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Archived Blog Posts

Emergency Response: How SERVPRO Saves The Day

5/8/2024 (Permalink)

You need to protect yourself and your family from cooking fires, fires from heating units, weather-related damage to your home, water damage from flooding, and so much more - and that’s true of your business, too. 

You do your best to avoid disaster, but accidents will still happen in spite of well-laid plans.

When a disaster strikes your Bellevue location, you may not have time to handle it. Call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties at (419) 443 1790, and let us help you get back to normal as soon as possible. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Recover From A Disaster?

If disaster strikes, how does SERVPRO save the day?

  • We provide 24-hour emergency service!
  • The SERVPRO team of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a trusted mold and disaster restoration industry leader.  
  • Our highly-trained technicians are dedicated to responding quickly to any disaster, such as fire or water damage, and mold remediation is one of our specialties. 
  • We have the training and expertise to handle all your restoration and cleaning projects, large or small, throughout the greater Tiffin area and East Seneca Counties.
  • SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is strategically positioned to be “Faster to Any Size Disaster” and will help you recover your Bellevue home or business as soon as possible!

What Are The Disaster Recovery Services Provided By SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties?

No matter what disaster you face, we can handle it. Our Bellevue residential restoration services include:

We are also the ones to call if you need cleaning services. Our Bellevue residential cleaning services include:

If you are a Bellevue business owner, you can learn about all our commercial restoration services here.

No matter what you might be facing in your Bellevue home or business, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you recover quickly and return to enjoying life and doing what you do best!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Tailored Commercial Restoration Services For Your Tiffin Business

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

In business, unforeseen disasters can strike at any moment, disrupting operations and causing significant damage to your Tiffin location. 

Whether it's a fire, flood, storm, or any other catastrophe, the impact can be devastating, not just to physical assets but also to your company's ability to serve its customers and maintain its reputation. Tailored commercial restoration solutions come into play here, providing the means to recover swiftly and effectively, ensuring minimal downtime and a seamless return to normalcy.

What Should I Know About Disaster Recovery For My Tiffin Commercial Business?

The following tailored restorations will be crucial in getting you back to work!

Understanding the Need. The aftermath of a disaster can leave your Tiffin business reeling, with critical infrastructure compromised, inventory damaged, and employees displaced. In such situations, a comprehensive commercial restoration plan is essential. However, not all businesses are alike, and their restoration needs can vary significantly based on industry, size, location, and the nature of their operations. Tailored solutions become indispensable in these situations, as they address the unique requirements of each business, ensuring that the restoration process is customized to deliver optimal results.

Assessment and Planning. The first step in crafting a tailored commercial restoration solution is thoroughly assessing your business needs and vulnerabilities, which involves evaluating the physical infrastructure, identifying critical assets, and assessing potential risks. A team of experienced restoration professionals works closely with the business owner or manager to understand their priorities and develop a comprehensive plan that aligns with their goals and objectives.

Customized Restoration Services. The restoration process can begin once the assessment is complete, and the plan is in place. Tailored commercial restoration solutions encompass a wide range of services designed to address specific needs, including:

  • Emergency Response: Swift action is crucial in the aftermath of a disaster. Tailored solutions include round-the-clock emergency response services to mitigate further damage and begin the restoration process immediately.
  • Structural Repairs: From repairing damaged buildings to restoring electrical and plumbing systems, tailored solutions encompass comprehensive structural repairs to restore the business's physical infrastructure to its preloss condition.
  • Content Restoration: Businesses often have valuable assets such as equipment, inventory, documents, and electronics that require specialized restoration services. Tailored solutions include content restoration services to salvage, clean, and restore these items, minimizing losses and maximizing recovery.
  • Business Continuity Planning: Besides physical restoration, tailored solutions may include business continuity planning to help businesses resume operations as quickly as possible. Such solutions can involve temporary workspace solutions, data recovery services, and logistical support to ensure minimal disruption to day-to-day activities.

Continuous Support and Monitoring. Tailored commercial restoration solutions extend beyond the immediate restoration process. They include ongoing support and monitoring to ensure that the business remains resilient in the face of future challenges. This may involve regular inspections, maintenance services, and proactive measures to enhance preparedness and mitigate risks.

Why Should I Partner With SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties?

By partnering with experienced restoration professionals like SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, who understand your unique challenges, you can ensure your Tiffin business is prepared to weather any storm and emerge more vital than ever. Learn more about our commercial services:

Don't wait until disaster strikes—invest in tailored commercial restoration solutions today and safeguard the future of your business!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Don't Overload Your Electrical Sockets: Tips To Prevent Hazards At Your Norwalk Location

4/24/2024 (Permalink)

Electricity powers nearly every aspect of our lives, from lighting our homes to charging our devices in our modern world. However, with this convenience comes the responsibility to ensure electrical safety. 

One common hazard that many overlook is overloading electrical sockets, and this one act can have dangerous consequences, including electrical fires and appliance damage. To help you stay safe and protect your home, read on for some essential tips to help you prevent overloading electrical sockets at your Norwalk home or business.

How Do I Avoid Overloading My Electrical Sockets?

Overloading electrical sockets is a common yet preventable hazard that can lead to severe consequences. By understanding socket ratings, using power strips wisely, unplugging unused devices, distributing the load evenly, investing in surge protectors, and conducting regular inspections, you can minimize the risk of electrical fires and ensure your home's and loved ones' safety. 

Taking these simple precautions can be key in preventing electrical hazards and promoting a safer living environment:

  • Understand Socket Ratings. Before plugging in any device, it's crucial to understand the ratings of your electrical sockets. Each socket has a maximum capacity for the amount of electricity it can safely handle. In the United States, typical household outlets are rated 15 or 20 amps. Exceeding this capacity by plugging in too many devices can lead to overheating and potential fire hazards.
  • Use Power Strips Wisely. Power strips are a convenient way to expand the number of available outlets, but they can also contribute to overloading if not used properly. When operating a power strip, be mindful of its amperage rating. Ensure that the total wattage of the devices plugged into the power strip does not exceed its capacity. Additionally, avoid daisy-chaining power strips together, which can overload the circuit and increase the risk of electrical fires.
  • Unplug Unused Devices. It's easy to leave devices plugged in even when they're not in use, but this can contribute to overloading sockets unnecessarily. Get into the habit of unplugging devices when not in use, especially those with transformers or chargers that continue to draw power even when not actively charging.
  • Distribute Load Evenly. When plugging in multiple devices, distribute the load evenly across different sockets and circuits. Avoid plugging all high-power devices into a single outlet or power strip. Spread them out to ensure that no single socket is overloaded.
  • Invest in Surge Protectors. Surge protectors protect your devices from power surges and provide additional outlets for plugging in devices safely. Look for surge protectors with built-in circuit breakers that trip when overloaded, cutting off power to prevent overheating and potential fire hazards.
  • Regular Inspections and Maintenance. Periodically inspect your electrical sockets for signs of wear or damage. Loose or cracked outlets can increase the risk of electrical fires. If you notice any issues, such as discoloration, sparking, or burning smells, immediately unplug devices from the affected socket and have them inspected by a qualified electrician.

Why Is SERVPRO The Best Choice For Disaster Recovery?

If you experience a fire at your Norwalk home or business, you can trust SERVPRO to immediately get you back to normal. We do it all! No matter what disaster you face, we can handle it. Our residential restoration services include:

We are also the ones to call if you need commercial restoration. Follow these links to learn more:

No matter what you might face in your Norwalk home or business, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you recover quickly. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

Tips For Protecting Your Willard Home From Storm Damage

4/17/2024 (Permalink)

Living in Willard has its perks, but it also means being prepared for severe weather conditions. Storms can strike unexpectedly, causing damage to homes and properties. To safeguard your Willard home from storm damage, it's essential to implement preventive measures. Here are some tips to help you protect your home and minimize potential harm.

How Do I Safeguard My Willard Home From Storm Damage?

Follow these top tips to keep your family, belongings, and Willard home safe in case of storms in your area:

  • Inspect and Maintain Your Roof. Inspect your roof for damaged or loose shingles regularly and promptly replace any missing or damaged ones you find. Properly maintaining your roof prevents leaks and water damage during storms.
  • Trim Overhanging Branches. Overhanging branches pose a significant risk during a storm. Strong winds may cause them to break and damage your home. Trim branches close to your roof or power lines to reduce the risk of falling debris.
  • Secure Outdoor Furniture and Objects. Before a storm hits, secure outdoor furniture, gardening tools, and other loose objects. These items can become projectiles during high winds, causing damage to area properties, including your home!
  • Install Storm Shutters. Invest in storm shutters for your windows. These protective coverings can prevent debris from breaking through windows during high winds. They also provide an extra layer of insulation, helping to keep your home safe during severe weather.
  • Check and Reinforce Doors and Windows. To prevent water intrusion, consider reinforcing your doors and windows with weatherstripping to keep them properly sealed. For added protection, consider installing impact-resistant glass.
  • Clear Gutters and Downspouts. To allow proper water damage, keep your gutters and downspouts clear of debris. Clogged gutters may allow water to pool on your roof, which increases the possibility of leaks and water damage.

What Are Some Practical Considerations To Protect People And Investment?

In addition to protecting your Willard property from physical damage during a storm, you should protect your investment and those you love. Take a look at the following considerations:

  • Create a Storm Preparedness Kit. Assemble a storm preparedness kit with essential items such as flashlights, batteries, non-perishable food, water, a first aid kit, and essential documents. Be prepared for potential power outages and have a plan in place.
  • Know Your Insurance Coverage. Review your homeowner's insurance policy to get an idea of what is covered in case of storm damage. Ensure that your coverage is up-to-date, and consider adding additional coverage if needed.
  • Stay Informed and Evacuate if Necessary. Keep yourself informed about weather forecasts and warnings. If authorities recommend evacuation, follow their instructions promptly. Your safety is the top priority.

Protecting your Willard home from storm damage requires proactive measures and careful planning. By implementing these suggestions, you can significantly reduce the risk of severe damage during storms and ensure the safety of your home and family. Stay prepared, stay informed, and weather the storms with confidence.

The team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is proud to serve the Willard community. In addition to storm damage restoration, we offer water damage restoration, odor removal deodorization, and more. 

You can contact us online or by phone at (419) 443 1790 any time a disaster strikes; you can count on us to help you return to normal immediately.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Essential Ways To Stormproof Your Attica Home

4/10/2024 (Permalink)

Living in areas prone to storms, hurricanes, or severe weather conditions requires proactive measures to protect your home and loved ones. 

Stormproofing your home is essential to minimize damage and ensure safety during adverse weather events. 

In today’s blog, we explore crucial ways to stormproof your Attica home and enhance its resilience against the forces of nature.

What Are Some Crucial Steps I Should Take To Stormproof My Attica House?

If you're wondering how to stormproof your Attica home, keep reading!

  • Reinforce Doors and Windows. The first line of defense against storms is reinforcing doors and windows. Install impact-resistant windows and doors to withstand strong winds and flying debris. Consider adding storm shutters or plywood boards for extra protection during severe weather. Properly sealing gaps and cracks will also prevent water intrusion.
  • Roof Maintenance. A well-maintained roof is crucial for storm protection. Regularly inspect and repair any damaged or missing shingles. Use hurricane straps or clips to reinforce the roof structure to resist strong winds. Additionally, consider upgrading to a more wind-resistant roofing material.
  • Secure Outdoor Furniture and Objects. Outdoor furniture and objects can become projectiles during storms, damaging your property and neighboring homes. Secure outdoor items by bringing them indoors or using anchors and tie-downs; this prevents these objects from being tossed around by strong winds.
  • Trim Trees and Branches. Overhanging branches and unstable trees pose a significant risk during storms. Trim trees regularly to remove dead or weak branches that could fall on your home. Consider consulting with an arborist to identify and address potential hazards.
  • Install a Generator. Power outages are common during storms, and having a backup generator can be a lifesaver. Install a generator to maintain essential appliances, such as cooling and heating systems, refrigerators, and medical equipment. Ensure that you have enough fuel to last through the storm.
  • Reinforce Garage Doors. Garage doors are vulnerable points during storms, and their failure can lead to severe damage. Strengthen garage doors with braces or replace them with wind-resistant models. This small investment can prevent costly repairs and protect your home from storm damage.
  • Create a Storm Emergency Kit. Prepare for the worst by assembling a storm emergency kit. It should include essentials such as bottled water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, first aid supplies, and essential documents. A well-prepared kit ensures you and your family can weather the storm safely.
  • Elevate Electrical Systems. Flooding is a common consequence of storms, and elevated electrical systems can prevent damage to your home's wiring. Elevate electrical outlets, switches, and circuit breakers above potential flood levels. Consider installing a sump pump to avert basement flooding.

Who Do I Turn To When A Disaster Occurs?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is your go-to partner for storm damage for many reasons, such as our commitment to:

Stormproofing your Attica home is a proactive approach to ensuring your family's safety and safeguarding your property during severe weather events. By reinforcing vulnerable areas, maintaining your home's exterior, and having emergency preparations, you can significantly reduce the risk of storm-related damage. Stay vigilant and prepared, and you can weather any storm with confidence!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

SERVPRO’s First Steps In Water Damage Recovery For Your Bloomville Location

4/3/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage can take many forms and cause a wide range of issues. Whether your Bloomville water damage is caused by recent storm damage, a burst pipe, firefighting efforts in dealing with recent fire damage, or any other sources, the results can be the same: extreme property damage that can disrupt your daily life.

When your Bloomville location experiences water damage, such damage can affect your structure, cause unhealthy conditions due to mold or mildew, create unsightly issues such as peeling paint and warped wood, and much more. 

What Does The SERVPRO Water Damage Recovery Process Look Like?

Our water damage recovery process begins when you contact us for assistance. Check out our process from the very start:

  • ONE HOUR: Within one hour from notice of loss, a SERVPRO® Franchise Professional will contact you to arrange for service. You’ll know help is on the way! 
  • FOUR HOURS: Within four hours of loss notification, a SERVPRO Franchise Professional will be on-site to start mitigation services. The key to reducing damage and saving money is responding quickly to your damage. 
  • DETAILED EXPLANATION: A trained, uniformed, and equipped SERVPRO Franchise Professional will walk you through the job process step-by-step, explaining what to expect and the anticipated outcome. 
  • EIGHT HOURS: Within eight business hours of on-site arrival, the appropriate person, usually your adjuster or property manager, will receive a verbal briefing of the scope. 
  • PRETESTING: A SERVPRO Franchise Professional will begin pretesting to determine what can be restored, working from the source of the damage outward. 
  • CLEANING & RESTORATION: SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals will work neatly and efficiently to help you regain control of your property when a damaging event has taken over. They will use state-of-the-art restoration techniques to ensure your property is handled right the first time. 
  • FINAL WALK-THROUGH: After completing the work, we conduct a final walk-through with you to help ensure your satisfaction.

At SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we offer extensive water damage restoration services to area homes and business owners. Our top priority is getting you back to your pre-damage state immediately!

Why Should I Call SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties To Help Me Recover From Water Damage?

The SERVPRO team is ready to assist you with water damage to your Bloomville home or business any time of the day or night:

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you with emergencies. In addition to our water damage services, we can assist your recovery from storm damage, mold infestations, odor removal and deodorization, and much more. Call us at (419) 443 1790 to learn more about our home and commercial restoration processes.

Surviving the Unexpected: A Guide to New London Business Disaster Preparedness

3/27/2024 (Permalink)

Uncertainties are inevitable in the dynamic world of business. From natural disasters to global crises and economic downturns, unexpected events can disrupt operations and pose significant challenges to organizations. 

To successfully navigate these challenges, you must prioritize disaster preparedness for your New London business. This guide will explore the key aspects of business disaster preparedness and provide actionable steps for organizations to survive and thrive in the face of the unexpected.

What Are Key Aspects Of Disaster Preparedness For My New London Business?

Here are some actionable steps for you to keep your New London business operational even when disaster strikes:

  • Risk Assessment. The first step in disaster preparedness is conducting a thorough risk assessment. Identify potential risks your business may face, including natural disasters, supply chain disruptions, cybersecurity threats, and financial downturns. Understanding the risks effectively tailors your preparedness plan to address these challenges.
  • Business Continuity Plan. A robust business continuity plan ensures your organization can continue operations after a disaster. This plan should outline critical business functions, designate key personnel responsible for each function, and establish alternative strategies for continued operation. Regularly review and update your plan to reflect any changes in the business environment.
  • Emergency Response Team. Assemble an emergency response team comprising individuals with diverse skills and expertise. This team should be equipped to iplay a crucial role in implementing the business continuity plan, coordinating communication, and ensuring the safety of employees. Plan and conduct regular drills and training sessions to prepare the team for various scenarios.
  • Communication Strategies. Effective communication is paramount during a crisis. Establish clear communication channels both internally and externally to keep your employees, stakeholders, and customers informed about a disaster situation, the steps being taken, and any changes in operations. Utilize various communication tools, including social media, email, and traditional media outlets.
  • Data Backup and Cybersecurity. In the digital age, protecting your organization's data is critical. Implement robust data backup systems to ensure that essential information is not lost during a cyber attack or system failure. Regularly update and test your cybersecurity measures to guard against evolving threats.
  • Financial Resilience. Maintain financial resilience by establishing emergency funds and exploring insurance options that cover a range of potential risks. Diversify revenue streams and regularly assess your organization's financial health to identify areas for improvement.
  • Collaborate with Local Authorities. Build relationships with local emergency response agencies and authorities. Understanding the resources available and establishing collaborative efforts will enhance your organization's ability to respond effectively to disasters.

Business disaster preparedness is not just a proactive measure but a necessity in today's uncertain world. By investing time and resources in assessing risks, developing comprehensive plans, and cultivating a culture of preparedness, organizations can significantly improve their chances of surviving and thriving in the face of unexpected threats. Embrace preparedness as a fundamental aspect of your strategy to ensure long-term success and resilience for your New London business.

Rising from the Ashes: A Guide to Bellevue Fire Damage Restoration

3/20/2024 (Permalink)

The road to recovery may seem long and daunting after a devastating fire. The emotional toll and physical damage left behind can be overwhelming, but it's essential to remember that hope and help are available. 

Today, we're providing a comprehensive overview of the steps involved in fire damage restoration, offering valuable insights to assist you in rebuilding your life and property.

How Do I Recover From The Devastation Of Fire?

Recovering from fire damage to your Bellevue residence or commercial property can be difficult. Here's how you can begin:

  • Assessing the Damage. The first crucial step in the restoration process is evaluating the extent of the damage. Work closely with insurance professionals and fire investigators to understand the scope of the destruction. Document the damage thoroughly, which will be crucial when filing insurance claims.
  • Safety First. Before embarking on restoration efforts, ensure the property is safe to enter. Obtain clearance from local authorities and professionals to avoid potential hazards. This may involve checking for structural damage, electrical issues, and other safety concerns.
  • Securing the Property. Secure your property to prevent further damage from weather elements or potential intruders. Board up windows, cover damaged roofs, and take necessary precautions to protect the space until complete restoration begins.
  • Working with Professionals. Collaborate with experienced fire damage restoration professionals specializing in restoring properties after fire incidents. These experts can assess the damage, create a comprehensive restoration plan, and ensure it is executed efficiently, ensuring a smoother recovery process.
  • Cleaning and Debris Removal. Once the property is deemed safe, the cleaning and debris removal process can begin; this involves removing charred remnants, debris, and any hazardous materials. Thorough cleaning is essential to eliminate smoke and soot residues that can cause long-term damage.
  • Structural Repairs. Addressing structural damage is a critical aspect of the restoration process. Work with contractors to assess and repair damaged walls, roofs, and other structural components. Reinforce weakened areas to ensure the safety and stability of the building.
  • Odor Elimination. Lingering smoke odors can persist even after visible damage is addressed. Employ specialized techniques such as ozone treatments or thermal fogging to eliminate unpleasant odors and improve indoor air quality.
  • Restoring Personal Belongings. Salvaging and restoring personal belongings is often an emotional aspect of the recovery process. Work with content cleaning and restoration professionals like SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to salvage as many items as possible.
  • Rebuilding and Redesigning. As the property is restored to a structurally sound state, consider redesigning and rebuilding with fire-resistant materials and safety features; this is an opportunity to create a safer and more resilient living or working space.

How Can I Get In Touch With The Fire Restoration Professionals In My Area?

Contact SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties:

  • 419.443.1790
  • Online
  • Via email Sp9983@att.net

Recovering from fire damage is challenging, but it is possible to rise from the ashes with the proper guidance and support. Following this comprehensive guide to fire damage restoration will help you to take the necessary steps to rebuild your life and property, fostering resilience and creating a safer future. Remember, you're not alone in this journey – professionals, communities, and resources at SERVPRO are here to help you every step of the way!

We are proud to be able to serve Bellevue and the surrounding areas and to ensure that area customers are satisfied with our services. You can read some testimonials from some of our satisfied customers here. In addition to fire damage restoration, we handle water damage, mold remediation, and much more.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Safeguarding Your Tiffin Business: 8 Renovation Tips That Shield Your Company Against Water Damage

3/13/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage can significantly threaten businesses, causing structural issues, disrupting operations, and leading to financial losses. Investing in strategic renovations is crucial to protecting your business from water-related disasters. 

Today's blog explores practical business renovations that can shield your establishment against water damage.

What Are 8 Steps To Protect Your Tiffin Business From Water Damage?

These six renovation recommendations will go a long way to guarding against water damage at your business location:

  1. Roofing Upgrades. One of the primary sources of water damage is a compromised roof. Regularly inspect and upgrade your roofing system to ensure it remains watertight. Consider investing in durable materials and technologies, such as waterproof membranes, to create an effective barrier against leaks.
  2. Proper Drainage Systems. Adequate drainage is essential for preventing water buildup around your business premises. Install or upgrade gutter systems, downspouts, and drainage channels to direct rainwater away from the building. Implementing proper grading around the foundation can also help prevent water from pooling.
  3. Waterproofing Basements and Foundations. Basements and foundations are vulnerable areas when it comes to water damage. Apply waterproof coatings to basement walls and foundation surfaces to create a barrier against groundwater infiltration. Installing a sump pump can also be an effective measure to prevent basement flooding.
  4. Window and Door Seals. Ensure that your windows and doors are correctly sealed to prevent water from entering your business. Inspect and replace weather stripping regularly to maintain a tight seal. Consider installing impact-resistant windows to protect against extreme weather events.
  5. Plumbing System Maintenance. Leaks in the plumbing system can lead to significant water damage over time. Regularly inspect pipes, faucets, and water fixtures for any signs of leaks. Upgrade plumbing systems to include leak detection devices that provide early warnings and prevent water damage incidents.
  6. Elevate Electrical Systems. In the event of flooding, electrical systems are at high risk of damage, posing safety and operational concerns. Elevate electrical panels and wiring above potential flood levels. This simple yet effective renovation can protect your business from electrical malfunctions due to water exposure.
  7. Regular Inspections and Maintenance. Prevention is critical to avoiding water damage. Institute a routine maintenance and inspection schedule for your business premises; this includes checking for roof damage, clearing gutters, inspecting the plumbing system, and promptly addressing any signs of wear or degradation.
  8. Emergency Response Plan. Even with the best renovations, having a comprehensive emergency response plan is essential. Train your staff on proper procedures to handle water-related emergencies, and keep critical contact information for water damage restoration services readily available.

Investing in renovations that shield against water damage is a proactive and wise strategy for any business. By addressing potential vulnerabilities and implementing preventive measures, you protect your property and ensure the continuity of your operations. Regular maintenance, inspections, and a well-thought-out emergency response plan can contribute to a resilient and water-resistant business environment.

Why Should I Call SERVPRO For Help With Commercial Water Damage?

We do it all. No matter what disaster you face during the holidays - or any other time of year - we can handle it.

The SERVPRO team of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a trusted leader in the mold and disaster restoration industry, and our highly-trained technicians are dedicated to responding quickly to any disaster, such as fire damage or water damage, and mold remediation is one of our specialties. 

We provide 24-hour emergency service and have the training and expertise that comes with the SERVPRO name to handle all your restoration and cleaning projects, large or small, throughout the greater Tiffin area and East Seneca Counties! SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is strategically positioned to be "Faster to Any Size Disaster" and will help you recover your Tiffin home or business as soon as possible!

The team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties stands by to help in any way we can, 24 hours a day and seven days a week. In addition to helping you manage your Tiffin commercial water damage and storm damage, we also offer restoration assistance with fire damage, mold remediation, and much more. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

Winter Mold Prevention Guide: Keeping Your Willard Home Healthy and Mold-Free

2/28/2024 (Permalink)

As winter blankets the world in a layer of frost, homeowners revel in the coziness of the season. However, with the drop in temperature, the risk of mold growth in homes increases, so you can’t let down your guard. 

Mold poses a threat to the health of your loved ones and the structural integrity of your property. This Winter Mold Prevention Guide will explore practical tips to help you keep your Willard healthy and mold-free during the colder months.

What Are SERVPRO's Top Recommendations For Keeping My Willard Home Mold-Free?

As mold remediation experts, we know a lot about mold infestation management. We're also well-versed in how to prevent mold in the first place! Here are some of our top recommendations for protecting your Willard home:

  • Maintain Optimal Indoor Humidity Levels. During winter, indoor humidity levels can rise due to activities like cooking, showering, and using heating systems. Aim to keep indoor humidity between 30-50% to prevent mold growth. Using a dehumidifier to regulate moisture levels in damp areas, such as basements and bathrooms, can be very helpful.
  • Ventilate Your Home. Use exhaust fans in your bathrooms and kitchen to ensure your home is well-ventilated; proper ventilation is crucial in preventing mold growth. Additionally, open windows periodically to allow fresh air to circulate, helping to reduce humidity and expel stale air.
  • Insulate and Seal Gaps. Have your home inspected for gaps, cracks, and leaks that may allow moisture to enter. Proper insulation helps regulate indoor temperature and prevents condensation, reducing the risk of mold. You'll want to seal gaps around windows, doors, and pipes with weatherstripping or caulking to keep cold air out.
  • Monitor Indoor Temperature. Maintain a consistent indoor temperature to prevent condensation, a common precursor to mold growth. While it's tempting to lower the thermostat to save energy, keep the temperature relatively stable to minimize temperature fluctuations that lead to moisture buildup.
  • Clean and Dry Wet Areas Promptly. If you notice any water leaks, spills, or dampness, address them promptly. Clean and dry affected areas within 48 hours to prevent mold from taking hold. Pay special attention to moisture-prone areas like the kitchen, bathroom, and basement.
  • Use Mold-Resistant Products. Consider using mold-resistant materials in areas susceptible to mold growth, such as drywall and insulation. Mold-resistant paint can also be applied to walls to create an additional barrier against mold.
  • Inspect and Maintain HVAC Systems. Have your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems regularly inspected and maintained. Replace filters as recommended and ensure the system functions efficiently to prevent mold spores' circulation.

Why Should I Call SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties For Help With Mold?

Winter is a time for warmth and comfort, but it's also to be vigilant against mold growth during this time of year. By following these practical tips in our Winter Mold Prevention Guide, you can create a healthier and mold-free home environment, ensuring that your winter season remains cozy and safe for you and your loved ones.

If you experience a mold infestation at your Willard location, your best bet is to contact SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, and here's why:

We're always ready to help in any disaster, including mold remediation, and you can also count on us for disaster restoration services for storm, water, and fire damage.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties:

Contact us today for help with your Willard home or property! We are trusted restoration industry leaders.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

Protect Your Haven: Securing Your Norwalk Hotel Against Storm Damage

2/22/2024 (Permalink)

Extreme weather events can't be predicted, so it's wise to be ready for whatever comes. For hotel owners and managers, preparing for the worst is a precautionary measure and a necessity. 

Storm damage can be devastating, causing disruptions to operations, compromising guest safety, and impacting your bottom line. This blog post will explore essential strategies to secure your hotel against storm damage, ensuring your guests' safety and your business's resilience.

How Do I Protect My Norwalk Hotel From Storm Damage?

Securing your hotel against storm damage requires a comprehensive and proactive approach. By conducting risk assessments, developing emergency plans, and investing in structural improvements, you protect your property and prioritize your guests' and staff's safety and well-being. Stay vigilant, stay prepared, and turn your hotel into a haven that can weather any storm.

Here is a list of steps you can take to prepare your Norwalk hotel for damage from storms and violent weather:

  • Conduct a Risk Assessment. Start by assessing the specific risks your hotel faces based on its location. Consider the likelihood of hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, or other severe weather events. Understanding the risks unique to your area will help you tailor your preparedness efforts effectively.
  • Develop a Comprehensive Emergency Plan. Create an emergency plan that outlines specific procedures for different types of storms. Include evacuation routes, designated safe areas within the hotel, and communication protocols. Ensure all staff members are well-trained and regularly updated on the emergency procedures.
  • Invest in Structural Improvements. Evaluate your hotel's structural integrity and invest in improvements that withstand severe weather conditions, including reinforcing windows, doors, and roofs and securing loose items outdoors that could become projectiles in high winds.
  • Install Storm Shutters and Impact-Resistant Windows. Installing storm shutters or impact-resistant windows will help to protect your property against high winds and flying debris. These measures not only enhance the safety of your guests but also minimize the risk of property damage.
  • Secure Outdoor Furniture and Equipment. Loose outdoor furniture and equipment can turn into dangerous projectiles during the high winds of a storm, causing damage to your property and posing a threat to guests and staff. Develop a plan to secure or relocate these items before a storm hits.
  • Implement Robust Communication Systems. Establish reliable communication systems to inform guests and staff during a storm. Ensure that everyone knows emergency contact numbers, evacuation routes, and the location of safe areas within the hotel.
  • Backup Power Systems. Invest in backup power systems to ensure that essential operations can continue during power outages. This step is crucial for maintaining security systems, communication infrastructure, and basic amenities for guests.
  • Collaborate with Local Authorities. Build strong relationships with local emergency services and authorities. Understanding their procedures and having open lines of communication can be invaluable in times of crisis.

Why Is SERVPRO My First Choice In Commercial Storm Damage?

We are specialists in storm damage restoration. If the worst happens, call us at (419) 443 1790. We will be on-site at your location immediately with all the most advanced technology in the business to get you back to normal. 

A quick response is crucial in the management of flooding and storm damage, ensuring reduced restoration costs and secondary damage. Storms don't wait for regular business hours, and neither do we! Our technicians will respond immediately to help Norwalk business owners and residents, 7 days a week - including holidays!

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties:

The professionals here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are always available in case of damage to your Norwalk commercial location from a major storm and water, mold, or fire damage. We are faster to disasters of all sizes! Call us at (419) 443 1790 for assistance at any time.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Are Some Effective Methods For Maintaining My HVAC Unit?

2/14/2024 (Permalink)

Cold weather here in Attica will be over soon, and it won’t be long before you’ll need to start preparing for summertime! Your HVAC unit has worked hard all winter, so some care and maintenance will be required to prepare it for warmer weather. 

How Do I Get My HVAC Unit Ready For Warmer Weather?

Here are some effective methods to help you get your HVAC unit ready for warmer weather:

  • Air Filters. Checking your air filter during heavy use is vital to properly operating your HVAC system. It should be inspected every month and may need to be replaced even sooner than the recommended 3-month mark when use is heavy. Make sure you have the proper replacement handy. 
  • Air Return Grills. Registers and air return grilles in your home or business must be maintained to ensure they haven’t become blocked or shut; this will restrict airflow throughout your HVAC systems and negatively affect performance.
  • Outdoor Cooling Equipment. Have your cooling equipment outdoors inspected. Trim vegetation that has grown up around these units to allow for easy maintenance and airflow. Ensure the area around your HVAC is clear of obstructions so your professional HVAC technician can access the units. 
  • Drip Pans. Drip pans and condensate drain lines need to remain clear. If these components of your HVAC system become clogged with mold or algae, condensation will not exit your office or business premises. That can cause the cooling system to malfunction or water to back up indoors, causing water damage. Your technician can clear any clogs within the drip pan or condensate drain lines as soon as they find them. Use a wet/dry vacuum to remove water from the drip pan or rags to soak it up, and clean the drip pan using a mild soap. 

Why Should I Trust SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties With My Attica HVAC?

SERVPRO prides itself on our quick turnaround and attention to detail. With SERVPRO, you can expect

The professionals at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties will routinely inspect your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning unit (HVAC). Keeping them clean can extend the life of the equipment; this can save you money and give you cleaner air to breathe.

The benefits of servicing your Attica HVAC unit include the following:

  • It helps to restore peak energy efficiency.
  • It may eliminate offensive odors.
  • It helps reduce the potential for mold growth.

For more information on HVAC and air duct cleaning, call us today at (419) 443-1790. Our other residential cleaning services include water damage restoration, fire damage restoration, storm damage restoration, and so much more!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Do I Keep My Bloomville Home Fire-Safe This Winter?

2/7/2024 (Permalink)

Fires are devastating at any time of year, and every season comes with its challenges. In winter, you’re concerned with staying warm and dry, which means your heating methods should be appropriately handled and maintained to avoid the threat of fire. 

Keep reading for some fire prevention tips that every Bloomville homeowner can use.

How Do I Prevent Fires This Winter At My Bloomville Location?

Practicing fire safety keeps you and your loved ones safe during winter in Bloomville:

  • Only burn appropriate items in your wood-burning fireplace.
  • Never leave a portable heating unit running when no one is in the room, and be sure all units are turned off when leaving the home.
  • Cords for all heating units need to be in good working order; replace any that are frayed or splitting immediately.
  • Ensure outlets aren’t overloaded; this is one of the primary causes of fire in a home. 
  • Anyone who uses the kitchen should be fully aware of cooking safely. Children should be accompanied by an adult when baking or cooking.
  • Christmas tree lights should be turned off when the household is sleeping. Ensure a live tree doesn’t get too dry. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me If I Experience A Fire In My Bloomville Home?

Fire damage is devastating for a family, and feelings of great confusion, loss, and stress are to be expected. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to be your caring expert and guide you through this trying time. You can count on us to always treat your family with the greatest empathy and respect, and we will treat your Monroeville property with great care.

  • We’re dedicated to responding immediately when you need help with fire damage. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces cost.
  • We specialize in fire and water damage restoration, the cornerstone of our business. We have extensive fire damage cleanup and restoration training to restore your property to its original condition.
  • We focus on restoring versus replacing because restoring the affected areas of your property is substantially less costly than demolishing and replacing those areas. Our “restore first” mentality also allows us to get your home or business back to pre-fire condition quicker and with less disruption.

Call us at (419) 443 1790 if the worst happens! Please refer to our Fire Damage Tips - Until Help Arrives Guide and follow the tips to protect yourself and your property while you wait for the SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team to arrive.

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca team is available anytime to help you with fire safety, and we can be onsite immediately if a fire does break out. In addition to fire damage, we handle damage from water, mold, and much more.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Winter Weather In New London: How Can It Damage My Apartment Complex?

1/31/2024 (Permalink)

Your apartment complex can be affected by winter weather in the same way your home would be: ice dams in rain gutters, loosened and missing shingles, cracked walkways and parking areas, erosion in your landscaping, and other issues common to this time of year. 

These damages will affect far more people, of course, when they occur at an apartment complex, and it’s essential to avoid accidents when people from so many different walks of life are involved. Some of your residents are probably older, which means they are more susceptible to the cold and falling, while families with young children have unique concerns about safety.

Staying on top of maintenance issues as they occur will go a long way towards keeping your apartment complex property safe and in good working condition, even in the worst weather. 

How Can I Safeguard The Most Vulnerable Spots At My New London Apartment Location?

To safeguard the most vulnerable areas of your New London apartment complex from winter weather damage, keep an eye on:

  • Roofing
  • HVAC systems
  • Parking
  • Entrances and exits
  • Walkways
  • Low-lying areas
  • Trees and bushes
  • Rain gutters and downspouts
  • Proper sealing of windows and exterior doors

Repair and replace any of these items when you notice a problem to avoid accidents and further costs from ongoing damage. 

Why Is SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties My Go-To Storm Damage Restoration Partner?

We are specialists in storm damage restoration. Call us immediately at (419) 443 1790 if the worst happens! We will be on-site at your New London location right away with all the most advanced technology in the business to get you back to normal. 

A fast response is crucial to flooding and storm damage because it reduces secondary damage and restoration costs. Storms don’t wait for regular business hours, and neither do we. Our technicians will respond immediately, day or night, to help Norwalk business owners and residents.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties:

The professionals here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are always available in case of damage to your Willard home from a significant storm and water, mold, or biological contamination. We are faster to disasters of all sizes! Call us at (419) 443 1790 for assistance any time of the day or night.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Storm-Proofing My Basement: What Do I Need To Know?

1/24/2024 (Permalink)

If you own a Bellevue home with a basement, you may not have considered this area vulnerable to storms. It's underground, after all! 

The reality is that if your basement isn't water-tight, a storm can wreak all kinds of havoc down there. Even if your basement is unfinished and used for laundry or storage, flooding or other weather-related damage can cause costly issues for you. 

What IS storm-proofing? Storm-proofing means taking the safety precautions necessary to protect your home from the damage blizzards and ice storms often cause.

As storm damage restoration experts, the SERVPRO team can recommend helpful prevention so you don't have to worry. Keep reading to learn more!

How Do I Prevent Weather-Related Damage To My Bellevue Basement?

Basements and cellars need to be regularly inspected during wet weather since they have several easy entry points for water. Flooding will always be possible if heavy rainfall occurs during a storm or the building is near a body of water such as a lake or river. Look for cracks in your basement's foundation, ceiling, and walls.

Here are some preventive steps you can take to protect your Bellevue basement from storm damage:

  • Ensure that the basement or cellar area doors and windows are adequately sealed against wet conditions. Entries and stairs are also potential problem areas; ensure they are free of standing water and debris so people don't get hurt.
  • Take steps to ensure that water is drained away from the foundations of your buildings. Standing water in these areas can create weaknesses in walls and foundational elements, eventually allowing water to leak into your basement. 
  • If you use machinery involving water in your basement, ensure you keep these items in good repair. A cracked hose or a malfunctioning pump can release large amounts of water in a short period, and if you don't visit your basement often, you could end up with some issues due to standing water, such as severe corrosion or mold.

How Is SERVPRO Equipped To Handle Storm Damage In Bellevue?

If your basement becomes damaged after a storm and you've done everything you can to mitigate the damage, call us!

  • The SERVPRO team is highly trained in the restoration of water damage, including the odor removal and deodorization steps that shouldn't be ignored post-storm. If you need experienced restoration professionals you can trust, SERVPRO is the company to call!
  • Our advanced technology makes restoration efficient and seamless! From our infrared cameras to industrial-grade dehumidifiers, we'll always come prepared when you call us onto the scene of any emergency.
  • Our 24/7 emergency service ensures we will get you back to normal in record time. Water damage doesn't take long to set in and become mold, so acting quickly is critical! Learn more about our water damage restoration services here

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has over 50 years of experience handling storm damage cleanup and restoration. We provide anything from the subsequent mold damage post-flood to odor removal and carpet cleaning services after a storm. 

SERVPRO offers the comfort of working with a locally owned and operated company with residential storm damage and commercial storm damage resources you can only find within a nationally renowned franchise. If you need us to mitigate storm damage and conduct the post-flood cleanup process, contact us at (419) 443-1790. SERVPRO is here for Bellevue residents this winter storm season! 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Can SERVPRO Do For Your Tiffin Property?

1/17/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is locally owned and operated and strategically located in the greater Tiffin area to help remediate damage in the East Seneca Counties. We are your neighbors, and we care about your safety and well-being! 

You may be wondering what we do to help our Tiffin community, so today, we’re sharing information about our team and our services. 

What Types Of Disaster Restoration Services Does SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Offer?

We offer restoration services for your Tiffin home, including:

We also offer restoration services for your Tiffin business, such as:

Why Should I Trust SERVPRO With Disaster Recovery?

The SERVPRO team of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a trusted leader in the mold and disaster restoration industry, and our highly-trained technicians are dedicated to responding quickly to any disaster, such as fire damage or water damage, and mold remediation is one of our specialties. We provide 24-hour emergency service and have the training and expertise that comes with the SERVPRO name to handle all your restoration and cleaning projects, large or small, throughout the greater Tiffin area and East Seneca Counties! SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is strategically positioned to be “Faster to Any Size Disaster” and will help you recover your Tiffin home or business as soon as possible!

With SERVPRO, you can expect:

Our team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you with damages and disasters of all kinds and sizes. We are close by and ready to respond immediately when you need cleaning or restoration services. 

We’re also part of a national network of over 2180 Franchises, which allows us to respond quicker with more resources. For major storms and disasters, we can call upon special Disaster Recovery Teams for additional resources.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Why Should I Make Cleaning Resolutions For My Norwalk Commercial Property This New Year?

1/10/2024 (Permalink)

We all make New Year’s resolutions. A brand new year is the perfect time to clean the slate, do away with bad habits, and form new ones. 

As a successful business owner in Norwalk, you’re always thinking about ways to make your enterprise better. From finances to cleaning, every aspect of running a business is essential. One fantastic New Year’s resolution you can make is to get - and keep - your Norwalk business spotless!

Let’s discuss commercial cleaning for your organization to get you off to a fresh start in 2024. 

Should I Consider Professional Cleaning Services For My Norwalk Business?

We recommend professional cleaning services for any business in 2024, and here are some reasons why:

  • Deep cleaning any building is time-consuming, and depending on the type of business you own, it can require specialized equipment and products.  Having your commercial location professionally cleaned regularly frees you and your staff up to do what you do best! 
  • A professional cleaning company can ensure that your environment is adequately sanitized ahead of flu season and other seasonal illnesses - you’ll save money by lowering the number of call-outs and lessening productivity that often results when your staff gets sick.
  • The condition of your commercial business tells your story to anyone who goes by or enters your building. If your environment is less-than-pristine, it says something about how you do business; a prospective client may decide that if you don’t care about your own property, you probably won’t care about their concerns, either. However, a well-cared-for workspace tells people that you pay attention to detail and care about your customers and workforce. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Keep My Norwalk Business Property Clean, Neat, Tidy - And Healthy?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers cleaning services ranging from cleaning restaurant hoods to removing biohazard contaminants. We have the specialized training and products to get your property back to business. Our cleaning services include the following:

We also offer the Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned service, created to keep your Norwalk business location as clean and healthy as possible. 

