. Once mold has established a hold on an area, it can come back even more quickly every time the humidity rises and can become a serious problem when the temperatures begin to rise later in the year, which make regular mold inspections a necessity.

Here are some tips to preventing mold growth in the first place:

  • Paint your kitchen, bath, and laundry areas with mold resistant paint. Products of this type are readily accessible at your local hardware or home goods store.
  • When doing any type of repair or renovation, check with a professional to find any available products that contain mold-resistant ingredients.
  • Avoid standing water in any area of the home, both inside and out. During floor cleaning, use less water than you might otherwise, and always dry off countertops after cleaning, paying special attention to cracks and crevasses.
  • In all windows in your home, ensure that weather stripping is in good repair in advance of bad weather.
  • Keep an eye on older refrigerators for leaks from hoses and pipes leading to walls. Move them away from the wall periodically and clean behind and underneath them. Take a good look to make sure it’s in great shape while you’re back there. Use a flashlight if necessary to check for any water damage or mold growth.
  • Ensure your kitchen, bath, and laundry areas are well-ventilated; you can always use a dehumidifier to help keep those spaces dry during wet weather to further prevent water damage and mold growth.

Keeping mold out of your kitchen and other living spaces will contribute to an overall cleaner space for the preparation of food and for entertaining and socializing during celebrations and parties. The kitchen is always the gathering place of any home, and the bathrooms are extremely important to keep fresh and clean for guests.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we have the experience, knowledge, and expertise necessary to help you with any mold damage or preventive practices. We provide mold inspection and mold remediation services. We are also available for cleanup after fire damage and water damage, and we serve the greater East Seneca areas.

The Difference Between Mold Removal and Mold Remediation

11/27/2018 (Permalink)

Mold spores exist naturally almost everywhere. They can be found both indoors and out, and since they are microscopic, they cannot be detected by the naked eye until an entire colony has formed. Removing all mold from a home or business is actually impossible to do, so mold remediation is the focus when it comes to mold.

Some professional restoration businesses choose to advertise mold removal, and even go so far as to guarantee total removal of all mold, but this is not really possible. A qualified restoration company understands the science behind mold and its growth. The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team has the training and expertise in remediation of the mold in your home or business; mold remediation means that the focus will be on getting mold back to its normal and natural level.

Every situation where mold damage is found is going to be totally different and therefore will require a specific solution, but in general, the mold remediation process remains the same.

If you believe that you have an unnatural mold situation, call our team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to schedule an inspection and mold damage assessment. We will take steps to contain the mold and filtrate the air of the area affected, and all mold and materials will be removed, and we’ll ensure that the contents and belongings of the area will be cleaned thoroughly. We will then undertake the restoration of your property and make sure you are mold-damage free.

Here are some things home and business owners need to be aware of when it comes to mold:

  • Mold spores float along in the air and can enter a home or business through windows, doors, or HVAC systems. They can even hitch a ride on your pet!
  • Mold is microscopic; don’t expect to always see it with your naked eye.
  • Mold growth can happen in as little as 48 hours. The spores thrive on moisture, so even a higher-than-normal humidity level indoors can encourage the growth of mold colonies.
  • Mold produces a strong musty odor.
  • Mold produces irritants and can be hazardous to your health.

Call us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties at (419) 443 1790 to discuss mold remediation for your home or business. If you are in the Greater East Seneca area, such as in Port Clinton, Sandusky, or Huron, give us a call for any fire damage or water damage restoration needs!