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, our defensive pathogen cleaning program, goes beyond standard janitorial cleaning practices; this is proactive viral pathogen cleaning. With over 50 years of experience in biochemical spill remediation and decontamination, you can trust the SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties professionals to bring a higher standard of cleanliness to the places we gather.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a team of industry professionals who maintain high-quality standards in every area. Our technicians are highly trained and certified. In areas ranging from commercial property cleaning to document restoration, you can be assured that you are getting the best in the business when you work with us. We handle crime and trauma scenes, biohazards, sewage spills, contamination, mold remediation, and more. 

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Clean! 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Preparing For Winter Fire Damage: What Do I Need To Know?

1/3/2024 (Permalink)

You may not think of fire damage at your Willard location as a priority concern during the winter months. The hot, dry weather of late summer or the extreme storm activity with its accompanying lightning in the spring will come to mind first when talking about fire danger. 

The reality is quite different, however. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) says there are over 353,000 home structure fires each year in the US; this results in an average fatality count of about 2,620 annually. In addition, there are over 11,000 civilian injuries each year due to house fires, with about $7.2 billion in damage.

With these statistics in mind, you can see that it’s a wise choice to practice fire prevention during the winter!

What Are Some Essential Suggestions For Fire Safety At My Willard Home This Winter?

As always, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has some helpful suggestions to keep you safe from fires during the winter months!

  •  Space heaters may keep you warm and cozy as the temperature dips, but they also dramatically increase the risk of fire in your home. It would be best if you never left a space heater unattended. You must also position these heaters to have at least three feet of space between every object. Lastly, these heaters should be plugged directly into a wall rather than a power strip.
  • Winter is also when more people rely on generators if the power goes out. Although these generators can be a lifesaver when you are without power, it is essential that you take care when using them. Portable generators should only be used outside. They must also be kept at least 20 feet from buildings or other structures.
  • Being alert in the kitchen is vital at any time of the year, particularly over the holidays when you may have many things going simultaneously. Many fires start when people use fryers to cook Thanksgiving turkeys. You need to use these devices outside and never insert a frozen turkey into them, as this raises the risk of fire.

These are just three ways to practice fire safety during the colder months. Visit the FEMA website for even more helpful information.

If A Fire Occurs, How Does SERVPRO Help Homeowners Recover?

If a fire occurs in your Willard home, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help. 

No matter the circumstances, fire damage is devastating for a family or business, and feelings of great confusion, loss, and stress are entirely to be expected. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is your caring expert to guide you through this trying time. You can count on us to always treat your family with the greatest empathy and respect, and we will treat your property with great care.

Please refer to our Fire Damage Tips - Until Help Arrives Guide and follow these tips to protect yourself and your property while waiting for the SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team.

Every fire damage situation is a little different and requires a unique solution, but the general process stays the same. When various materials burn, the soot they create differs significantly and requires a specific cleaning procedure. 

The steps listed below illustrate our process for the “typical” fire damage restoration. 

  1. Emergency Contact
  2. Inspection and Fire Damage Assessment
  3. Immediate Board-Up and Roof-Tarp Service (if needed)
  4. Water Removal and Drying (if water damage is present)
  5. Removal of Smoke and Soot from All Surfaces
  6. Cleaning and Repair
  7. Restoration

Follow this link to learn more about our fire damage restoration process.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you if your Willard home suffers damage from a fire. In addition to fire damage, we handle water damageodor removal, and much more. If you are a Willard-area business owner, you’ll find helpful information about our commercial fire restoration services here.

Contact us immediately in an emergency; we can be at your location immediately to get you started on your recovery process. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Preventing Frozen Pipes: How Do I Winter-Proof My Attica Plumbing?

12/27/2023 (Permalink)

Freezing temperatures are here! Every Attica home and business owner is thinking about winter-proofing their property, and plumbing is one of the most essential things to protect. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself with burst pipes and flooding. All it takes is one cold snap to unleash destruction in your house. It’s one of the most common causes of property damage!

Don’t worry - there are ways to prevent frozen pipes, and we have some great prevention tips for you today. Keep reading to learn more.

What Do I Need To Know About Frozen Pipes?

Below, you will find information about frozen pipes and the damage they can do. 

  • When water freezes, it expands in volume and with tremendous force. The pressure inside frozen pipes may go from 40 pounds per square inch (psi) to 40,000; lines cannot hold that much pressure, so they break.
  • The burst pipe can occur where the ice forms, but often, it happens where water pressure finds a weak spot, which may be inches or even feet from the frozen area.
  • A burst pipe can send a flood of water into your home, affecting your basement and other areas, causing damage to your structure and other serious issues that are costly to repair. It can also result in problems you can't see, like an infestation of mold.
  • Pipes that run through the unheated parts of your home, such as the basement or garage, and pipes in exterior walls are the most vulnerable to freezing. When pipes are exposed to the elements, like evaporative cooler supply lines, hose bibs, sprinkler lines, and others, they are also susceptible to freezing.

What Are Some Helpful Tips I Can Use To Prevent Frozen Pipes?

You can use these top tips to help you winter-proof your Attica plumbing:

  • Drain your poll and sprinklers before winter arrives. 
  • Disconnect garden hoses from outdoor faucets - and remember that even frostproof outdoor faucets can burst if the hose stays connected. Turn off supply lines to hose bibs inside the house and let any remaining water drain from the pipes leading to your outdoor faucets.
  • Ensure your evaporative cooler is drained, turn off the water supply, and disconnect it for the season.
  • Turn up the heat!
  • Use space heaters and fans to blow heat into cold rooms.
  • Open cabinet and vanity doors to allow any warm air to reach pipes under your sinks. If you have exposed pipes inside your pantries or closets, leave those doors open, as well. 
  • Keep your garage door shut.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can be onsite at your Attica home immediately to help with any emergency you have experienced. In addition to water damage, we handle fire damage, mold infestations, odor removal and deodorization, and much more. Call us at (419) 443-1790 or contact us via our website for help with winter-related damage.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Do I Do If A Pipe Bursts At My Bloomville Business?

12/20/2023 (Permalink)

As a business owner, you have to expect the unexpected. Supply chain issues arise, workforce problems - such as illness or conflict - can happen anytime, and mechanical failures are all in a day's work. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we're equipped and ready to help you with disasters any time of the day or night

So, what do you do if a pipe bursts at your business location, for example? Call us at (419) 443 1790! While you're waiting, there are some proactive steps you can take to protect your premises - keep reading to learn more.

What Are Some Proactive Steps I Can Take To Protect My Bloomville Commercial Location?

When a pipe bursts and you're faced with flooding, there are some steps you should take right away to protect your property:

  • If a pipe bursts, go to your main water valve and shut the water flow off immediately.
  • Turn off the electrical system before you start cleaning up any water.  Call an electrician if water is blocking your path to the breaker box; never wade in water where electricity is live.
  • Drain the remaining water from the system and relieve pressure by turning on sink faucets; this prevents further damage.
  • Toxic mold can be even worse than property damage, so clean up standing water to prevent mold from forming in the ceiling, walls, and floors.
  • Start the cleanup process yourself using industrial-sized blowers and dehumidifiers. If there's a lot of water, it's recommended that you contact a water removal company, like SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, certified by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC).
  • Documenting the broken pipe, water damage, and anything that needs repairs due to the burst pipe is always a good idea. Take photos and keep notes of any communication with your insurer and restoration specialists. (NOTE: SERVPRO can help manage the insurance paperwork and process for a stress-free claims process. Contact us for details.)

Why Should I Partner With SERVPRO When Disaster Strikes At My Bloomville Business?

Our commercial water damage restoration services are second to none! 

There is never a convenient time for flooding or water damage to strike; this is particularly true if you are a business owner. You lose money every day that you cannot serve your customers. Each hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity, which is every business owner's worst nightmare. 

In addition to commercial water damage restoration, we manage the following:

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can be onsite immediately at your Bloomville commercial business location to begin your water damage restoration project!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are 4 Top Tips To Prevent Mold At My New London Hotel Property?

12/13/2023 (Permalink)

Preventing mold at your property will involve the same basic practices used in any building, anywhere. Mold is everywhere in the air and on various surfaces, from wood and laminate to textiles and drywall.

Many building materials provide the nutrients that encourage mold growth and expansion! These materials can include: wet cellulose materials (like paper and paper products), cardboard, ceiling tiles, wood, and wood products. Other materials - dust, paints, wallpaper, insulation, drywall, carpet, fabric, and upholstery, commonly support mold growth, too.

When protecting your New London from mold, there are some things you can do to prevent an infestation. Keep reading for the top 4!

What Are 4 Mold-Prevention Best Practices For My Hotel?

We’ve compiled a list of 4 best practices for preventing mold in your hotel or any other location: 

  1. Keep your premises clean and dry. Avoid carpeting in areas that may become wet, such as kitchens and bathrooms.
  2. Fix water problems like roof leaks, wet basements, and leaking pipes or faucets immediately.
  3. Ensure hotel rooms and common areas are well-ventilated, and always install and employ ventilation fans in bathrooms and kitchens.
  4. Keep humidity below 50 percent by using an air conditioner or dehumidifier.

Why Is SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties A Trusted Partner In Mold Remediation?

Besides causing a significant business interruption, a mold problem can present a serious health risk for people exposed to your hotel or commercial property. Minor water intrusions, like a slow roof leak or loose plumbing fitting, can cause mold infestations. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. If you suspect your New London property has a mold problem, call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, who will respond quickly and work fast to manage the situation.

Every mold damage scenario is unique and requires the appropriate solution. However, our general procedure stays the same. Our mold remediation process begins the moment you call us!

  • Call Our Emergency Contact Number - (419) 443-1790

If you suspect your hotel is experiencing mold growth, contact SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties immediately. Our team of qualified and highly trained professionals will assess your property and use our specialized equipment to remediate your mold infestation and restore your New London home or business.

Besides mold remediation, we handle many other types of disasters of all sizes, including damage from fire and water, and we are commercial restoration experts!

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Do I Safeguard My Bellevue Home From Winter Fire Hazards?

12/6/2023 (Permalink)

During the cold of winter, homeowners use many methods to keep warm - from fireplaces and potbelly stoves to HVAC systems and space heaters. They vary in efficiency, of course, and some are more cost-effective than others, but you'll find them in homes across the Bellevue area.

No matter which heating system you choose, it must be used correctly to avoid becoming a fire hazard! 

Keep reading to learn more about safeguarding your Bellevue home from winter fire hazards.

How Do I Ensure That I Am Safely Heating My Bellevue Home?

Here is some crucial information concerning safely operating heating systems in your Bellevue home:

  • Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas created by fuels such as gasoline, wood, coal, or propane that don't burn completely. Cooking and heating equipment that burn fuel are potential sources of carbon monoxide poisoning in the home, and carbon monoxide incidents in residential properties are more common during winter. 
  • Electrical fires are a leading cause of house fires in the U.S.; almost half of all home electrical fires involve electrical distribution or lighting equipment. In contrast, nearly half involve other known types of equipment like washer or dryer fans or portable/stationary space heaters.
  • Keep flammable items, such as your woodstove, furnace, fireplace, or portable heater, at least three feet away from heating equipment.
  • Have your chimneys and heating equipment regularly cleaned and inspected annually by a qualified professional.
  • Always turn portable heaters off when leaving the room or going to bed.
  • While a wood stove is operating, all persons, especially young children, should be alerted to the hazards of high surface temperatures and kept at least three feet away to avoid burns or clothing ignition. Small children should be carefully supervised in the same room with the stove. 14. Keep the stove area clear and free of all combustible materials, such as gasoline and other flammable vapors and liquids. 

What Do I Do If A Fire Occurs At My Bellevue Property?

Of course, you know to call emergency services in case of fire. After the fire is extinguished, the clean-up from the fire damage begins.

After any fire damage situation, your primary focus should be safety first:

  • Is it safe to stay in the house?
  • Electrical and "slip and fall" hazards are some of the most prevalent concerns.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.
  • Wet materials can be VERY heavy. Be careful!

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties will be onsite immediately to help you recover from a fire. Check out our fire brochure and fire damage tips for more information.

We also handle water damage, mold remediation, odor removal, and more!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What’s The Cold Truth About Winter Storm Damage To Your Tiffin Property?

11/29/2023 (Permalink)

Wintertime in the Tiffiin area brings an average of 2 - 3 feet of snow yearly, as well as sleet, ice, and rain, and our temperatures can reach lows of 18 degrees Fahrenheit. Weather conditions like these can cause damage to your home or business. 

The cold truth about winter storm damage to your Tiffin property is that if you're not prepared for it, that damage can be worse than it needs to be!

What Types Of Damage Can Winter Weather Conditions Do To My Tiffin Home Or Business?

Here are some of the ways winter weather conditions can damage your home or business:

  • Ice dams are one important way snow and ice can damage your home. With clogged gutters, melted water from the snow on your roof has no avenue of escape. Instead of running down the drains and away from your house, that water will back up under the roof and refreeze, creating an ice dam. Ice dams can cause water damage, mold growth, and rot when they melt.
  • As heavy snow accumulates on your roof, its weight can cause damage to the structural framing supporting the rooftop.
  • External plumbing and faucets in unheated areas, such as your crawlspace or garage - have the highest risk of freezing and bursting.
  • If trees are growing too near the power lines by your home, snow-laden branches could pose a problem. Heavy branches can droop and end up scratching your windows and siding; they may even cause dents or add too much weight to your roof.

How Can I Prevent The Worst Winter Weather Damage?

With proper preparation, you can prevent the worst of the winter weather damage. Here are a few examples of pre-emptive steps you can take:

  • Clean your gutters before the first frost and ensure your attic is adequately insulated to prevent ice dams; a cold attic will prevent the snow from melting. You can also use a roof rake to remove excess snow and apply heat cables in autumn if your home is prone to ice damming.
  • Clear your gutters before your first snow, and use a roof rake to relieve the pressure. Replace missing or damaged shingles and check for deteriorated flashing around your chimney, walls, skylights, and vent pipes. Use roofing cement and a caulking gun to seal joints.
  • Applying heat tape and insulation will help to prevent frozen pipes, and you can keep faucets at a trickle to avoid pressure build-up. Turning off your water if you go out of town is also wise.
  • Before snow and ice accumulate, trim branches away from the house and power lines. Brush fresh snow off branches if you're concerned about damaging the tree by trimming when it's already frozen solid.

Repairing winter weather damage can be challenging. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we manage all kinds of damage to your Tiffin home so you can get back to normal as soon as possible.

We're to help you handle storm damage restoration, water damage, and mold remediation and prevention.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Why Is SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties My Best Choice For Commercial Restoration?

11/22/2023 (Permalink)

If you own a business in the Huron and East Seneca area, consider the systems and processes you have in place to get your business back up and running if disaster strikes. In the commercial industry, damaging events such as flooding or fire can take significant time and effort to clean up and remediate. 

Cleaning and restoring commercial properties like your Norwalk location requires a unique blend of training, experience, and equipment, and SERVPRO has the resources and expertise to give you excellent results while minimizing the disruption to your clients. We can help make it “Like it never even happened!”

What Types Of Commercial Locations Does SERVPRO Handle?

We’re equipped to manage disasters at all different types and sizes of commercial enterprises, including:

  • Small Office Buildings
  • Large Office/High-Rise Office Buildings
  • Apartment Buildings
  • Restaurants
  • Hotel/Motels
  • Small Retail Stores
  • Large Retail/Big-Box Stores
  • High-Rise Residential
  • Manufacturing & Industrial
  • Government/Military

Why Should I Choose SERVPRO If I Experience A Disaster At My Norwalk Commercial Location?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is available 24 hours daily to restore your Norwalk property and get you back to business. We have the expertise, equipment, and highly trained personnel to handle your commercial water, fire, or mold damage. We can also access the resources of our national network of 2160 Franchises to manage large commercial projects and major storm events. Learn more about our commercial restoration services:

Contact us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to learn how we can help you keep your Norwalk commercial business in tip-top shape!

Our highly-trained team uses advanced technology and offers fast, 24-hour service.

We’re also disaster mitigation experts. The SERVPRO Commercial Large Loss Division is composed of our best of the best in restoration. Our elite large-loss specialists are pre-qualified and strategically positioned throughout the United States to handle any size disaster. A commercial operations manager supervises every large-loss project to help ensure seamless communication and timely mitigation. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Is SERVPRO’s Approach To Water Removal And Extraction?

11/15/2023 (Permalink)

Flooding at work or home can create severe problems and be very costly. If the water is not removed immediately, weakened structures, rotting materials, or a mold infestation can be the end result. 

If you experience flooding in your Willard home or business, you want to know who to call to handle the aftermath! A water damage restoration company needs to know exactly what to do so you can get your premises back to normal - as if it had never happened. 

At SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we've got you covered regarding water damage restoration

How Does SERVPRO Handle Water Damage Restoration?

Our approach is caring for you and your property as if it were our own! We are trusted leaders in the water restoration industry, and we're locally owned and operated. 

  • Our team comprises highly skilled technicians local to the Willard area, and they stand ready to restore your home or business to its original condition after water damage, no matter the size of the event. 
  • Our team will quickly extract all water from affected areas in your Willard home or business and then dry your property and belongings using our top-of-the-line equipment and training. 
  • SERVPRO Huron & East Seneca Counties effectively tracks and documents the drying process throughout, which ensures your property is dried thoroughly and completely with no room for error.

Why Is SERVPRO The Best In The Water Damage Restoration Business?

Here's why you can feel confident when calling SERVPRO for help with a water damage event:

  • We're Faster to Disasters of Any Size. Immediate action is crucial when dealing with water damage. With over 2160 U.S. and Canadian Franchise locations, we are strategically positioned to be faster to any size water emergency so that Willard residents can expect an immediate response, day or night.
  • We're Highly Trained Water Damage Specialists. As water damage specialists, we have the experience, expertise, and advanced training that enables us to get your property dried quickly and thoroughly. We use scientific drying principles and validate and document that your property is dry and the job is complete. 
  • We Use Advanced Drying Equipment and Techniques. Properly restoring your home after a water damage event requires specialized equipment and products. This advanced equipment helps us quickly and efficiently remove the water, even hidden moisture. We then dry the structure with powerful dehumidifiers. Finally, our technicians will clean the affected area with professional-grade cleaning and sanitizing agents for your comfort and safety.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can be onsite at your Willard home immediately to help with any emergency you have experienced. In addition to water damage, we handle fire damage, mold infestations, odor removal and deodorization, and much more. Call us at (419) 443-1790 or contact us via our website.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Does The “Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned” Program Ensure Satisfaction?

11/8/2023 (Permalink)

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, our defensive pathogen cleaning program, goes beyond standard janitorial cleaning practices; this is proactive viral pathogen cleaning. With over 50 years of experience in biochemical spill remediation and decontamination, you can trust the SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties professionals to bring a higher standard of cleanliness to the places we gather.

How Does The “Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned” Program Work?

It’s grounded in our unique 3 C’s:

  • Consult: Not all businesses are the same, so we’ll tailor a bespoke cleaning program based on the unique needs of each facility.
  • Clean: Based on the agreed plan, an expert deep clean is initiated using our proprietary EPA-approved hospital-grade cleaning solutions and always adhering to the leading level of cleaning and decontamination standards set by the CDC.
  • Certify: You’ll know a business is Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned by the shield posted on their front window. Along with digital emblems and other collateral, this beacon represents their commitment to the comfort and security of their employees, customers, and community.

So when you see the “Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned” shield sticker at any location, you can confidently walk in - because you’ll know the #1 choice in clean up and restoration was there.

Why Is SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties My #1 Choice For Cleanup And Restoration Projects?

The SERVPRO team of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a trusted leader in the mold and disaster restoration industry, and our highly-trained technicians are dedicated to responding quickly to any disaster, such as fire damage or water damage, and mold remediation is one of our specialties. We provide 24-hour emergency service and have the training and expertise that comes with the SERVPRO name to handle all your restoration and cleaning projects, large or small, throughout the greater Tiffin area and East Seneca Counties! 

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is strategically positioned to be “Faster to Any Size Disaster” and will help you recover your Tiffin home or business as soon as possible!

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a team of industry professionals who maintain high-quality standards in every area. Our technicians are highly trained and certified. In areas ranging from commercial property cleaning to document restoration, you can be assured that you are getting the best in the business when you work with us. We handle crime and trauma scenes, biohazards, sewage spills, contamination, mold remediation, and more. 

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Clean! 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Do Mold Remediation And Mold Removal Differ?

10/25/2023 (Permalink)

Removing mold from a home or business is impossible since microscopic mold spores exist naturally everywhere! Many restoration businesses advertise that they can remove mold removal and even guarantee its complete removal, but this is a fallacy. 

At SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we understand mold and mold growth and maintain the training and expertise to remediate mold in your home or business. If you experience a mold infestation at your Bloomville home or business, SERVPRO is the restoration company to call!

What Is Mold Remediation?

  • The mold remediation process involves identifying the mold's source, containing it to prevent further spread, thoroughly cleaning the affected area with an approved method, and taking the proper steps to prevent future mold growth. The goal is to remove mold and address the underlying problem causing mold growth.

Why Is Mold Complete Mold Removal Impossible?

  • It is not impossible to eliminate all mold and mold spores from your indoor spaces; many mold spores can be identified floating through the air and in house dust. Mold growth can be prevented by controlling excess moisture indoors, so if a mold colony is established in your home or business, you must clean up the mold and fix any moisture issue to avoid a reoccurrence.

What Are Some Important Mold FAQs I Need To Know?

Mold growth can start in less than 48 hours after water intrudes into your Bloomville property. Here are some important mold facts you should know:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, both indoors and out.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float in the air; they can enter your home through windows, doors, AC/heating systems, or even up on your clothing or pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture and quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. Such colonies may produce allergens and irritants that cause health issues for many people.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor, and that odor can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team is here to help Bloomville homeowners with mold remediation whenever issues arise, and we are commercial mold prevention and remediation specialists! You can also count on us for water damage restoration, odor removal, and more.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Do I Manage Odor Removal After A Fire At My New London Location?

10/18/2023 (Permalink)

The heat, soot, and smoke of a fire at your New London location mean everything in your home or business will be affected. You'll need the assistance of professionals like our SERVPRO® technicians, who have the necessary expertise and equipment to get your New London home or business back to normal as soon as possible.

You won't want to enter your New London home or business until all the smoke is cleared since breathing the accompanying fumes from burned materials won't be healthy

Hiring a professional fire and smoke damage restoration company like SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties right away will ensure that your property is entirely free from the after-effects of the fire as soon as possible. We can also remove those unpleasant lingering odors. 

What Is The First Step In Managing Unpleasant Odors That Come From Smoke Damage?

You'll be left with unpleasant odors after a fire at your New London location. Here are some tips and information to help you deal with these issues:

  • The first and most crucial step in smoke odor removal is to remove all sources of the odor. This will include removing items that have been burned, such as cabinets, furniture, drywall, and anything that is non-salvageable. Depending on their condition, The items can be discarded or restored. 
  • Professional technicians will then clean the salvageable items with the appropriate products. They pressure wash, scrub, and disinfect exterior surfaces like walls, windows, and decks, while interior walls and hard surfaces can be cleaned with mild soap and rinsed thoroughly. Professionals will also clean inside cabinets, drawers, and closets and wash household items. Carpets, furniture, and upholstery are usually cleaned off-site. All these steps should be taken immediately so that the odors don't penetrate any materials deeply - this makes them much harder to get rid of later. 
  • Smoke, soot, and odors from a fire will penetrate the duct system and any dust or other particles existing inside the system. Cleaning the ducts early in the odor removal process is essential in preventing the HVAC system from re-contaminating areas that have been cleaned. Professionals should be tasked with cleaning the ductwork, as it involves specialized equipment and procedures only available to them. 

Why Should SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Be My First Choice When It Comes To Fire Damage Restoration?

The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) certifies and sets the standards for the cleaning and restoration industries; our SERVPRO professionals study IICRC standards and best practices in water restoration, fire restoration, mold remediation, carpet and upholstery cleaning, and other cleaning and restoration courses to ensure that our clients receive the highest quality results possible. 

Our SERVPRO team is highly trained in all aspects of restoration, from odor removal to biohazards and everything in between! From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO's Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certifications, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your New London property. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are experts in handling the after-effects of fire or water damage and can help with mold remediation

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Do I Prepare My Bellevue Business For Storms?

10/11/2023 (Permalink)

Storms in Bellevue can catch business owners unaware. With winter just around the corner, you must be ready for sleet, snow, ice, hail, heavy rain, high winds, and flooding. Your entrances and parking areas may become impassable, creating issues for your workforce and clients.

The best way to stay safe and prevent damage to your Bellevue business is to be well-prepared!

 To help you get ready, we’ve got some tips for you today that you can use to keep your Bellevue property safe:

What Are Some Spring Storm Preparation Tips I Can Use To Protect My North Nashville Home Or Business?

Here at SERVPRO, we know what will happen during a storm and what to prepare for! Our extensive experience with Bellevue area commercial storm damage has helped us compile the following tips:

  • Inspect your business and grounds before heavy weather affects your area; a leaky roof or windows can be a source of significant problems during heavy rainfall and strong winds. All your exterior doors and windows should fit correctly and be properly weather-stripped. At the same time, your roofing should be evaluated and repaired ahead of time to ensure that your house will withstand inclement weather conditions. 
  • Unstable large trees and bushes can be dangerous in high winds. Trim back trees and bushes that are not in good condition so windows and vehicles are not in danger of being damaged by fallen branches and more.
  • A clogged drainage ditch or creek bed will back up and flood property during and after a storm; checking these and ensuring they are debris-free will save you some storm-related issues.
  • Consider installing a landline to reach staff and emergency personnel if your cell phone towers are damaged or go down. Have an emergency radio and a supply of batteries on hand to receive emergency updates and alerts.

How Can SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Help Me With Storm Damage To My Bellevue Business? 

If you experience damage from a storm, we can help you recover. We offer fast 24-hour service, and you can reach us by calling (419) 443 1790.

  • SERVPRO personnel are trained and certified to assist in any storm event.
  •  Every crew member has previously experienced storm damage restoration projects, so they are experts in the SERVPRO recovery process. 
  • We have all the advanced technology and equipment to meet your needs. 
  • The SERVPRO Commercial Large Loss Division is composed of our best of the best in restoration. Our elite large-loss specialists are prequalified and strategically positioned throughout the United States to handle any size disaster.

The team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is proud to serve

In addition to commercial storm damage restoration, we offer commercial water restoration, commercial mold remediation, commercial cleaning, and more. 

Contact us whenever a disaster strikes; you can count on us to get you back in business right away!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Top Maintenance Tips For Your Willard Business?

9/27/2023 (Permalink)

To the HVAC system at your Willard business working its best during those times of the year when you need it most - when it's hot or cold - you must inspect and maintain it regularly. 

Preventive maintenance tune-ups will help to reduce the wear and tear every system experiences when it's working the hardest. as well as any other issues that hinder the performance of your system. We recommend that you have your HVAC checked and serviced at least twice yearly, especially before summer and again before winter begins. 

What Equipment Gets Checked During HVAC Maintenance?

You will need to hire a professional to check and maintain your system if you aren't a licensed HVAC technician. The equipment that will be serviced will be:

  • Air Conditioner
  • Heat Pump
  • Electric Heater
  • Gas Furnace
  • Dual Fuel Heat Pump Furnace

What Should HVAC Maintenance Should Include?

Maintaining the HVAC system at your Willard business location should include the following: 

  • Air Filters. Your air filter needs to be replaced before seasons of heavy use so your HVAC system operates as it should. Schedule routine inspections with your technicians so they may determine if your filters need to be replaced sooner than the recommended 3-month mark when use is heavy. 
  • Air Return Grills. Registers and air return grilles in your Willard business must be maintained to ensure they have not become blocked; this will restrict airflow throughout your HVAC systems and negatively affect performance.
  • Outdoor Cooling Equipment. Have your cooling equipment outdoors inspected. Ensure that vegetation that has grown up around these units is trimmed back to allow for easy maintenance and airflow. The area around your HVAC needs to be clear of obstructions, so your professional HVAC technician can access the units. 
  • Drip Pans. Drip pans and condensate drain lines need to remain clear. If these HVAC system components become clogged with mold or algae, condensation will not exit your office or business premises; that can cause the cooling system to malfunction or water to back up indoors, causing water damage. Your technician can clear any clogs within the drip pan or condensate drain lines as soon as they find them. 

Whenever you need help with HVAC maintenance, or if your Willard business has experienced fire damage, water damage, or a mold infestation, remember that your friends here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are always here to get you back to work immediately. Learn about all of our commercial restoration services here!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Do You Deal With Residential Flooding In Norwalk?

9/27/2023 (Permalink)

Flooding is one of the hazards that can occur here in the Norwalk area, and this type of event can leave you with damage and lots of cleanup. SERVPRO® knows how difficult it can be to recover from a flood - that's why we do what we do! We're here to help with emergency restoration any time of the day or night, whenever disaster strikes. 

If your Norwalk residence experiences flood damage, how should you deal with it? Keep reading to learn some helpful tips. 

What Should You Do If A Flood Damages Your Norwalk Home?

If a flood damages your Norwalk home, here are a few tips for you:

  • Be sure to exit your home if it is unsafe to stay inside, and be extremely cautious of electrical hazards or slipping and falling on wet surfaces when moving inside the home. Being alert to these concerns can keep you safe while assessing the damage.
  • When moving loose items from your floors, be aware that wet materials can be MUCH heavier than when dry. Avoid handling heavy objects, and trust that SERVPRO can also help restore your belongings to their pre-water damage condition. 
  • If the damage is extensive, call SERVPRO of East Huron & Seneca Counties at (419) 443 1790!
  • When our team arrives, they will work to stop the source of flooding and then extract water from any affected areas of your Norwalk home. Our experts will assess the water damage to determine the extent of the damage and then work to dry, clean and restore your home to its original condition.

What Kinds Of Restoration Services Does SERVPRO Offer?

You can count on SERVPRO for expert help in all restoration services. Our services include:

And much more! At SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we understand what it is like to experience these disasters, and our goal is to help minimize their intrusion into your life and quickly make it "Like it never even happened."

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Effective Ways To Prevent Mold In Your Attica Kitchen?

9/20/2023 (Permalink)

Mold is unsightly, unhealthy, and unwanted - in any room of your house. It’s even more unwanted in your kitchen, where you store, prepare, and eat meals!

Taking the necessary steps to keep mold from establishing itself on any surface in your kitchen is the best tactic since once mold has gained a foothold, it can never be wholly eradicated. 

Learn some natural ways to prevent mold in your home here.

What Should I Know About Mold?

To fully understand how important it is to keep your Attica home free from mold, here are some vital facts for you:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic, float in the air, and may enter your home through windows, doors, AC/heating systems, or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor, and that odor can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

As you can see, keeping your kitchen surfaces and flooring dry and clean at all times is the best way to prevent mold in your Attica kitchen!

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Get Rid Of A Mold Issue In My Attica Home?

It’s essential for you to understand that SERVPRO can remediate a mold infestation, but we cannot altogether remove it. Some companies advertise that this is possible, but we assure you - it is not. 

In addition to our mold remediation services, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is ready to help you in any disaster, regardless of type or size. From mold remediation and water damage restoration to fire damage restoration, we are here to help!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Fire Prevention Tips To Keep My Bloomville Home Safe?

9/13/2023 (Permalink)

A house fire is one of those things we all hope never happens to us. It may seem like they pop up out of nowhere, but they can almost always be prevented. Just like we maintain our HVAC systems and our roof, mow our lawns and repair fences, there are routine things we can do to keep our homes safe from fire. 

At SERVPRO, we care about your safety and the safety of your property, and it’s why we do what we do! We offer fast, 24-hour service for that very reason; when you experience a disaster, such as a fire or a flood, you can count on us to make it like it never happened.

How Can I Keep My Bloomville Property Safe From Fire?

Here are some of our top recommendations for fire safety:

  • If you must use a space heater, place it on a level, hard and nonflammable surface (such as ceramic tile floor), not on rugs, carpets, or near bedding or drapes. Plug power cords directly into outlets - never into an extension cord. Keep children, pets, and flammable items (paper, matches, bedding, furniture, clothing, carpets, and rugs) at least three feet away from heating equipment.
  • Turn off portable space heaters whenever you leave the room or sleep.
  • Never leave a fire in the fireplace unattended; use a glass or metal fire screen to keep fire and embers in the fireplace.
  • Never use a cooking range or oven to heat your home.
  • If you must smoke, never smoke while sleepy or in bed.
  • Remove dead brush and trash from your yard in hot weather, especially when these materials are close to the home or other buildings.

What Do I Do If A Fire Does Occur?

If a fire does occur, you’ll call emergency services first. Once the fire is out and you know everyone is safe, call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties at (419) 443 1790! We are fire damage restoration experts!

While you’re waiting, follow these tips:

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpets.
  • Keep hands clean so as not to further soil upholstery, walls, and woodwork.
  • Place clean towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery, and carpet traffic areas.
  • If the electricity is off, empty the freezer and refrigerator and prop the doors open.
  • Clean and protect chrome with a light coating of petroleum jelly or oil.
  • Wash houseplants on both sides of the leaves.
  • Change the HVAC filter.
  • Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you if your Bloomville home suffers damage from a fire. In addition to fire damage, we handle water damage, odor removal, and much more. Contact us immediately in an emergency; we can be at your Bloomville location directly to get you started on your recovery process. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Do I Protect The Roof Of My New London Property From Summer Storm Damage?

9/6/2023 (Permalink)

The extreme weather of the summer months involves thunderstorms, lightning, high winds, and excessive rain, all of which often cause damage to buildings and property in the New London area. 

Being prepared beforehand is the best way to protect your New London property from summer storm damage. 

What Are The Most Important Steps To Prevent Damage To My New London Roof? 

  • Maintainance. The number one way to prevent storm damage to your roof and home is to perform regular maintenance. Replace loose and missing shingles right away. Caulking around pipes and vents should be done routinely; exposed metal will rust and deteriorate, so ensure those areas get painted or treated before this occurs. A damaged roof may allow water to find its way into every part of your home or business and cause damage. Inspecting your roof before and after bad weather will help you keep on top of its condition. 
  • Trees and shrubs. Vegetation that overhangs your building should be trimmed periodically, especially if some seem weak or dying. Falling branches can damage a roof during inclement weather. If a tree or large shrub seems unstable, it might be wise to have it completely removed for future safety concerns. 
  • Gutters. Remove leaves, dirt, and debris from your gutters to avoid water damage from backed-up rain. Rain spouts can pull away from the building if overloaded or clogged with water and waste, damaging the corners of the roof and exterior walls. Prevention is always a good idea and can save you time and trouble. 

What Do I Do If My New London Roof Becomes Damaged By A Summer Storm?

If you have experienced significant damage, you’ll need assistance. Here are some ways that a professional restoration company like SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can help you recover:

  • Professional Help. Call a professional restoration company like SERVPRO if you see apparent roof damage after a summer storm. If shingles are missing, replace them immediately to avoid leaks and future water damage. 
  • Unpleasant Odors. When leaks and flooding happen due to a leaky roof, you can end up with unpleasant odors that can be difficult to eliminate. We excel at odor removal and deodorization.
  • Structural Assessment. SERVPRO can come to your New London location and assess any storm damage that may have occurred. We’ll advise you on your next steps if any damage is found and help you return to normal immediately. 
  • Commercial Restoration. We provide storm damage restoration specifically for commercial property, as well. 

Anytime your New London home or business experiences a disaster, large or small, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can be onsite immediately to help you recover quickly. In addition to storm damage restoration, we handle water damage, fire damage, mold remediation, and many other restoration services. 

Our technicians are highly trained, and we’re available 24 hours a day. You can call us at (419) 443-1790 or contact us online. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Floods, Fires, And More: What Do I Need To Know About SERVPRO’s Comprehensive Commercial Restoration Services?

8/23/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO has a network of strategically positioned storm teams on standby should a disaster strike near you, and our crew is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We are prepared for the unpredictable!

There's never a convenient time for fire or water damage to strike your Bellevue business. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency arises in your business, call us at (419) 443-1790, and we'll be there fast with the help you need.

What Types Of Commercial Restoration Services Does SERVPRO Provide?

It might be easier to list what we don't provide! Our comprehensive services cover any disastrous situation you may experience in your Bellevue business, regardless of its size. No job is too small!

Learn more about our commercial restoration services here:

Is Any Restoration Job Too Big For SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties?

No restoration job is too large for SERVPRO. Our Large Loss Division is in place to help with major disasters.

The SERVPRO Commercial Large Loss Division is composed of our best-of-the-best in restoration. Our elite large-loss specialists are pre-qualified and strategically positioned throughout the United States to handle any size disaster. A commercial operations manager supervises every significant loss to help ensure seamless communication and timely mitigation. 

At SERVPRO, the difference is our ability to dispatch trained production professionals and cut costs through the strategic placement and oversight of temporary labor. Get the professionals; call SERVPRO.

Clients for the Commercial Large Loss program include the following:

  • The Hospitality Industry
  • Property Managers
  • Universities
  • Municipalities
  • The Pentagon

Our team is highly-trained, uses advanced technology, and offers fast 24-hour service

Contact us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to learn how we can keep your Bellevue business running smoothly, no matter what comes!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Essential Tips For Protecting Your Tiffin Property From Water Damage?

8/16/2023 (Permalink)

You take good care of your property, maintaining roofing, windows, siding, sewer, drainage, and foundations so that water damage won't wreak havoc on your Tiffin property. Maintaining your location is one of the most important things you can do to protect your home or business property. However, disasters do happen - and you may need help.

Water damage can be a nightmare for any home or business owner. Even after the water has subsided, you're left with damp materials and belongings that need attention - and in some cases, expertise is required to save them. 

Severe water damage can be dangerous, as well, if the water is contaminated or if it has caused structural damage. Engaging professional help is another critical step to take in protecting your Tiffin property from water damage. 

What Will SERVPRO Do First When Helping Me Handle Water Damage?

When responding to a water damage emergency, we begin with a detailed inspection of your home or property, including a damage assessment. At this stage, our professionals are trying to determine the damage's scope so we can develop an appropriate action plan.

Identify and Stop the Water Source

We will check for the source of moisture in your home or business. The source must be stopped before any restoration or drying of the building can be successful.

Identify the Type of Water

We will identify the category and classification of water damage to ensure our professionals restore your property based on industry guidelines. The water contamination level will affect the specific restoration processes we use.

  • Category 1: "Clean Water"
  • Category 2: "Gray Water"
  • Category 3: "Black Water"

Survey the Extent of the Water Damage and Inspect the Premises

We inspect and test to determine the extent of damage and how far the moisture has traveled to ensure proper and complete restoration. In addition, we will check for safety concerns that may be evident. If there are any safety issues like lead or asbestos, please bring them to our attention.

Move or Block Furniture

We move furniture, property contents, and block items to help prevent rust or furniture stains on wet carpets.

What Will SERVPRO Do To Remove Water From My Tiffin Property?

After the inspection and damage assessment step, the water extraction process begins, removing most of the water. We use powerful pumps and truck-mounted vacuum units to quickly remove hundreds or thousands of gallons of water from your property.

Move-Out / Pack-Out

If your home requires extensive restoration or cleaning, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can organize an efficient move-out to protect your belongings from further damage.

Emergency Water Removal

Our highly trained technicians will begin the water removal process almost immediately. Depending on the amount of water, we may use powerful submersible pumps and industrial-strength wet/dry vacuums. Removing most of the water helps reduce drying time and helps prevent secondary water damage and mold and bacterial growth.

Inspect the Carpet Pad and Carpet

We inspect the carpet and pad and determine if they should be removed to protect the subfloor.

Water Removal Equipment

  • Moisture detectors, hygrometers, and other meters measure the extent of moisture saturation.
  • We may use infrared cameras to find "hidden" water behind walls and ceilings.
  • Submersible and gas-powered pumps are used for the continuous pumping of high-level water.
  • Truck-mounted and portable extraction units perform efficient water removal.

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team is your water damage remediation solution! Learn more about our drying and dehumidification process here

In addition to water damage remediation, we handle fire and storm damage, mold remediation, and more. 

Contact us for all your home and commercial restoration needs. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Can SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Do To Help Me At My Norwalk Home?

8/9/2023 (Permalink)

Every home is a big responsibility. The care of your Norwalk house has to be monitored all year round! In winter, we're concerned about staying warm and damage from snow and ice, while in the springtime, the rains begin, and flooding can be a concern. Summer brings the heat, so we must care for our HVAC system and ensure sufficient insulation. When fall comes around, high winds may occur, and this is also the time of year we need to winterize our home to stay warm! It's never-ending. 

Many of these jobs you can do yourself, but if disaster strikes and your home experiences damage, you may find you can use the help of a professional restoration company, The team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here for you! 

What Are SERVPRO's Specialties?

When caring for your Norwalk home, we've got you covered. Here is a sampling of our specialties:

No one is ever fully prepared for or expecting water damage or fire damage to strike their home or business. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we understand what it is like to experience these disasters. We aim to help minimize the intrusion into your life and quickly make it "Like it never even happened."

If I Experience Damage At My Norwalk Home, Can SERVPRO Help Me Recover?

That’s what we’re here for! We’re proud to serve the residents and business owners of the Norwalk area.

In addition to the services we provide to help you maintain and prepare your home, we're also ready to help in case of disaster. Our disaster restoration services include storm, water, and fire damage, and much more!

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties:

Contact us today for help with your Norwalk home or property!

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Manage Mold At My Commercial Business In Willard?

8/2/2023 (Permalink)

Minor water intrusions caused by a slow leak or loose plumbing fitting can create a mold infestation at your Willard commercial location. Once a mold colony is established, you can face a serious issue in a very short time. It only takes 24 - 48 hours for mold to start growing. 

Wherever it is found, mold will very often present serious health challenges to people who are exposed, so you will want to handle an infestation as soon as you realize you have one.

If your Willard property has a mold problem, contact us at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties; we will respond quickly and work quickly to manage the situation.

Why Should I Call SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties For Mold Remediation?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can respond quickly, working to

  • contain the infestation to help prevent its spread to other parts of the building
  • begin the remediation process, working safely and effectively to manage the situation
  • contain the mold infestation, and remediate it to its original condition. 

Remember, once mold has founded a colony, it can never be eradicated entirely. 

What Should I Know About Mold And Its Dangers?

Microscopic mold spores exist almost everywhere, outdoors and indoors, making removing all mold from a home or business impossible. Some restoration businesses advertise mold removal, even guaranteeing they can remove all mold, which is impossible. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

You can count on SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to arrive and get your mold remediation started quickly! If you have a mold issue, call us immediately at (419) 443 1790

In addition to commercial mold remediation, we also handle commercial restoration, commercial cleaning, large-scale disaster recovery, and much more!

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Are The Do's And Don'ts I Should Follow After A Fire In My Attica Home Or Business?

7/26/2023 (Permalink)

The devastation of a fire in your Attica home or business can leave you feeling helpless and confused. 

You should first call the fire damage professionals at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties! We'll be onsite immediately to start your fire damage restoration process

You can do some things while waiting for us to arrive and get more information by reading our Fire Brochure. Below you will find our list of fire damage do's and don'ts.

What Do I Do After A Fire?

  • Limit the movement in your home to prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpets.
  • Keep hands clean so as not to further soil upholstery, walls, and woodwork.
  • Place clean towels or old linens on your rugs, upholstery, and carpet traffic areas.
  • If the electricity is off, empty the freezer and refrigerator and prop the doors open.
  • Clean and protect chrome with a light coating of petroleum jelly or oil.
  • Wash houseplants on both sides of their leaves.
  • Change your HVAC filter.
  • Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers.

What Should I Avoid Doing After A Fire?

  • Please don't attempt to wash walls, painted surfaces, or shampoo carpet or upholstery without contacting us.
  • Don't attempt to clean any electrical appliances that were close to fire, heat, or water without consulting your authorized fire damage repair service.
  • Avoid using canned or packaged food or beverages that may have been stored near fire, heat, or water.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet; the wiring may be damaged.
  • Don't send garments to an ordinary dry cleaner. Improper cleaning may set smoke odor.

If you have experienced the tragedy of fire damage in your Attica home or commercial property, contact us at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. We will get your business back up and running in no time. With SERVPRO, you can expect us to 

Call us today at (419) 443-1790 for commercial fire damage restoration. Our commercial restoration services are second to none! In addition to commercial fire damage restoration, we offer the following home restoration services:

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Are SERVPRO’s Top Storm-Proofing Recommendations?

7/19/2023 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO, we believe in that old saying, “Forewarned is forearmed.” You can save yourself untold anguish and monetary issues by being ready for whatever comes your way. Storm season is one of those times when this is especially true; we’ve all seen the damage a storm can cause in just minutes!

You must be prepared for any bad weather to avoid damage to your Bloomville property.

What Are Some Storm-Proofing Best Practices For Your Bloomville Location?

It is wise to be prepared for emergencies. Staying abreast of weather conditions during storm season will help you be forewarned and ready; maintaining your Bloomville property is another way to protect yourself and your belongings. Here are some of our top storm-proofing recommendations:

  • The weakest spots in your home are the windows. Ensure your house has suitable protective windows; storm shutters are also beneficial as additional protection and security against high winds and debris.
  • Another vulnerable point in your home is your roof. Use highly-rated shingles that can withstand the harshest weather during repair or replacement.
  • Maintain your trees by removing branches that are not strong; these can become dangerous when torn off by high winds. Large bushes or trees that are dying should also be taken out. 
  • Ensure that your grounds have proper drainage for water run-off; standing water around driveways, walkways, and foundations will create issues in the future, such as sinkholes, erosion, mold, and more.

Why Is SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties A Good Choice For Storm Damage Renovation? 

  • Whether you need storm damage restoration or cleaning upholstery, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has the advanced technology and equipment required to restore your Bloomville property. These include water extraction equipment, drying equipment, odor removal and deodorization equipment, moisture detection and measurement equipment, and more; these methods ensure you experience a reliable and prompt restoration journey. 
  • Our professional team undergoes a series of courses and training materials that provides them with the most updated knowledge on property restoration. Our Employee Training modules include Fire and Water Restoration, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, and Crew Training. 
  • We have a reputation for excellence! Read what your friends and neighbors say about their experiences with us here.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are equipped to assist with cleanup after storm or water damage, and mold remediation is another one of our specialties.  

No matter what kind of emergency you experience in your Bloomville home, call us at (419) 443-1790, and we’ll be there immediately!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Can SERVPRO Restore The Roof Of My New London Business?

7/12/2023 (Permalink)

The roof of your New London business takes a beating every day of the year from heat, rain, sleet, snow, wind, and more. Keeping your roofing in good condition is one of the most important aspects of protecting your investment, but when the worst happens, you need to know who to call.

SERVPRO is here to help you repair and restore your roof - and the rest of your property - if you experience severe damage from a violent storm, fire, or other disasters, so don't hesitate to contact us any time.

How Will SERVPRO Help Restore My New London Business After A Disaster?

Here are some of the steps SERVPRO will take to restore your property when disaster strikes:

  • When your New London business has been damaged by fire, water, or storm damage, the immediate concern should be temporary protective measures, such as placing roof tarps to prevent additional damage and boarding up to secure the building and remove water and debris. 
  • After protecting and securing the structure, professionals at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can begin the restoration process. Your business may need reconstruction work to restore your property to its preloss condition. 
  • The professionals at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can simplify the restoration process by handling the initial damage mitigation and rebuilding the affected areas. Having one qualified company for the entire process can save time and keeps costs low.

What Other Commercial Services Does SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Offer New London Business Owners?

Many different types of situations can occur to cause damage to your commercial property, and SERVPRO has the necessary expertise to help you with each of them. We offer commercial services that enable you to recover from such issues as:

Accidents occur regularly in the busy commercial business world, and the result is often a big cleanup job. Completing this kind of project is time-consuming, and a busy business owner may need more time to manage it. Enlisting the help of a professional restoration company like SERVPRO will be the right choice here. Our commercial cleaning services include:

When the worst happens, knowing that SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is available to help you 24 hours a day and seven days a week will give you the peace of mind you need. We are faster to any size disaster, and our highly-trained technicians bring all the tools and equipment to get you back to normal as soon as possible.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Do I Safely And Effectively Clean Up After Water Damage To My Bellevue Property?

7/5/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage may not seem like a big deal until it happens to you. Not only can it make a structure unsafe, but it can also create conditions favorable to mold and mildew. That's always a bad situation, whether you're in a home or a business. 

An individual can easily clean up a small water leak. Still, when facing a significant flooding event or appliance failure, it may be wise to call water damage restoration professionals. 

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can be onsite at your Bellevue location immediately to get your water damage restoration process started!

What Are Some Safety Tips I Should Follow If I Experience Water Damage?

Here are a few recommendations we would like you to observe if you have experienced water damage. 

  • Be sure to exit your Bellevue home if it is unsafe to stay inside, and be highly cautious of electrical hazards or slipping and falling on wet surfaces when moving inside the house. 
  • When moving loose items from your floors, be aware that wet materials can be MUCH heavier than when dry. Avoid handling heavy objects, and trust that SERVPRO can also help restore your belongings to their pre-water damage condition. 
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Turn on ceiling fixtures only if the ceiling is dry, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.

How Will SERVPRO Handle Water Damage At My Bellevue Location?

When responding to a water damage emergency, we begin with a detailed inspection of your home or property, including a damage assessment. At this stage, our professionals are trying to determine the damage's scope so we can develop an appropriate action plan.

Identify and Stop the Water Source. We will check for the source of moisture in your home or business. The source must be stopped before any restoration or drying of the building can be successful.

Identify the Type of Water. We will identify the category and classification of water damage to ensure our professionals restore your property based on industry guidelines. The water contamination level will affect the specific restoration processes we use.

  • Category 1: "Clean Water"
  • Category 2: "Gray Water"
  • Category 3: "Black Water"

Survey the Extent of the Water Damage and Inspect the Premises. We inspect and test to determine the extent of damage and how far the moisture has traveled to ensure proper and complete restoration. In addition, we will check for safety concerns that may be evident. If there are any safety issues like lead or asbestos, please bring them to our attention.

Move or Block Furniture. We move furniture, property contents, and block items to help prevent rust or furniture stains on wet carpets.

After the inspection and damage assessment step, the water extraction process begins. This step removes the majority of the water. We use powerful pumps and truck-mounted vacuum units to quickly remove hundreds or thousands of gallons of water from your property.

Move-Out / Pack-Out. If your home requires extensive restoration or cleaning, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can organize an efficient move-out to protect your belongings from further damage.

Emergency Water Removal. Our highly trained technicians begin the water removal process as soon as possible. Depending on the amount of water, we may use powerful submersible pumps, industrial strength, and wet/dry vacuums. Removing most of the water helps reduce drying time and helps prevent secondary water damage and mold and bacterial growth.

Inspect the Carpet Pad and Carpet. We inspect the carpet and pad and determine if they should be removed to protect the subfloor.

Water Removal Equipment

  • Moisture detectors, hygrometers, and other meters measure the extent of moisture saturation.
  • We may use infrared cameras to find "hidden" water behind walls and ceilings.
  • Submersible and gas-powered pumps are used for the continuous pumping of high-level water.
  • Truck-mounted and portable extraction units perform efficient water removal.

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team comprises water damage remediation experts! Learn more about our drying and dehumidification process here

In addition to water damage remediation, we handle fire and storm damage, mold remediation, and more. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Why Should You Choose The SERVPRO Professionals For Your Biohazard Cleanup Project?

6/28/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO's biohazard cleanup services are top-of-the-line. If you experience a biohazard at your Tiffin home or business, you don't have time to search for a company to handle it; the situation must be addressed immediately to avoid any associated damage and health risks. 

Exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health consequences. Failure to properly remove such substances can contribute to unhealthy and dangerous environments. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is trained to safely remove and dispose of biohazards properly per OSHA and health regulations.

What Protective Measures Can I Take While I Wait For SERVPRO To Arrive?

After any biohazard or sewage contamination in your home or business, your primary focus should be safety:

  • Is it safe to stay in the house?
  • Exposure to biological and chemical contaminants can pose serious health consequences.
  • Flood water can contain sewage, pesticides, and other contaminants.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.

Follow this link for further helpful information in case of a biohazard event. 

Is SERVPRO Equipped To Handle Biohazards Of All Types?

Decontaminating a home or business due to trauma, sewage backups, chemical spills, hoarding, or other biohazards can be dangerous and emotional. SERVPRO has the specialized training and technology needed to resolve these circumstances.

We provide cleanup and recovery services for many biohazard situations. These include the following:

Here are some of the most common biohazards and how we handle them:

  • Sewage Backups. Sewage backups and dark water intrusions are more than nasty, smelly deposits – these damages also introduce harmful microorganisms into a structure. We remove the sewage, contaminants, and moisture and help ensure the structure is properly cleaned, disinfected, and deodorized.

  • Bloodborne Pathogens. We remove and dispose of bodily fluids, tissue, and other pathogenic substances resulting from accident, trauma, crime, or death. Trained SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Professionals clean, disinfect and deodorize the structure.

  • Illegal Drug Manufacturing Labs / Meth Labs. SERVPRO realizes many chemicals used in producing illicit drugs, such as "meth," are volatile and can leave harmful residues throughout a structure. We follow federal and state guidelines to clean all surfaces properly.

If you experience a biohazard event at your Tiffin home or business, don't hesitate to call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties for fast emergency restoration service. We can be reached online or by calling (419) 443 1790.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Is The Right Way To Restore Your Norwalk Home?

6/21/2023 (Permalink)

When your Norwalk home sustains damage, you want to restore it correctly so that you don’t experience more issues in the future. 

Every damaging event will require specific restoration processes; if your home experiences a fire, you won’t use the same practices to handle the damage as you would for a biohazard situation. The best way to get your home back to normal is to work with a professional restoration company with the tools, equipment, resources, and training needed to restore your Norwalk home correctly. 

Why Should I Work With SERVPRO To Manage Damage Restoration At My Norwalk Home?

  • Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certifications, rest assured our team is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.
  • In many cleaning and restoration situations, immediate action is needed. With over 2110 U.S. and Canadian Franchise locations, SERVPRO is strategically positioned to be faster to any size emergency. An immediate response helps minimize the damage, cleaning, and restoration costs. Water is invasive, quickly spreading throughout your property and absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, etc. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately.
  • There has been a significant advancement in the technology and techniques used in the restoration industry. These advancements allow SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Professionals to restore a property to preloss condition quickly, reliably, and more effectively.

What Types Of Restoration Services Does SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Provide?

SERVPRO offers a wide range of restoration services; here are just a few:

We also provide commercial restoration services that cover a variety of damaging scenarios that your Norwalk commercial property may experience. 

No matter what you face, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has you covered!

Hear what previous SERVPRO clients in the Tiffin area say about who we are and what we do here.

When your Norwalk home or business is damaged, SERVPRO will be onsite immediately to restore your location correctly. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Effective Fire Safety Practices For My Willard Workplace?

6/14/2023 (Permalink)

Protecting your Willard business location and staff from fire damage is essential to keeping your doors open! 

Keep reading for some helpful fire safety practices you can use.

How Can I Keep My Willard Commercial Location Safe From Fire Damage?

While you can’t prevent a fire entirely - accidents do happen - there are things you can do to be as safe as possible. Here are some top fire prevention tips for your Willard workplace:

  • Install good-quality smoke detectors on or near the ceilings of your business in all areas, including warehouses and outlying buildings. Placing Carbon Monoxide alarms in the same region is another effective safeguard; CO is an odorless and colorless gas produced by burning fuels.
  • Ensure that multipurpose fire extinguishers are readily accessible in several areas of your property. Make sure your staff knows where they are and how to use them. 
  • Have your HVAC unit inspected regularly. Employ a professional for these tasks. 
  • Have an escape plan for your team, and ensure everyone understands and can follow it in case of fire. Post your evacuation plan in public areas so that your staff and customers know where to go in the event of a fire. Second-story buildings should have an escape ladder.
  • Remote monitors are available today to let you know if there is a fire in your buildings while you are not there. They can be plugged into an electrical outlet easily and connected to your internet, and you will be notified by the app you download on your phone.
  • Use fire-resistant building materials when available during the repair or remodeling of your business property. For example, using a fire retardant brand of insulation can be a big part of keeping your workspaces fire-safe.

How Can SERVPRO Help My Willard Commercial Location Recover From A Fire?

After a fire, significant damage can come from the soot and water damage sustained from the firefighting efforts that need to be considered. The longer your business or commercial property is damaged, the longer you go without generating revenue, which can spell disaster for a business in the Huron and East Seneca area. 

If you have experienced the tragedy of fire damage in your Tiffin business or commercial property, contact us at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. We will get your business back up and running in no time. With SERVPRO, you can expect us to 

Call us today at (419) 443-1790 for commercial fire damage restoration. Our commercial restoration services are second to none! In addition to commercial fire damage restoration, we offer the following:

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Are Some Top Tips For Handling Summer Storm Damage In Attica?

6/7/2023 (Permalink)

The high winds, heavy rains, tornadic activity, and flooding that summer can bring can cause damage to your Attica residential or commercial property in minutes, leaving you with unsafe conditions and significant cleanup requirements.

Preparing your Attica property is the most effective to avoid undue damage and related costs and stay safe. Keep reading for top tips on how to handle summer storm damage.

What Should My First Steps Be When Preparing For Summer Storms In Attica?

We’re sharing resources today to help you create an emergency preparedness plan, which should be your priority. Each resource listed contains vital information you can use when deciding your plan.

  • FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) offers a website that maps historical flooding.
  • NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) offers a site that provides images of historical hurricane tracks and one for hurricane preparedness.
  • The National Weather Service offers the StormReady site covering thunderstorms/tornadoes, hurricanes, floods/flash floods, fire weather, and tsunamis.
  • The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) offers tornado emergency planning.

How Can I Ready MyAttic Property Ahead Of Severe Summer Storms?

Here are some things you can do to ready your Attica property before the summer storm season begins:

  • Complete maintenance requirements on your building and surrounding areas; this includes inspecting the roof, structure, and equipment and repairing any areas of weakness you find that may put the building and property at risk for damage; this will remove vulnerabilities that can become dangerous during a summer storm. 
  • Review your residential or commercial business insurance policy ahead of time to ensure current coverage.

Remember, SERVPRO specializes in storm damage recovery, and we are equipped to handle these events immediately. 

  • Our personnel have been trained and have all the necessary training to assist in a storm emergency event. 
  • Every crew member has experience with a storm event in the past, so they know exactly what to do. 
  • Our warehouse is well-stocked with equipment that can meet all your needs. 

Cleaning up after a significant weather event can be challenging. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we manage all kinds of damage to your Attica home or business so you can get back to normal as soon as possible. In addition to storm damage, we also handle damage from fire, water, and mold.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

Why Is It Important To Keep My Bloomville Business Emergency Plan Up-To-Date?

5/24/2023 (Permalink)

The structures and equipment of your Bloomville business can be negatively affected by an often completely unexpected emergency. Staff can be injured or find themselves in dangerous situations, so you should take steps to prevent this kind of situation whenever possible. 

Putting an emergency preparedness plan in place will help you avoid these types of situations, and it should be kept up-to-date to keep everyone safe. If you do not have such a plan, now is the perfect time to create an emergency-ready plan for your business.

What Kinds Of Emergencies Should I Plan For?

You want to be prepared for any emergency event, such as: 

  • Fire/Wildfire
  • Earthquake
  • Hurricane
  • Tornado
  • Flood
  • Hazardous material spill
  • Blizzard
  • Health-related emergency

What Can I Do To Be Ready For An Emergency In The Bloomville Area?

Here are a few tips to help you be ready for an emergency. Each of these items should be part of your overall emergency preparedness plan!

  • PROACTIVE MAINTENANCE. Establish a regular maintenance plan to ensure that all areas around your buildings are kept free from flammable materials and that landscaping is trimmed regularly to prevent fires from spreading if they occur; this is a vital first step to any emergency-ready plan. For example, doors or windows need to be adequately sealed, parking and entrance/exit areas should always be clear and safe, and the roofing of your structures should be in good repair. 
  • EVACUATION INFORMATION. You should post an evacuation plan in a visible place for your staff and customers, which must always be current. Make sure your employees know where it can be found and that it is clear to them, and practice evacuation procedures so they can be followed easily should the worst happen. 
  • CURRENT CONTACT INFORMATION. Update your phone and email contact information regularly so that all employees can be effectively alerted to important information, whether at work or home, should an emergency occur. Contacts for utilities, fire departments, law enforcement, and other government agencies should be listed in a specific location, and each employee should have easy access to this information at all times. 
  • RESOURCES. Here are some great resources available for you to use when you are creating your emergency-ready plan:
  • OSHA: How to Plan for Workplace Emergencies and Evacuations
  • Ready.gov
  • CDC Emergency Response Resources

Our team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is ready to help when your home or business is affected by water damage, fire damage, mold infestations, odor removal, and more. 

When an emergency happens, the professional damage restoration technicians here at SERVPRO are an essential resource; we can complete all necessary repairs promptly and efficiently to keep you, your workforce, or your loved ones out of harm’s way. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are SERVPRO’s Recommended Water Damage Recovery Steps For My Willard Location?

5/17/2023 (Permalink)

As water damage restoration experts, we know how to help you recover quickly from flooding, leaks, and other water-related problems at your Willard location. Whether the situation occurs at your home or your business, we will be there will all the skills and advanced technology needed to get the job done!

Our commercial water damage restoration services are second to none. 

There is never a convenient time for flooding or water damage to strike; this is particularly true if you are a business owner. You lose money every day that you cannot serve your customers. Each hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity, which is every business owner's worst nightmare. 

So when an emergency arises in your business, we recommend first that you give us a call, and we'll be there quickly with the help you need!

What Can I Do While I Wait For SERVPRO To Arrive?

Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, our team comprises experienced water damage restoration specialists who care about our community. If you experience water damage, call us at (419) 443 1790, so we can ensure you are safe and help restore your home.

Here are a few recommended water damage recovery steps you can take while you wait for us to get to your Willard location:

What To Do After Flooding

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removing lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn the air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines, or other colored items on wet carpets or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Turn on ceiling fixtures only if the ceiling is wet; keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.

What Other Damage Restoration Services Does SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Provide?

In addition to water damage restoration, we manage the following:

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can be onsite at your Willard location immediately to begin your damage restoration project!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Top Tips For Protecting My Bellevue Property From Summer Storm Damage?

5/10/2023 (Permalink)

When the summer storm season hits, you want to be ready. Watching a lightning display or hearing the thunder roll can be exciting, but what comes next can be anything but. High winds, heavy rains, tornadic activity, and flooding can cause damage to your residential or commercial property in minutes, leaving you with a mess and sometimes even unsafe conditions. 

Preparing your Bellevue property is the best way to stay safe and avoid undue damage and related costs. Keep reading for top tips to protect your home or business from summer storm damage!

What Is My First Step In Preparing For Summer Storms In Bellevue?

Safety comes first. Here are some resources you can use to make an emergency preparedness plan, which should be your first priority:

  • FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) offers a website that maps historical flooding.
  • NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) offers a site that provides images of historical hurricane tracks and one for hurricane preparedness.
  • The National Weather Service offers the StormReady site, which covers thunderstorms/tornadoes, hurricanes, floods/flash floods, fire weather, and tsunamis.
  • The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) offers tornado emergency planning.

How Can I Ready My Property Ahead Of Severe Summer Storms?

Here are some things you can do to ready your Bellevue property ahead of severe summer storms:

  • Conduct proper maintenance on your building and surrounding areas; this includes regularly inspecting the roof, structure, and equipment and repairing any areas of weakness that may put the building and property at risk for damage. 
  • Make necessary repairs immediately to ensure that vulnerabilities won’t become dangerous during a summer storm. 
  • Check your residential or commercial business insurance coverage. Review your policy at least twice a year to ensure your coverage is up to date.

If you do experience storm damage, contact us immediately by calling (419) 443 1790! Our highly-trained technicians are standing ready at any time to help, and as a locally owned company, we’re proud to serve our Bellevue friends and neighbors. 

From storm damage to water and fire damage, we handle it all here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Are Some Eco-friendly Mold Cleanup Methods I Can Use?

5/3/2023 (Permalink)

When faced with a mold infestation, it may be challenging to decide how to handle it. On the one hand, you will want to do whatever it takes to eliminate this unhealthy situation as fast as possible to avoid possible health consequences - especially if it could be black mold. On the other hand, you don’t want to harm the environment, either. 

Mold is a natural part of our world; the spores are all around us all the time. The balance of nature needs to be preserved and protected, even while we are protecting ourselves. 

Keep reading for helpful information on eco-friendly methods for mold remediation that you can choose to use in your Tiffin home or business!

How Can I Remediate Mold Without Hurting The Environment?

Here are some environmentally responsible ways to remediate a mold infestation:

  • Before you start. Before beginning any mold remediation, take protective steps to avoid exposing your skin or mucous membranes to mold and mycotoxins during the cleaning process. 
    • A respiratory protective device (such as an N95 mask)
    • Safety goggles
    • Rubber gloves
    • Old rags and a scrub brush
  • Tea Tree Oil. In your spray bottle, mix one teaspoon of tea tree oil with one cup of water. Undiluted tea tree oil may irritate your skin, so be sure to wear gloves. Mist the affected area with your solution and wipe it away. Remember - a little goes a long way!
  • Vinegar. Pour the white distilled, undiluted vinegar into a spray bottle, and spray the vinegar directly onto the moldy surface. Let it sit for an hour. Use a scrub brush to loosen mold and clean the area with warm water. Any vinegar odors should clear within a couple of hours.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide. Saturate any moldy surface with generous amounts of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and let it sit for 10 minutes, or wait for the peroxide to stop bubbling. Scrub the area to remove all mold remnants and stains, and wipe the surface to remove any residual mold and spores. Repeat this step after your initial clean-up to ensure complete mold removal.
  • Baking Soda. Add a one-quarter tablespoon of baking soda to a standard spray bottle. Mix with water and shake until the powder has dissolved. Generously spray the moldy area with the solution. Use a scrub brush to get mold off of the surface. You should repeat this process the following day.

Who Should I Call If My Mold Removal Efforts Aren’t Successful?

Remember, once a mold colony is established, it can never be eradicated. Our SERVPRO mold remediation webpage has some vital information about this fact. 

If you are battling mold and don’t seem to be winning, call SERVPRO! We are mold remediation experts! You can trust us to handle your residential and commercial mold issues.

Local and state laws in the Tiffin area may require a specific inspection and documentation protocol based on the size of the infestation. We can advise you on this process, providing guidance based on your unique situation.

With SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, you can expect the following:

Call us today at (419) 443 1790 for recovery from any disaster, including water, firestorm damage, and mold-related issues.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Can I Expect From SERVPRO Fire Damage Restoration?

4/26/2023 (Permalink)

If your Norwalk home experiences a fire, you will probably be left with damages from the fire, the smoke and soot, and the water used in the firefighting process. 

Let the SERVPRO team help you recover from the devastation of fire damage! 

How Does SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Handle Fires?

  • Our SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team maintains all specialized training afforded by the SERVPRO Franchise. Our team knows the ins and outs of fire and water damage cleanup and restoration, enabling us to restore your home or business to its pre-fire condition quickly. 
  • Often, odor removal and deep cleaning of carpet and upholstery come hand-in-hand with fire damage restoration. The smoke and soot can coat the interior of your home or business, and our team has specific training and equipment to handle these facets. 
  • Fire damage is devastating for a family or business, and feelings of great confusion, loss, and stress are to be expected. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to be your caring expert to guide you through any disaster. You can count on us to always treat your family with the greatest empathy and respect, and we will treat your property with great care.

What Can I Do While Waiting For SERVPRO To Arrive At My Norwalk Location?

What To Do After A Fire:

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpets.
  • Keep hands clean so as not to further soil upholstery, walls, and woodwork.
  • Place clean towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery, and carpet traffic areas.
  • If the electricity is off, empty the freezer and refrigerator and prop the doors open.
  • Clean and protect chrome with a light coating of petroleum jelly or oil.
  • Wash houseplants on both sides of the leaves.
  • Change the HVAC filter.
  • Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers.

What NOT To Do After A Fire:

  • Don't attempt to wash walls, painted surfaces, shampoo carpets, or upholstery without contacting us.
  • Only attempt to clean electrical appliances that may have been close to fire, heat, or water after consulting an authorized repair service.
  • Don't use any canned or packaged food or beverages that may have been stored near the fire, heat, or water.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if they are wet; the wiring may be damaged.
  • Don't send garments to an ordinary dry cleaner. Improper cleaning may set smoke odor.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is proud to be able to serve the Norwalk area and to ensure that area customers are satisfied with our services. You can read some testimonials from some of our satisfied customers here. In addition to fire damage restoration, we handle water damage, mold remediation, and much more.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Spring Storm Damage Prevention Tips For My Willard Location?

4/19/2023 (Permalink)

Preventing Spring storm damage to your Willard home or business will save you money, time, and frustration. 

We all look forward to the warmer months of Spring; trees and plants are beginning to show signs of life, the sky is bluer, and people are spending more time outdoors again. All these factors can make us forget that a Spring storm can be violent and dangerous, putting your house or commercial location at risk. 

Keep reading for some helpful storm damage prevention tips to help you weather Spring storms in the Willard area. 

What Are Some Top Storm Damage Prevention Tips I Should Use?

A few top storm damage prevention tips we recommend are:

  • The windows and doors in your house may be susceptible to fractures that create the opportunity for spring storm damage that wouldn’t have occurred otherwise. Seal all cracks and gaps around doors with caulk, protecting them from spring storms. Caulking windows and doors help prevent leaks, which can lead to water damage.
  • If your gutters are clogged, water can back up and end up in your walls. Keep drains and gutters clean and clear to ensure proper drainage. Also, check that your gutters are securely attached to the house to safeguard against strong winds.
  • Secure outdoor furniture and fixtures so they don’t fly away when heavy gusts from spring storms pass. These items can quickly become dangerous projectiles in high winds—for you and your neighbors.

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Recover From Storm Damage To My Willard Home Or Business?

We are specialists in storm damage restoration. If the worst should happen, call us right away at (419) 443 1790. We will be on-site at your location right away with all the most advanced technology in the business to get you back to normal. 

A fast response is crucial to flooding and storm damage because it reduces secondary damage and restoration costs. Storms don’t wait for regular business hours, and neither do we. Our technicians will respond immediately, day or night, to help Norwalk business owners and residents.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties:

The professionals here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are always available in case of damage to your Willard home from a major storm and water, mold, or biological contamination. We are faster to disasters of all sizes! Call us at (419) 443 1790 for assistance any time of the day or night.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Where Should You Check For Mold Growth At Your Attica Commercial Property?

4/12/2023 (Permalink)

Mold can be beneficial when creating various kinds of cheese and producing medicines that alleviate sickness. When we find it in our homes or businesses, that’s another matter!

The mere mention of the word brings to mind all the unpleasant aspects of this organism - the unsightly black, red, or gray spots that appear, its odors, and the allergic reactions that many people experience when a mold infestation occurs. 

Keeping an eye out for mold growth in your Attica place of business is the best way to prevent a colony from becoming established in the first place!

What Are The Three Most Common Places I Might Find Mold In My Attica Business?

Here are three of the most common places you will find mold: 

  • Sinks often spring small leaks, and we may not even realize it for quite some time. A tiny leak in the darkness of a cabinet or at the base of a sink pedestal that goes unnoticed is prime real estate for a mold colony. This type of space is the first place you should check for mold growth during regular inspections. 
  • Appliances, such as refrigerators and dishwashers, are heavily used items that involve large amounts of water. They can also quickly spring small leaks, and you might never notice if you don’t look behind them or under them. These areas are also perfect places for mold spores to settle down. 
  • Low-lying areas and basements can often experience damp conditions, especially during warm, wet weather. Windows that are not properly caulked or roofing and rain gutters that haven’t been adequately maintained can allow water to reach these areas and create the dampness that mold loves to inhabit. 

Why Should I Trust SERVPRO For My Commercial Mold Remediation Project?

Regarding mold, remember that the SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team is here to help Attica business owners with mold remediation. We are commercial mold prevention and remediation specialists! 

Mold can spread quickly through a property if left untreated. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can respond rapidly, working first to contain the infestation to help prevent its spread to other parts of the building. Next, we will begin the remediation process, working safely and effectively to manage the situation. We have the training, experience, and equipment to contain the mold infestation and remediate it to preloss condition.

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties mold remediation specialist receives these training and certifications:

  • Applied Microbial Remediation Specialist
  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Structural Drying Technician
  • Odor Control Technician
  • Upholstery and Fabric Cleaning Technician

We are also experienced in commercial fire and water damage restoration and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Contact us for all your commercial cleaning needs!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Is Your Bloomville Business Prepared For Water Damage From Spring Storms?

4/5/2023 (Permalink)

Heavy rains and high winds during a Spring storm can leave you with water damage to your Bloomville business. Let's discuss some ways you can be prepared for whatever comes!

What Are Some Ways I Can Prevent Water Damage At My Bloomville Commercial Property? 

Inspect the interior of your Bloomville business to determine if you are ready for wet weather:

  • Do the exterior doors fit as tightly as they should? 
  • Are both doors and windows weather-stripped properly? 
  • Is the roof of your office or warehouse well-maintained to protect your machinery, product, and furniture from water damage?
  • Are the pipes and hoses used during your daily operations in good repair? Pipes and hoses can become weak with much use and fail at the worst of times, leaving you with a water cleanup project. 

These are a few considerations for the exterior of your business:

  • Your business's parking lot or driveway should have a well-planned drainage system so clients and employees can safely get to and from their vehicles. If people travel on foot through standing water to enter your location, a slip-and-fall accident due to wet floors could occur. 
  • Inspect your parking lots regularly for potholes, especially after a storm. 
  • If you know bad weather is coming and bringing a lot of water, consider sand-bagging low-lying areas to prevent flooding. 
  • Rain gutters and downspouts need regular inspections, as well. If your rain gutters become clogged with debris, they cannot drain away rainwater. As water backs up, it may leak back into the walls of your building, leaving you with severe water damage and mold.

How Can Professionals Help Me Prepare My Bloomville Business For Possible Water Damage?

Many professional entities in the Bloomville area can be onsite right away to help you recover from water damage after Spring storms:

  • Utilities. 
    • Power lines and telephone poles near your business can be an issue during storm season. Contact your utility companies and have them look before wet weather to ensure your business is ready for whatever comes. 
  • Landscaping
    • Be aware of the condition of any large trees or bushes on your property. If your business grounds become saturated, a tree with an unstable root base can fall and create problems for you, your employees, and your customers. The help of a professional tree-trimming company will be invaluable in readying your property for water-related incidents. 
  • Professional Water Damage Restoration.
    • SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties maintains all the licensure, training, and equipment you need to restore your Bloomville business location if you experience water damage. We will assess the damage and take immediate action to restore your property as soon as possible. 

The team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties stands by to help in any way we can, 24 hours a day and seven days a week. In addition to helping you manage your commercial water damage and storm damage, we also offer restoration assistance with fire damage, mold remediation, and much more. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

When Spring Cleaning Gets Serious SERVPRO Is Here To Help

3/29/2023 (Permalink)

Spring cleaning freshens your home and business after the effects of fall and winter weather, and the result is a sparkling clean location - and it will be a healthier environment, too!

You may face many routine cleaning tasks this year, but your spring cleaning project may get serious. If the Bloomville area experienced more bad weather than average, it might be that you have a lot of work ahead of you!

You can use the following checklist to keep your cleaning on track. If your spring cleaning project becomes overwhelming, you can always rely on the help of the professionals here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties for help.

What Are Some Routine Spring Cleaning Tips I Can Use To Get My Location In Great Shape?

This spring cleaning checklist contains some helpful tips for you as you go through your home or business location handling routine dirt and grime:

  1. Remove surface grime on ceilings and walls with a solvent-free degreaser after vacuuming.
  2. Grout is porous, and it can become stained easily. Use a grout sealer that penetrates to protect it after cleaning.
  3. Rugs with waterproof backing and synthetic carpets can be vacuumed and shampooed. All others need to be professionally cleaned. 
  4. Empty shelves and use a feather duster to remove dust. Use your vacuum’s crevice tool for tight spots.
  5. Remove cushions and take them outside to remove dust. Check care labels on how to remove stains properly. Use the vacuum to clean under the cushions.
  6. Medium tarnished surfaces can be handled with a liquid polish, while creams and pastes work nicely on heavier jobs. 
  7. Dust everything, including hard-to-reach spots like window casings and ceiling fans. Work from top to bottom, and vacuum when finished.
  8. Wash wooden furniture pieces with a mild detergent; use a cotton rag to apply paste wax. Let it dry, and buff clean.
  9. Use mild dish soap and brush to clean each window screen thoroughly. Wash curtains and drapes, and wipe panes with a glass cleaner.
  10. Return the shine to vinyl and linoleum flooring with polishes designed for this task. Use a specialty wax or paste for stone and tile floors.
  11. This is an excellent time to replace batteries in your smoke alarms and check to ensure they are functioning correctly.

How Can SERVPRO Help Me When Spring Cleaning Becomes Overwhelming?

We provide 24-hour emergency service and have the training and expertise that comes with the SERVPRO name to handle all your restoration and cleaning projects, large or small, in Bloomville, throughout the greater Tiffin area, and East Seneca Counties! 

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is strategically positioned to be “Faster to Any Size Disaster” and will help you recover your Bloomville home or business as soon as possible!

We offer:

Contact us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to learn more about how we can help you keep your Bloomville home or commercial business in tip-top shape!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How to Prepare Your Home To Avoid Flood Damage

3/22/2023 (Permalink)

When a flood of any kind occurs, it can create serious issues. Excess water can weaken the foundation of your home or business, cause structural damage, or create the right conditions for a mold infestation. 

For many reasons, a flood may occur at your location; consider your risks and plan accordingly. Thorough preparation can help you avoid the worst effects on your Willard home. 

You should ask yourself a few questions: Do you live near a creek or river? Does your property drain well? Is your home older, with plumbing that may need to be updated? The answers to these and other flood-related questions will help you determine the flood-prevention steps you need to take.

What Are Some Top Tips For Flood Damage Prevention?

Here are some top tips to help you avoid the damage that a flood of any kind can cause to your Willard location:

  • Check for any leaks within or around your business and repair them immediately. Take care of the source immediately if you see drips or wet spots beneath or around pipes and faucets. Identifying any leaks and managing them before they develop into serious issues is essential. 
  • Keep pipes insulated and have the internal temperature of the building regulated to prevent the pipes from freezing. Frozen pipes can crack and lead to leakage and flooding.
  • You should inspect your roof for leaks or missing shingles at least once a year. Damaged shingles need to be replaced as they are identified. You will also want to repair any cracked caulking immediately. 
  • If you live near a creek or river, have your property surveyed for any vulnerable areas and take the necessary steps to protect them against rising floodwaters. If your property is adjacent to public land, contact your local authorities to determine who is responsible for flood prevention and damage. 

Who Do I Call If My Willard Home Is Flooded?

You can always rely on SERVPRO for help with flooding and all kinds of water damage! Don’t hesitate to call us at (419) 443 1790 if you experience a disaster at your location!

We help Willard home and business owners with disasters of all kinds here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. Our services include storm damage, fire damage, mold infestations, and more. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Let SERVPRO Help You With Your 2023 Spring Cleaning Checklist!

3/15/2023 (Permalink)

As you head into the warmer months, enjoying the longer days and the brighter sunshine, you’ll start to notice the effects of winter on your home. Winter can be hard on a house, with extreme temperatures, snow, ice, and wind. 

It’s time for spring cleaning! Your house may need a power washing or a new coat of paint, or maybe your floors are dingy from all the mud and dirt that has been tracked in. 

Whatever you may be facing, SERVPRO can help you create a spring cleaning checklist. We can also complete deep cleaning projects you can’t do yourself. 

What Tasks Should Be On My 2023 Spring Cleaning Agenda?

Here is a list of tasks you can complete during your spring cleaning project:

  • Move furniture in preparation for vacuuming, scrubbing, and carpet cleaning. Vacuuming, sweeping, and carpet cleaning are critical to restoring your home to a clean and healthy environment. 
  • You can check for damage, mold, and pests as you complete these projects. Make lists of what you find and schedule repairs and remediation accordingly.
  • Make sure all appliances are properly sanitized and cleaned; this can prevent germs and illnesses from spreading. 
  • Surfaces often forgotten when cleaning daily, such as doorknobs, window frames, mop handles, and brooms, should all be wiped down.
  • Countertops, sinks, restroom walls, toilets, and floors should be sanitized and cleaned regularly. Taking the time to break everything down, replace malfunctioning fixtures, and deeply sanitize your restrooms can be part of your spring cleaning plan. It is also an optimum time to have the caulking around the toilets and sinks re-done to improve and support the seals.
  • An essential part of the deep spring cleaning process is ensuring that those areas often ignored will get cleaned thoroughly. The dust in areas such as under furniture, inside storage spaces, and around appliances, for example, can build up over time and be unhealthy for you and your family. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me With My Deep Cleaning Needs?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has the expertise to provide a deeper clean than your basic house cleaning service. Our residential cleaning services will ease the burden of the constant maintenance cleaning of your home and will also create a safe, clean and comfortable living environment for you and your family.

A few of our deep cleaning services include

  • Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning. The SERVPRO carpet and upholstery cleaning service will eliminate the dirt you see and remove the unwanted dust you don’t see. A professionally cleaned carpet and furniture may make all the difference in brightening a room and freshening your home.

  • Air Duct Cleaning. We all have tasks around the house that don’t make it to our priority list. Properly maintaining your home’s air ducts should not be one of them. Regular duct cleaning can increase your home’s heating and cooling efficiency and improve the quality of the air you and your family breathe.

  • Odor Removal. Your basic cleaning service will need more expertise to deodorize your home effectively. Take advantage of SERVPRO’s residential cleaning services to remove unwanted odors.

  • Sewage and Biohazard Clean Up. Our experts are ready to assist in cleaning sewage and other biohazard materials and provide deep cleaning services for your home. 

Contact us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to learn more about how we can help you keep your home or commercial business in tip-top shape! In addition to our cleaning services, you can count on us for help with water damage, fire damage, mold remediation, and many other services. Call us today at (419) 443 1790!

Tips To Prepare Your Home For a Tornado

3/8/2023 (Permalink)

We all know that tornadoes can cause fatalities and devastation in seconds. A tornado is a rotating, funnel-shaped cloud extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. It will generally occur near the edge of a storm. Winds from a tornado have been known to reach 300 miles per hour! A tornado can be obscured from your view by rain or low-hanging clouds, developing so rapidly that advance warning is almost impossible. 

Don’t be caught unaware; be prepared for possible tornadoes in the Tiffin area!

What Are Some Tornado Warning Signs For Me To Be Aware Of?

Understanding tornadoes and their warning signs will help you prepare for tornado season. Your weather channel reporter may alert you that you are under a “tornado watch.” A tornado watch means that the present weather conditions favor violent weather.

Keep an eye out for these danger signs:

  • Dark and greenish sky
  • Large, dark, and low-lying clouds
  • Hail 
  • A loud roar often described as sounding like a passing train.

If you are told there is a “tornado warning” in the area, that means that a tornado has been spotted on the ground or indicated by radar, and you will need to take cover immediately:

  • Go to the lowest, most interior area of your home or business immediately, putting as many walls between yourself and the outdoors as possible. 
  • Please stay away from windows and do not open them.
  • Use your arms to protect your head, or cover yourself with a mattress, sleeping bag, or pillows. 
  • Remember where weighty objects are on the floor above, and stay away from the area directly beneath in case they fall through. 

Having a tornado safety plan at your home or office is essential, letting your workforce and family know where to take shelter quickly.

Why Is SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties My Best Choice For Storm Damage Remediation?

SERVPRO specializes in storm damage recovery, and we can handle these events at a moment’s notice. 

  • Our personnel have been trained and have all the necessary training to assist in a storm emergency event. 
  • Every crew member has experience with a storm event in the past, so they know exactly what to do. 
  • Our warehouse is well-stocked with equipment that can meet all your needs. 

Cleaning up after a significant weather event can be challenging. When it comes to storm damage to your Tiffin home or business by a tornado, hurricane, or other severe weather, remember that the team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you need us, we will be there right away!

We also handle water damage, fire damage, and mold remediation! Call us at (419) 443-1790 to learn more!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How to Handle an Overflowing Washer

2/22/2023 (Permalink)

How Do I Handle An Overflowing Washing Machine?

Doing your laundry is usually a pretty tame endeavor - as long as everything goes the way it should, however! Most of us have experienced that sinking feeling you get when you walk into the laundry room and realize you’re standing in a puddle - or worse. 

However, handling an overflowing washing machine doesn’t have to be impossible. Let’s go through the steps you need to take to manage this event.

What Are The First Steps I Should Take To Manage My Overflowing Washing Machine?

Remember, don’t do any of these steps if you don’t think you can do them safely!

  • Unplug or cut the power to the washer, then turn the hot and cold water supply lines off to stop the water flow. NOTE: DO NOT touch electrical devices or outlets if standing in water or on a wet surface!
  • Once you’ve turned the washer and water off, remove any items on the floor nearby and put them in a safe place to dry.
  • Use a mop and bucket to remove the excess water. If you have several inches of water or more in your laundry room, contact a water damage restoration company like SERVPRO immediately for assistance.

What Are Some Things I Can Do To Avoid Water Damage While I Wait For SERVPRO To Arrive? 

Your flooding may be significant; if that’s the case, you’ll want to take some precautions. Here are some things you can do to help protect your home from the worst while you wait for SERVPRO to arrive. 

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removing lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn the air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is your go-to for water damage restoration. We are mold remediation experts and can immediately handle any unpleasant associated odors. Our commercial water damage services will help you get your Huron & East Seneca County area business back to work as soon as possible!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

SERVPRO Can Help with Winter Disasters

2/15/2023 (Permalink)

How Can SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Help Me A Winter Disaster?

If you have lived in the Tiffin area for any time, you will know that our winter weather can sometimes be unpredictable! It can be difficult to anticipate any flooding, storm damage, and water damage that may occur. 

When it comes to winter storm damage and the accompanying water damage and flooding, acting without hesitation is vital to minimizing and remediating the damage to your East Seneca home or business. Choose a company with storm damage experience and expertise, like SERVPRO, to help you recover from a winter disaster as quickly as possible.

Why Is SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties A Smart Choice When Managing A Winter Disaster?

Here are some reasons why you should choose SERVPRO when you have experienced a disaster:

  • Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certifications, rest assured that our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.
  • Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours, nor do we. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, seven days a week—including all holidays. You can expect an immediate response time, day or night.
  • In many cleaning and restoration situations, immediate action is needed. With over 2030 U.S. and Canadian Franchise locations, SERVPRO is strategically positioned to be faster to any size emergency. A quick response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.
  • We are storm and water damage specialists who promptly get your property dry and back to pre-storm condition. We document the drying process using advanced equipment and scientific drying techniques to validate that your home or business is ready.

What Other Kinds Of Disaster Recovery Services Does SERVPRO Offer?

In addition to storm damage, we are ready to help you recover from the following:

Ask about our commercial restoration services if you own a business in the Huron & East Seneca Counties area!

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you with disasters of all sizes and types. We can make it like it never even happened. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Tips for Preparing Your Attica Apartment for a Storm

2/8/2023 (Permalink)

What Are Some Smart Winter Storm Preparation Tips For My Attica Apartment?

Winter storms are challenging due to the cold temperatures they bring, whether you live in a single-family home or an apartment. As a renter, you won’t have the concerns about property damage that a homeowner will have, of course, but you still need to prepare for cold weather and power failures.

How Do You Prepare For A Winter Storm In Attica?

Here are some ways you can stay safe and comfortable during severe weather:

  • Store blankets and other heat-generating materials for use during a winter storm. If you have extra blankets, coats, an emergency phone charger, and non-perishable food, you’ll stay warm and comfortable during a winter storm, even if your power goes out. 
  • Weatherstripping is sealing your windows and doors around the cracks to regulate the interior temperature and keep the cold air outside.  
  • Research the best small generators; winter storms often bring with them an array of other issues, such as precipitation and wind, which can easily down power lines causing you to lose your heat sources and appliances. Having a generator ready to go in an emergency will help you save any foodstuffs that can spoil, for example.

What Are Some Items To Have In Your Emergency Car Kit In Case You Must Travel? 

It is best to stay off the roads as much as possible, but have an emergency car kit if you must travel. This can include:

  • A shovel
  • Windshield scraper
  • Battery-powered radio with additional batteries 
  • Cell phone (extra batteries and a portable charger) 
  • Road maps
  • Tire chains
  • Tow chains
  • Rope
  • Coats
  • Blankets 
  • Non-perishable food items
  • Potable water for drinking

Learn more here

Winter storms and the problems that arise from them, like frozen pipes and frequent power outages, are inconvenient. Our team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties recommends that you check all areas of your Attica apartment home to ensure you are thoroughly prepared for winter storm damage

You can also count on us for services for water damage, mold infestations, unpleasant odors, and much more.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What to Do When a Fire Strikes Your Bloomville Business

2/1/2023 (Permalink)

What Do I Do When A Fire Occurs At My Bloomville Business Location?

Fire damage can be particularly devastating to your commercial property. While you might know what to expect from the fire and smoke damage, significant damage will come from the soot and water damage sustained from the firefighting efforts that need to be considered. The longer you have to spend getting your business or commercial property restored, the longer you go without generating revenue; this can spell disaster for your Bloomville business location. 

If you have experienced the tragedy of fire damage in your Bloomville business or commercial property, reach out to us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. We will get your business back up and running in no time.

Contact SERVPRO to start your commercial fire damage restoration process right away!

What Is The SERVPRO Fire Damage Process?

Every fire damage event is a little different and requires a unique solution, but the general process stays the same. The steps listed below illustrate our process for the “typical” fire damage emergency.

Step 1: Emergency Contact

The restoration process begins when you call us. Our representative will ask questions regarding the fire damage event to help us respond immediately with the appropriate equipment and resources. 

Step 2: Inspection and Fire Damage Assessment

We carefully inspect and test adjoining rooms of your property to determine the extent of the fire, smoke, and soot damage. This step is crucial to developing a plan of action. 

Step 3: Immediate Board-Up and Roof-Tarp Service

Fire damage can often compromise windows, walls, and roofs. To maintain security and to protect against further damage, we can board up missing windows and walls and place tarps on damaged roofs. 

Step 4: Water Removal and Drying (if water damage is present)

The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes most of the water. We then use dehumidifiers and air movers to remove the remaining water and complete the drying process. 

Step 5: Removal of Smoke and Soot from All Surfaces

We use specialized equipment and techniques to remove smoke and soot from ceilings, walls, and other surfaces. 

Step 6: Cleaning and Sanitizing

We clean, sanitize, and disinfect all the restorable items and structures damaged by the fire. We use various cleaning techniques to restore your belongings to pre-fire condition. We’re also trained to remove odors using industrial air scrubbers and fogging equipment.

Step 7: Restoration

Restoration is the final step—getting your home or business to its pre-fire condition. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall, painting, and installing new carpet, or significant repairs, such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business.

Why Should I Call SERVPRO For Help In A Disaster?

The SERVPRO team of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a trusted leader in the mold and disaster restoration industry. Our highly-trained technicians are dedicated to responding quickly to any disaster, such as fire damage or water damage. Mold remediation is one of our specialties. We provide 24-hour emergency service and have the training and expertise that comes with the SERVPRO name to handle all your commercial restoration and cleaning projects, large or small, throughout the greater Tiffin area and East Seneca Counties! SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is strategically positioned to be “Faster to Any Size Disaster” and will help you recover your Bloomville home or business as soon as possible!

Have Questions? Call us today at (419) 443-1790!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How to Prevent Winter Storm Damage to Your New London Home

1/25/2023 (Permalink)

How Do I Prevent Winter Storm Damage To My New London Home?

As a savvy New London homeowner, you know it’s best to be prepared ahead of time. Debris, power outages, and standing water can create dangerous situations during stormy weather. 

Let’s discuss ways to prevent and handle any damage you may experience.

What Are Some Important Measures I Can Take For My New London Home?

  • Safety should be everyone’s top priority. Whether you’re considering the well-being of your loved ones or your workforce, consider these safety steps to help you ensure no one gets hurt by damages from a winter storm. If you or a loved one are over 65 years old, place an easy-to-read thermometer in an indoor location where you will see it frequently. Our ability to feel a change in temperature decreases with age. Older adults are more susceptible to health problems caused by cold weather. Check the temperature of your home often during the winter months.
  • Weatherproof your home. Insulate any water lines that run along exterior walls so your water supply will be less likely to freeze. Caulk and weather-strip doors and windows and insulate walls and attic. Install storm or thermal-pane windows or cover windows with plastic from the inside. Repair roof leaks and cut away tree branches that could fall on your home or other structure during a storm.
  • Have your chimney or flue inspected yearly if you plan to use a fireplace or wood stove for emergency heating. Ask your local fire department to recommend an inspector or find one online.
  • Install a smoke detector and a battery-operated carbon monoxide detector. If you use a fireplace, wood stove, or kerosene heater, install a smoke detector and a battery-operated carbon monoxide detector near the area to be heated. Test them monthly and replace batteries twice a year. Keep a multipurpose, dry-chemical fire extinguisher nearby. All fuel-burning equipment should be vented to the outside. 
  • Each winter season, have your furnace system and vent checked by a qualified technician to ensure they are functioning correctly. 

How Can SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Help Me Get Back To Normal After A Winter Storm?

SERVPRO specializes in storm damage recovery, and we are equipped to handle these events at a moment’s notice. 

  • Our personnel have been trained and have all the necessary training to assist in a storm event. 
  • Every crew member has experienced a storm event in the past, so our team knows what to do. 
  • Our warehouse is well-stocked with equipment that can meet all your needs. 
  • The past few decades have seen a rapid advancement in the technology and techniques used in the restoration industry. These advancements allow SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Professionals to restore a property to preloss condition quickly, reliably, and more effectively.

Cleaning up after a significant weather event can be challenging. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we manage all kinds of damage to your New London home so you can get back to normal as soon as possible. We handle storm damage restoration, water damage, and mold remediation and prevention.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Keep Your Bellevue Commercial Property Clean With SERVPRO's Help!

1/18/2023 (Permalink)

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Keep My Bellevue Commercial Property Clean?

Our highly-trained technicians at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are fully equipped to professionally clean your Bellevue commercial location. Whether you need assistance with restoration and cleaning after an emergency or want to schedule routine cleaning and maintenance, we can be onsite to help you immediately so you don’t lose time or money.

Which Commercial Cleaning Services Does SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca County Offer?

We are trusted leaders in the disaster restoration industry, and commercial mold remediation is one of our specialties. We provide fast, 24-hour emergency service, and our team’s intensive, ongoing training ensures that we have the expertise to handle all your restoration and cleaning projects. 

We also handle specialty commercial cleaning projects, such as:

Every hour you have to spend cleaning up your Bellevue commercial location is an hour of lost revenue and productivity, so SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties provides professional cleaning and emergency restoration services to get your business running smoothly again as soon as possible. We have the training, equipment, and resources to handle commercial cleaning projects of any size. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Clean My Bellevue Commercial Location In A Health-Related Scenario?

In the case of a health-related issue such as a seasonal flu outbreak, our Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned defensive cleaning program will give your Bellevue business a way forward by providing your employees and customers with ongoing safety. 

As America’s #1 cleanup and restoration brand, we have developed a program that is grounded in our 3 C’s: Consult, Clean, and Certify:

  • Consult: We start by consulting the client about the unique needs of each space.
  • Clean: An expert deep clean is initiated using our proprietary EPA-approved, hospital-grade cleaning solutions. We always adhere to CDC standards.
  • Certify: You’ll know a business is Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned by the shield posted on their front window. Along with digital emblems and other collateral, this beacon represents their commitment to the comfort and security of their employees, customers, and community.

Whether you need help removing an odor problem or deep cleaning ceilings, walls, or flooring at your Bellevue commercial property, you can depend on SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to get the job done right the first time. We respond promptly and make your workspace look its very best. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Keep The Pipes In Your Tiffin Home From Freezing This Winter

1/11/2023 (Permalink)

How Can I Keep The Pipes At My Tiffin Home From Freezing This Winter?

Every wise homeowner knows to guard against frozen pipes. Even a tiny crack in a line, whether it's plastic or copper, can create a flood in your Tiffin home. 

Taking simple precautions ahead of freezing weather can save the time lost in repairs and recovery and the associated costs. The damage that comes from flooding can be extensive since large amounts of water can affect furniture, flooring, walls, and essential items like vital records and irreplaceable personal keepsakes. 

What Are Some Pre-emptive Steps I Can Take To Guard My Tiffin Home From Flooding Associated With Burst Pipes? 

  • Exposed pipes are more vulnerable to freezing temperatures, so be sure to insulate all exposed pipes properly.
  • Inspect your pipes for leaks and carefully seal them to prevent cold air from coming inside. Look for any leaks around dryer vents, pipes, and electrical wiring. 
  • Disconnect garden hoses and fasten valves and faucets. If possible, use an indoor valve to drain water from pipes that lead to outdoor faucets. 
  • Adjust your thermostat to stay at the same temperature day and night, preventing pipes from freezing. 

If A Pipe Bursts In My Tiffin Home, What Steps Should I Take To Minimize Damage? 

Here are some do's and don'ts for you to follow if you experience flooding in your Tiffin home:

  • What To DO After Flooding:
  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removing lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn the air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What NOT To Do After Flooding

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines, or other colored items on wet carpets or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet; keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.

Freezing temperatures can cause many problems to the internal structure of your Tiffin home if you are not careful. Checking for frozen pipes should be part of your winter property maintenance so you can pave the way for a happy holiday season. If you need water damage restoration from a frozen pipe this winter, contact us at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties immediately. 

In addition to water damage restoration, you can count on us for mold remediation, odor removal, biohazard cleaning, and much more!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

New Years Resolution: Prioritize Home Safety

1/4/2023 (Permalink)

How Can I Prioritize Home Safety As My New Year’s Resolution?

Starting a new year can be exciting; the possibilities for making positive changes in our lives are endless. From choosing healthier lifestyle options to creating new projects, there are many things we can do to make life better. 

Have you ever considered elevating your home safety program as your New Year’s resolution? Making your home safer for you and your loved ones would be an excellent way to start 2023! 

Keep reading for helpful suggestions on prioritizing home safety for the upcoming year. 

What Are Some Top Home Safety Tips For Me To Consider?

When discussing home safety, we’re referring to your awareness of risks, education about risks, and the potential dangers these risks could cause in and around your home. These risks may result in bodily harm, injury, or even death to those residing in and around your Huron & East Seneca County home.

To protect yourself and your loved ones from such disasters, you may want to consider these tips:

  • Keep fire extinguishers and smoke detectors on every floor. Use extreme caution when smoking. Never smoke when alone or in bed.
  • Avoid using slippery wax on floors. Wipe up spills promptly.
  • To avoid scalds, turn the water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit or below.
  • Use door locks that can be opened from both sides.
  • Avoid standing on ladders or chairs.
  • Have sturdy rails for all stairs inside and outside the house. If necessary, purchase a stairlift for those who need extra assistance.
  • Remove electrical or telephone cords from traffic areas.
  • Ensure all staircases have good lighting with switches at the top and bottom. Staircase steps should have a non-slip surface. Keep floors clean and uncluttered.
  • Mark “ON” and “OFF” positions on appliances clearly and with bright colors.
  • Store sharp knives in a rack. Store heavier objects at the waist level. Store hazardous items separate from food. Avoid wearing long, loose clothing when cooking over the stove. Make sure food is rotated regularly. Check expiration dates.
  • Cover electrical outlets to prevent children from inserting objects. Check electrical cords for wear. Do not use cables that are frayed or have exposed wires. Be sure to check the junction between the cord and the plug. Ground all three-pronged plug adapters.
  • Check heating pads for cracks before use. Do not use if present.
  • Review your medicines frequently with your doctor or pharmacist and when you take a new medication. Make sure medicines are clearly labeled. Read medicine labels in good light to ensure you have the right medicine and always take the correct dose. Dispose of any old or used drugs. Store all medications out of reach of children.

Can I Rely On SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties If A Disaster Occurs?

Yes! SERVPRO is always available to help with disasters of all types and sizes! 

SERVPRO has over 2020 Franchises in the U.S. and Canada. Whether you need help with emergency flood damage or your upholstery needs to be cleaned, you can depend on SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. Our technicians have extensive restoration training that focuses on getting you back to normal right away. We can make it “like it never even happened!”

Learn more about our residential services:

Contact us today for a free consultation!

When And How Does Mold Get Into Homes?

12/28/2022 (Permalink)

How Does Mold Get Into Your Home?

Even a small water leak or excess humidity allows a mold colony to form in your Huron & East Seneca Counties home. Once a mold colony has set in, it can spread quickly through your property and become a severe problem in as little as 48 hours. 

Such mold growth is not only unappealing for a home or business, but it can also produce allergens and irritants that have the potential to impact the health of anyone in your home negatively.

What Do I Need To Know About Mold? 

Some restoration companies advertise “mold removal” and may even guarantee to remove all mold. However, removing all mold from a house or business is impossible. Microscopic mold spores exist almost everywhere, both indoors and outdoors. Here are the facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation begins, any water or moisture sources must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

Why Is SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties My Best Choice For Mold Remediation?

Every mold damage scenario is different and requires a unique solution, but the general mold remediation process stays the same. The steps listed below illustrate our “typical” process:

  1. Emergency Contact - (419) 443-1790. Our mold cleanup and restoration processes begin when you call us. Our representative will ask questions to help us determine the necessary equipment, resources, and personnel.
  2. Inspection and Mold Damage Assessment. Local and state laws may require a specific inspection and documentation protocol based on the size of the affected area. We can advise you on this process, providing guidance based on your unique situation. We carefully inspect your property for visible signs of mold. Mold feeds on cellulose and water and can be hidden from plain view. We use various technologies to detect mold and hidden water sources.
  3. Mold Containment. Our professionals use various containment procedures to prevent the spread of mold. We may use advanced containment procedures like negative air chambers to isolate the contaminated area with physical barriers and negative air pressure to prevent mold spores from spreading during the cleanup process. All fans and heating and cooling systems will be turned off to prevent the spread of mold.
  4. Air Filtration. Our specialized filtration equipment allows our Professionals to capture microscopic mold spores out of the air. We utilize powerful “air scrubbers” and HEPA vacuums to prevent the spread of these mold spores while mold remediation is in process.
  5. Removing Mold and Mold-Infested Materials. The mold remediation process depends on mold growth and the types of surfaces on which the mold appears. We’ll use antifungal and antimicrobial treatments to eliminate mold colonies and to help prevent new colonies from forming. Removing and disposing of mold-infested porous materials, like drywall and carpeting, may be necessary to remediate heavy mold growth.
  6. Cleaning Contents and Belongings. We clean your furniture, decorative items, curtains, clothing, and other restorable items affected by mold. We use a variety of cleaning techniques to clean and disinfect your belongings. We’re also trained to remove odors and deodorization using fogging equipment.
  7. Restoration. Depending on the level of mold damage, drywall, subfloors, and other building materials may have been removed. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall, painting, and installing new carpet, or significant repairs, such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business. The restoration step gets your home or business back to normal.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can be onsite immediately to help you in any disaster, regardless of type or size. From mold remediation and water damage restoration to odor removal and fire damage restoration and much more, we are here to help!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Top Fire Prevention Tips For My East Seneca Home?

12/21/2022 (Permalink)

Male and Female shaking hands infront of green SERVPRO truck Employee and client greeting each other in front of a SERVPRO truck.

A kitchen fire is one of the most common sources of damage in any home or commercial business, and the after-effects are devastating to the owner or resident. 

Loss of personal property and injury can be a tragic result of a fire. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are committed to ensuring that you and your family are protected from the dangerous outcome of a kitchen fire. 

Keep reading for some top fire prevention tips for your East Seneca home. 

How Can I Prevent Fire In My East Seneca Home?

  • Greasy buildup in and on stove hoods, oven interiors, and around cooking equipment is an accident waiting to happen. Keeping them as clean as possible is a top fire prevention tip for you to practice. 
  • Your fire alarm system in your home needs to be maintained in good working order at all times to ensure that it will work properly if the worst happens. 
  • If you use floor heating units, turn them off when you leave the room. Check the wiring and cords before you use them for the winter to ensure they are safe and working correctly. 
  • Each family member can be a part of your fire safety team by learning to understand fire safety and how to handle a fire if it should happen. Every person should know where the fire extinguishers are, even if they aren’t comfortable using one. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Recover From A Fire?

If the worst should happen, call SERVPRO at (419) 443 1790

Our SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team maintains all specialized training afforded by the SERVPRO Franchise. That means that our team knows the ins and outs of fire damage and water damage cleanup and restoration, enabling us to restore your home or business to its pre-fire condition quickly. Often, odor removal and deep cleaning of carpet and upholstery will go hand-in-hand with fire damage restoration due to the smoke and soot that can coat the interior of your home or business. Our team has specific training and equipment to handle such fire-related issues.


If you experience fire damage, water damage, or mold issues in your commercial or home kitchen, remember that the SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team maintains all the skills and advanced technology required to get you back to normal as soon as possible.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How To Minimize Storm Damage Before It Occurs

12/14/2022 (Permalink)

snow on a window Snow on a window with potential storm damage.

How Do I Minimize And Prevent Storm Damage To My Home?

The winter months bring rain, ice, sleet, snow, and high winds, and these elements can cause a lot of damage. The most effective way to minimize and prevent to your home or business here in the Huron & East Seneca Counties area is by being prepared

Keep reading for some storm damage preparation tips that you can use for your location:

What Are Some Great Storm Damage Prevention Tips I Can Use To Protect My Home Or Business?

Here at SERVPRO, our extensive experience with storm damage in the Huron & East Seneca Counties area means we know some ways you can protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property:

  • Inspect your home, business, and grounds before inclement weather moves into the area. Your exterior doors and windows should fit correctly and be weather-stripped. Roofing needs to be evaluated and repaired ahead of time to withstand inclement weather conditions and prevent further storm damage.
  • Trim back trees and bushes with large, unhealthy branches, so people and property are not in danger of destruction. Ice and snow can be very heavy, causing trees and branches to fall. 
  • Secure your fencing and outdoor furniture ahead of bad weather to avoid damage from high winds.
  • Consider installing a landline so you can still communicate if your cell phone towers get damaged or go down. Have an emergency radio and a supply of batteries on hand to receive emergency updates and alerts.

How Can SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Help Me With Storm Damage? 

If you experience damage from a storm, the SERVPRO team can be there right away to help you begin your recovery. You can reach us by calling (419) 443 1790 or by contacting us online.

  • SERVPRO personnel has been trained and certified to assist in any storm event.
  • Our crew members have previously experienced storm damage restoration projects, so they are experts in the SERVPRO storm damage recovery process. 
  • We have all the advanced technology and equipment to meet your needs. 
  • We can be on-site to assist quickly; we offer fast 24-hour service!

The team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is proud to serve the community. In addition to storm damage restoration, we offer water damage restoration, odor removal deodorization, mold remediation, and more! This franchise is independently owned and operated.

SERVPRO Is Here For You This Holiday Season

12/7/2022 (Permalink)

Why Should I Choose SERVPRO This Holiday Season?

Accidents can happen any time of year. During the holiday season, you need to protect yourself and your family from cooking fires, fires from heating units, weather-related damage to your home, water damage from flooding, and so much more.

You’ll be busy this holiday season - hosting and entertaining, celebrating with those you love, and attending events and religious services - so if a disaster strikes, you may not have time to handle it. Call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties at (419) 443 1790, and let us help you get back to normal as soon as possible. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Recover From A Disaster?

  • The SERVPRO team of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a trusted leader in the mold and disaster restoration industry.  
  • Our highly-trained technicians are dedicated to responding quickly to any disaster, such as fire or water damage, and mold remediation is one of our specialties. 
  • We provide 24-hour emergency service!
  • We have the training and expertise to handle all your restoration and cleaning projects, large or small, throughout the greater Tiffin area and East Seneca Counties.
  • SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is strategically positioned to be “Faster to Any Size Disaster” and will help you recover your Tiffin home or business as soon as possible!

Why Is SERVPRO The Best Choice For Disaster Recovery?

We do it all. No matter what disaster you face during the holidays - or any other time of year - we can handle it. Our residential restoration services include:

We are also the ones to call if you need cleaning services. Our residential cleaning services include:

No matter what you might be facing in your home or business, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you recover as quickly as possible. Our specialties include fire, water, and storm damage restoration for residential and commercial clients. We are experts in managing mold and mildew remediation and much more.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are The Top Five Things You Need To Know About Mold Remediation?

11/23/2022 (Permalink)

Blue mold What Are The Top Five Things You Need To Know About Mold Remediation?

Mold can create many problems for a home or business owner; you won’t know there’s any issue ahead of time - a colony will be discovered, and you’re left having to manage it. 

What Are Some Important Basic Mold FAQs For You To Understand?

  1. Mold is very common in buildings and homes. Mold will grow in moist places, such as around leaks in roofs, windows, or pipes or where there has been flooding. Mold grows well on paper, cardboard, ceiling tiles, and wood products. Mold can also grow in dust, paints, wallpaper, insulation, drywall, carpet, fabric, and upholstery.
  2. Everyone can practice mold prevention and keep their premises safe from an infestation. Once one has established itself, however, you may need professional help to remediate it; a mold infestation can never be wholly eradicated
  3. Mold is found both indoors and outdoors. It can enter your home through open doorways, windows, vents, and heating and air conditioning systems. Mold in the air outside can also attach itself to clothing, shoes, and pets and can be carried indoors.
  4. Some people are sensitive to mold. For these people, exposure to molds can lead to symptoms such as stuffy nose, wheezing, red or itchy eyes, or skin. Some people, who suffer from mold allergies or asthma, may have more intense reactions.
  5. You can control mold growth by:
  • Controlling humidity levels;
  • Promptly fixing leaky roofs, windows, and pipes;
  • Thoroughly cleaning and drying after flooding;
  • Ventilating shower, laundry, and cooking areas.

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Manage A Mold Infestation? 

A minor mold problem can quickly become a major infestation if left untreated. We start the remediation process immediately after you contact us. A faster response lessens the mold damage, limits additional damage, and reduces the remediation cost.

We specialize in water and mold damage restoration, the cornerstone of our business. We have the training and expertise to handle any mold situation safely. On our team of highly-trained technicians, we have:

  • Applied Microbial Remediation Specialists
  • Water Damage Restoration Technicians
  • Applied Structural Drying Technicians

Call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties at (419) 443-1790 for help with any disaster. In addition to mold remediation services, we handle fire, water, storm damage mitigation services, and much more!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Can I Best Maintain My Commercial Property?

11/16/2022 (Permalink)

Highrise buildings How Can I Best Maintain My Commercial Property?

You don’t have time to worry about the everyday wear and tear that gradually soils your office - you’re too busy running your business! When grime, odor, and moisture challenges go beyond the scope of your regular janitorial staff, you should call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties for prompt service at  (419) 443-1790.

Whether it’s removing an odor problem or deep cleaning flooring or carpets, you can rely on us to make your workspace look its very best.

What Services Does SERVPRO Offer Commercial Property Owners?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers services ranging from cleaning restaurant hoods to removing biohazard contaminants. We have the specialized training and products to get your property back to business. Our cleaning services include the following:

Why Should I Choose SERVPRO To Maintain My Commercial Property?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is locally owned and operated—so we’re a part of this community too. We are also part of a national network of over 2010 Franchises, which enables us to respond quicker with more resources. We can call upon special Disaster Recovery Teams strategically located throughout the country for major storms and disasters.

We are proud to serve our local communities:

Our team is highly-trained, uses advanced technology, and offers fast 24-hour service

We’re also disaster mitigation experts. The SERVPRO Commercial Large Loss Division is composed of our best of the best in restoration. Our elite large-loss specialists are pre-qualified and strategically positioned throughout the United States to handle any size disaster. A commercial operations manager supervises every large loss to help ensure seamless communication and timely mitigation. 

Contact us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to learn more about how we can help you keep your commercial business in tip-top shape!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Do I Minimize Water Damage In My Tiffin Home?

11/9/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO hard hat How Do I Minimize Water Damage In My Tiffin Home?

Water damage to your home in Tiffin can be inconvenient and sometimes even dangerous, depending on where the water comes from. If you experience water damage, you can always contact SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties by calling us at  (419) 443-1790 for help at any time of the day or night. We offer fast 24-hour service!

What Will SERVPRO Do First When Helping Me Handle Water Damage?

When responding to a water damage emergency, we begin with a detailed inspection of your home or property, including a damage assessment. At this stage, our professionals are trying to determine the damage's scope so we can develop an appropriate action plan.

Identify and Stop the Water Source

We will check for the source of moisture in your home or business. The source must be stopped before any restoration or drying of the building can be successful.

Identify the Type of Water

We will identify the category and classification of water damage to ensure our professionals restore your property based on industry guidelines. The water contamination level will affect the specific restoration processes we use.

  • Category 1: "Clean Water"
  • Category 2: "Gray Water"
  • Category 3: "Black Water"

Survey the Extent of the Water Damage and Inspect the Premises

We inspect and test to determine the extent of damage and how far the moisture has traveled to ensure proper and complete restoration. In addition, we will check for safety concerns that may be evident. If there are any safety issues like lead or asbestos, please bring them to our attention.

Move or Block Furniture

We move furniture, property contents, and block items to help prevent rust or furniture stains on wet carpets.

What Does SERVPRO Do To Remove The Water?

After the inspection and damage assessment step, the water extraction process begins. This step removes the majority of the water. We use powerful pumps and truck-mounted vacuum units to quickly remove hundreds or thousands of gallons of water from your property.

Move-Out / Pack-Out

If your home requires extensive restoration or cleaning, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can conduct an organized, efficient move-out to protect your belongings from further damage.

Emergency Water Removal

Our highly trained technicians will begin the water removal process almost immediately. Depending on the amount of water, we may use powerful submersible pumps in addition to industrial strength and wet/dry vacuums. Removing most of the water helps reduce drying time and helps prevent secondary water damage and mold and bacterial growth.

Inspect the Carpet Pad and Carpet

We inspect the carpet and pad and determine if they should be removed to protect the subfloor.

Water Removal Equipment

  • Moisture detectors, hygrometers, and other meters measure the extent of moisture saturation.
  • We may use infrared cameras to find "hidden" water behind walls and ceilings.
  • Submersible and gas-powered pumps are used for the continuous pumping of high-level water.
  • Truck-mounted and portable extraction units perform efficient water removal.

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team members are your water damage remediation experts! Learn more about our drying and dehumidification process here

In addition to water damage remediation, we handle fire and storm damage, mold remediation, and much more. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Recover From Smoke And Fire Damage?

11/2/2022 (Permalink)

Kitchen pot cooking on fire How Can SERVPRO Help Me Recover From Smoke And Fire Damage?

If your Huron & East Seneca Counties home and belongings experience a fire, you will probably be left with damages from the fire, the smoke and soot, and even the water used in the firefighting process. 

Our SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team maintains all specialized training afforded by the SERVPRO Franchise. Our team knows the ins and outs of fire and water damage cleanup and restoration, enabling us to restore your home or business to its pre-fire condition quickly. Call us at (419) 443-1790 for help with fire damage or any other disaster!

Please refer to our Fire Damage Tips - Until Help Arrives Guide and follow these tips to protect yourself and your property while you wait on the SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team.

What Are Some Ways SERVPRO Can Help Me With Fire And Smoke Damage Recovery?

The SERVPRO team are experts in fire damage mitigation. Our fire damage process is as follows: 

Step 1: Emergency Contact

The restoration process begins when you call us. Our representative will ask questions regarding the fire damage event to help us respond immediately with the appropriate equipment and resources. 

Step 2: Inspection and Fire Damage Assessment

We carefully inspect and test adjoining rooms of your property to determine the extent of the fire, smoke, and soot damage. This step is crucial to developing a plan of action. 

Step 3: Immediate Board-Up and Roof-Tarp Service

Fire damage can often compromise windows, walls, and roofs. To maintain security and to protect against further damage, we can board up missing windows and walls and place tarps on damaged roofs. 

Step 4: Water Removal and Drying (if water damage is present)

The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes most of the water. We then use dehumidifiers and air movers to remove the remaining water and complete the drying process. 

Step 5: Removal of Smoke and Soot from All Surfaces

We use specialized equipment and techniques to remove smoke and soot from ceilings, walls, and other surfaces. 

Step 6: Cleaning and Sanitizing

We clean, sanitize, and disinfect all restorable items and structures damaged by the fire. We use various cleaning techniques to restore your belongings to pre-fire condition. We’re also trained to remove odors using industrial air scrubbers and fogging equipment.

Step 7: Restoration

Restoration is the final step—getting your home or business to its pre-fire condition. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall, painting, and installing new carpet, or significant repairs, such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business.

How Does SERVPRO Care For My Damaged Belongings?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties specializes in restoring contents damaged by water, fire, or mold. Our expertise and “restore” versus “replace” mentality can help you save money while preserving precious keepsakes that can’t be replaced. We pretest your belongings to determine what items we can restore to pre-fire condition. We use several methods of cleaning your contents, including:

  • Dry Cleaning - Used for cleaning light residues or pre-clean before wet cleaning.
  • Wet Cleaning - An effective cleaning method for removing moderate to heavy residues.
  • Spray and Wipe -Effective for items that can’t withstand wet cleaning.
  • Foam Cleaning - Used for upholstery fabrics that might shrink or bleed if wet cleaned.
  • Abrasive Cleaning - Involves agitation of the surface being cleaned.
  • Immersion Cleaning - Contents are dipped into a bath of the cleaning product.

No matter what kind of disaster you face, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties will be onsite to help right away! Our highly-trained team uses the most advanced technology available to get you back to normal.

Not only do we manage fire damage, but we are also experts in water damage and mold remediation, too!

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Do I Prepare My Attica Location For A Storm?

10/26/2022 (Permalink)

storm over a field How Do I Prepare My Attica Location For A Storm?

How Do I Prepare My Attica Location For A Storm?

We’re heading into winter storm season, and as a savvy Attica home or business owner, you know it’s best to be prepared ahead of time. Power losses, debris, and standing water can create serious challenges during stormy weather.

Let’s discuss some ways you can be ready for bad weather!

What Are Some Important Safety Measures I Can Take For My Attica Home Or Business?

Safety is the most critical consideration of all. Whether you’re thinking of your loved ones or your workforce, you can take steps to ensure no one gets hurt by damages from a winter storm.

  • After a storm comes through, there may be much debris that will need to be cleaned up. If you are using machinery for the cleanup, make sure never to operate machinery on your own. Wear protective eye gear and headgear while operating machines (such as chainsaws and chippers, for example). Take note of anyone in the vicinity and be aware of your surroundings while using such machinery and tools. Schedule professional assistance if you are uncertain about clearing storm damage.
  • If you have experienced flooding and standing water at your Attica property, keep people clear of this area. Electricity in that part of the home should be shut off safely, but never walk through standing water when electricity is engaged. Removing standing water as soon as possible is vital to avoid contamination and mold. Professional cleanup companies can be onsite right away to handle damage after storms. 
  • If you have tree damage to your home or property, always ensure no power lines are down nearby before you start any cleanup. If there are, wait until utility crews can remove them before beginning your cleanup.
  • You should have the overall structure of your home professionally assessed if you have experienced storm damage. These professionals will check power sources, whether the home is leaning, exposed wiring, and other unsafe conditions. 
  • If your property has sustained substantial damage, leave things as they are before your insurance company inspects if possible. Your policy may state that professional repairs must be done and may not cover anything you do yourself. If you’re not sure what you can or cannot do, employ a professional who can do an inspection and give you an estimate for any repairs. 

How Can SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Help Me Get Back To Normal After A Winter Storm?

SERVPRO specializes in storm damage recovery, and we are equipped to handle these events at a moment’s notice. 

  • Our personnel have been trained and have all the necessary training to assist in a storm emergency event. 
  • Every crew member has experience with a storm event in the past, so they know exactly what to do. 
  • Our warehouse is well-stocked with equipment that can meet all your needs. 

Cleaning up after a significant weather event can be challenging. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we manage all kinds of damage to your Attica home or business so you can get back to normal as soon as possible. In addition to storm damage, we also handle damage from fire, water, and mold.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me In My New Bloomville Home?

10/19/2022 (Permalink)

Home for Sale Sign How Can SERVPRO Help Me In My New Bloomville Home?

How Can SERVPRO Help Me In My New Bloomville Home?

Owning a new home is an exciting prospect - and often challenging. Your home might be newly constructed, so you’ll focus on landscaping and additions, such as extended decks, hot tubs, or organizing the garage. 

Or you may have purchased an older home, and if this is the case, you will have different needs. You may need to have some deep cleaning done, or you may have to complete mold remediation. Even if you get a clean pest report before you close, issues can crop up after your home purchase. 

What Types Of Services Does SERVPRO Offer?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers a wide variety of cleanup and restoration services for Bloomville home and business owners. These services include:

Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning. The SERVPRO carpet and upholstery cleaning service will eliminate the dirt you see and remove the unwanted dust you don’t. A professionally cleaned carpet and furniture may make all the difference in brightening a room and freshening your home.

Air Duct Cleaning. We all have tasks around the house that don’t make it to the top of our priority list. Properly maintaining your home’s air ducts should not be one of them. Regular duct cleaning can increase your home’s heating and cooling efficiency and improve the quality of the air you and your family breathe.

Odor Removal. Your basic cleaning service will not have the expertise to deodorize your home effectively. Take advantage of SERVPRO’s residential cleaning services to remove unwanted odors.

Sewage and Biohazard Clean Up. Our experts are ready to assist in cleaning up sewage and other biohazard materials and provide deep cleaning services for your home.

Why Is SERVPRO The Best Choice For Home Restoration And Cleaning Services In Bloomville?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is strategically positioned to be “Faster to Any Size Disaster” and will help you recover your Bloomville home or business as soon as possible!

No matter what kind of services you may need as a Bloomville homeowner, SERVPRO of Huron & East Senecal Counties is here to help. Our highly trained and certified team uses the most advanced technology to ensure you get the best results. Contact us today!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Is The Ultimate Cleaning Checklist For My New London Commercial Property?

10/12/2022 (Permalink)

Office Building with large windows What Is The Ultimate Cleaning Checklist For My New London Commercial Property?

What Is The Ultimate Cleaning Checklist For My New London Commercial Property?

Keeping your New London business clean, pleasant, and healthy may require a checklist, especially if the company is booming and you are busy from when the doors open until they close and at the end of the day. If you don’t have a cleaning checklist, you may consider creating one to help you streamline cleaning tasks along with all the other maintenance projects your business requires.

What Does The Ultimate Cleaning Checklist Include?

You can use the checklist below as a template to create your own for your New London commercial enterprise:


  • Clean and disinfect bathrooms, including mirrors, countertops, sinks, and the inside and outside toilets. 
  • Clean and disinfect doors, door handles, light switches, and other high-touch surfaces. 
  • Sweep and mop floors using a disinfectant liquid; the mop head needs to be cleaned and replaced regularly. 
  • Clean cigarette trash from provided receptacles. 
  • Clean and polish drinking fountains.
  • Clean and disinfect kitchen/food prep area, including sinks and countertops. 
  • Clean all glass, especially entrance doors and other high visibility areas. 


  • Wipe down and disinfect work desks and machinery such as phones, keyboards, printers, and filing cabinets; this can be a weekly task if your premises require it or your workforce feels it is necessary for their safety. 
  • Sweep and vacuum all offices. 
  • Dust window sills and baseboards. 
  • Dust artwork, framed certifications, etc. 
  • Clean out refrigerators and wash/disinfect microwaves. 
  • Sweep exterior entrances, front, and back.
  • Make sure break areas are clean. 
  • Remove trash and debris from parking areas.


  • Inspect the roofing, exterior doors, windows, and parking areas for potential problems and maintenance needs.
  • Trim back large bushes and tree limbs on your property ahead of the heavy weather season in your area.
  • Complete an inspection of fencing and entrance gates.
  • Schedule regular maintenance of all your HVAC systems and ductwork

Should I Call SERVPRO To Help Me With Commercial Cleaning? 

We’ve got you covered! SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers services ranging from cleaning restaurant hoods to removing biohazard contaminants. We have the specialized training and products to get your property back to business. Our commercial cleaning services include the following:

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are here to help you handle all your cleaning and maintenance projects. Contact us to schedule routine commercial cleaning assistance or if you experience damage from an emergency. We’re water, mold, fire, and bio-hazard, cleanup experts.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Smart Cooking Tips For Your Family?

10/5/2022 (Permalink)

pot cooking on a stove What Are Some Smart Cooking Tips For Your Family?

What Are Some Smart Cooking Tips For Your Family?

Your Bellevue kitchen is where fire safety should always be practiced! Kitchen fires are one of the most common sources of damage, and such damage can devastate residents. 

With that in mind, let’s discuss some cooking tips you can follow to keep your home and family fire safe!

How Do I Practice Safety While Cooking? 

Here are some top cooking safety tips for you and your family:

  • Never leave food cooking on the stovetop unattended, and keep a close eye on the food cooking in the oven.
  • Keep cooking areas clean and clear of combustibles (i.e., potholders, towels, rags, drapes, and food packaging).
  • Keep children and pets away from cooking areas.
  • Turning pot handles inward so they can’t be bumped and children can’t grab them.
  • Wear short, close-fitting, or tightly rolled sleeves when cooking; loose clothing can dangle onto stove burners and catch fire.
  • Never use a wet oven mitt, as it presents a scald danger if the moisture in the mitt is heated.
  • Always have a potholder, oven mitt, and lid handy. If a small grease fire starts in a pan, put on an oven mitt and smother the flames by carefully sliding the cover over the pan. Please turn off the burner, and don’t remove the lid until it is completely cool. NEVER pour water on a grease fire and never discharge a fire extinguisher onto a pan fire, as it can spray or shoot burning grease around the kitchen, thus spreading the fire.
  • You’ll want to keep the door closed and unplug the unit if there is a microwave fire. Food cooked in a microwave can be dangerously hot. Remove the lids or other coverings from microwaved food carefully to prevent steam burns.

What Are Some Top Suggestions For Kitchen Safety In Your Bellevue Home?

  • Cooking equipment is often responsible for fires, so your cooking equipment needs to be kept in top condition. Following established cleaning practices and the manufacturer’s suggested usage for all your kitchen equipment - from pans and pots to microwaves and ovens - will help prevent a fire from malfunctioning or accident. 
  • The buildup of grease in stove hoods, oven interiors, and around cooking equipment can be hazardous. These kitchen components operate under high heat - and grease plus heat is an explosive combination - so keeping them as clean as possible is another fire prevention practice you can implement. 
  • Keep your indoor fire sprinkler system up-to-date to ensure it will work properly if there is a fire. Corrosion can weaken their effectiveness, so regularly inspecting them is essential for preventing fire damage; this is true of your fire extinguishers. Make fire safety inspections a routine each quarter to avoid fires in your kitchen and other areas of your home. 

Call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties at (615) 443 1790 if you experience fire, water, or mold damage. We have all the skills and equipment required to get you back to normal as soon as possible, including restoring affected documents and belongings

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are The Immediate Steps You Need To Take After Water Damage?

9/28/2022 (Permalink)

What Are The Immediate Steps You Need To Take After Water Damage? What Are The Immediate Steps You Need To Take After Water Damage?

What Are The Immediate Steps You Need To Take After Water Damage?

A water leak or a flood in your Huron & East Seneca Counties home or business can wreak havoc on your premises. Such a leak often happens with little to no warning, so it's best to be prepared ahead of time. 

It won't take long to start seeing the destruction after a flood or leak. Within an hour, carpeting becomes soggy, and water seeps into your carpet pad. Wood flooring begins to buckle as the moisture seeps through to the subfloor. Wood furniture will swell and warp if left in standing water, and any moisture that has leaked through a ceiling or a wall will destroy drywall and insulation. Your wallpaper will peel, and the paint will begin to blister.

There are some steps you can take after water damage to alleviate some of the worst of it, however. Keep reading to learn more!

If I Experience Water Damage, What Should I Do First?

After any water damage situation, your primary focus should be safety first:

  • Determine whether it is safe to stay in the building.
  • Electrical and "slip and fall" hazards are some of the most prevalent concerns.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.
  • Wet materials can be VERY heavy; be careful when handling them.

What's next?

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What Does SERVPRO Recommend You NOT Do After Water Damage?

Here are a few tips to help you avoid unnecessary issues after water damage:

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines, or other colored items on wet carpets or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet; keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is your go-to for water damage restoration. We are also mold remediation experts, and we can handle any unpleasant associated odors immediately. Our commercial water damage services will help you get your Huron & East Seneca County area business back to work as soon as possible!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Do You Prepare The Exterior Of Your Norwalk Home For Potential Storm Damage?

9/21/2022 (Permalink)

How Do You Prepare The Exterior Of Your Norwalk Home For Potential Storm Damage? How Do You Prepare The Exterior Of Your Norwalk Home For Potential Storm Damage?

How Do You Prepare The Exterior Of Your Norwalk Home For Potential Storm Damage?

The exterior of your Norwalk home is vulnerable to the weather all year round. Ice and snow will create problems at times, and storms also bring much damage. 

You can be proactive ahead of seasonal weather to protect the exterior of your Norwalk home, however, and save yourself the costs and loss of time that come from dealing with damages to your building. 

Let’s talk about some ways you can prepare the exterior of your house ahead of storms.

What Are Some Top Tips For Storm Protection For My Norwalk House?

Here are some steps we recommend you take to keep your home protected from storms in the Norwalk area:

  • Put away outdoor items, such as furniture, lawn equipment, and other heavy objects that could become dangerous in high winds.
  • Remove large or loose tree branches; if they snap loose when the weather is rough, they can damage your house or your neighbor’s.
  • Make sure your roof is in good condition by replacing loose shingles. 
  • Clean your gutters and drain spouts to avoid water backing up and running into your attic and interior walls. 
  • Create and maintain good drainage around your foundations.

How Can SERVPRO Help You Recover From Storm Damage To My Norwalk Home?

We are storm damage restoration specialists. If the worst should happen, call us right away at (419) 443 1790. We will be on-site at your location right away with all the most advanced technology in the business to get you back to normal. 

A fast response is crucial to flooding and storm damage because it reduces secondary damage and restoration costs. Storms don’t wait for regular business hours, and neither do we. Our technicians will respond immediately, day or night, to help Norwalk business owners and residents.


The professionals here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are always available in the event of damage to your Norwalk home from a major storm, as well as damage from water, mold, or biological contamination. We are faster to disasters of all sizes! Call us at (419) 443 1790 for assistance of any kind, any time of the day or night.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Are Some Top Tips On Maintaining Your Tiffin Property With SERVPRO?

9/14/2022 (Permalink)

What Are Some Top Tips On Maintaining Your Tiffin Property With SERVPRO? What Are Some Top Tips On Maintaining Your Tiffin Property With SERVPRO?

What Are Some Top Tips On Maintaining Your Tiffin Property With SERVPRO?

As a Tiffin property owner, you are very aware that regular maintenance is vital to keeping your property in good repair all year round. 

Some home maintenance projects are easy, while others may require the help of a professional restoration company like SERVPRO. We maintain the latest training and the most advanced technology to help us help you keep your Tiffin home or business in the best shape possible!

What Are Some Ways SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Can Help You Keep Your Tiffin Location In TipTop Shape?

Keeping an eye on the overall condition of your Tiffin home or business is the best way to keep it in the best shape. Noticing an issue is the first step, and the next step is to get it repaired immediately to avoid future problems. SERVPRO is here to help. 

We can come to your location and help you conduct inspections of exterior trouble spots on your property, such as:

  • Roofing
  • HVAC
  • Drainage 
  • Possible mold infestations
  • Sewage
  • And much more

When it comes to the interior of your home or business, we are experts in:

Why Is SERVPRO Your Best Choice For Restoration And Maintenance Assistance?

  • We some highly recommended! Read the testimonials of your Tiffin friends and neighbors!
  • SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, seven days a week—including all holidays. You can expect an immediate response time, day or night.
  • With over 2000 U.S. and Canadian Franchise locations, SERVPRO is strategically positioned to be faster to any size emergency. An immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs, so if the worst should happen, call SERVPRO at (419) 443 1790!

At SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we have the experience and equipment to keep your Tiffin property in good repair year-round. We are HVAC experts, and we’re the ones to call if you experience unpleasant odors or biohazards. We are fire and water damage specialists and handle mold remediation and prevention, too.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Do You Need To Have On Hand During A Power Outage?

9/12/2022 (Permalink)

first aid kit What Do You Need To Have On Hand During A Power Outage?

What Do You Need To Have On Hand During A Power Outage?

Power outages happen. They usually occur during bad weather and aren't such a surprise, but sometimes they happen for other reasons entirely and catch you by surprise. 

When an outage happens at your Monroeville home or business, it could be quite a while before the power comes back on, so you'll want to be prepared if you have to go without electricity for any time.

Keep reading to learn more about what you want to have on hand during a power outage. 

What Items Are Most Important To Have When A Power Outage Occurs?

Here is a list of the essential items for you to have on hand when a power outage occurs:

  • Flashlight(s): Long-lasting flashlights need to be on the top of your list of power outage supplies, and make sure everyone in the home or business knows where they are stored. Keep fresh batteries on hand!
  • Water. When the power's out, you'll want to be conservative with your water use and need an ample water supply just in case the outage lasts longer than expected. Some outages can last several days.
  • First Aid Kit. You should always have a first aid kit handy. If you already have one, restock it every few months, so you have enough bandages and other first aid equipment at the ready in case of emergency.
  • Non-Perishable Foods. Non-perishables and pantry items are essential to have on hand because you'll want to refrain from opening your fridge and freezer to save the cool air. Doing this allows you to keep perishable food from spoiling for as long as possible. 

Why Should I Partner With SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties During A Disaster?

The SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team can provide help whether you're dealing with a tornado, hurricane, blizzard, or flood. The SERVPRO System has a network of strategically positioned storm teams on standby should a disaster strike near you. Available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, we are prepared for the unpredictable.

With the ability to mobilize local command centers and the resources of more than 2000 Franchises nationwide, no disaster is too big. No matter what your Monroeville emergency may be, you can count on SERVPRO:

Managing during a significant weather event can be challenging. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we handle these kinds of projects for your Monroeville home and business expertly to get you back to normal immediately. We deal with storm damage, fire damage, water damage, and mold remediation/prevention as well. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Services Does SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Specialize In?

We handle repairs and restoration projects of all kinds, but a few areas make up the majority of requests we receive. If the worst happens to your New London home, we can be onsite right away to manage such events as:

  • Water Damage, Our team will quickly extract all water from any affected areas in your Bellevue home or business and then dry your property and belongings using our top-of-the-line equipment and methods. SERVPRO Huron & East Seneca Counties effectively tracks and documents the drying process throughout, ensuring your property is dried thoroughly and completely.
  • Fire Damage. Our team members are fire damage and water damage cleanup and restoration experts, enabling us to quickly restore your Bellevue home or business to its pre-fire condition. Often, odor removal and deep cleaning of carpet and upholstery are needed due to the smoke and soot that coats the interior of your location after a fire occurs. Our team has specific training and equipment to handle these aspects of a fire.
  • Mold Remediation. Our team of highly qualified and trained professionals will come out to assess your property and use our specialized equipment and expertise to remediate your mold infestation and restore your home or business to its pre-mold growth condition.

No matter what kind of emergency you face as a Bellevue homeowner, SERVPRO of Huron & East Senecal Counties is here to help. Our highly trained and certified team uses the most advanced technology available to ensure you get the best results. Contact us today!

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Do I Prevent Fire Damage To My Attica Home?

8/24/2022 (Permalink)

Grill with corn, meats, and peppers Fire damage is devastating. Even the most minor fire can leave you with a significant cleanup project. Call SERVPRO if you ever need assistance.

Fire damage is devastating. Even the most minor fire can leave you with a significant cleanup project, and the lingering smoke and soot can be hard to handle. If the worst should happen, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to be your fire damage recovery expert. We will always treat your family with the greatest empathy and respect and treat your Attica home and property with care.

What Are Some Important Tips To Avoid An Outdoor Fire At My Attica Home?

The best tip we can give you concerning fire damage is to prevent one in the first place. Here are some ways you can practice fire safety this summer in Attica:

  • Your firepit will be getting some use this summer. Never leave it burning with no one in attendance, and keep a water source nearby in case of sparks. 
  • Cooking outdoors is a popular activity during the warmer months; keep children and pets away from a barbecue while in use. Be sure that whoever is cooking understands what to do in case of a grease fire, and again - keep water handy!
  • Dry yard debris can catch fire, so remove cuttings, dead bushes, and trees from your property immediately. 

What Are Some Other Common Fire-Related Risks Indoors At My Attica Home?

Electrical distribution, cooking, and smoking materials are common areas for fire hazards indoors.  

  • Stay near your oven and stove top while you are cooking. If a stovetop fire occurs, ensure you know the proper procedure to put the fire out. Using water on a grease fire will cause the flames to explode across the area, creating a much more dangerous situation. Educate yourself about the different methods of managing different types of fire. 
  • Plugging too many items in one outlet can overload your electrical circuitry, and using damaged cables is hazardous, too. If you are unsure what the proper load should be, check the documentation with your equipment at the time of purchase. 
  • Extension cords should be carrying the appropriate electrical load, as well. Sometimes, extension cords are made specifically for the outdoors, so be sure you buy one that fits your needs.
  • If you must smoke, stay away from flammable materials. For this reason, it is wise to only smoke out of doors. It’s also hazardous to smoke when you aren’t wide awake. 

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you if your Attica home suffers damage from a fire. In addition to fire damage, we handle water damage, odor removal, and much more. Contact us immediately in the event of an emergency; we can be at your Attica location immediately to get you started on your recovery process. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Are Some Effective Tips To Help Me Combat Mold And Mildew In My Bloomville Home Or Business?

8/17/2022 (Permalink)

Green cleaning glove with a sponge and Clorox bleach. Cleaning has never been easier with SERVPRO. Contact us today!

Experiencing a mildew or mold infestation can be a nightmare for anyone. Apart from giving off an unpleasant odor, the fungus could damage your Bloomville property and pose serious health hazards to your family or workforce. A mold or mildew problem should be remediated before it becomes worse. 

What Are Some Useful Hints I Can Use To Fight Mold And Mildew?

Here are some practical tips you can use to help you combat mold and mildew in your Bloomville home or business:

  • To eliminate mold and mildew growth in your home or business, you must understand that these fungi flourish in warm and humid areas. That is why proper remediation will focus on eliminating moisture in areas such as your kitchen or bathroom. 
  • Air conditioning will help keep the air in your building cool and dry, but using a dehumidifier will reduce humidity and help eliminate mold and mildew fungus by keeping moisture low. 
  • As soon as you notice mold growth in your home, take the necessary measures to limit its opportunities to spread. Inspect the unseen areas at your location - such as cupboards, storage areas, basements, and dark corners - to prevent it from spreading to your carpet and drywall. Identifying an infestation at its start is a very effective step you can take to help protect your property from mold and mildew damage. 
  • There are many natural cleaning solutions that you can use to deal with this fungus in your Bloomville home or business. Some affordable options include baking soda, ammonia, borax, vinegar, and bleach. When using these products, ensure they are in the right quantities and applied correctly.

What Can I Do If My Mold Or Mildew Issue Is Too Serious To Handle Myself?

We’re glad you asked! Our professionals at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca County are here to help you with emergencies of all kinds, including a mold or mildew infestation. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Can You Prepare For A Hurricane In New London?

8/10/2022 (Permalink)

Fire extinguisher, First Aid Kit, and Hurricane Safety Items Hurricane safety items include a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, flashlight, matches, and more.

You can't stop a hurricane, but you can take steps now to protect yourself and your family in New London.

The Atlantic hurricane season is from June 1 through November 30; if you live in an at-risk area, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) encourages you to be prepared. 

What Are Some Top Tips When Preparing For A Hurricane? 

Here are some essential tips to help you safely prepare, evacuate, and shelter for severe storms:

  • If you may need to evacuate, prepare a "go kit" with personal items you cannot do without during an emergency. 
  • Have several ways to receive weather alerts, such as:
  • Follow guidance from local public health or emergency management officials on when and where to shelter.
  • Pay attention to local guidance about updated evacuation plans and shelters, including shelters for your pets.
  • Make a plan and prepare a disaster kit for your pets. Find out if your disaster shelter will accept pets. Typically, when shelters accommodate pets, the pets are housed in a separate area from people.

What Steps Should You Take If Your New London Location Is Damaged During A Hurricane? 

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can be on-site at your location immediately so that we can start your restoration process as quickly as possible. 

We are equipped and trained to handle emergencies of all kinds, such as: 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are proud to serve New London and the surrounding areas! 

In addition to the disaster recovery services listed above, we also offer services explicitly created for the New London business owner. Check out our commercial restoration services. Every hour spent cleaning up after a disaster is an hour of lost revenue and productivity, so when an emergency arises in your business, give us a call. We'll be there fast with the help you need!

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Can SERVPRO Restore Your Bellevue Home?

8/3/2022 (Permalink)

Hands holding an IPad with SERVPRO app Staff showing clients our SERVPRO services on our IPad.

Regular maintenance and repair are essential for keeping your Bellevue property in good condition to protect your investment. Some repair and maintenance projects are easy to do yourself, while others can be complex and require specialized equipment and expertise, and that’s where SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties comes in.

Our business is here for that reason - to help Bellevue area residents recover from any damage or emergency quickly and smoothly; we are also available to help with all your routine home maintenance.  

What Types Of Restoration Services Does SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Offer?

Maintaining your Bellevue home means you want to handle repairs immediately, such as any damages from storms or other unforeseen events. We can also help you regularly clean and maintain your:

What Services Does SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Specialize In?

We handle repairs and restoration projects of all kinds, but a few areas make up the majority of requests we receive. If the worst happens to your New London home, we can be onsite right away to manage such events as:

  • Water Damage, Our team will quickly extract all water from any affected areas in your Bellevue home or business and then dry your property and belongings using our top-of-the-line equipment and methods. SERVPRO Huron & East Seneca Counties effectively tracks and documents the drying process throughout, ensuring your property is dried thoroughly and completely.
  • Fire Damage. Our team members are fire damage and water damage cleanup and restoration experts, enabling us to quickly restore your Bellevue home or business to its pre-fire condition. Often, odor removal and deep cleaning of carpet and upholstery are needed due to the smoke and soot that coats the interior of your location after a fire occurs. Our team has specific training and equipment to handle these aspects of a fire.
  • Mold Remediation. Our team of highly qualified and trained professionals will come out to assess your property and use our specialized equipment and expertise to remediate your mold infestation and restore your home or business to its pre-mold growth condition.

No matter what kind of emergency you face as a Bellevue homeowner, SERVPRO of Huron & East Senecal Counties is here to help. Our highly trained and certified team uses the most advanced technology available to ensure you get the best results. Contact us today!

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Can I Keep My Huron & East Seneca Counties Commercial Property In Great Condition?

7/27/2022 (Permalink)

three green SERVPRO trucks SERVPRO knows how to keep your property in good, working condition. Give us a call today!

When a client comes to see you in your place of business, what they see first will determine their opinion of what you do. It’s always a wise business decision to establish consistent routine cleaning and maintenance for your organization, including all offices, warehouses, and entryways so that your Hermitage/Donelson commercial property is always in excellent condition.

What Are The Areas Of My Business My Clients Will Notice First? 

  • Your entries, walkways, and landscaping should be well-kept and in good repair. 
  • Ensure that your waiting area, the first thing a customer will see when they step inside, is comfortable, cozy, and adequately lit. The seating should be in the best shape possible, and it should not need to be cleaned from spots or spills. 
  • When your customer uses your public restroom, it must be a pleasant experience. 

If you haven’t been paying enough attention to your property, you will probably pay the price through a loss of business. No smart business owner wants that.

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Keep My Commercial Location In Good Shape?

A professional cleaning and restoration company like SERVPRO can sit down with you and create a schedule for a routine commercial cleaning and maintenance schedule that will work just right for your business. They will assess what needs to be done and get it done in your timeframe. 

In addition to commercial cleaning, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers a wide range of commercial services, including:

Whether you need day-to-day maintenance and repair or damage remediation, we are here to help you keep your Huron & East Seneca business property in the best shape possible. 

Our SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team is skilled and experienced in completing all your commercial cleanup and maintenance projects. We have the expertise necessary to get the job done and get it done right. Contact us online or call us at (419) 443 1790 for more information. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Do I Prevent Fire Damage In My Kitchen?

7/20/2022 (Permalink)

Man and child pouring pancake mix on a pan Cooking in the kitchen distracted can lead to fire mishaps. Make sure to focus on the task at hand and use fire safety.

Your kitchen is the most likely place for a fire to occur in your home, and that’s no surprise; unattended cooking is the leading cause of kitchen fires and fire-related injuries.

Fortunately, kitchen fires are also easily preventable. If you keep an eye on the stove, oven, and other appliances like toaster ovens and move combustible items away from the stove, you can often avoid them. You also never want to leave the kitchen when you’re working with high heat during preparations like frying, boiling, or broiling—fires need only seconds to go from a small flame to an out-of-control blaze.

What Are Some Fire Safety Tips I Can Use?

  • If someone else can’t watch things while you step away for a bathroom break, turn off the cooking appliance while you’re in the other room.
  • Turn off the stove and all appliances once you’re done cooking.
  • Keep everything off hot surfaces, and pay close attention to where you set dish towels or hot pads. Designate a spot to practice putting them back between each use.
  • Roll up baggy sleeves or wear a securely fastened apron over billowy shirts or bottoms to prevent charring.
  • Do not heat your home with your oven.

Why Should I Call SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties If A Fire Does Occur?

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are fire damage specialists. 

  • Our SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team maintains all specialized training afforded by the SERVPRO Franchise. Our team knows the ins and outs of fire damage and water damage cleanup and restoration, enabling us to restore your home or business to its pre-fire condition quickly. 
  • Odor removal and deep cleaning of carpet and upholstery often go hand-in-hand with fire damage restoration. Smoke and soot can coat the interior of your home or business, and our team has specific training and equipment to handle these facets as well.
  • We focus on restoring versus replacing because restoring the affected areas of your property is substantially less costly than demolishing and replacing those areas. This “restore first” mentality also allows us to get your home or business back to pre-fire condition more quickly and with less disruption.

We are proud to be able to serve the Huron & East Seneca Counties area and to ensure that area customers are satisfied with our services. You can read some testimonials from some of our satisfied customers here. In addition to fire damage restoration, we handle water damage, mold remediation, and much more.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

My Tiffin Home Flooded - Now What?

7/13/2022 (Permalink)

Mop bucket and mop Water damage to your Tiffin home? We have the tools and the know-how to take care of the situation ASAP.

Flooding in your home can be caused by many things, such as bad weather, appliances malfunctioning, broken pipes, or faulty plumbing. These events usually happen with little warning, leaving you with a situation you weren't prepared to deal with.

If you find yourself with a flooding problem, the best thing you can do is to contact a professional flooding remediation company like SERVPRO; such professionals are experienced and equipped to handle any flooding you may face. 

Call us at (419) 443-1790 - we’ll be there right away!

What Steps Can I Take While I'm Waiting For SERVPRO To Arrive?

After any water damage situation, your primary focus should be safety first:

  • Is it safe to stay in the house?
  • Electrical and "slip and fall" hazards are the most prevalent concerns.
  • Only do activities that are safe for you to perform.
  • Wet materials can be hefty. Be careful!

What Are Some Flooding Do's and Don’t's?

Below you will find a list of things you can do and some others that you should not:

  • DO:
    • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
    • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
    • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
    • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
    • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
    • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
    • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
    • Gather loose items from floors.
  • DON'T:
    • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
    • Don't leave books, magazines, or other colored items on wet carpets or floors.
    • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
    • Don't use television or other household appliances.
    • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are proud to serve our community. When a disaster happens at your Tiffin location, we'll be there right away to help you recover. When you need help with recovery from water damage, We also handle mold remediation, odor removal, biohazards, etc.

SERVPRO is available and prepared 24 hours a day and 365 days a year! 

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Do I Prepare For Storm Damage To My Monroeville Home?

7/6/2022 (Permalink)

Tree being uprooted from the grass Storm damage has caused a tree to be uprooted from the ground. Time for SERVPRO to take over!

Spring storms in the Monroeville area bring heavy rain and high winds; flooding and damage to roads and buildings are often a result. 

The most effective way to stay safe and prevent damage to your Monroeville home or business is by being as prepared as you can be. To help you here, we’ve got some preparation tips for you that you can use for your location:

What Are Some Great Storm Preparation Tips I Can Use To Protect My Monroeville Home Or Business?

Here at SERVPRO, our extensive experience with Monroeville area storm damage has helped us compile the following tips:

  • Conduct an inspection of your home or business and grounds before inclement weather hits. A leaky roof or windows can cause severe problems during heavy rainfall and strong winds. Your exterior doors and windows should fit correctly and be weather-stripped, and roofing needs to be evaluated and repaired ahead of time to withstand inclement weather conditions. 
  • Trim back trees and bushes with large, heavy branches that are unhealthy so windows and vehicles are not in danger of being destroyed by flying debris. Hazardous trees and bushes can be dangerous in high winds.
  • Secure fencing and outdoor furniture ahead of bad weather to avoid damage should they be blown around by high winds.
  • Most of us use our cell phones to communicate, but in the case of a bad storm, your cell phone service may not be available. Consider installing a landline if your cell phone towers are damaged or down. Have an emergency radio and a supply of batteries on hand to receive emergency updates and alerts.

How Can SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Help Me With Storm Damage? 

If you experience damage from a Spring storm, we can be there right away to help you begin your recovery. We can be reached by calling (419) 443 1790

  • SERVPRO personnel has been highly trained and certified to assist in any storm event.
  • Our crew members have experienced storm damage restoration projects in the past, so they are experts in the SERVPRO storm damage recovery process. 
  • We have all the advanced technology and equipment to meet your needs. 
  • We can be on-site to assist quickie; we offer fast 24-hour service!

The team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is proud to serve the Monroeville community. In addition to storm damage restoration, we offer water damage restoration, odor removal deodorization, and more. 

Contact us online or by phone at (419) 443 1790 any time a disaster strikes; you can count on us to help you get back to normal right away.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Why Is SERVPRO Your Best Choice When Restoring Your Attica Home Or Business?

6/29/2022 (Permalink)

string lights with a house in the background WHY SERVPRO is the company to handle all of your storm damage needs!

A fire, flood, or storm can leave you with too much damage to handle alone. Your goal will be to get your home or business back to normal as soon as possible, and SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are the ones to call! 

What Are Some Of SERVPRO’S Guarantees For The Restoration Of Your Attica Property? 

  • Our highly-trained technicians provide fast 24-hour emergency service. We know that an accident or disaster can happen at any time, so we are always on standby to help in case the worst happens!
  • Our quick and timely response times ensure that further damage can’t occur. 
  • We are locally owned and operated, which means we know the Attica area very well. Read what some of our previous clients say about what we do here
  • Our professional team undergoes a series of courses and training materials that provides them with the most updated knowledge on property restoration. The Employee Training modules include Fire and Water Restoration, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, and Crew Training. 

What Are Some Things That Make SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Different From Other Restoration Companies? 

  • We are a trusted leader in the restoration industry! With over 1,700 franchises in the U.S. and Canada, we are committed to providing quality service. 
  • Whether you need storm damage restoration or your upholstery cleaned, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has the advanced technology and techniques necessary to restore your Attica residential or commercial property fully. Our methods include water extraction equipment, drying equipment, odor removal and deodorization equipment, moisture detection and measurement equipment, etc. SERVPRO guarantees a reliable and prompt restoration journey! 
  • We work with your insurance. We can even help manage the paperwork to secure a steady, stress-free recovery process. 
  • We are a Better Business Bureau Accredited Business and the recipient of the Angie’s List Super Service Award! 

No matter what you might be facing in your Attica home or business, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you recover as quickly as possible. Our specialties include fire, water, and storm damage restoration for residential and commercial clients. We are experts in managing mold and mildew remediation and much more. Call us today at (419) 443 1790!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Why Is It Important To Keep The Air Ducts Of Your Bloomville Business Clean?

6/22/2022 (Permalink)

Air ducts on the ceiling It's important to keep up with your air duct cleanings for all commercial properties!

When it comes to poor indoor air quality, dirty ventilation systems are often the most prominent cause. You can schedule an inspection of the ductwork in your Bloomville commercial business to ensure that your air quality is acceptable. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we can help. You can reach us online or call us at (419) 443 1790 to start the process.

What Can Happen If My Bloomville Air Ducts Are Dirty?

If your HVAC has been operating for some time with no attention, the following materials could be circulating through your interior air space:  

  • Dust, 
  • Pollen
  • Dirt and debris
  • Odors
  • Other contaminants

Such materials can negatively affect the overall health and comfort of your workforce and cause the productivity of your business to fall. 

What Are The Benefits Of Keeping My Bloomville Air Ducts Clean?

The benefits of cleaning out air ducts include: 

  • Helping your HVAC unit(s) to run at peak efficiency 
  • Eliminating offensive odors
  • Reducing the potential for any mold growth. Mold growth can be devastating. These situations could be related to mold growth or poor air quality, and clean air ducts will prevent these issues.
  • Extending the life of your heating and cooling equipment by lowering the amount of stress on your system. 

If you are thinking about getting your Bloomville business air ducts/HVAC cleaned, don’t hesitate to contact the professionals here at SERVPRO. We are your best choice for commercial cleaning services. We offer the most advanced technology available on the market today to help you keep your premises clean and in excellent condition.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers cleaning services ranging from cleaning restaurant hoods to removing biohazard contaminants. We have the specialized training and products to get your property back to business. Our cleaning services include the following:

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Are Some Summertime Grilling Safety Tips For New London Homeowners?

6/16/2022 (Permalink)

There's nothing better than the smell of food on the grill when warm weather arrives in New London. We all look forward to cooking outdoors every year. Seven out of every ten adults in the U.S. have a grill or smoker, which translates into many great meals; it also means there's an increased risk of home fires. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we care about your safety and the safety of your loved ones, so today, we’re sharing some summertime grilling safety tips for you to keep in mind as you enjoy the beautiful outdoors! 

How Can I Keep My New London Property Safe From Fire When I Grill Outdoors?

According to the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association, 64% of all households own a gas grill, 44% own a charcoal grill, and 9% own an electric grill. No matter which type of grill you use, these safety tips will keep you and your home safe for grilling season:

  • Charcoal and gas grills are designed for outdoor use only. Pay attention to overhanging tree branches when you set up your grill.
  • Be sure to set up your grill on a flat surface so that the grill can’t tip over. Consider using a grill pad or splatter mat underneath your grill to protect your deck or patio. 
  • Remove grease or fat buildup from the grill and the tray below the grill. If you are using a charcoal grill, allow the coals to cool off before disposing of them in a metal container. 
  • Check the gas tank hose for leaks by applying a light soap and water solution to the hose and then turning on the gas before the first barbecue of the summer. If there is a propane leak, the solution will bubble. Other signs of a propane leak include the smell of gas near the barbecue or a flame that won’t light. 
  • If you are using a gas grill and the flame goes out, turn the grill and the gas off, then wait at least five minutes to re-light it. 
  • Never leave a lit grill unattended or allow children and pets to play near it. Never try to move a lit or hot grill, and remember that the grill will stay hot for at least an hour after use. 
  • If you use a charcoal grill, only use charcoal starter fluid. If the fire starts to go out, don’t add any starter fluid or any other flammable liquids to the fire.  
  • Clothing can easily catch fire, so be sure your shirttails, sleeves, or apron strings are not near the grill. 
  • If you don’t have a fire extinguisher handy, keep a bucket of sand next to the grill. Never use water to put out a grease fire; baking soda is best here.

How Can SERVPRO Help If A Fire Occurs At My New London Home?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to guide you through this kind of event. You can count on us to always treat your family with the greatest empathy and respect, and we will treat your New London property with great care.

Please refer to our Fire Damage Tips - Until Help Arrives Guide and follow these tips to protect yourself and your property while you wait on the SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team. 

SERVPRO handles fire and water damage restoration, and we’re mold remediation experts, too. You can reach us online and by calling (419) 443 1790. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Can I Prevent Weather-Related Flood Damage To My Bellevue Home?

6/8/2022 (Permalink)

Trash can floating in water on a street Street flooding has resulted in severe water damage.

Ohio often experiences dangerous storms, flooding, and sometimes even hurricanes or tornadoes. Let's talk about ways to protect your Bellevue home from damages resulting from bad weather. 

When It Comes To Storms And Flooding, What Are The Most Important Protective Measures I Can Take?

As a wise homeowner, you will want to maintain your property year-round since being prepared is the best way to keep a home safe during inclement weather. Here are a few of the most vital measures to avoid storm-related damage.

  • An already damaged home is more susceptible to additional storm damage. Ensuring that your roof and siding are repaired or replaced means the structural integrity of your home will withstand bad weather, including tornadoes or hurricanes.
  • Clear out your gutters to prevent water from backing up after heavy rain. 
  • Move all loose or untethered yard items indoors, such as fences or tree branches. High winds will turn these items into dangerous weapons.
  • Grade your property for water runoff; this will help avoid pooling and erosion. 

What Storm and Water Damage Restoration Services Does SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Provide? 

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has a Disaster Recovery Team team ready to respond to any storm or major natural disaster at a moment's notice. We handle any loss caused by wind, tornadoes, hurricanes, or thunderstorms. Ohio weather is unpredictable; many different natural disasters can bring water damage and other related issues. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, our highly trained and highly motivated team is always ready to respond, no matter what time, day or night.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are proud to serve our community. When a disaster happens at your Bellevue location, we'll be there right away to help you recover. The SERVPRO System has a network of strategically positioned storm teams on standby should a disaster strike near you. When you need recovery help with storm damage or water damage, SERVPRO is available and prepared, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year!

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Are The Most Effective Ways To Stormproof My Willard Home?

5/25/2022 (Permalink)

Ohio weather can get wild in late Spring and early Summer. High winds, heavy rain, hail - you can get it all on the same day! To avoid damage to your Willard home, it’s important for you to be prepared for whatever may come. 

What Are Some Storm-Proofing Best Practices For Your Willard Home?

It is never a bad idea to be prepared for emergencies. Checking the weather ahead of time during storm seasons will help you to be forewarned and ready; maintaining your Willard property is another way to be prepared. 

  • The weakest spots in your home are the windows. Make sure your house has been equipped with suitable protective windows; storm shutters are also extremely helpful as an additional layer of protection and security against high winds and debris.
  • Another vulnerable point in your home is your roof. During repair or replacement, use highly rated shingles that can withstand the harshest weather. 
  • Maintain your trees by removing branches that are not strong; these can become dangerous when torn off by high winds. Any large bushes or trees that are dying should be taken out, as well. 
  • Ensure that your grounds have proper drainage for water run-off; standing water around driveways, walkways, and foundations will create issues in the future, such as sinkholes, erosion, mold, and more.

Why Is SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties A Good Choice For Storm Damage Renovation? 

  • Whether you need storm damage restoration or your upholstery cleaned, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has the advanced technology and equipment required to restore your Norwalk property. These include water extraction equipment, drying equipment, odor removal and deodorization equipment, moisture detection, and measurement equipment, and more; this makes for a reliable and prompt restoration journey. 
  • Our professional team undergoes a series of courses and training materials that provides them with the most updated knowledge on property restoration. Our Employee Training modules include Fire and Water Restoration, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, and Crew Training. 
  • We have a reputation for excellence! Read what your friends and neighbors say about their experiences with us here.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are equipped to assist with cleanup after storm or water damage, and mold remediation is another one of our specialties.  No matter what kind of emergency you experience in your Willard home, you can call us at (419) 443-1790.

Why Should I Choose SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties To Help With Damage To My Norwalk Property?

5/18/2022 (Permalink)

Your goal will be to get back to normal as soon as possible after damage to your Norwalk home or business. A fire, flood, or storm can bring your business to a standstill or make it impossible to stay in your home. That’s where SERVPRO comes in. 

If the worst should happen to your Norwalk commercial property, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are the ones to call at (419) 443 1790!

What Are Some Of Our Guarantees For The Restoration Of Your Norwalk Property? 

  • Our highly trained technicians provide 24-hour emergency service. A disaster can happen at any time, so we’re always ready.
  • Our response times are quick and timely to help you avoid further damage to your Norwalk home or business.
  • We are locally owned and operated, so we know the Norwalk area well; this helps us get to you faster. 
  • Our professional team undergoes a series of courses and training materials that provides them with the most updated knowledge on property restoration. Our Employee Training modules include Fire and Water Restoration, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, and Crew Training. 

What Are Some Things That Make SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Different From Other Restoration Companies? 

  • We are a trusted leader in the restoration industry. With over 1,700 franchises in the U.S. and Canada, we are committed to providing quality service. 
  • Whether you need storm damage restoration or you need your upholstery cleaned, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has the advanced technology and equipment required to restore your Norwalk property. These include water extraction equipment, drying equipment, odor removal and deodorization equipment, moisture detection, and measurement equipment, and more; this makes for a reliable and prompt restoration journey. 
  • We work with your insurance and help manage the paperwork to secure a steady, stress-free recovery process.
  • We have a reputation for excellence! Read what your friends and neighbors say about their experiences with us here.

No matter what you might be facing, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you recover as quickly as possible. Our specialties include fire, water, and storm damage restoration for residential and commercial clients. We are also mold and mildew remediation specialists. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Carpet Cleaning Tips For Your Tiffin Business?

5/11/2022 (Permalink)

The carpets in your Tiffin commercial location will need to be cleaned regularly since constant foot traffic is brutal on any flooring. Remember SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is here to help with the carpet cleaning needs for your Tiffin business. 

What Are Some Carpet-Cleaning Facts I Should Keep In Mind?  

  • A well-kept carpet will last longer; regular cleaning and maintenance will save you the higher costs of replacing carpeting.  
  • Clean carpeting and flooring are part of the professional image of your Tiffin business; you will attract clients to that image, and your employees will feel more positive about their work environment, too. 
  • Keeping your carpets in good repair will lessen the possibility of trips and falls and resulting liability issues.
  • Clean carpets reduce loose particles, protecting your business’s indoor air quality. It has even been proven to reduce exposure to cancer-causing substances that can collect in carpet fibers. 
  • A clean carpet reduces illness-causing biological contaminants - such as bacteria, mold, and viruses - that can negatively affect your clients and staff. 

What Are Some Important Points To Consider For My Professional Carpet Cleaning?

  • Color, nap and pile, type, and density of your carpet: a higher-quality carpet will probably be able to go longer without cleaning, for example, and hold up better over time. 
  • The type of dirt brought in. For example, if your Tiffin business is rural, dust and mud may be more prevalent than one in a more urban one.
  • The type of business you conduct: a construction office, restaurant, or busy retail location will need more attention than a clerk’s office, for example. 
  • If you are a business related to the medical field, your needs may be very specific, based on your practice area. Check with us about our Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned services. 

The team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is always ready to help with all your commercial cleaning needs for your Tiffin location. Having your carpets cleaned regularly should be part of your commercial maintenance program.  

In addition to commercial cleaning projects, we handle everything from commercial water damage to commercial storm damage; no matter your Tiffin business location experiences, we can handle it right away and get you back to work!

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Are Some Top Fire Safety Tips For My Monroeville Home?

5/4/2022 (Permalink)

A fire in your Monroeville home can leave you with severe damage to your dwelling and surrounding property, in addition to being dangerous to you and your loved ones. Fortunately, there are many things you can practice around your home to avoid a house fire. 

Keep reading for some fire safety tips that every Monroeville homeowner can use.

How Can I Keep My Monroeville Home Safe From Fires? 

  • Be sure that you have at least one multipurpose fire extinguisher readily accessible in your home. Show everyone in the house where it is and how to use it, and make sure to keep it in good repair year-round. 
  • Ensure outlets aren’t overloaded; this is one of the primary causes of fire in a home. 
  • Anyone who uses the kitchen should be fully aware of cooking safely. 
  • During home repair or remodeling, use fire-resistant building materials whenever available to maximum fire safety in your home. For example, using a fire retardant brand of insulation can be a big help in keeping your home fire safe.

If the worst should happen, call us at (419) 443 1790! Please refer to our Fire Damage Tips - Until Help Arrives Guide and follow our tips to protect yourself and your property while you wait on the SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team to arrive.

How Can SERVPRO Help Me If I Experience A Fire In My Monroeville Home?

Fire damage is devastating for a family, and feelings of great confusion, loss, and stress are to be expected. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to be your caring expert in guiding you through this trying time. You can count on us to always treat your family with the greatest empathy and respect, and we will treat your Monroeville property with great care.

  • We’re dedicated to responding immediately when you need help with fire damage. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces cost.
  • We specialize in fire and water damage restoration, the cornerstone of our business. We have extensive fire damage cleanup and restoration training to get your property back to pre-fire condition.
  • We focus on restoring versus replacing because restoring the affected areas of your property is substantially less costly than demolishing and replacing those areas. This “restore first” mentality also allows us to get your home or business back to pre-fire condition quicker and less disruption.

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca team is available anytime to help you with fire safety, and we can be onsite immediately if a fire does break out. In addition to fire damage, we handle damage from water, mold, and much more.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Do I Prevent Water Damage In My Attica Home This Spring?

4/27/2022 (Permalink)

We all look forward to Spring sunshine after the gloomy skies and cold of wintertime, but it isn’t uncommon to experience heavy rainfall, high winds, and more, as well. The resulting damage to your Attica home due to floodwaters or heavy rain can be significant. From weakening a structure - such as columns, walls, fencing, steps, etc. - to allowing the perfect environment for a mold infestation to appear, a flooding event can lead to severe consequences, no matter how much water is involved.

One of the best ways to protect your Attica home from water damage is to be prepared in advance. Keep reading for tips on some ways to prevent water damage.

What Are Some Prevention Tips That Will Keep My Attica Home Safe From Water Damage?

Some best practices for water damage prevention to your home are:

  • Regular Maintenance. Maintaining the condition of your home is smart. Check for areas that come in contact with rain and wind, such as roofing, and be sure to complete necessary repairs right away. Windows and doors need to be kept in good condition and sealed well in advance of wet weather. 
  • Flooding Prevention. If you live in an area near a river or creek or have drainage ditches on your property, you will want to take the necessary precautions to ensure that rising waters won’t get near your property. Some of these concerns will need to be handled by city or county authorities, so find out who your contact people are and reach out to them for tips and pointers. 
  • Gutters. While you’re checking your roof, you should also pay close attention to the gutters. It’s hard to overstate the value of gutters in protecting your home. Pull leaves and debris from gutters and downspouts. Reattach gutters that have pulled away from the house, and run a hose on the roof to check for proper drainage. If leaks exist, dry the area and use caulking or epoxy to seal the leak.

How Can SERVPRO Help With Water Damage To My Attica Home?

If you experience water damage to your home this Spring, just call SERVPRO. We are experts in managing all types of disasters and damage. 

  • We offer fast emergency service 24 hours a day.
  • Our team is highly trained and certified in damage management and restoration.
  • We use the most advanced technology, allowing SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties professionals to restore your property to its preloss condition quickly, reliably, and more effectively.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can be onsite at your Attica home right away to help with any emergency you have experienced. In addition to water damage, we handle fire damage, mold infestations, odor removal and deodorization, and much more. Call us at (419) 442-1790 or contact us via our website.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Can I Protect The Roof Of My Bloomville Home?

4/20/2022 (Permalink)

Your roof is one of the most critical parts of your Bloomville home. It protects you and your belongings from wet weather, falling branches, and flying debris, as well as heat and sun. You will want to take protective steps to ensure that the roof of your Bloomville home stays in tip-top shape. 

What Are The Most Important Steps To Take In Preventing Damage To My Bloomville Roof? 

  • Maintainance. The number one way to prevent damage to your roof and home is to perform regular maintenance. Replace loose and missing shingles right away. Caulking around pipes and vents should be done routinely.  Exposed metal will rust and deteriorate, so make sure those areas get painted or treated before this occurs. A damaged roof can quickly become a huge issue, allowing water to intrude into every part of your home or business and cause water damage. Inspecting your roof before and after bad weather will help you keep on top of its condition. 
  • Trees and shrubs. Vegetation that overhangs your building should be trimmed back periodically, especially if some seem weak or have become a nuisance. Falling branches can damage a roof during inclement weather. If a tree or large shrub seems unstable, it might be time to have it completely removed for future safety concerns. 
  • Gutters. Remove leaves, dirt, and debris from your gutters to avoid water damage from backed-up rain. Rain spouts can pull away from the building if they are overloaded or clogged with water and debris, damaging the corners of the roof and exterior walls. Prevention is always a good idea and one that can save you time and trouble. 

What Do I Do If My Bloomville Roof Becomes Damaged?

If you have experienced significant damage, you’ll need assistance. Here are some ways that a professional restoration company can help you recover:

    • Professional Help. Call a professional restoration company like SERVPRO if you see curled or buckled shingles during your maintenance inspections. If shingles are missing, replace them right away to avoid leaks and future water damage. Water stains in the attic are a tell-tale sign that you might need a new roof; higher-than-average energy bills often tell the same story.
  • Unpleasant Odors. When leaks and flooding happen due to a leaky roof, you can end up with some unpleasant odors that can be difficult to get rid of. We excel at odor removal and deodorization.
  • Structural Assessment. SERVPRO can come to your Bloomville home and assess any damage that may have occurred. We’ll advise you on your next steps if any damage is found and help you get back to normal right away. 

Anytime your Bloomville home or business experiences a disaster, large or small, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can be onsite right away to help you recover quickly. Our technicians are highly trained, and we’re available 24 hours a day. You can call us at (419) 443-1790 or contact us online. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Why Should I Choose SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties To Help With Damage To My Norwalk Property?

4/19/2022 (Permalink)

Your goal will be to get back to normal as soon as possible after damage to your Norwalk home or business. A fire, flood, or storm can bring your business to a standstill or make it impossible to stay in your home. That’s where SERVPRO comes in. 

If the worst should happen to your Norwalk commercial property, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are the ones to call at (419) 443 1790!

What Are Some Of Our Guarantees For The Restoration Of Your Norwalk Property? 

  • Our highly trained technicians provide 24-hour emergency service. A disaster can happen at any time, so we’re always ready.
  • Our response times are quick and timely to help you avoid further damage to your Norwalk home or business.
  • We are locally owned and operated, so we know the Norwalk area well; this helps us get to you faster. 
  • Our professional team undergoes a series of courses and training materials that provides them with the most updated knowledge on property restoration. Our Employee Training modules include Fire and Water Restoration, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, and Crew Training. 

What Are Some Things That Make SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Different From Other Restoration Companies? 

  • We are a trusted leader in the restoration industry. With over 1,700 franchises in the U.S. and Canada, we are committed to providing quality service. 
  • Whether you need storm damage restoration or you need your upholstery cleaned, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has the advanced technology and equipment required to restore your Norwalk property. These include water extraction equipment, drying equipment, odor removal and deodorization equipment, moisture detection, and measurement equipment, and more; this makes for a reliable and prompt restoration journey. 
  • We work with your insurance and help manage the paperwork to secure a steady, stress-free recovery process.
  • We have a reputation for excellence! Read what your friends and neighbors say about their experiences with us here.

No matter what you might be facing, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you recover as quickly as possible. Our specialties include fire, water, and storm damage restoration for residential and commercial clients. We are also mold and mildew remediation specialists. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Can SERVPRO Help You Maintain Your New London Property?

4/13/2022 (Permalink)

Whether you own a home or a business in New London, that property represents a significant investment of both time and money. Regular maintenance and repair are essential for keeping your property in good condition to protect that investment. Some repair and maintenance projects are easy to do yourself, while others can be complex and require specialized equipment and expertise. That’s where SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties comes in!

What Types Of Restoration Services Does SERVPRO Offer?

Maintaining your New London home means you will want to handle repairs right away, such as any damages from storms or other unforeseen events. We can also help you regularly clean and maintain your:

SERVPRO is here to help with all your routine home maintenance. 

What Services Does SERVPRO Of Huron & East Seneca Counties Specialize In?

We handle repairs and restoration projects of all kinds, but a few areas make up the majority of requests that we receive. If the worst happens to your New London home, we can be onsite right away to manage such events as:

  • Water Damage, Our team will quickly extract all water from any affected areas in your New London home or business and then dry your property and belongings using our top-of-the-line equipment and training. SERVPRO Huron & East Seneca Counties effectively tracks and documents the drying process throughout, ensuring your property is dried thoroughly and completely.
  • Fire Damage. Our team knows the ins and outs of fire damage and water damage cleanup and restoration, enabling us to restore your home or business to its pre-fire condition quickly. Often, odor removal and deep cleaning of carpet and upholstery is needed due to the smoke and soot that can coat the interior of your location. Our team has specific training and equipment to handle these facets as well.
  • Mold Remediation.  Our team of highly qualified and trained professionals will come out to assess your property and use our specialized equipment and expertise to remediate your mold infestation and restore your home or business to its pre-mold growth condition.

No matter what you face as a New London homeowner, SERVPRO of Huron & East Senecal Counties is here to help. Our team is highly trained and certified, and we use the most advanced technology available to ensure that you get the best results. Contact us today!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some HVAC Maintenance Tips For My Bellevue Business?

4/6/2022 (Permalink)

Now that warmer weather is here, your HVAC system will get used more often. Have you done any maintenance on your unit since winter? If not, it’s time to take care of that. Keeping your unit in good condition will help you avoid the uncomfortable situation of experiencing an air conditioning malfunction at your Bellevue location during the hottest part of the year. 

What Are Some Signs That My HVAC Unit Needs To Be Serviced?

When your HVAC needs attention, you’ll know it. Here are some telltale signs that mean you need to do some maintenance or repairs to your system:

  • When the temperatures have started to soar, and you find your air conditioning unit barely has any airflow at all, then you probably have some clogged vents on your hands. It doesn’t take long for dirt to build up inside the HVAC system, causing a host of problems, from blocked fan units to dust-filled air filters and impacting each component, hindering the overall efficiency of your system.
  • If the charges on your electric bill are higher than usual, it’s time for repairs. Your invoice will increase when the temperatures rise, but a consistently high or increasing energy bill is an indication that your HVAC system isn’t working correctly. 
  • If your air conditioner has been running the entire day but is still not doing its job, this can be a sign of leaking connectors and refrigerant lines. Some parts of the HVAC system are more prone to leakage than others and may get damaged quickly, while the lines that form the primary connection between your home and the outdoor HVAC unit can sometimes start leaking because of wear. Such leaks allow the cool air to escape the pipes, so the system must work harder yet less efficiently.

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Maintain The HVAC System At My Bellevue Commercial Location?

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties professionals will routinely inspect your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning unit. Keeping them clean can extend the life of the equipment, saving you money and giving you cleaner air to breathe.

Air duct cleaning is not always necessary. We will recommend the best way to address any indoor air quality concerns, which saves you money and provides peace of mind on the health of your system.

The benefits of having SERVPRO service your HVAC unit include:

  • Restoration of peak energy efficiency.
  • Elimination of many offensive odors.
  • Reduces the potential for mold growth.

Ventilation systems are often the biggest culprit in poor indoor air quality. Make it a priority to inspect the ductwork of your home or business. If your HVAC has been operating for some time without attention, it could be circulating the following:

  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Odors
  • Dirt and debris
  • Other contaminants

In addition to servicing your HVAC system, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers many other commercial restoration and cleaning services. You can learn more by calling us at (419) 443-1790 or contacting us via our website. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Fire Safety Tips For My Willard Home?

3/23/2022 (Permalink)

Reports state that American households experience over 350,000 residential house fires every year. These fires often result in injuries, major property damage, and other critical situations. We want to share some fire safety tips that every Willard homeowner can use to stay safe and avoid a house fire.

How Can I Keep My Willard Home Safe From Fires?

  • Install good quality smoke alarms in your home; using a professional installation company will ensure that these alarms are the right type for your space and that they are put in the proper areas for maximum safety. Carbon monoxide alarms are also good to have in your home, as well, since CO is an odorless and colorless gas produced by burning fuels and such an alarm can also let you know if a fire has started. There are remote monitors available today to let alert you if there is a fire in your home while you are away. They can be plugged into an electrical outlet easily and connected to your internet, and you will be notified by the app you download on your phone. 
  • Be sure that you have at least one multipurpose fire extinguisher readily accessible in your home. Show everyone in the home where it is and how to use it, and make sure to keep it in good repair year-round. 
  • Have your wood-burning fireplace inspected annually in the fall before you use it during cold weather. Your HVAC unit should be looked over at this point as well. Employ a professional for these tasks. 
  • During home repair or remodeling, use fire-resistant building materials whenever available to maximum fire safety in your home. For example, using a fire retardant brand of insulation can be a big help in keeping your home fire safe.

How Can SERVPRO Help Me If I Experience A Fire In My Willard Home?

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca team is available anytime to help you with fire safety, and we can be onsite immediately if a fire does break out. 

  • We’re dedicated to responding immediately when you need help with fire damage. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces cost.
  • We specialize in fire and water damage restoration, the cornerstone of our business. We have extensive fire damage cleanup and restoration training to get your property back to pre-fire condition.
  • We focus on restoring versus replacing because restoring the affected areas of your property is substantially less costly than demolishing and replacing those areas. This “restore first” mentality also allows us to get your home or business back to pre-fire condition quicker and with less disruption.

In addition to fire damage, we handle damage from water, mold, and much more.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Water Damage Safety Tips For Your Norwalk Home?

3/16/2022 (Permalink)

We’ve all seen the news reports and social media posts showing water damage to homes and businesses after a flood or a heavy rain. A malfunctioning appliance or burst pipes can do a lot of damage, too. Disasters like that are usually unexpected, and if you aren’t prepared for whatever may happen, your Norwalk home can suffer more water damage than necessary.

How Can I Keep My Norwalk Location Safe From Wet Weather? 

The rain, snow, and ice you see in the Norwalk area can create problems on your property. Take a good look around your home to check your wet weather preparedness.

  • Do exterior doors fit as tightly as they should, and are both doors and windows properly weather-stripped?
  • The roof of your garage or toolshed needs to be well-maintained, too, to protect lawn tools and machinery, vehicles and stored items from water damage. 
  • The parking lot or driveway of your Norwalk home needs to have a well-planned drainage system so that family members and visitors can get to and from their vehicles safely. If people have to wade in from their cars, your flooring will suffer, and a slip-and-fall accident due to wet floors can be a disaster, too. 
  • Your rain gutters and spouts need to be checked on a regular basis, too. If your rain gutters become clogged with debris such as dead leaves or small branches, they aren’t going to be able to drain away rain water. As water backs up, it can leak back into the walls of your building and you can find yourself with water damage, and even mold.
  • Power lines and telephone poles near your house can be an issue when storm season comes. Contact your utilities companies and have them come take a look prior to wet weather to make sure your location will be safe. Be aware of the condition of any large trees on your property, too. If the grounds of your property of business become saturated, a tree with an unstable root base can fall.

What Steps Should I Take To Protect My Norwalk Home From Water Damage?

Proper maintenance and inspection of appliances, your HVAC units, and plumbing will go a long way towards keeping you safe from water damage.

  • If you see a leak - even a tiny one - investigate it immediately! Once you find the source, take steps to have it fixed right away. Remember that water left sitting for any length of time is an invitation to a mold infestation.
  • Older appliances may need to be replaced BEFORE they malfunction. Most large home appliances, such as your refrigerator, are good for about ten years. You can have them inspected by a professional to see if they need maintenance. 
  • Water damage from interior plumbing will give itself away through odors or water spots on floors, walls, or ceilings. If any indications appear, call a professional water damage company to help.  

If the worst happens, the team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is standing ready to help in any way we can! We have the expertise to handle water and storm damage, and we specialize in mold remediation. If you have sustained water damage to your Norwalk home, give us a call at (419) 595-4547!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Immediate Steps You Should Take After Storm Damage To Your Tiffin Property?

3/9/2022 (Permalink)

Stormy weather is to be expected this time of year in Tiffin, and any smart home or business owner knows it’s best to be prepared. This doesn’t only involve what you do before the storm comes, however - it also means having everything in place for the necessary repairs and cleanup projects you may have to do after storm damage. Issues such as power losses, debris, and standing water can create challenges after the storm has moved on and the safety of your home and loved ones can be affected. 

What Are The Most Important Things To Keep In Mind After Storm Damage At My Tiffin Location?

First things first. The most important thing to manage is safety as you take the necessary steps to begin the cleanup process. 

  • Safety Measures. There may be a lot of debris that you will need to manage. Make sure to never operate machinery used in these areas while you are on your own, and wear protective eye- and head-gear while you are operating such machinery (such as chainsaws and chippers, for example). Take note of anyone who may be in the vicinity and be aware of your surroundings while you are operating such machinery and tools. If you have even the slightest uncertainty about clearing storm damage, wait for professional assistance. 
  • More Safety Measures. If you have experienced flooding and there is standing water in your location, keep people clear of this area. If it can be done safely, electricity in that part of the home should be shut off, but be sure NEVER to walk through standing water when electricity is engaged. Get standing water removed as soon as possible to avoid contamination and mold. Professional cleanup companies can be onsite right away to handle damage after storms. 
  • Structure Assessment. The overall safety of your structures should be professionally assessed if you have experienced storm damage. These professionals will check power sources, whether the home is leaning if wiring is exposed, and other unsafe conditions. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Manage Storm Damage At My Tiffin Location?

SERVPRO is dedicated to helping with crucial events of all kinds. 

  • Advanced Technology, The past few decades has seen a rapid advancement in the technology and techniques used in the restoration industry. These advancements allow SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Professionals to restore a property back to pre loss condition quickly, reliably, and more effectively.
  • Highly Trained Team. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certifications, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.
  • 24 Hour Emergency Service. Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays. You can expect an immediate response time, day or night.

Cleaning up after a major weather event can be challenging. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties we can manage these kinds of projects for both your home or business right away and get you back to normal. We handle damages from storm, water, and mold infestations, and many other issues as well. We are available 24/7, and we’re faster to any sized disaster!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Why Is SERVPRO The Best Fit To Assist Monroeville Homeowners?

3/2/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, seven days a week—including all holidays. Fires, flooding, and other emergencies don't wait for regular business hours, and neither do we. You can expect an immediate response time, day or night. 

What Makes SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Stand Out From Other Restoration Companies?

SERVPRO has such a stellar reputation in the restoration community because our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO's Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certifications, rest assured that our team is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property. Our training program includes the following:

  • IICRC Training
  • Employee Certification Training
  • Initial Franchise Training
  • e-Learnings
  • Continuing Education Classes

What Technology Will SERVPRO Use To Get My Monroeville Home Back To Normal After A Disaster?

The past few decades have seen a rapid advancement in the technology and techniques used in the restoration industry. These advancements allow the professionals at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to quickly, reliably and more effectively restore a property to preloss condition.

The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) sets practical standards for restoration and cleaning. The IICRC S500 Water Damage Guide is a specific set of applicable standards that incorporate the field of psychometry, which involves the manipulation of temperature and relative humidity to remove moisture and dry a property quickly and thoroughly.

Moisture Detection and Measurement Equipment. Scientific drying principles rely upon specialized equipment to detect, measure and monitor a property's moisture levels. Recent advances, like infrared cameras, can help us see the water through a wall, ceiling, or floor.

  • We may use an infrared camera to identify water location for thorough water removal.
  • Sensitive moisture detectors, hygrometers, and other meters measure the extent of moisture saturation.

Water Extraction Equipment. Powerful extraction equipment speeds the drying process by removing the bulk of the water from your home or business.

  • Submersible and gas-powered pumps perform continuous pumping of high-level water. 
  • Truck-mounted and portable extraction units perform efficient water removal.

Drying Equipment. Industrial strength air movers and dehumidifiers are needed to remove the remaining moisture from your home business's ceiling, walls, and floors. Proper drying helps to prevent swelling and warping of floors, walls, and furniture.

  • High-speed air movers cause moisture to evaporate at a faster pace
  • Industrial grade dehumidifiers pull the water vapor from the air.

Odor Removal and Deodorization. Water and fire damage often causes powerful odors. The machines we use will remove airborne contaminants and control the air quality during the restoration and cleanup process.

  • Air scrubbers
  • Thermal foggers and deodorization agents

Sanitizing Agents, Germicides, and Antimicrobial Treatments. The use of OSHA-approved cleaning agents are sometimes needed to clean and remove odors and contaminants on your property.

  • Deodorization products control odors from excessive moisture.
  • Disinfection products stop the growth of bacteria, fungi, mildew, and other harmful microorganisms.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties handles cleanup projects large and small, whenever you have experienced issues related to fire, water, mold infestations, unpleasant odors, or other various types of emergencies in your Monroeville home.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Carpet Cleaning Tips For Your Attica Business?

2/23/2022 (Permalink)

Carpet is designed to camouflage dirt, and this is especially true in your Attica business. Your carpeting will see a lot of traffic, and it can get pretty dingy and rough-looking over time, especially during the winter months. You may find it necessary to schedule a professional cleaning service, and SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is here to help with the carpet cleaning needs for your Attica business location. 

What Are Some Carpet-Cleaning Facts You Need To Consider? 

  • A carpet that isn’t well cared for will need to be replaced sooner than one that receives regular cleanings and maintenance, costing you a lot more money in the long run. 
  • Keeping your carpets in good repair can reduce customer complaints and liability from any trips and falls. 
  • Clean carpeting and flooring are part of the good image of your Attica business; clients will be more comfortable with you, and your employees will feel more positive about their work environment, too.
  • Clean carpets reduce loose particles, protecting your business’s indoor air quality. It has even been proven to reduce exposure to cancer-causing substances that can collect in carpet fibers. A clean carpet also reduces illness-causing biological contaminants - such as bacteria, mold, and viruses - that can negatively affect your clients and staff. This will be especially important during cold and flu season. 

Having your carpets regularly cleaned should be part of your commercial maintenance program. 

What Are Some Important Points To Consider When Scheduling A Professional Carpet Cleaning?

  • Color, nap and pile, type, and density of your carpet: a higher-quality carpet will probably be able to go longer without cleaning, for example, and hold up better over time. 
  • Foot traffic in your place of business: this aspect will change based on seasons and weather. A busy workplace is great, but it comes with its own set of challenges.
  • The type of your commercial space: if you own a business that uses heavy machinery, you will need to have a much heavier cleaning schedule. 
  • The type of business you conduct: a veterinary office, daycare, or restaurant will need more attention than an attorney’s office, for example. If you are a business related to the medical field, your needs may be very specific based on your medicine area. 

The team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is always ready to help with all your commercial cleaning needs. We handle everything from commercial water damage to commercial storm damage; no matter what your Attica business location experiences, we can manage it right away and get you back to work!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Important Fire Safety Tips For Bloomville Homeowners?

2/16/2022 (Permalink)

Studies show that American households experience over 350,000 residential house fires every year, and these often result in injuries, significant property damage, and other serious challenges. Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we care about the safety of our Bloomville neighbors, so let’s talk about some fire safety tips. 

What Are Some Fire Safety Tools I Should Have In My Bloomville Home? 

There are many excellent fire safety tools on the market that you can add to your home for protection.

  • Install good quality smoke alarms; using a professional installation company will ensure that these alarms are the appropriate type for your space and put in the right areas for maximum safety. 
  • Carbon Monoxide alarms are good to have in your home, as well, since CO is an odorless and colorless gas produced by burning fuels, and such an alarm can also let you know if a fire has started. There are remote monitors available that will let you know if there is a fire in your home while you are away. They can be plugged into an electrical outlet easily and connected to your internet, and you will be notified by an app you download on your phone.
  • Be sure that you have at least one multipurpose fire extinguisher readily accessible in your home. Show everyone in the home where it is and how to use it, and make sure to keep it in good repair year-round. 

What Are Some Proactive Steps I Can Take To Keep My Bloomville House Safe From Fire?

Planning ahead is always wise, especially when it can help you avoid tragic accidents like a house fire. Here are a few proactive tasks for you to complete:

  • Have your wood-burning fireplace inspected annually in the fall before you use it during cold weather. A professional should look over your HVAC unit at this point as well.
  • Have an escape plan for your family, and make sure everyone understands it and can follow the plan in case of fire. Second-story homes should have an escape ladder onsite in case of fire or other emergencies. 
  • During home repair or remodeling, use fire-resistant building materials whenever available to maximum fire safety in your home. For example, using a fire retardant brand of insulation can be a crucial part of keeping your home fire safe.

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team is available anytime to help you with fire safety for your Bloomville home. If the worst should happen, we are equipped to manage clean-up after fire damage, water damage, mold remediation, and other disasters - both small and large.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are The Steps I Should Take If My New London Home Floods?

2/9/2022 (Permalink)

If your New London home has flooded, you’ll need to take the proper steps to ensure the safety of your family along with the integrity of your structure. If the levels of flooding are not severe, below you’ll find the steps to follow so your house can get back to normal in no time. If the flooding is severe, bring in professionals like SERVPRO to handle the issue. 

What Are The First Things I Need To Do After A Flood In My New London House?

Before you do anything else, make sure your loved ones are safe!

  • Evacuate everyone from the premises as soon as possible before the flooding starts, if possible. Find a dry, safe spot away from the house while waiting for the flooding to stop. If a natural disaster causes flooding, call the authorities or listen to your local news to find a temporary shelter and relocate to that shelter when possible. Call 911 if anyone needs medical attention and ensure that everyone is accounted for and safe.
  • Attempt to find the source of the flooding if it is not from a natural disaster. Stop it at the source, try to turn it off any faucet, or seal it up. Turning off the main water valve may also solve the issue.
  • Turn off the electricity, but DO NOT attempt to reach the fuse box if you have to walk through water to reach it. Call an electrician if you cannot reach the fuse box without stepping in water.
  • Document all the damage by taking photos and videos of all the affected areas. This information will be necessary for insurance purposes if you need to file a claim. 

What Are The Steps I Should Take When It Comes To The Cleanup Process After Flooding?

Even if you have engaged the help of a professional water damage restoration company, there are some things you can do to start the process. Here are some tips:

  • Do not touch the water without the proper equipment, as it may be contaminated with sewage or other hazardous material. If you have to enter the establishment, wear waders or waterproof boots.
  • All of the water must be removed, and then a wet vacuum or a pump can be used to dispose of any standing water.
  • Attempt to salvage any items that were not seriously damaged. Do not eat any food that has been contaminated by floodwater.
  • If the water damage is not too bad, dry out the space with fans and dehumidifiers. Anything touched by the water also needs to be disinfected. 
  • Warm, wet spaces are an attractive breeding ground for mold colonies, so act as quickly as possible to prevent mold growth. Your property needs to be as dry as possible to prevent mold spores from growing. Once a mold colony is established, it is impossible to eradicate it. Keep the affected areas as dry as possible and treat them with a strong cleaner, such as a bleach solution. 
  • Open any windows and doors to let fresh, dry air in and circulate. 

Don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to assist you in getting your New London house back to normal; we can be reached at (419) 595-4617. We are experts in water damage repair and restoration, and we are mold prevention and remediation pros. Our team is highly trained, and we offer 24-hour emergency service.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Storm Damage Tips For My Bellevue Property?

2/2/2022 (Permalink)

Whatever type of Bellevue property you own, it’s essential to be prepared for storms. Power losses, debris, and standing water from severe weather can create a situation that may be difficult to manage. After the storm has passed, you may need to know some ways to handle any damage to your Bellevue location, so keep reading to find some helpful information. 

What Are Some Important Storm Safety Measures I Can Take For My Bellevue Property?

Safety for your workforce is the most critical consideration, so it’s wise for you to take steps to ensure no one gets hurt both during and after a storm.

  • If you have experienced flooding and there is standing water at your Bellevue location, keep people clear of this area. Electricity in that part of the building should be shut off safely, but never walk through standing water when electricity is engaged. You can contact your local electric service company to come to your location and handle this. 
  • It will be vital to get any standing water removed as soon as possible to avoid contamination and mold, too. Professional cleanup companies like SERVPRO can be onsite right away to manage a possible mold infestation. 
  • You should have the overall structure of your building professionally assessed if you have experienced storm damage. These professionals will check power sources and look for exposed wiring, determine whether the building structure is compromised and other unsafe conditions.  
  • If your property has sustained substantial damage, be sure to leave things as they are before your insurance company inspects your location. Your policy may state that repairs need to be done by professionals and may not cover anything you do yourself. If you’re not sure what you can or cannot do, employ a professional who can do an inspection and give you an estimate for any repairs. Here at SERVPRO, we work with your insurance company all through your claims process. 

How Can SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Help You Get Your Bellevue Location Back To Normal After A Storm?

SERVPRO specializes in storm damage recovery, and we are equipped to handle these events at a moment’s notice. 

  • Our personnel have all of the necessary training to assist in a storm event. 
  • Our warehouse is well-stocked with equipment that allow our team to meet all your restoration needs. 
  • We use the most advanced technology and techniques available in the industry today.

Cleaning up after a significant weather event can be challenging. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we manage all types of damage to your Bellevue property. In addition to the aftermath of storms, we also handle water damage, mold remediation/prevention, odor removal, and much more!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Can SERVPRO Do For Your Willard Property?

1/19/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a trusted leader in the restoration industry, and our highly trained technicians are standing ready to provide you with 24-hour emergency service. When a disaster of any type or size affects your Willard home or business, you can count on us to respond right to get your recovery project started.

What Are Some Services SERVPRO Offers For My Willard Location?

We can help you in many ways after a disaster, such as:

  • Water Damage. We are water damage specialists. When your home or business experiences any disaster from water due to flooding or equipment failure, SERVPRO has all the skills and equipment necessary to dry damp areas and restore items that have been negatively affected. Such items can be textiles, structure-related, documents, and more. We will help you pack up what is salvageable for cleaning, and we inventory every piece. We remove sheetrock, carpet, and insulation and remediate the building. 
  • Fire Damage. No matter what size the blaze may have been, your belongings and structure will be affected and damaged, and we are trained to help you handle all the issues surrounding a disaster of this kind. We can manage the unhealthy odors and air quality from the smoke and burned materials, and we focus on renovating and recovering your premises. 
  • Biohazards. In addition to water and fire damage, we are equipped to safely and adequately handle biohazards of all kinds, from chemical spills and explosions to mold infestations and viral/bacterial issues. 

Why Should I Call SERVPRO To Help With A Disaster In My Willard Home Or Business?

  • Expert Help. We are certified large-scale disaster experts as well, so if you suffer from the damages that a tornado or heavy thunderstorm can cause, we are only minutes away. Visit our website to find out more about all of our services; we are here for you whenever you experience disasters of all kinds. 
  • Highly Trained Technicians. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certifications, rest assured that our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property. Our training program includes the following:
  • IICRC Training
  • Employee Certification Training
  • Initial Franchise Training
  • e-Learnings
  • Continuing Education Classes

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we have all the experience and equipment needed to get your Willard home back to normal as quickly and efficiently as possible. In addition to water damage, fire damage, and biohazards, we can help with mold infestations, vandalism, focused cleaning protocols, and more. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Winter Weather Safety Precautions For Your Norwalk Home?

1/12/2022 (Permalink)

During the winter months, Norwalk homeowners face many challenges that arise from freezing weather. You have probably dealt with frozen pipes, slip and fall accidents, and fallen trees in the past, so you know these kinds of things happen without any warning. Being prepared ahead of time is the best way to avoid winter-related safety issues, so today we’re going to share some precautions for you to use to keep your Norwalk home and loved ones safe.

What Are Some Proactive Steps You Can Take To Keep Your Norwalk Home In Good Repair During The Winter? 

  • Have a professional company like SERVPRO inspect and perform routine maintenance on your air ducts, HVAC system, chimney, and dryer vents. You will extend the life of your essential services by having them regularly maintained. Many HVAC service providers offer annual contracts to check and service your units in the spring and fall. They may also provide a bonus of emergency priority service for clients with annual contracts.
  • Properly insulate all water pipes along exterior walls, as well as any exposed to unheated interior locations. Turn off the water supply to outdoor spigots and drain them; you may want to consider installing freeze-proof outdoor faucets. Open all rooms, enclosures, and cabinets that contain water pipes to help keep them warm. In extreme sub-zero temperatures, keep water flowing by turning faucets on just enough to create a slight drip. 
  • High winds, snow, and sleet can turn trees and landscaping into severe threats to your home. You should top off and trim back any trees or tree branches that could fall and cause significant damage to your home. 

How Can You Stay Safe In Your Norwalk Home During Extreme Winter Weather Conditions? 

You may experience situations where you cannot leave your home due to extreme winter weather conditions, and wise planning can ensure that you and your loved ones stay protected. 

  • Put together an indoor emergency kit. Keep an adequate supply of drinking water and no-cooking necessary food, and be sure to provide for family members that have special diets and medications. You’ll want to create a winter disaster kit that includes: 
    • flashlights 
    • batteries 
    • wind-up flashlights
    • radios
    • warm blankets, 
    • hats, boots, gloves, and winter coats 
  • In addition to keeping your home safe, you will want to make sure your car is in good running condition if you have to travel due to an emergency. Keep your fuel tank near full and winterize your vehicle by checking your radiator and antifreeze levels. Replace worn tires with all-weather or snow tires and add an appropriate antifreeze solution to your windshield washer. Put together a wintertime vehicle emergency kit in case you get stuck or stranded. You’ll want to include: 
    • extra gloves and hats 
    • blankets and sleeping bags 
    • nonperishable food 
    • mobile phone charger and cords 
    • extra batteries 
    • plastic storage bags 
    • booster cables 
    • flashlight shovel 
    • sand or cat litter
    • first aid kit

If the worst should happen, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help. We can be onsite right away to help you manage storm damage, water damage, and much more. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are Some Water Damage Restoration Tips For My Monroeville Home?

1/7/2022 (Permalink)

During the winter, precipitation is constant. Whether it’s rain or ice and snow, your Monroeville home is going to face large amounts of water at this time of year. In addition to precipitation, water damage can quickly arise within any Nashville home due to pipe bursts, leaks, unattended faucets, and more. 

What Are Some Proactive Steps I Can Take If My Monroeville Home Experiences Water Damage?

  • Assess the damage. Take a look at how severe the damage is. Is your whole basement flooded, or just a tiny puddle from a malfunctioning appliance? Is your ceiling or roof affected? Do you detect any moldy odors or see any evidence of an infestation? All of these questions are important ones to ask and answer to the best of your ability.
  • Identify the source. Shut off your water main as soon as possible after discovering water damage if it seems to be coming from a source inside your home, such as your sink, a leak, a pipe burst, or more. If the water is coming from outside precipitation, take steps to prevent further damage until the repairs begin. 
  • Call the professionals if the damage appears severe. If you have a situation where you cannot stop the flow of water or if the damage is extensive, each of these warrants calling your disaster restoration professionals. They will be able to come out to your home right away and manage your water damage emergency.

What Does The SERVPRO Water Damage Restoration Process Look Like?

It’s better to leave severe water damage to restoration professionals. Unless you’re a plumber yourself, it’s probably best for you to let restoration professionals deal with severe water damage to your Monroeville home. Our water damage restoration steps are as follows:

Step 1: Emergency Contact

Step 2: Inspection and Damage Assessment

Step 3: Water Removal/Water Extraction

Step 4: Drying and Dehumidification

Step 5: Cleaning and Repair

Step 6: Restoration

If you experience water damage in your Monroeville home, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can be onsite right away to help you manage the situation. We also handle mold remediation, odor removal, sewage cleanup, and much, much more. No matter what kind of emergency you may face, you can call SERVPRO at (419) 443 1790 for assistance. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Should You Expect From A Fire Damage Restoration Project In Your Tiffin Home?

1/5/2022 (Permalink)

The last thing in the world you ever expect is a fire. When it happens, the first consideration is always the safety of everyone on the premises, of course. Once the fire is out, however, you’re left with the damage and the recovery. That can be a devastating and overwhelming prospect, but the help of a fire damage restoration company like SERVPRO can help get your Tiffin home back to normal quickly. 


Step 1: Emergency Contact

The restoration process begins when you call us at (419) 443 1790. We will talk with you about the situation and gather information from you that will help us to respond with the right equipment and resources.

Step 2: Inspection and Fire Damage Assessment

We carefully inspect and test adjoining rooms of your property to determine the extent of the fire, smoke, and soot damage. This step is crucial to developing a plan of action.

Step 3: Immediate Board-Up and Roof-Tarp Service

Fire damage can often compromise windows, walls, and roofs. To maintain security and protect against further damage, we can board up missing windows and walls and place tarps on damaged roofs. 

Step 4: Water Removal and Drying (if water damage is present)

The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes the majority of the water. We then use dehumidifiers and air movers to remove the remaining water and complete the drying process. 

Step 5: Removal of Smoke and Soot from All Surfaces

We use specialized equipment and techniques to remove smoke and soot from ceilings, walls, and other surfaces. 

Step 6: Cleaning and Sanitizing

We clean, sanitize, and disinfect all of the restorable items and structures damaged by the fire. We use a variety of cleaning techniques to restore your belongings to pre-fire condition. Our team will remove odors using industrial air scrubbers and fogging equipment, as well. 

Step 7: Restoration

Restoring your Tiffin home or business to its pre-fire condition is the final step. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall, painting, and installing new carpet, or it may entail major repairs such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in your home or business. 


In addition to fire damage restoration, we are experts in:

If the worst should happen, we’re here for you. and we’re proud to serve the Tiffin community!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Are The Steps I Should Take After Storm Damage To My Attica Home?

12/22/2021 (Permalink)

Storm season is here for Attica residents, and as a savvy homeowner, you will want to be prepared for whatever comes. Preparation isn't just what you do before the storm comes, though; it's having everything ready for possible repairs and cleanup projects just in case, as well. Loss of power, debris, and flooding can all be part of the aftermath you face when the storm has moved on.

What Comes First In Recovering My Attica Home From Storm Damage? 

First and foremost, you will want to manage anything unsafe. 

  • There may be fallen branches or fences that have come down that will need to be taken care of. Ensure that you don't operate machinery used in these areas while on your own, and wear personal protective equipment while operating any machinery or tools. Take note of anyone nearby, and be aware of your surroundings while you are working. If you have even the slightest uncertainty about clearing storm damage, contact a professional storm damage restoration company for help.
  • If you have experienced flooding and there is standing water in your home, keep people clear of this area. If it can be done safely, shut off the electricity in that part of the home, but be sure not to walk through standing water when electricity is engaged. It will be vital to get standing water removed as soon as possible to avoid contamination and mold. A professional cleanup company like SERVPRO can be onsite right away to handle storm damage.
  • If you have tree damage to your home or property, always make sure there are no power lines down nearby before you start any cleanup. If there are, wait until utility crews can remove them before beginning your cleanup.
  • You should have the overall structure of your home professionally assessed if you have experienced storm damage. These SERVPRO will check power sources, whether the house is leaning or if wiring is exposed, and other unsafe conditions.

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Manage Storm Damage To My Attica Home?

In addition to assisting with unsafe conditions, SERVPRO has all the skills and equipment needed to manage any other issues you may face; our goal is to get you back to normal as soon as possible!

  • If your property has sustained substantial damage, don't clean up anything before your insurance company does an inspection. The damages may not be covered otherwise; if you're not sure, employ a professional who can do an inspection and give you an estimate for any repairs. SERVPRO will team up with your insurance agency to ensure that your claims process goes smoothly. For a stress-free claims process, SERVPRO can help manage the insurance paperwork and process. Call (419) 595-4586 for details. 
  • As water and storm damage specialists, SERVPRO has the experience and advanced training that enables us to restore your property quickly. We use scientific drying principles and provide validation and documentation that your property is dry and the job is complete.
  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Structural Drying Technicians

Cleaning up after a significant weather event can be challenging. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we manage these kinds of projects for both your home or business right away to get you back to normal. We handle storm damage, fire damage, water damage, and mold remediation/prevention as well. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Can SERVPRO Do For Your Bloomville Home?

12/15/2021 (Permalink)

A minor leak, a stove-top fire, or a chemical spill in your garage can cause issues that you can’t handle alone. You may find that you need the help of a professional restoration company, and that’s where SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties comes in. We can get you back to normal as soon as possible, no matter what kind of emergency and damage you may be facing. 

What Kind of Service Can You Expect From SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties?

  • We know that a disaster in your Bloomville home can happen at any time of the day or night, so our team of highly trained technicians provides 24-hour emergency service.
  • Our response times are quick, ensuring that further damage won’t occur. 
  • We are locally owned and operated, and we’re proud to serve our Bloomville friends and neighbors with personalized service.
  • Our professional team must undergo a series of courses and training materials to provide them with the most updated knowledge on property restoration. The Employee Training modules include Fire and Water Restoration, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, and Crew Training. Our technicians receive their certification after they complete the courses and exams.

How Is SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Different From Other Restoration Companies?

  • We are a trusted leader in the restoration industry. With over 1,700 franchises in the U.S. and Canada, we are committed to providing quality service. 
  • Whether you need mold remediation or odor removal and deodorization, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has all the advanced technology and techniques required to restore your Bloomville property. Our services include water extraction and drying equipment, odor removal and deodorization equipment, and more. Our services ensure that you receive a professional and thorough restoration experience from start to finish.
  • We work with your insurance representatives to help manage the paperwork to secure a steady, stress-free recovery process. 
  • We are a Better Business Bureau Accredited Business and the recipient of the Angie’s List Super Service Award! 

No matter what your situation may be, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help whenever a disaster of any type or size occurs at your Bloomville location. Our specialties include fire damage and water damage restoration, recovery from storm damage, mold remediation, biohazard cleaning, and much more.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Can You Prevent Fires In Your New London Business?

12/8/2021 (Permalink)

You’ve invested your time, energy, and finances into your New London business, and as a successful business owner, you know that protecting your investment is vital to your success. An essential facet of protecting your New London commercial endeavor is understanding the steps you need to take to safeguard that endeavor from any disaster, including fires. Prevention is, of course, the very first step in fire safety. Let’s talk about some ways you can prevent fires in your business. 

What Are Some Important Tools To Use To Avert Fires At Your New London Commercial Location? 

  • FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, SPRINKLERS, AND ALARMS. Each of these tools is required to be installed at your location. Fire extinguishers should be stored no more than 75 feet from all work areas for easy access and mounted in a prominent spot. Have licensed fire prevention professionals test and service your extinguishers, sprinkler system, and fire alarm system every 12 months or less.
  • EMERGENCY EXITS. Illuminated EXIT signage should have a battery backup in case of power outages and be maintained in good working order at all times.

What Are Some Best Practices You Can Put In Place Around Your New London Business To Keep It Fire-Safe?

  • STORAGE. Stored materials should be stacked at least two feet below the ceiling in an orderly manner. Eighteen inches of clearance from the sprinkler system is required; this allows smoke to collect in areas above all items and gives the sprinklers a clear space for their spray pattern, enabling water to reach flames. These instructions have been put in place by area fire personnel and, if not complied with, can result in fines. 
  • SAFE OUTLET USE. Electrical outlets should only support the appropriate number of items, including a power strip with a circuit breaker; overloaded outlets can often catch fire. All electrical cords should be kept in good repair and replaced whenever they are no longer safe to use.
  • PREMISES. The emergency exit areas and spaces around your building need to be kept clear of debris and plant material to allow everyone to get out of the building with no mishaps. This practice reduces the risk of fire outside, as well. Trash receptacles need to be kept at least five feet away from combustible roofs, windows, and entryways and away from exit pathways.
  • EMERGENCY CONTACTS. The address numbers for your building or suite need to be highly visible so that emergency responders can find your location quickly and easily in the event of a fire or other emergency. 
  • FIRE SAFETY IN A COMMERCIAL KITCHEN. If your business is a commercial kitchen, make sure stove hoods, stovetops, ovens, and grease traps are cleaned regularly and thoroughly to prevent excessive grease buildup. Ceiling exhaust fans and bathroom heater/light/fan combinations can also pose a risk due to dust and grease buildup, resulting in increased operating temperatures.

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team is experienced in restoring your New London home or business after a fire. We can also help with what you may need in the event of flooding and water damage, and we are equipped to handle mold remediation, odor removal, and more. 

This franchise is individually owned and operated. 

How Can I Prevent Fire Damage To My Bellevue Home?

12/1/2021 (Permalink)

No matter the circumstances, fire damage is devastating for a family or business, and feelings of great confusion, loss, and stress are normal. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to be your caring expert while guiding you through this trying time. You can count on us to always treat your family with the greatest empathy and respect, and we will treat your Bellevue home and property with great care.

What Are Some Important Tips To Prevent A Fire In My Bellevue Home This Winter?

  • Your fireplace is going to be used often during an Ohio winter. Practicing fire safety here is vital to keeping your home safe. Never leave a fire burning when you go to bed at night or leave the room for long periods. A spark or a falling piece of burning wood onto flammable material can start a house fire in a matter of seconds.
  • Using space heaters can be an energy-efficient way to heat single rooms of your home during colder periods. Always use your space heater according to the directions, purchase a secure version (do your research), and use it sparingly. 

What Are Some Other Common Fire-Related Risks I Should Know About For My Bellevue House?

We mentioned heating methods as one of the top fire dangers; others are cooking, electrical distribution, and smoking materials. 

  • Stay near your oven and stove top while you are cooking. If a stovetop fire occurs, make sure you know the proper procedure to put the fire out. Using water on a grease fire will cause the flames to explode across the area, creating a much more dangerous situation. Educate yourself about the different methods of managing different types of fire. 
  • Plugging too many items in one outlet can overload your electrical circuitry while using damaged cables is hazardous. Extension cords should be carrying the appropriate electrical load, as well. If you are not sure what the proper load should be, check the documentation that comes with your equipment at the time of purchase. In some instances, extension cords are made specifically for the outdoors, so be sure you buy one that fits your needs.
  • If you must smoke, stay away from flammable materials. For this reason, it is wise to only smoke out of doors. It’s also hazardous to smoke when you aren’t wide awake. 

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you if your Bellevue home suffers damage from a fire. We handle fire damage, odor removal, HVAC and air duct cleaning, and much more. Contact us right away in the event of an emergency; we can be onsite as soon as possible to get started on your recovery process. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Do I Do If My Willard Business Floods?

11/24/2021 (Permalink)

Your business may experience some damage from flooding; bad weather can be the culprit or malfunctioning machinery might be the cause - there are many ways a flood can occur. When the worst happens, you have the responsibility of figuring out what to do. Always remember that your friends at SERVPRO are only a phone call away at (419) 443 1790!

What Are The Most Important Factors To Consider In Case of A Flood In My Willard Business?

Safety always comes first. 

  • Please do not enter the building until a professional has cleared your location; it may have been damaged structurally, or flood risk may remain.
  • Do not go anywhere near downed power lines or any standing water or metal objects near these downed wires. Stay away from damaged trees, and do not wade into floodwaters.
  • Call your professional commercial restoration company and let them know what has happened. SERVPRO can be onsite quickly to start the process of getting you back to normal right away. You are at risk for mold within the first 24-48 hours following a flood. Therefore, it's vital to remove water as soon as possible and that the remediation starts right away. Flooding poses a risk to drywall, support beams, and foundations, as well. Floodwater can also contain dangerous contaminants and sewage, so you must avoid it.

What Are Some Steps I Can Take To Help Restore My Willard Business After A Flood?

  • Once the worst has passed, allow your restoration professionals to assess any damage the building has received. They will inspect every part of your Willard property location for possible destruction, including machinery.
  • Keep track of everything destroyed or damaged in the storm by documenting your findings through photos or videos. You need to compile a list of damaged items, as well. You will need this list for insurance purposes.
  • Remove damaged and fallen trees and branches. If using a chainsaw, take precautions to ensure they do not cause any more damage when they fall.
  • Dry your premises by opening windows and doors; it can be helpful to have fans running if you can do it safely.
  • When your restoration is complete, put out your Open For Business sign!

No matter your situation, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help whenever a disaster of any type or size occurs. Our specialties include fire damage and water damage restoration, recovery from storm damage, mold remediation, odor removal/deodorization, and much more.

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, as well.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Do I Prepare My Norwalk Property For A Storm?

11/17/2021 (Permalink)

Our SERVPRO team advises homeowners to prepare their Norwalk homes and property for the coming winter storm season. Extreme weather can lead to power outages and disruption of communications and can damage personal and business property and belongings. Flooding and large snow accumulations often cause travel to become extremely dangerous and even deadly. Hence, storm preparation is essential for many different severe situations during winter here in the Norwalk area. 

What Are Some Essential Storm Preparation Tips For My Norwalk Property?

  • Trim bushes and trees, remove dead trees, tall bushes, and all broken branches from around your home. These can cause injury and damage to the roof of your house if they fall during extreme weather involving wind, ice, or heavy snow accumulation. 
  • Clear clogged rain gutters. When the snow melts, it needs to be able to flow down your channels and away from your roofing. If there is dirt and debris left over from last spring, the water will pool and begin to back up, possibly damaging interior wall spaces in your home. Damp in your walls can lead to mold growth, causing a need for mold remediation in addition to the storm damage. 
  • Check the chimney and heating equipment. Have your chimney inspected and cleaned after winter and again before it comes around again. Your HVAC system also needs to be reviewed, and all ducts clear and ready for use. Change out all your filters in the system, as well. If you are using space heaters, they need to be in great shape.

How Can SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Help Me Handle Winter Storms In Norwalk?

We are storm damage professionals. With winter weather right around the corner, it's wise to be ready, and when the worst happens, remember that SERVPRO is here to help.

  • We're Faster to Any Sized Disaster

    When a storm hits your Tiffin home or business, you need help immediately. Our quick response will help prevent secondary damage and help reduce restoration costs.
  • We're Highly Trained Storm Damage Specialists

    As water and storm damage specialists, we have the experience and advanced training that enables us to restore your property quickly. We use scientific drying principles and provide validation and documentation that your property is dry and the job is complete.
  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Structural Drying Technicians
  • We Have the Resources to Handle Storms and Disasters

    We can access the resources and personnel of 1,700 Franchises to handle major storms and disasters. We also have access to special Disaster Recovery Teams strategically located throughout the country to respond to catastrophic storms and events.

Our team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties cares about your safety, the safety of your loved ones, and your property. We offer many services to assist Norwalk's home and business owners in handling disasters of all kinds and sizes, such as water damage restoration, odor removal/deodorization, and mold remediation.

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Can SERVPRO Do For Your Tiffin Home?

11/10/2021 (Permalink)

The end goal after any disaster in your Tiffin home is to get back to normal. Even the most minor leak, a simple stove-top fire, or a chemical spill in the garage can cause issues that you can’t handle alone. You may find that you need the help of a professional restoration company, and that’s where SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties comes in. 

What Kind of Service Can You Expect From SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties?

  • Our highly trained technicians provide 24-hour emergency service. We know that a disaster in your Tiffin home can happen at any time of the day or night.
  • Our response times are quick and timely, ensuring that further damage won’t occur. 
  • We are locally owned and operated and are proud to serve our Tiffin friends and neighbors with personalized service.
  • Our professional team has to undergo a series of courses and training materials to provide them with the most updated knowledge on property restoration. The Employee Training modules include Fire and Water Restoration, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, and Crew Training. Our technicians receive their certification after they complete the courses and exams.

How Is SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Different From Other Restoration Companies?

  • We are a trusted leader in the restoration industry! With over 1,700 franchises in the U.S. and Canada, we are committed to providing quality service. 
  • Whether you need storm damage restoration or you need your upholstery cleaned, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has all the advanced technology and techniques required to restore your Tiffin property. Our services include water extraction equipment, drying equipment, odor removal and deodorization equipment, moisture detection, measurement equipment, and more. Our services ensure that you receive a professional and thorough restoration experience. 
  • We work with your insurance. We can even help manage the paperwork to secure a steady, stress-free recovery process. 
  • We are a Better Business Bureau Accredited Business and the recipient of the Angie’s List Super Service Award! 

No matter what your situation may be, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help whenever a disaster of any type or size occurs. Our specialties include fire damage and water damage restoration, recovery from storm damage, mold remediation, odor removal/deodorization, and much more.

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, as well.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Do I Manage Odor Removal In My Monroeville Apartment Complex?

11/3/2021 (Permalink)

Odor issues are something you are aware of as a Monroeville apartment complex owner or manager. Many unpleasant odor situations occur when people live close together. There are many reasons an unpleasant odor event can happen, but keep in mind that if it becomes serious and even unhealthy, SERVPRO is here to help. 

What Are Some Sources of Unpleasant Odors In My Apartment Complex?

  • A leak or small flood will leave a resident with wet flooring and dampen walls. Each of these items must be professionally dried and cleaned.
  • Broken pipes carrying sewage will definitely affect your apartment complex in both unpleasant odors and unhealthy conditions.
  • Pets that are not properly house-trained can become quite a nuisance and can not only create odors that are unpleasant but unsanitary conditions, too. 
  • A lack of cleanliness can bring about bad odors and smells, as well. Food that needs to be discarded, rooms that have not been cleaned and freshened for long periods of time, or residents who collect more items in their apartment than they have room for can all contribute to bad smells. 

What Can SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Do To Help Me With Bad Odors In My Apartment Complex?

As experts in deodorization, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is trained to identify and eliminate offensive odors. These odors can come from several sources both inside and outside a structure.

SERVPRO teaches IICRC technical classes in the proper removal of odors. Masking and other shortcuts don't work when your odor problem is serious or persistent.

SERVPRO has the training and equipment to identify and eliminate these offensive odors. By identifying the cause of the odor, and determining the conditions where it contacts surfaces, the odor can often be removed over time without a trace. Our technicians have access to several odor removal products capable of penetrating surfaces to neutralize an unpleasant odor thoroughly.

The science of identifying and eliminating odors can be a tricky thing, so give us a call, and leave the restoration to us.

In addition to odor removal, SERVPRO also manages sewage removal, biohazard cleaning, and more. 

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Can I Expect From A Fire Damage Restoration Project In Attica?

10/27/2021 (Permalink)

If your Attica home or business experiences a disaster such as a fire, it's critical that you get back up and running as soon as possible. The fire restoration professionals at SERVPRO have all the necessary equipment and skills to get your fire damage restoration project done! Below we share our fire damage restoration process so you can know what to expect. 


Step 1: Emergency Contact

The restoration process begins when you call us at (419) 443 1790. Our representative will ask you questions regarding the fire damage event, and your answers will help us respond immediately with the appropriate equipment and resources. 

Step 2: Inspection and Fire Damage Assessment

We carefully inspect and test adjoining rooms of your property to determine the extent of the fire, smoke, and soot damage. This step is crucial to developing a plan of action.

Step 3: Immediate Board-Up and Roof-Tarp Service

Fire damage can often compromise windows, walls, and roofs. To maintain security and protect against further damage, we can board up missing windows and walls and place tarps on damaged roofs. 

Step 4: Water Removal and Drying (if water damage is present)

The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes the majority of the water. We then use dehumidifiers and air movers to remove the remaining water and complete the drying process. 

Step 5: Removal of Smoke and Soot from All Surfaces

We use specialized equipment and techniques to remove smoke and soot from ceilings, walls, and other surfaces. 

Step 6: Cleaning and Sanitizing

We clean, sanitize, and disinfect all of the restorable items and structures damaged by the fire. We use a variety of cleaning techniques to restore your belongings to pre-fire condition. Our team will remove odors using industrial air scrubbers and fogging equipment, as well. 

Step 7: Restoration

Restoration is the final step—getting your Attica home or business to its pre-fire condition. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall, painting, and installing new carpet, or it may entail major repairs such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in your home or business. 


In addition to fire damage restoration, we are experts in:

We’re here for you when the worst happens, and we’re proud to serve the Attica community!

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Are Some Water Damage Recovery Tips For My Furniture In Bloomville?

10/20/2021 (Permalink)

A water damage event of any kind will affect everything in your home or business. Water seeps into walls and flooring, causing structural damage. It can also harm your electronics, paper items, and furniture. In the case of paper items and electronics, it's best to let the professionals assess them before trying to save them, but with furniture, there are some things you can do yourself to start the recovery process.

What Are The First Steps I Can Take To Recover My Bloomville Furniture From Water Damage? 

If it is safe to do so, take these steps to begin drying out the interior of your building: 

  • Turn on fans 
  • Open windows and doors
  • Remove standing water using cloths, shop-vacs, or brooms
  • Move upholstered furniture out of standing water; if it is sunny outside, the sunshine can help dry out the fabrics

What Kinds Of Furniture Will Need Special Attention?

Wooden furniture is going to be your biggest concern since water can destroy wood if it’s not managed immediately. These pieces require restorative care to ensure that they remain solid and functional. Not only does water stain wood, but it also sometimes leaves behind toxic mold and mildew that need prompt removal. Follow the steps below to restore your wooden furniture pieces:

  1. If the furniture has mold and mildew, take it outside to clean. After putting on gloves, mix two caps full of bleach with half a bucket of warm water. Add three caps full of mild liquid dish-washing detergent, stir, and scrub the furniture thoroughly. Wash off the soap and repeat if necessary. Let the furniture air dry.
  2. Remove water stains with wood furniture cleaner applied to a soft cloth. Mix a few drops of orange oil with the cleaner, and rub it onto the furniture using circular motions; repeat until the stain lifts. You can also try mayonnaise or salad oil dressing if the oil doesn’t work. Clean the wood with a fresh soft cloth. Remove any excess oil with a wood cleaner.
  3. If the stain won’t come off readily, sand the furniture with an electric sander using 220-grit sandpaper. Open the windows for proper ventilation, and seal off air-conditioning ducts. Be sure to wear a dust mask to keep yourself from inhaling wood dust.
  4. Sand the furniture in the direction of the grain, focusing on the water-damaged areas first. Remove the wood dust with a clean paintbrush, and continue sanding the remainder of the piece to even out the finish. 
  5. Strip the furniture with a chemical stripping agent. Dip a clean paintbrush into the chemical stripping agent, and apply it to the furniture's surface in smooth strokes. Wait for the chemical agent to oxidize or begin to bubble, and scrape the surface of the furniture. After stripping it, sand the piece with 100- to 150- grit sandpaper to remove excess stripping agent. Remember to remove wood dust with a paintbrush.
  6. Remove old glue by sanding inside the joints with rolled-up 150-grit sandpaper. Place glue inside the joint, and reattach the table or chair leg. Put a clamp on the joint and let the glue dry overnight.
  7. Use a waterproof stain and apply it in even strokes with a clean paintbrush. If you're painting the furniture, use latex enamel-based paint in the color of your choice. Apply two coats of stain or paint. Let the first coat dry before applying the second. Choose a clear varnish that is both waterproof and insect repellent. Once your furniture is fully dry, apply two coats of varnish with a clean paintbrush, letting the first coat dry before applying the second one. 

If your Bloomville home or business experiences water damage, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is available to help you recover. In addition to water damage, we handle carpet & upholstery restoration, odor removal, mold remediation, and many other after-effects of water damage. 

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, as well. Ask us how!

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Do You Do If Your New London Business Floods?

10/13/2021 (Permalink)

As a wise businessperson, you know the importance of taking the time to plan for unforeseen emergencies that could impact your New London property. You've worked hard to get where you are today, and such events can cause you to lose both time and money. A professional restoration company can help you to recover from any disaster. 

What Should I Do First If My New London Commercial Building Floods?

  • Call The Professionals. A professional restoration company like SERVPRO can be on-site right away to help begin your flood recovery process. If the worst happens, call us immediately at (419) 443-1790! 
  • Contact Your Insurance Representative. You will want to alert your insurance company right away, as well. They will send a representative out to your location to inspect the damage and start your claim. SERVPRO works with insurance companies during your claims process. 
  • Determine Water Safety. If the flooding is from rivers or streams or contains chemicals, the water may be contaminated and unsafe. This will need appropriate testing. 
  • Make Repairs. There will be some repairs and recovery steps you can complete without affecting your claim status. Our SERVPRO technicians can help you determine the best steps for you to take here, as well. Any unsafe conditions must be handled as soon as possible. This includes compromised structures, dangerous exits, unstable entrances, and more.

What Can I Expect From SERVPRO When Experiencing A Flood In My New London Business?

The past few decades have seen a rapid advancement in technology and techniques used in the restoration industry. These advancements are employed by the SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties professionals to restore your property to preloss condition quickly and effectively. You can expect SERVPRO to use equipment and techniques such as: 

Moisture Detection and Measurement Equipment. Scientific drying principles rely upon specialized equipment to watch a property's moisture levels. Recent advances, like infrared cameras, can help us see the water through a wall, ceiling, or floor.

  • Our technicians use an infrared camera to identify water location for water removal.
  • Sensitive moisture detectors, hygrometers, and other meters measure the extent of moisture saturation.

Water Extraction Equipment. Powerful equipment speeds the drying process by removing the bulk of the water from your home or business.

  • Submersible and gas-powered pumps for continuous pumping of high-level water. 
  • Truck-mounted and portable extraction units perform efficient water removal.

Drying Equipment. Industrial strength air movers and dehumidifiers remove the remaining moisture from your property. Proper drying helps to prevent swelling and warping of floors, walls, and furniture.

  • High-speed air movers cause moisture to evaporate at a faster pace.
  • Industrial grade dehumidifiers pull the water vapor from the air.

Odor Removal and Deodorization. Water and fire damage often causes powerful odors. The machines we use will remove airborne contaminants and control the air quality.

  • Air scrubbers
  • Thermal foggers and deodorization agents

Sanitizing Agents, Germicides, and Antimicrobial Treatments. SERVPRO technicians will use OSHA-approved cleaning agents to remove odors and contaminants.

  • Deodorization products control odors from excessive moisture.
  • Disinfection products stop the growth of bacteria, fungi, mildew, and other harmful microorganisms.

Our SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team is trained and equipped to handle any emergency you may face in your New London property. We deal with water damage restoration, our services also include mold remediation, storm damage, and more. Let’s keep you open for business!

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Can SERVPRO Help Me Manage Large Loss Water Damage In My Bellevue Business?

10/6/2021 (Permalink)

Water damage is the most common kind of damage that can occur to a commercial property, and most commercial property owners will have to deal with a water damage incident at some point. A sudden rush of large amounts of water can cause massive damage to your Bellevue commercial building and all assets and inventory stored within.

What Kinds of Large Loss Water Damage Can SERVPRO Help Me Manage?

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties Disaster Recovery Team can assist with all kinds of large loss water damage that can be the result of these events like these:  

  • large water or sewer system failure
  • tornado 
  • hurricane 
  • blizzard 
  • flood

With our ability to mobilize local command centers, along with the additional resources of more than 1,700 franchises nationwide available, no disaster is too big for us to handle!

What Restoration Services Does SERVPRO Offer To Help My Bellevue Company Recover From Large Loss Water Damage?

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties maintains the training, experience, and equipment to handle extensive commercial flooding or water damage emergencies. No matter what kind of water damage event your business has suffered, we’ve got you covered! Whether your large loss water emergency has occurred in a small office building or big box store, we will respond quickly to mitigate the damage and manage the restoration project through to its completion. Our training and certifications include:

  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Structural Drying Technician
  • Odor Control Technician
  • Upholstery & Fabric Cleaning Technician

We’re able to manage all aspects of large loss water damage, from the removal of the water from your premises to the restoration of your structure, managing any resulting unpleasant or unhealthy odors or conditions, and cleaning and restoring your property, furniture, and fixtures. 

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a full-service restoration company helping Bellevue commercial properties recover from emergencies and return to preloss conditions. We know that any downtime means a high risk of potential loss of revenue, and we also know what needs to happen to get you back up and running as quickly as possible. We're available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to answer your call for help. 

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What Does Commercial Mold Remediation Look Like In Willard?

9/29/2021 (Permalink)

It doesn't take much water damage to create the perfect environment for a mold colony to get started at your Willard business location. A tiny water leak or excess humidity can be all it takes. Once a mold colony has begun, it can spread through your commercial property and become a severe problem in less than 48 hours. 

Mold has the potential to negatively impact the health of anyone in contact with your business. This includes customers, vendors, and employees, so it's essential to handle a mold infestation right away. SERVPRO can be on-site quickly to help!

How Do I Start The SERVPRO Mold Remediation Process For My Willard Business?

Every mold damage scenario is different and requires a unique solution. However, our general procedure stays the same. Our mold remediation process begins the moment you call us!

  • Call Our Emergency Contact Number - (419) 443-1790

The mold cleanup and restoration process starts as soon as you contact our office. Our representative will ask you a series of questions to help us determine the necessary equipment, resources, and personnel.

  • Inspection and Mold Damage Assessment. Local and state laws may need a specific inspection and documentation protocol. This depends on the size of the affected area. We can guide you based on your unique situation while inspecting your property for any signs of mold. Mold feeds on cellulose and water and is hard to see with the naked eye. We use various technologies to detect mold and hidden water sources.

What Steps Will SERVPRO Take To Remediate A Mold Infestation In My Willard Commercial Property?

  • Mold Containment. Our professionals use various containment procedures to prevent the spread of mold. We may use advanced containment procedures like negative air chambers to isolate the contaminated area with physical barriers. We also use negative air pressure to keep the mold from spreading during the cleanup process. We will turn off all fans, heating, and cooling systems to prevent the spread of mold.
  • Air Filtration. Our specialized filtration equipment allows our Professionals to capture microscopic mold spores out of the air. We use powerful "air scrubbers" and HEPA vacuums to prevent the spread of these mold spores.
  • Removing Mold and Mold-Infested Materials. The mold remediation process depends on the amount of mold growth and the types of surfaces on which the mold appears. We'll use antifungal and antimicrobial treatments to remove mold colonies and to prevent new ones. Removing and disposing of mold-infested porous materials - such as drywall and carpeting - may be necessary to remediate heavy mold growth.
  • Cleaning Contents and Belongings. We clean your furniture, decorative items, curtains, clothing, and other restorable items affected by mold. We use a variety of cleaning techniques to clean and disinfect your belongings. Our skilled technicians will remove odors and deodorize your commercial property using fogging equipment.
  • Restoration. Depending on the level of mold damage, SERVPRO may remove your drywall, subfloors, and other building materials. Your restoration can also involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall, painting, and installing new carpet. It could also entail major repairs such as the reconstruction of various areas in your business. 

If you suspect your Willard business is experiencing mold growth, be sure to reach out today to our team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. Our team of highly qualified and trained professionals will come out to assess your property and use our specialized equipment to remediate your mold infestation and restore your home or business.

Besides mold remediation, we handle many other types of disasters of all sizes. This includes damage from fire and water, and we are commercial restoration experts!

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Can I Prevent A Laundry Room Fire In My Norwalk Home?

9/22/2021 (Permalink)

Fires occur in laundry rooms every day. Some fires are small, while others are large and devastating. All of them potentially place human life and pets in grave danger. According to the National Fire Protection Agency, while cooking remains the leading cause of house fires, laundry room fires still account for 15,000 fires each year in the United States.

What Are The Most Common Causes of Fire In My Norwalk Laundry Room? 

  • Clothing left in your dryer
  • Frayed appliance cords or improper insulation
  • Dust, fiber, or lint
  • Appliance housing
  • Appliance drive or belt
  • Soft goods left in the laundry room

What Are Some Fire Prevention Practices I Can Use In My Norwalk Laundry Room?

  • Be sure to clean your lint filters after every use. The residue can accumulate on your dryer lint screen if you use dryer sheets. Monthly remove the screen and wash it with hot, soapy water. Allow it to dry completely before returning to the dryer.
  • Dispose of the dryer lint properly. 
  • Never store any combustible liquids near the washer or dryer.
  • Do not place clothes or towels soaked with cleaning solvents, paint, pesticides, gasoline, or fuel oil in your dryer; air drying is the best choice here. 
  • Do not leave a dryer running if you leave home or go to bed. If the machine malfunctions, no one will be there or awake to avert possible disaster.
  • Do not leave dried clothes in the dryer. Heat can build up inside the pile faster than heat is lost to the surrounding air causing spontaneous combustion and a fire.
  • Keep a charged UL-rated fire extinguisher in the laundry room for quick access to prevent small fires from becoming large ones.
  • Install a smoke detector in your laundry room or the area leading to the laundry room.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you prevent the worst from happening. We are happy to come and consult with you on areas in your home or business that are vulnerable to fire and discuss ways to prevent one from occurring. 

If you do experience fire damage of any kind, we have all the training, skills, and equipment to help you recover as quickly as possible. We also assist with odor removal, water damage, and a whole lot more!

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Is The Water Damage Restoration Process in Tiffin?

9/15/2021 (Permalink)

Restoring your home after a water damage event requires specialized equipment and products. This advanced equipment helps your Tiffin SERVPRO remove the water, including the moisture that you may not see, quickly and efficiently. We then dry the structure with powerful dehumidifiers. Finally, our technicians will clean the affected area with professional-grade cleaning and sanitizing agents for your comfort and safety.

What Does SERVPRO Do During Water Damage Restoration?

Every water damage situation is different and will require a unique solution, but the general process stays the same. The steps listed below illustrate our process for the “typical” water damage emergency:

Step 1 - Emergency Contact

The restoration process begins when you call SERVPRO. Our representative will guide you through the crisis and ask questions to help us better understand the equipment and resources.

Step 2 - Inspection and Water Damage Assessment

We determine the scope of your water damage at this stage. We inspect and test to determine the extent of damage and how far the moisture has traveled to ensure proper and complete restoration.

Step 3 - Water Removal / Water Extraction

The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes the majority of the water. We use powerful pumps and vacuum units to quickly remove hundreds or thousands of gallons from your property, which helps prevent secondary water damage and mold growth.

Step 4 - Drying and Dehumidification

We use specialized equipment to remove the remaining water that is harder to access. Our SERVPRO Professionals use room measurements, temperature, and relative humidity to determine the optimal number of air movers and dehumidifiers needed to dry your home or business.

Step 5 - Cleaning and Sanitizing

We clean all of the restorable items and structures damaged by the water. We are adept at cleaning content using several techniques. Our trained professionals provide sanitizing treatments and to remove odors and deodorize your property.

Step 6 - Restoration

Restoration is the process of restoring your home or business to its pre-water damage condition. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall and installing new carpet, or may entail major repairs, such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business.

What Steps Can I Take While Waiting For SERVPRO To Arrive?

What you can do after flooding while you wait:

  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Gather loose items from floors.

What not to do after flooding:

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. Hang furs and leather goods.
  • Don't leave books, magazines, or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don't use your household vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use television or other household appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are water damage restoration specialists, and we know the East Seneca area well! Our team is composed of highly skilled men and women local to the Tiffin area, and they stand ready to restore your Tiffin home or business back to its original condition after water damages, no matter the size of the event.

In addition to water damage, we handle storm damage, mold remediation, and much, much more! 

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

Three Facts About Lightning And House Fires

9/8/2021 (Permalink)

Lightning is one of the most potent weather-related natural phenomena there is, and it can wreak havoc on your Monroeville home or business property. However, there's an old saying we like to keep in mind: "Forewarned is forearmed," and that means the more you know, the better prepared you will be! To help you gain some lightning knowledge, we have three faqs about lightning to share:

Fact Number One: Lightning is a giant spark of electricity in the atmosphere between clouds, the air, or the ground. 

Within a thundercloud way up in the sky, many small bits of ice (frozen raindrops) bump into each other as they move around in the air. All of those collisions create an electric charge. After a while, the whole cloud fills up with electrical charges. The positive charges - protons - form at the top of the cloud, and the negative charges or electrons form at the bottom of the cloud. Since opposites attract, this causes a positive charge to build upon the ground beneath the cloud. The ground's electrical charge concentrates around anything that sticks up, such as mountains, people, single trees, our buildings. The charge coming up from these points eventually connects with a charge reaching down from the clouds and - zap - lightning strikes!

Fact Number Two: Lightning can damage your home in several ways

Fire: Lightning can cause severe damage if it strikes your home. Due to the high temperatures, any flammable material in and outside your home puts you at risk of fire. Strikes can cause fires directly on contact, while additional materials can ignite when current passes through them and heats them to the ignition point. If your home has gas piping, lightning strikes may damage valves, regulators, or appliance connectors, causing flammable gas leakage and subsequent explosions.

Wiring: Lighting that strikes the windows, gutters, or other exterior conductive materials of your Monroeville home can jump to the electrical system, causing an explosive surge. This may then destroy the wires and cause a fire, as the wires melt and possibly ignite the materials. The surge can also damage your appliances (particularly electronics, such as computers and entertainment centers) if they are plugged into the electrical system at the time of the strike. Surge protectors can protect against small surges but are unlikely to prevent damage from a direct lightning strike, so you will want to unplug appliances, electronics, and other items during a storm.

Shock Waves: The sound of thunder is a shockwave caused by the rapid expansion of heated air around lightning. Since sound travels more slowly than light, it takes longer for you to hear the lighting sound than to see the bolt of light. Shock waves - which we call thunder - can sometimes be very destructive, causing structural damage and cracking in concrete, brick, cinderblock, and stone. Brick and stone chimneys are also particularly susceptible to this kind of damage, as the vibrations can damage the mortar.

Fact number three: SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can help you recover from any damage you experience from a lightning strike! We can assess your property and advise you on installing a lightning protection system, which can keep you and your property safe and save you the time and money spent on damage from a lightning strike and fire. 

The most important fact for you to remember is that SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to assist you with any disaster in your Monroeville home or business. We maintain all the necessary training needed to get you back to normal as soon as possible, and our tools are the best in the restoration industry. Besides fire damage from a lightning strike, we also handle storm damage, mold remediation, and more.

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too.

This franchise is Independently Owned and Operated.

How Can I Prevent Mold In My Attica Rental Home?

9/1/2021 (Permalink)

Although outdoor mold is not very harmful and will not impact the quality of your life, mold inside your Attica rental home will create the risk of health effects for your tenants. It is essential to understand that it can cause health effects to humans and pets, no matter which type of mold. You can learn more about mold on the Environmental Protection Agency website. 

What Are Some Effective Strategies I Can Use To Prevent Mold In My Attica Rental Property?

Controlling Moisture. The most effective strategy you can employ to prevent mold is to control moisture. Humidity is common in home interiors, and its definition refers to the amount of water vapor in the air. Environments with high humidity (above 50%) provide one of the main elements for mold to establish itself and grow. 

Testing Humidity Levels. Humidity levels can be tested in two ways: 

  • Do it yourself own with a hygrometer, or 
  • Call professionals like SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to assess your rental home environment. Once you have a good understanding of the humidity levels in your home, you are ready to take further steps to lower it down to the optimal level and keep it that way to prevent mold from growing.

Using Mold-resistant Products. The actual mold prevention process can be as simple as checking and installing mold-resistant products, or it may include waterproofing and roof repair. 

What Are Some Common Causes Of Mold In A Rental Home?

Humidity. which can be caused by:

  • Large quantities of water (such as floods or leaks)
  • Daily activities (such as cooking, showering, drying clothes)
  • Condensation can appear due to differences in temperature between indoor and outdoor air.

Inadequate Maintenance:

  • Water leaks that go unnoticed or unrepaired:
  • Dust, dirt, & poor maintenance
  • Inadequate ventilation
  • Compromises in insulation
  • An incorrect dew point

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are experts in mold prevention and remediation. Once established, mold can never be entirely removed, so it’s essential to guard against it before it ever gets started in your Attica rental property. We are here to help you do that! In addition to mold services, we handle many other types of disasters, both small and large, such as biohazards, sewage, and more. 

We can get your rental home Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

This franchise is Independently Owned and Operated. 

How Can I Prepare My Bloomville Business For Water Damage?

8/17/2021 (Permalink)

Disasters, both large and small, are usually unexpected, and if you don't prepare for anything that may happen, you can suffer more water damage than necessary. Steady rain during the year, snowfall and ice, or equipment failure can leave you with water damage to your Bloomville business.

What Are Some Ways I Can Prevent Water Damage At My Bloomville Commercial Property? 

Interior Weather Preparation. 

Make a careful inspection of the interior of your Bloomville business to determine if you are ready for wet weather, and ask yourself these questions:

  • Do the exterior doors fit as tightly as they should? 
  • Are both doors and windows weather-stripped properly? 
  • Is the roof of your office or warehouse well-maintained to protect your machinery, product, and furniture from water damage?
  • Are the pipes and hoses used during your daily operations in good repair? Pipes and hoses can become weak with much use and fail at the worst of times, leaving you with a water cleanup project. Periodic inspections of all your equipment will help you avoid water damage, too. 

Exterior Weather Preparation. 

The exterior areas of your Bloomville business involve some unique considerations, such as:

  • Your business's parking lot or driveway should have a well-planned drainage system so that clients, employees, and family members can get to and from their vehicles safely. If people have to travel on foot through standing water to your door, floors will suffer, and a slip-and-fall accident due to wet floors can also be a disaster. Inspect the parking lots of your business regularly for potholes, especially after a storm. 
  • If you know bad weather is coming and bringing a lot of water with it, consider sand-bagging low-lying areas to prevent flooding. 
  • Rain gutters and downspouts need regular inspections, as well. If your rain gutters become clogged with debris such as dead leaves or small branches, they aren't going to be able to drain away rainwater. As water backs up, it may leak back into the walls of your building, leaving you with severe water damage and mold.

Can Professionals Help Me Prepare My Business For Possible Water Damage?


  • Power lines and telephone poles near your business can be an issue when storm season comes. Contact your utility companies and have them look before wet weather to make sure your business is ready for whatever comes. 


  • Be aware of the condition of any large trees or bushes on your property. If the grounds of your place of business become saturated, a tree with an unstable root base can fall and create problems for you, your employees, and your customers. The help of a professional tree-trimming company will be invaluable in readying your property for water-related incidents. 

Construction And Restoration.

  • Like SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, a restoration company maintains all the licensure, training, and equipment you need to restore your Bloomville business location. We will assess the damage and take immediate action to restore your property as soon as possible. 

The team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is standing by to help in any way we can, 24/7. In addition to helping you manage water damage, we also offer restoration assistance with fire damage, mold remediation, and much more. 

We can get your business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, as well. 

This franchise is Independently Owned and Operated.

Can My Irrigation System Cause Water Damage To My Bellevue Home?

8/5/2021 (Permalink)

Irrigation systems help to keep your lawn and garden looking great. Still, when more water is in use around your home, the risk of experiencing water damage to your property will increase. Avoiding damage to your home is fundamental in protecting the structure of your house and the safety of your family, so taking preventative measures can help. 

What Are Some Ways That My Sprinkler System Can Cause Damage To My Bellvue Property? 

Sprinklers make life easier, but damage can still result in severe issues for your home and cost a lot in the process. Here’s a look at some potential causes of water damage from your sprinkler system.

Burst Pipes. If pipes become damaged, the water can quickly flood the inside of your house or create sinking areas in your yard.

Improper Installation. If your irrigation system is installed incorrectly, it can cause issues in and around your home. For example, if pipes are installed too close to the foundation and start to leak, water may eventually seep into your home and cause significant damage.

Overspray. Overspray is another common cause of water damage to your home, so make sure your sprinkler heads are in good working order before you set them off. 

If your home becomes damaged from water, it is the ideal environment for mold and mildew to establish a colony. It is essential to keep moisture away from your home, especially if you have a young family and pets.

How Can I Prevent My Irrigation System From Causing Water Damage To My Bellvue Home?

Rain Sensors and Timers. Installing a rain sensor is one of the most effective things you can do to prevent water damage from your sprinkler system. If you don’t put your irrigation on a timer over-watering can occur, leaving you with pools of water in your yard and around your foundations. Monitoring the schedule of your sprinkler system will help you keep a close eye on the amount of water used.

Maintenance. Avoid water damage to the interior and exterior of your home through proper maintenance of your irrigation system. The entity that installed your system can provide you with information on how best to do that, or you can employ professionals to conduct maintenance tasks for you.

Call Professional Help. If you are worried about damage to your home, consider calling our SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team for professional water damage restoration services. We have all the skills and equipment needed to repair your home quickly and safely, so you won’t have to worry about health concerns and permanent structural damage to your property.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you manage all kinds of disasters, no matter the size. In addition to water damage, we handle fire damage, mold remediation, and more!

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

This franchise is Independently Owned and Operated. 

How Can I Create A Fire Escape Plan For My New London Home Or Business?

8/5/2021 (Permalink)

A fire in your New London home or business can be disastrous, so it is wise to be ready if one occurs. Your commercial property is a substantial investment that benefits both yourself and your workforce, while your home is a haven for those you love. One of the most crucial things you can do for the important people in your life is to guard their lives and livelihoods is to create a fire evacuation plan for your home and business. 

Creating your fire safety escape plan can be used for other disasters besides fires, as well. 

What Are Some Key Points To Consider When Crafting My New London Fire Evacuation Plan?

Some important points to consider while you are creating a fire evacuation plan are:

  • SAFE SPOTS. Find the safest areas for people to go if a fire breaks out. Establish safe spots that are easily accessible and far enough away that no one will be in danger of fire or other serious incidents  
  • SHELTER. Provide a well-made refuge for people. In addition to fire safety, keep in mind that protection could be used for bad weather, too. 
  • CLEAR DIRECTION. Post maps in all public areas of your business and a central location of your home.? A map leading people to safe areas needs to be clear and adequately labeled so that anyone can reference it and know where to go.
  • COMMUNICATION. Family and workforce members will need to receive emergency alerts or warnings and updates on the situation. Create that will allow you to communicate with everyone in a timely and efficient way; this prevents misinformation and confusion. Text messages could be the best course.

What Resources Are Available To Help Me Create The Best Fire Evacuation Plan?

  • OSHA. OSHA provides in-depth information that to direct you in creating your fire safety plan here. 
  • AMERICAN RED CROSS. For fire safety tips and more, the Red Cross is an invaluable source you can use to construct the best fire escape plan for your New London home or business. 
  • SERVPRO. A professional fire restoration company like SERVPRO can help you set up the best fire evacuation procedure: we can work with you to assess your property and determine the safety and quickest routes.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you in the event of any emergency or accident in New London. We specialize in water damage and fire damage clean-ups of all sizes, as well as mold remediation

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

This franchise is Independently Owned and Operated. 

How Do I Inspect My Willard Home After A Storm?

7/28/2021 (Permalink)

Suppose your Willard, Ohio home has been in the path of extreme weather events such as blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes, hailstorms, and lightning strikes. If so, your number one priority should be making sure your family is safe. Once everyone is safe, check the inside and outside of your home. Note any damage and document your findings. 

What Is The Most Important Thing To Do When I Inspect My Willard Home For Storm Damage?

  • SAFETY HAZARDS. When the power is out, it’s essential to check for downed power lines that present a safety hazard. NEVER touch or move a downed power line, even if it looks inactive. Immediately shut off all gas valves if you smell gas in your home; this could mean a break in the gas line. If you’re experiencing any issues with water besides leaks and seepage, it’s essential to ensure that your drinking water is still safe for consumption. Call a professional right away if you see any dangerous situations.

What Should I Be Looking For When Inspecting My Home?

There are some critical areas you should check to see if they have suffered damage, such as:

  • ROOF AND EXTERIOR SIDING. Inspect your roof for dents, broken shingles, and holes. If extensive damage is evident from the ground, be sure to hire a professional to get up on the roof to check it out. Note any damage to your home’s gutters, downspouts, and exterior siding for minor dents and cuts that may create issues later on. 
  • OUTDOOR STRUCTURES. If you have a detached garage, storage shed fence - or all of the above - carefully inspect them after a storm. Checking garages and sheds right away can help prevent all sorts of damage to the contents inside, while repairing damaged fencing can help eliminate a potential security threat to your property.
  • HOME APPLIANCES. Your indoor appliances, such as your washer, dryer, dishwasher, and refrigerator, can also suffer damage due to hazards like water leaks and power surges. As soon as the bad weather is over, be sure to inspect your home appliances and systems to ensure everything’ still functions safely and correctly.
  • ATTICS AND BASEMENTS. Your crawlspaces, attic, and basement are the perfect spots for mold growth to begin, as well as other issues that result from water damage. If water seeps into your home after a storm, it can compromise your roof or weaken your walls. In that case, you could be looking at both structural damage and destroyed valuables, so it’s wise to examine these spaces after extreme weather carefully. 
  • FLOORS, WINDOWS, DOORS, ETC. From shattered windows to warped doorframes and soaked carpeting, a bad storm can cause a lot of damage to the interior of your house. Inspect your flooring, windows, ceilings, and doorways for warping, cracks, leaks, water damage, bulging, broken glass, and other physical damage, and let your professional restoration company know about your observations when they arrive. 

Our team of highly-trained SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties technicians is ready any time of the day or night to help if you experience storm damage to your Willard home. We also handle many other issues that can occur in your home or business, such as mold remediation and fire damage,

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too!

Francises are Independently Owned And Operated. 

What Should I Do Before SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Arrives in Norwalk?

7/21/2021 (Permalink)

After you experience a disaster in your home or business, the stress may cause you to feel confused or helpless. That’s normal, and we’d like to help with that. 

The first thing you will want to do is call a professional restoration company like our team here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties; we will be onsite as soon as possible to assist you. In the meantime, you can take some proactive steps while you wait for us to arrive.

What Are Some Important Steps To Take Before SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties Arrives?

There are a few things you can do that will help the restoration process move along more quickly by enabling various personnel with vital information, like:

  • ENSURE SAFETY. The first thing you can do is ensure that everyone is safe and accounted for, especially children, the elderly, and pets. If anyone is injured, do what you can to make them comfortable until medical personnel is on the scene.
  • NOTE DANGEROUS CONDITIONS. As you investigate the damage, please make special note of any dangerous conditions and alert the appropriate people as they arrive to help. You may want to write these issues down or take pictures to be accurate in the information you give us. 
  • DOCUMENT DAMAGE. Take pictures and videos of the damage so that you have an accurate record for your insurance representative. You will be able to compare these with any that you took before the damage occurred.
  • INSURANCE. We will work together with your insurance representative to ensure that your recovery is made right and that your coverage is not negatively affected. Locating your insurance information ahead of our arrival will be helpful in this part of the process. 

What Can I Expect When SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties Arrives?

Once our team arrives, we will get right to work to get you back to normal. For example, if you have suffered from water damage, SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties will:

  • PERFORM WATER EXTRACTION. We will quickly extract all water from any affected areas in your Norwalk home or business.
  • RECOVER DAMAGED PROPERTY. The next step is to dry your property and belongings using our top-of-the-line equipment and training. Effectively tracks and documents the drying process throughout, ensuring your property is dried thoroughly and completely with no room for error.
  • BEGIN RESTORATION. If your structure has been affected, we will begin the restoration process to get your property back to its original condition. 

For more information on the various methods used to ensure that our customers are properly cared for when the worst happens, visit our website. We manage water damage, fire damage, mold remediation, vandalism, and much more. 

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, as well. 

Franchises are Independently Owned And Operated.

What Commercial Services Are Offered By SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties?

7/14/2021 (Permalink)

As a commercial business owner, you know it's vital to the success of your business to be ready for anything. From spills and mechanical failures to spills and bad weather, the worst can happen in the blink of an eye, leaving you with repairs and cleanup projects that have to be completed so that you can get back to work. According to the Small Business Administration, many small businesses never open again after a disastrous event, so you will want to be as prepared as possible. Always remember that the trained technicians on the Tiffin, Ohio SERVPRO team are ready any time to help you do just that!

How Will SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties Assist Me IN Commercial Damage Recovery?

Many different types of situations can occur to cause damage to your commercial property, and SERVPRO has the necessary expertise to help you with each of them. We offer commercial services that enable you to recover from such issues as:

Types of Commercial Clean Up Projects  

Accidents occur regularly in the busy commercial business world, and the result is often a big cleanup job. Completing this kind of project is time-consuming, and a busy business owner won't have time for that. Enlisting the help of a professional restoration company like SERVPRO will be the right choice here. Our commercial cleaning services include:

and much more!

When the worst happens, just knowing that SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is available to help you 24 hours a day and seven days a week will give you the peace of mind you need. We are faster to any size disaster, and our highly-trained technicians bring with them all the tools and equipment necessary to get you back to normal as soon as possible.

We can get your business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too!

Franchises are Independently Owned And Operated.

How to Fix a Leaky Faucet

7/7/2021 (Permalink)

A leaky faucet can become an issue without you noticing it at first; tiny drips are hard to hear and even harder to see. Once you do know that you have developed a leaky faucet, it's probably a good idea to get it repaired sooner rather than later.  

Pointers On Repairing A Dripping Fixture

  • You should shut off your water if your faucet is leaking; this will make it easier for you to investigate the leak source and also prevent any more water damage from occurring. Once the water is no longer flowing, drain the faucet so that you can take it apart.
  • Take the faucet apart to see what may be causing the leak. You can find help online to determine what type of faucet you have and how to figure out how to disassemble it, such as this web article
  • You may find that your o-ring, seal, or washer is the trouble, so compare them to your manufacturer's manual at home or on the Internet to see if you have just identified the source of your leak.  
  • If you figure out that a simple part needs to be replaced without hiring outside help, you can replace it and turn your water back on to see if the leak has been resolved. 
  • It's time to call the professionals if you aren't able to determine what the problem is. We recommend contacting your local plumber to examine your sink and faucet and connect with a restoration company like SERVPRO to restore water damage. 

Professional Restoration Will Help You Recover Quickly

Any signs of mold or water damage, including warping, spots, stains, and noticeable damage, should be addressed by a professional restoration company like SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. Water damage can affect your home's structural integrity and seriously damage your cabinets, flooring, walls, ceiling, and more. 

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a team of restoration specialists with all the tools, training, and experience necessary to help you recover from disasters of any size. We are fully equipped to manage:

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too - ask us how.

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Make Sure You're Prepared for the 4th of July

6/30/2021 (Permalink)

The 4th of July is a special day for Americans everywhere. Many people get together with friends and family to celebrate freedom. These get-togethers will often include fireworks, outdoor meal preparation, and activities out on open water - such as skiing, boating, fishing, and swimming. These activities are enjoyable, but they also involve some risks if safety measures aren't observed.

Enjoy A Danger-Free Independence Day

  • Taking precautions can prevent injuries and fires that are caused by fireworks in the community. Never allow small children to get near fireworks or handle them; when it comes to sparklers, stay near children as they enjoy these safely. Adults should be the only ones lighting off the fireworks and should do so on the ground away from trees or other objects. Don't light more than one firework simultaneously, and keep a fire extinguisher handy, just in case. 
  • Look for leaks, holes, and cracks in your grill/barbecue before starting using it on the 4th of July. Avoid grilling indoors or in an enclosed area and ideally be placed at least two feet away from a deck, branches, or the house's siding. Be sure that anyone cooking outdoors is experienced in this area and understands fire safety, too.
  • Keep swimming a safe activity by ensuring that small children and weaker swimmers are constantly supervised. If you are celebrating on a lake or river, be sure that no one swims alone. A first aid kit should also be on hand to tend to any injuries in the water. When boating, ensure that everyone is complying with the rules. Remember: boating and alcohol don't mix; have a designated boat operator. 

A Safe Holiday Helps You Make Happy Memories

With the proper precautions, you can protect your family from harm and continue to enjoy the day, and your memories of July 4, 2021, will be just plain awesome!

Your friends here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties can be onsite right away to help you if you should experience fire damage, water damage, serious accidents, or other disasters. 

We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, as well. Ask us how!

This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

Protecting Your Home From an Ohio Storm

6/18/2021 (Permalink)

As an Ohio homeowner, you know you need to be ready for any kind of inclement weather, even during the warmer months of summer. Today we would like to talk about some areas of your home that might be vulnerable during an Ohio storm and share some tips that can help you protect your property.

Tips To Keep Your Ohio Property Protected From Storm Damage

  • Inspect your roofing regularly to help you identify issues like minor leaks or missing shingles, both before AND after a storm. If you do find problems, make sure that you get them repaired as soon as possible. If your home does suffer storm damage, remember that SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help with your repair and cleanup.
  • Heavy rain and high winds are expected during summer storms. Dead tree branches, unhealthy vegetation, and hazardous trees can often cause severe landscaping damage when uprooted or broken off. Be sure to cut back your plants and trees properly, and remove dead or dying limbs and plants before they become flying debris in high winds. 
  • Investing in high-quality storm windows that prevent leaks and other storm-related issues will be a smart idea that will protect your home from summer storms. In addition to adding another layer of protection to your home, you can buy energy-efficient versions that will benefit you with savings in energy costs over the coming years, too. 
  • Your driveway and entrances need to be in good repair ahead of inclement weather, as well. Take steps to replace buckling driveway concrete and walkway surfaces, stairs, and other potential hazards before heavy rains create more significant issues by causing accidents and injuries or vehicle damage. 
  • The basement is the spot in your home where leaks will show up and most likely go unnoticed. Doing a quick inspection both before and after wet weather will help you spot a problem and allow you to fix it, readying your property before an Ohio storm. 

SERVPRO Technicians Are Ready For Anything

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we specialize in cleanup projects of all types and sizes, including:

We can also get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned

This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How To Keep Mold Away From Your Windows

6/10/2021 (Permalink)

When the temperatures start to go up, it’s time for us to turn on the air conditioning. However, just as in most areas, we know the summer can be humid for us, causing condensation. In your interiors, this can actually create more serious issues, such as mold and mildew.

When the hot air outside your home rises and meets with a cold interior surface on your windows, for example, the water vapor cools down and turns back into water droplets. When these water droplets form on your windows, this creates conditions that are perfect for mold growth. In severe cases, widespread mold growth can result, spreading to walls, textiles, and flooring and heavily contaminating the area. 

So how can you keep mold away from your windows? We’re glad you asked! There are a few methods to prevent condensation on your windows during the winter:


  • When warmer air meets cold surfaces, the water vapor from the humidity cools and forms water droplets. Keeping interior areas dry will help to prevent this from happening. Using fans and dehumidifiers can do wonders here. 
  • If windows are blocked by curtains and blinds, this allows for the space between them to become warmer, causing more condensation. Leaving blinds and curtains open will allow air to flow naturally, reducing condensation.  


  • You can also raise your interior temperatures to a point where they are closer to the temperature outside. This might not be as uncomfortable as you think, especially if you make use of fans. Strong ceiling fans in particular can create very comfortable environments. This choice will also lower your energy bill!


  • This last method revolves around minimizing mold growth by cleaning condensation daily, Window cleaners, a water/bleach solution, or a water/vinegar solution can all have a positive effect here. This prevents mold growth by removing a mold-inducing environment. 
  • If you close your blinds or curtains at night, open them in the morning to bring airflow to your windows, allowing for faster evaporation of any condensation. 

The team here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties is a team of professional mold prevention and removal specialists! We also handle water damage, fire damage, biohazards, chemical spills, vandalism, and more. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned! This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What To Do When The Overhead Sprinklers Go Off In Your Office

6/2/2021 (Permalink)

Your overhead sprinkler system is there to keep you and your workforce safe from possible fire damage, and that’s a good thing, of course. Once the fire is put out, however, you will have a mess on your hands. Also, there may be an incident where your overhead sprinkler system discharges unnecessarily; the mess from this type of situation will still need to be managed. That’s where SERVPRO comes in! 

So what do you do when the overhead sprinklers go off in your office? 

Here are a few points to help guide you:

  • Water within your overhead sprinkler system is going to be stagnant and non-potable, and the water also picks up and absorbs oils and other contaminants within the piping, resulting in discoloration and odors that can be unpleasant. Cleanup actions should not only involve moisture remediation but also include surface cleaning to prevent and remove stains, as well as measures to remove odors. 
  • Prompt professional assistance following an overhead sprinkler discharge will be vital in saving your property from permanent damage. Your actions in the first 24-48 hours can save you significant time and money and eliminate subsequent mold growth, preventing potentially unhealthy conditions in your office.
  • Professional follow-up will also be invaluable when it comes to the odors that can result from damp conditions. The team can evaluate the water damage and potential for mold growth in hidden areas. As well as ensure that any affected building materials are dry before rebuilding, and manage electronics and other equipment. 
  • We recommend that you hire an independent water damage and mold remediation expert to represent you during planning, response, and closeout. As well as to work with your insurance carrier. 
  • Prompt action for cleaning is essential when it comes to fabric and textile items that have been affected to minimize permanent staining and damage. If paper documents are damaged, SERVPRO has the equipment and training to recover them.

If your office has experienced a discharge from your overhead fire sprinkler system, SERVPRO is here to help you get your workplace back to normal as soon as possible. We are fully trained and equipped to manage water damage, fire damage, flooding, cleanup projects both large and small, and more here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties. Ask us how we can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too! This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

Fire Prevention in Your Kitchen

5/26/2021 (Permalink)

A kitchen fire is one of the most common sources of damage in any home or commercial business and its after-effects are often devastating to the owner or resident. Loss of personal property and injury - sometimes very serious - can be a tragic result of a fire, and here at SERVPRO of East Seneca, we are committed to ensuring that you, your family, or your staff are protected from the dangerous outcome of a kitchen fire. Today we are sharing some tips on fire prevention in your kitchen to help keep you safe! 


Cooking equipment is often responsible for fires, so your equipment must be maintained in top condition. Following established cleaning practices and the manufacturer’s suggested usage for all your kitchen equipment will help to prevent a fire from a malfunction or accident. 


Greasy buildup in and on stove hoods, oven interiors, and around cooking equipment is an accident waiting to happen. These kitchen components operate under high heat, so keeping them as clean as possible is a fire prevention practice that needs to be in place. Experienced cleaning and restoration professionals can help you to address the cleaning needs of a commercial kitchen. 


Your fire sprinkler system in your home or commercial business needs to be maintained in good working order at all times to ensure that it will work properly if the worst happens. Corrosion can weaken the effectiveness of a fire sprinkler system, so having it inspected regularly is a wise fire safety practice. Fire safety laws require a business to have their fire extinguishers inspected regularly, as well. Make fire safety inspections a routine each quarter to prevent fires in your kitchen and other areas of your home. 


Each member of your family or staff can be a part of your fire safety team by learning to understand fire safety and how to handle a fire if one should happen. Every person should know where the fire extinguishers are, even if they aren’t comfortable using one. You also need to identify those who are willing to learn how to operate one correctly - make sure they get the training they need. Emergency numbers should be added to every phone and/or posted somewhere easily accessible. Anyone working in a kitchen, whether that kitchen is in a home or a commercial business, needs to know all the basics of fire safety.


If you experience fire damage, water damage, or mold issues in your commercial or home kitchen, remember that the team here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties maintains all the skills and equipment that are required to get you back to normal as soon as possible. We can make sure your home or business is Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too; contact us if you have more questions about this service. This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Steps To Take After Your Bathroom Floods

5/19/2021 (Permalink)

The equipment in your bathroom has a limited lifespan, and excessive aging or failure can cause a flood, which will in turn create issues for you as the homeowner. Prevention of flooding in your bathroom is a smart step to take, and when you are checking for possible leaks and more, keep an eye out for: 

  • The sound of running water
  • Unpleasant odors in floors, walls, or drains
  • Low water pressure
  • Mold growing around appliance or fixtures
  • Worn out hoses, pipes, and fixtures

Once a flood happens, there are some steps you will want to take to make the cleanup easier and the drying out process go faster. This will help you avoid mold and mildew, and save you both time and money. If the job is a large one, don’t forget that your friends here at SERVPRO are ready to help any time. 

Whenever a flood occurs in your home from burst pipes or equipment failure, the first thing you will want to do is to turn off the water source to the house. If you don’t know what to do here you can call a professional restoration company to help you. 

The very next step you will want to take is to dry everything up. Soak up standing water with absorbent material, and turn on the overhead fan to help with evaporation. Caution: if water has gotten into the walls this may be a step you should avoid. Use a stationary fan that can blow air into the room from a distance. Water that sits a long time can encourage mold to colonize, so this step is most important.  

After you have gotten the drying process started. You will want to assess the damage. If it looks like you have some serious problems, you can call a professional restoration and repair company like SERVPRO to come and take a look at what your situation is. We can make recommendations about safety, recovery, insurance claims, and more. 

When you are dealing with flood damage, fire damage, biohazards, and mold remediation our team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is always here to help. We are proud to serve our friends and neighbors with restoration and recovery from disasters of all sizes. We can get your home and business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned. This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

How Often Should You Clean Out Your Gutters?

5/12/2021 (Permalink)

Have you cleaned out your gutters and rain spouts lately? You risk experiencing water damage to your roof, basement, and crawl space if gutters and rain spouts are not cleaned out. But, how often should you clean out your gutters and rain spouts? 

You will want to take care of this task before the rainy seasons, and these events will occur throughout the year in our area. So it is a good idea to complete this task several times a year, ahead of wet and windy weather. Debris builds up in your gutters during rainstorms and other wet weather, preventing the water from draining down and out. If the gutters cannot properly channel the water it ends up pooling and backing up into your walls and attic, or near your foundation and in your basement.

Cleaning out your gutters and rain spouts is an important part of home maintenance. It’s a job you may choose to do yourself, but if you are unable to do so, contact us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties and we can be there right away to help you in both cleaning and unclogging your gutters. 

If you do decide to do this yourself, let’s talk about safety. You will want to use step ladders on solid level ground and try to schedule your gutter cleaning when the weather has been dry for a few days. The debris, leaves, and pine needles won’t be as soaked and will be much easier to remove when they are dried out. Remove larger debris and then use a powerful hose that can wash leftover debris towards the downspout. You will also want to clean the gutter filter screens to make sure they aren’t clogged.

Contact us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties for cleanup in case of water damage, fire damage, biohazards, and more. We can get your home and business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned. This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What Is Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned?

5/5/2021 (Permalink)

Unforeseen events, such as dangerous weather, accidents, equipment failure, or threats to our health - both natural and manmade - are going to happen. And as a smart business owner you know it is vital to get things back to normal as quickly as possible, and that’s where SERVPRO comes in. 

SERVPRO has always been committed to getting the homes, businesses, and possessions of our clients as clean as possible, no matter what type of event might have occurred. We are experts at handling contamination that can come about from flooding, air quality issues that develop after a fire, and biohazards both natural and manmade, just to name a few. 

Due to the events over the past year we have chosen to add the statement “Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned” to our communications to let our clients and the general public know that SERVPRO is the company they can go to in the event that they are experiencing any threats to their health or safety.

What is “Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned”?

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned is our defensive proactive viral pathogen cleaning program; it goes far beyond standard janitorial cleaning practices. With many years of experience in biochemical spill remediation and decontamination, you can trust SERVPRO to bring a higher standard of cleanliness to the places you do business.

Our trademark cleaning system is grounded in our unique 3 C’s:

  • Consult: Not all businesses are the same, so we’ll tailor a bespoke cleaning program based on the unique needs of each facility.
  • Clean: Based on the agreed plan, an expert deep clean is initiated using our proprietary EPA-Approved Hospital-Grade cleaning solutions and always adhering to the leading level of cleaning and decontamination standards set by the CDC.
  • Certify: We place digital emblems and other collateral to represent our commitment to the comfort and security of our employees, customers, and communities.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is a team of industry professionals who maintain high-quality standards in every area. Our technicians are highly trained and certified. In areas ranging from commercial property cleaning to document restoration, you can be assured that you are getting the best in the business when you work with us. We handle crime and trauma scenes, biohazards, sewage spills, contamination, mold remediation, and more. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned! This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Creating an Emergency Readiness Plan For Your Business

4/28/2021 (Permalink)

Preparing an Emergency Readiness Plan for your business will ensure that you are prepared for emergencies ahead of time. Emergency preparedness is vital when you are planning for the protection of your business investment. SERVPRO has developed SERVPRO Ready Plan information which gives you the security of emergency preparedness. Your plan information can be downloaded into our Ready Plan app, allowing you to share information with us instantly so that we can intercept damage right when it occurs. 

Here are some things to consider when creating an emergency readiness plan for your business:


Studying local emergency events can help you effectively project possible disasters that might be related to unique elements in your area; these can be due to weather, demographics, or geography, or other factors. 


You will want to create an ERP that will protect everyone on your premises - from staff and customers to vendors and transportation personnel. Such proactive protection measures should include:

  • Fire Drills. Rehearsals for action during a fire.
  • Shelter. Sheltering staff during a natural disaster.
  • Sheltering in Place. Sheltering staff during a man-made emergency.
  • Lockdown. Eluding an active shooter.


Preventing further damage or injury on the scene is known as stabilization, and this will require the help of trained individuals who can help to mitigate issues. This can be accomplished by training your employees in various rescue procedures including:

  • First Aid and CPR
  • Proper use of fire extinguishers
  • Security measures


People often panic during a disaster and providing trustworthy guidance can help to reduce such reactions. Adding an evacuation team to your ERP is one way to manage this part of an emergency. Your Emergency Readiness Plan can:

  • Assign point persons to guide evacuees from the premises.
  • Appoint helpers to assist anyone needing extra help, such as those with disabilities or those who are emotionally distraught.
  • Train an evacuation team that will assist others in reaching an alternate exit if an exit is blocked or too dangerous to use safely.

SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties provides professional restoration services if you experience fire damage, water damage, mold infestations, biohazard situations, and more. We can help you devise an effective Emergency Readiness Plan for your business, too, and we can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Clean. This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Watch Out For An Overloaded Electrical Socket

4/21/2021 (Permalink)

Most people use 4-way bar adaptors so they can increase the number of appliances that they can plug into a wall socket. However, you should keep in mind that just because there is space to plug in four appliances does not mean it is always safe to do so.

Overloading sockets will cause a risk of fire, so you will want to be sure to watch out for an overloaded electrical socket:

  • Check the current rating of your extension lead before you start plugging appliances into it. Most are rated at 13 A, but some are rated at only 10 A or less. You should be able to find the rating marked on the back or underside of the extension lead. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions if you do not or for further reference. 
  • Never overload an extension lead by plugging in appliances that exceed the maximum current rating when connected. This could cause the plug in the wall socket to overheat, causing a fire.
  • Find and use an overload calculator to check if you’re exceeding the maximum load. There are helpful versions online. A professional restoration company, such as our team here at SERVPRO, is always here to advise you if you have questions or concerns. 
  • Use one socket extension lead per socket and never plug an extension lead into another extension lead.
  • Consider having extra sockets installed if you regularly rely on extension leads and adaptors - and be sure to use a registered electrician to complete your installation project. 
  • Check regularly for the following danger signs:
    • The smell of hot plastic or burning near an appliance or socket
    • Any sparks or smoke coming from a plug or appliance
    • Any scorch marks around a socket or plug, or on an appliance
    • Damaged or frayed leads
    • Plastic that has melted on appliance casings or leads
    • Fuses that blow or circuit-breakers that activate abnormally. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties, we are an experienced and well-equipped team, ready to handle fire damage, water damage, mold prevention and remediation, and restoration projects of all sizes. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Clean, as well. This franchise is independently owned and operated.

The Dangers of Ignoring Water Damage

4/14/2021 (Permalink)

A burst pipe, cracks in your foundation, an overflowing bathtub, flooding, sewage backup, and several other events can all cause water to accumulate inside your home, and that water slowly penetrates both the structural and decorative components of the house, causing significant damage if it is ignored.

We all know life gets pretty busy at times, and it can be tempting to leave issues such as water damage for a later date, but that would be a mistake. It can actually be dangerous to ignore a water damage situation. The long term effects of ignoring water damage can lead to other problems:


If you ignore the damage caused by even a minor leak, chances are you have mold, mildew, and plenty of bacteria growing in your home- mold, mildew, and other microbes thrive in damp environments. Mold can cause health effects, depending on the species.


Water-soaked structural components will only continue to deteriorate over time and can put the safety of inhabitants at risk. It is also far more costly to repair than cosmetic damage. If you think you have structural damage caused by water, contact a professional renovation company for an assessment and prompt remediation; this intervention will be critical to protecting the value of your home.


If you have experienced water-damaged walls or ceilings, there is a good chance that electrical wiring has been affected. Exposed wiring is dangerous all by itself, but when there is water involved it becomes a serious risk. Professionals can handle these kinds of issues safely and quickly so that you can have peace of mind. 

Call mold remediation experts if anyone in your home is experiencing these symptoms. They can help you determine if you are experiencing an infestation, and find the source of water damage, too. Keep in mind that depending on the type of mold that has established itself, it could remain in the bloodstream for months after it is no longer in your home, so you never want to ignore it. The best way to guard against risks such as the ones we mentioned today is to stay on top of water damage and handle it when it occurs.

If you have had a leak, flood, or any other type of household water damage and that damage has gone unmanaged for too long, contact our team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties immediately. We’ll ensure that affected areas are thoroughly dried and cleaned, and we will perform comprehensive sanitization to ensure mold, mildew, and microbes can’t affect your health, as well. We have all the skills and equipment needed to get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned. This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What To Do If Lightning Strikes Your House

4/7/2021 (Permalink)

As warmer weather approaches, you know that thunderstorms aren’t far behind. Your home could be affected by a lightning strike during heavy weather events of this kind, and that’s certainly something to be prepared for. You may not be sure what to do if lightning strikes your home, so we are going to share some helpful information with you here:


If lightning strikes your home, you’ll know it. It will be very loud; you may think you have heard a bomb go off! You may notice a burning smell, as well. The first thing to do is to account for everyone in the house and evacuate the premises immediately. Lightning bolts can reach 50,000 degrees and may result in a fire. The fire starts off small and is slow-burning, so you may not notice it until it’s too late. Leaving the house immediately and calling the fire department is wise, even if they don’t find anything. Fire department personnel will use thermal imaging cameras to ensure there aren’t any fires in the walls of your home, and they will let you know when you can return to the house safely.


If you do not have insurance on your home, look into it right away. Mortgage and rental companies will usually require it, but your situation might be unique. A standard home insurance policy covers damage from lightning strikes and will include fires and burnt-out electronics. Report the lightning strike to your insurance agent as quickly as possible; it can take weeks to realize the extent of the damage, so be patient. The path the lightning surge can take is random and some electronics might be affected, while others were not, so all the electronics in your home will need to be tested. A professional fire damage restoration company like SERVPRO can help here and ensure that no further accidents happen. A proper restoration company will be experienced in managing insurance adjusters and the claims process, too. Once your claim is filed with the insurance company, keep records of any big purchases like televisions, appliances, and computers you make when replacing lost items, as well as any repairs you have done. Carefully review your policy and check with your agent before you discard anything, as well, so that you don’t run into any confusion down the road. 


You can avoid suffering a power-outage and untold damage by having a surge protection system installed in your home; your home insurance may even give you a discount if you have one. Check with local fire damage professionals to see what they recommend.  

Here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties, we are always prepared to be onsite in the event of a disaster, no matter the size. We handle fire damage, water damage, mold infestations, vandalism, and more, and we are happy to help you navigate the insurance claim process. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned. This franchise is independently owned and operated.

How Can SERVPRO Help With Mold Damage

3/31/2021 (Permalink)

The issues and the facts that surround indoor mold are extensive, many of which are serious. Mold can cause health effects and compromise your safety, and it doesn’t take long for a colony to get started. You may not know that the spores for all kinds of mold are in the air all around us every day, and that it only takes 24 to 48 hours for a colony to get started. It's important to note that once mold has established that colony, it can never be completely eradicated! Because of this it’s vital to understand mold and how it can establish itself so that you can keep safe; practicing prevention is the best way to do that. 

If you do end up with mold issues even after doing your best to avoid them, our SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team are experts at mold remediation. You may be wondering how SERVPRO can help with mold damage? 

Here are a few ways: 

Every mold damage scenario is different and will require a unique solution, but the general mold remediation process is always the same. The steps listed below illustrate our typical process:

  1. Call us right away if you notice an issue at (419) 595 4567. We will be on site right away.
  2. Upon arrival, we do a complete mold inspection and a mold damage assessment.
  3. Our next step is to contain the mold colony and spores.
  4. Good air quality is vital, so we establish proper air filtration in all areas. 
  5. We remove all mold and mold-infested materials.
  6. Contents and belongings are cleaned thoroughly using the latest tools, technology, and skills.
  7. We initiate and complete the total restoration of your location and belongings.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are here to help if you are experiencing issues from a mold infestation. We maintain all the training and tools needed to manage any mold prevention and/or remediation you might require. We are also experts in large-scale cleanup projects, such as the after-effects of fire damage or water damage, and we can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned! This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Maintaining the HVAC System in Your Office

3/24/2021 (Permalink)

Proper maintenance for your office HVAC system will help limit malfunctions during those times of the year when you will need it the most: hot weather, humid weather, cold weather - in other words, pretty much almost year-round. Preventive maintenance tune-ups will help to reduce the wear and tear every system experiences when it’s working the hardest. as well as other issues that hinder the performance of your system.  We recommend that you have your HVAC serviced at least once every year, especially before the hotter summer months set in. 

Maintaining the HVAC system in your office should include: 

Air Filters

Having your air filter checked during heavy use is vital to the proper operation of your HVAC system. It should be inspected every month and it may need to be replaced even sooner than the recommended 3-month mark during times when use is heavy. Make sure you have the proper replacement handy. 

Air Return Grills

Registers and air return grilles in your home or business need to be maintained to make sure they haven’t become blocked or shut. This will restrict airflow throughout your HVAC systems and will negatively affect its performance.

Outdoor Cooling Equipment

Have your cooling equipment outdoors inspected. Trim vegetation that has grown up around these units to allow for easy maintenance and airflow. Make sure the area around your HVAC is clear of obstructions so that your professional HVAC technician can access the units. 

Drip Pans

Drip pans and condensate drain lines need to remain clear. If these components of your HVAC system become clogged with mold or algae, condensation will not exit your office or business premises. That can cause the cooling system to malfunction or water to back up indoors, causing water damage. Your technician can clear any clogs within the drip pan or condensate drain lines as soon as they find them. Use a wet/dry vacuum to remove water from the drip pan or rags to soak it up, and then follow this with cleaning the drip pan using a mild soap. 

Whenever you need help with HVAC maintenance, or if your business has experienced fire damage, water damage, or a mold infestation, remember that your friends here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are always here to get you back to work right away. We are able to get your premises Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned anytime - as us how. This franchise is independently owned and operated.

First Steps to Cleaning Smoke Damage in Your Home

3/17/2021 (Permalink)

The flames, heat, soot, and smoke of fire can affect every part of a home. As a homeowner, you may need the help of professionals who have the skill and equipment necessary to get your space back to normal as soon as possible. Smoke damage in particular is hard to get rid of and its lingering effects can be unhealthy and even dangerous. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we know how to manage smoke damage. We gathered together some tips today as to some first steps for you to consider when cleaning smoke damage in your home:

Step One: BE SAFE

Make sure you don’t enter your home until all the smoke is cleared from your premises. Smoke inhalation is harmful to everyone, but especially for those who suffer from respiratory weaknesses. Hiring a professional fire and smoke damage restoration contractor will ensure that smoke damage is handled professionally and safely.  

Step Two: BE SMART

Electronics with fire or smoke damage present a serious hazard to anyone handling them. Smoke residue contains acids that will corrode metal and can cause electronic failure in a device. Because of this, never turn on electronics after they have been damaged by smoke or fire.  Computers, televisions, and CD/DVD players should be assessed before anyone touches them. It's helpful to make a list of all your electronic devices so that they can be assessed by professionals. 

Step Three: BE THOROUGH 

Removing items from the home can make the restoration process go much more smoothly and allow for a more thorough cleaning result.  If the fire and smoke damage to your home is extensive enough, you may need to move to other accommodations while the restoration is done. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help you organize your move-out process if you find that you will need to relocate. We can then coordinate and organize your move back into your premises once it is safe to do so.  

Step Four. BE SURE

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we specialize in restoring the contents of a home or business that has suffered from fire or smoke. Our team will assess all your belongings to determine which items can be restored to their original condition and will use several cleaning methods to do just that. We have all the skills needed to restore those items and belongings that can be brought back to a pre-fire condition. 

If your home or business has suffered fire or smoke damage, our team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is ready to handle it. We’re experts in cleanup projects of all sizes, and we are mold prevention and remediation experts, too. We can get your premises Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned! This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Roof Repair to Prevent Water Damage

3/2/2021 (Permalink)

Spring can be wet in many parts of the country, and here in Ohio, that is certainly true. As the sun comes back out from the gloomy winter months, it’s a good time to check out your roof to see if it has sustained any damage from the snow, ice, and other wintry conditions the previous months brought us. Going into a wet season with a roof in good repair will prevent water damage. 

Here are some things to keep in mind as you ensure your roof is in good condition:


Set some time aside to take a good look at the condition of your roof, gutters, and other related areas. You’ll want to do some routine maintenance, as well, such as: 

  • Cleaning the cobwebs and dust from your ventilation and exhaust systems yearly. 
  • Exposed metal will rust and deteriorate, so covering these areas with paint and caulking any joinings will help protect your roof. 
  • Removing leaves, dirt, and debris from your gutters to avoid water damage from backed-up rainfall. 


Don’t hesitate to call a professional immediately if you see curled or buckled shingles during your maintenance inspections. If shingles are missing, they will need to be replaced before spring rains come into the area. Putting these types of repairs off can be expensive in the long run, so don’t procrastinate.  


If there is any issue with your roofing, one of the main places that will be affected by the water damage will be here. Discolorations and warping or buckling in the materials used are important to look for, and if you see any signs of mold beginning or detect any musty odors, it’s vital that this situation gets handled right away. If the water damage is extensive it may be time to consider replacing your roof. 


Higher energy bills are another clue that you need to undertake roofing repairs. You are probably losing heat or cooled air due to damaged, aging, or deteriorating materials and structures. The help of a professional can be the key to getting your roof into tip-top condition before the wetter months.  

Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we maintain the experience needed to complete cleanup projects of all sizes after water and fire damage. If your roofing needs attention or even replacement, we are here to help. Mold remediation is also one of our specialties. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned - ask us how! This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Preparing For Spring Storms

2/24/2021 (Permalink)

Lightning Don't let a spring storm catch you off guard!

Spring storms can be unpredictable and even dangerous; heavy rain and high winds are not uncommon, with flooding and damage to buildings and large vegetation are often a result. Being prepared for whatever may come is a smart way to stay safe and to prevent as much damage as possible. Here are some preparation tips for spring storms that you can use for your home or business:


Conduct an inspection of your home or business and grounds before inclement weather hits; a leaky roof or windows can cause big problems during heavy rainfall and strong winds. Ensure that all your exterior doors and windows fit correctly and are weather-stripped appropriately. Roofing should be inspected and repaired ahead of spring storms so it will withstand the possible windy conditions. Loose shutters are another weak spot. 


Unstable large trees and bushes can be a danger in high winds. Trim back trees and bushes with large heavy branches that are not in good condition so that windows and vehicles are not in danger of being destroyed by flying debris. 


Many neighborhoods have drainage ditches or creeks that are meant to handle excess water. Take time to inspect these areas and remove debris or dirt that might obstruct the flow of water from heavy rain. A clogged drainage ditch or creek bed can cause a lot of damage by flooding property during, or even after, a storm. Drainage can be an issue in parking areas as well, so you will want to consider sand-bagging in some instances. 


Most of us use our cell phones to communicate these days, but in the case of a bad storm, your cell phone service could be at risk. You might consider installing a good old-fashioned landline in case area cell phone towers are damaged or go down, or you may want to purchase an emergency radio and a supply of batteries for it so that you can stay on top of area alerts.  

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team is here to help in the event of storm damage, fire damage, or mold issues, and we are faster to disasters of any size. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, as well - ask us how. This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Top Three Places To Check For Mold In Your Home

2/19/2021 (Permalink)

Open dryer Laundry rooms are the perfect place to grow mold.

Mold is a very real threat in any home, especially if you live in an area of high humidity. It is unsightly and unhealthy and really difficult to manage once it has established itself. Your best bet when it comes to mold is to take preventive measures against it, but if it does show up a professional mold remediation company can help you to handle that situation. There are some places in any home that are vulnerable to mold, and we’re going to share the top three with you today. 

Here are the top three areas to check for mold in your home:


Most people clean their bathrooms thoroughly at least once a week; this is the perfect time to check for mold. Look in the least traveled areas, such as corners of the linen closet, behind the toilet, and under the sink. If there have been any leaks in the past, these areas are in danger until they are fully dry. You can invest in a dehumidifier for your bathroom to help dry the environment out. 


Keep an eye out for spills and leaks here and clean them up immediately to ensure that they are not attracting mold spores; these are always in our air and only need a humid spot to settle and begin a colony. Your refrigerator and/or dishwasher can spring small leaks as they age, so keep an eye on hoses and floors underneath on older models.  


This room has large appliances involving water, as well as nooks and crannies that are often out of sight. Add to that the humidity in the air and possible unseen leaks or drips, and you have perfect conditions for the establishment of a mold colony. Pull the washer and dryer out from the wall regularly to ensure the areas behind them are clean, dry, and disinfected. Make sure spills are cleaned and dried right away, as well. 

These are the top three areas in your home to check for mold; other areas that can develop issues are your hall closets, your garage, and/or basement. Staying on top of conditions in your home means you may never have to handle a mold issue. 

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is equipped with the skills and tools necessary to handle any issues related to water damage in your home or business, and we are mold remediation experts, too. Large-scale cleanups after flooding and fire are our specialties. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too. This franchise is individually owned and operated.

Fire Prevention Tips for Your Business

2/3/2021 (Permalink)

Fire Extinguisher Sign Make sure your business has all the equipment for fire prevention.

You work hard at what you do and you have put many hours into your business, not to mention finances. You will want to protect it from any type of disaster, such as flooding or fires. Any wise business owner knows that it’s a good idea to be prepared for any possible accident, natural disaster, or other unforeseen circumstances, and with that in mind we would like to share some tips that will help you prepare your business for what could happen in the event of fire damage:


Take steps to ensure that the address numbers for your building or suite are highly visible, enabling emergency responders to easily find your location quickly, in the event of a fire or other emergency. 


Fire extinguishers should be stored no more than 75 feet from all work areas for easy access and mounted in an obvious spot. Have your extinguishers, sprinkler system, and fire alarm system tested and serviced every 12 months or less by licensed fire prevention professionals. 


Exits need to be clearly marked with EXIT signage that is illuminated constantly with a battery backup for power outages. Emergency lighting should be kept in good working order at all times, and the exit areas and spaces around the building outside need to be kept clear of debris and plant material. This reduces the risk of fire outside exits and alleviates possible injuries from those using the exits. Trash receptacles need to be kept at least five feet away from combustible roofs, windows, and entryways, and not stored in the path of exits. 


Stored materials need to be stacked at least two feet below the ceiling in an orderly manner. For buildings with an automatic sprinkler system, 18 inches of clearance is required. This allows smoke to collect in areas above and the sprinklers a clear area for their spray pattern. These instructions have been put in place by area fire personnel, and if not followed, can result in fines. 


Electrical outlets should have the appropriate number of items plugged into them, which may include a power strip with a circuit breaker; overloaded outlets can catch fire. All electrical cords should be kept in good repair and replaced when needed. 


If your business involves cooking foods, make sure your stove hood and grease traps are cleaned regularly to prevent excessive grease buildup. Ceiling exhaust fans and bathroom heater/light/fan combinations can also be a risk due to a buildup of dust and grease, resulting in increased operating temperatures.

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team is experienced in restoration projects after fires both large and small, as well as assisting with what may be needed in the event of flooding or a mold invasion. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, as well - ask us how! This franchise is individually owned and operated.

Top Winter Fire Hazards

1/26/2021 (Permalink)

With the onset of the winter months and all the cold weather comes fire hazards related to our methods of staying warm. Fireplaces, space heaters, and even electric blankets can all be dangerous if not handled correctly, leading to accidents, loss of personal belongings, severe injuries, and more. Here at SERVPRO, we always have your safety in mind and so we wanted to share some top winter fire hazards today along with some tips to avoid problems.  

Equipment Maintenance

Failing to service your furnace regularly may result in an accumulation of dust and other flammable debris, while a gas leak in the furnace could result in a fire or an explosion. You will want to be sure to schedule proper maintenance on your furnace regularly - whether you do it yourself or have a professional take care of it - and ensure that this is done both before winter weather arrives and while it’s here. Dusty, dirty, or greasy components, such as air ducts and vents, kitchen exhaust vents, and many other features in a home or business can easily become a fire hazard. 

Electrical Wiring And Outlets

Electrical wiring damage can include frayed cords - such as those connecting desktop computers or desktop lamps to the wall power outlets, for example - and also include damage to internal wiring inside the walls. cords, lamps, and space heaters also need to be monitored to detect anything damaged by pests or weather-related issues. When power sockets are overloaded, such as when space heaters are added or when equipment overheats, this can be a fire hazard. Inspect wiring regularly to identify top winter fire hazards, and never leave independent heating units running while a room is unoccupied. 

Flammable Items

Flammable items and materials should always be properly sealed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations at all times and they should not be stored near any heat source. In the home, keep your space heaters away from combustible materials such as drapery, bedding, and rugs, and never use one in the bathroom or kitchen when large amounts of water are present on the flooring or in tubs. When it comes to flammable liquids, these should be kept away from any heat source, as well. 

If you have experienced fire damage, always keep in mind that SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties maintains all the skills, training, and equipment necessary to restore your premises and belongings to their previous condition wherever possible. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too - ask us how. This franchise is independently owned and operated.

What To Do After Your Basement Floods

1/19/2021 (Permalink)

The lower-lying floors of any building are going to be in danger when a flooding event of any kind occurs, and unfortunately, that will often be your basement - the space most of us use to store personal belongings. It’s also the place many of us don’t go that often, so if flooding does occur there it can go unnoticed for some time, and that can create even more issues, such as mold, mildew, or structural damage. Here at SERVPRO, we care about you and your home or business, so today we’re going to share some tips that can help you to know what to do after your basement floods: 


Make sure the area is safe, first and foremost. If you discover a large amount of standing water, call the local power company, electrician, and/or your professional water damage cleanup team immediately to first ensure that all structural elements, wiring, and electrical outlets, etc. are not compromised, and secondly to begin safe water removal processes. Professionals will have the equipment and knowledge that is required to handle your situation properly and each trade will be able to determine the best, and safest, steps to take in beginning the cleanup process without increasing the risk of accident or injury.


There are some steps you can take yourself to begin to recover from your basement floodings, such as the use of a dehumidifier or fans to circulate air and will begin the drying process, which discourages mold growth and mildew. You will want to plug it in above the stairs and direct it towards the basement. Air conditioning can be a big help here, as well, so it should stay running throughout the building on every floor; leaving doors open between rooms and to the basement is yet another helpful step. In the flooded basement, ensure that no one uses electricity. 


You can clean surfaces with a solution of one cup bleach to one gallon of water to discourage mold from gaining a foothold; be sure to do this while wearing gloves and protective eyewear. Keeping the room ventilated while you are doing tasks that involve cleaning solutions will guard against injury. As you are cleaning up you may find valuable documents and papers that have been affected. You can save paper items by placing them in the freezer if they have been soaked; this can often stop the growth of mildew or deterioration. SERVPRO also offers services that can recover and restore vital documentation from water damage. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we are always ready to help whenever you are dealing with water damage and fire damage, and we are mold remediation specialists, too. We handle large cleanup projects for commercial business owners and smaller projects for area homeowners, and we can get your premises Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned! This franchise is independently owned and operated.

Steps To Take After A Tree Falls From Storm Damage

1/5/2021 (Permalink)

As trees age, they can become unstable, and during a storm, they can easily become weakened and even fall. A large tree can cause a lot of damage, depending on where they land, or they can create a big mess with a lot of debris. Here are some steps to take after a tree falls from storm damage at your home or business. 

  • Consider Safety. If the tree fell on a building, take care of anyone inside first. Clear all people and pets away from the area so that you can be sure everyone is as safe as possible. Assess the situation and see if there is a possibility that the tree is in a position to do any more damage. Check to see if there are any fallen electrical cords or wiring. If there are, you will want to call both 911 and the area electrical company to come to take care of that right away.
  • Damage Assessment. Take a good look at the event itself to see if the tree has damaged any structures or public property. You will want to record the event by taking pictures or videos for your insurance company; just be sure to stay clear of any dangerous areas. 
  • Determine Liability. Get an idea of whose tree it is and whose property is involved. Even if it is your neighbor’s tree, your insurance policy will be the one that covers the damage. Do take steps to contact your insurance company and make sure you understand the coverage and what they require. 
  • Insurance. Contact the insurance company after you have gone through the previous steps and give them a description of the event and all your evidence. They will advise you as to what happens next. 
  • Tree Removal. After you have worked with the insurance representative and this aspect is all taken care of, you can arrange for the tree to be removed. Your insurance company may have provided you with a list of trustworthy companies or they may have given you the latitude to find your own. If you are in the market for a disaster restoration company, remember that SERVPRO is always ready to help! 

We’re available 24/7 here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties to help with restoration and cleanup at your home and business, so whether you have experienced water damage, fire damage, accidents of any kind, or have discovered a mold invasion, contact us right away. We can get you back to normal right away. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too - ask us how. This franchise is independently owned and operated. 

What To Do If A Pipe Bursts In Your Business

12/29/2020 (Permalink)

A burst pipe in your business can be extremely costly if not handled correctly and efficiently, so taking the appropriate steps will be vital to making sure your machinery, equipment, and products are protected. 

  • Professional Help. A professional cleanup organization will arrive right away to assess the damage and to assess any parts of your premises that may have been affected to make sure it is safe. Structural damage is common when large amounts of water are present. 
  • Water Main. Turn off any water that is going to the affected area - you can just go to the water main and stop all water for the entire building. This step will help to prevent further issues.
  • Standing Water. Soak up any standing water as long as it can be done safely; keep in mind that “black (sewer/contaminated) water” should be avoided as dangerous; leave it for the professionals to handle. Standing water can lead to mold damage and continued damage to flooring and walls, so this is an important step to complete right away.
  • Air Flow. Open all doors and windows to begin circulating airflow and start the drying out process. Once the professionals arrive with their industrial-grade equipment, they will be able to complete the process. 
  • Electricity. Ensure that the electricity is turned off in the affected areas to prevent shocks and have everyone leave any areas that are affected. Water can easily run into electrical circuits and create injuries. 
  • Insurance. You will want to contact your insurance company as soon as you can to let them know what has happened; take pictures and/or video of the damage after the event. A professional water damage remediation company will be able to work with your insurance company to make sure that everything goes smoothly and that you and your workforce can get back to business right away. 

The SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties team is here to help you any time you experience water damage from a burst pipe in your home or business or from any other kind of flooding. We are water and fire damage cleanup specialists, and we also have the tools and experience necessary to properly prevent and remediate mold.

Bonfire/Fireplace Best Practices

12/22/2020 (Permalink)

During the colder months, fire is a beautiful thing. Whether it’s indoors in your fireplace warming your living spaces, or outdoors bringing cheer and light to the darkness, it’s a welcome addition to this time of year. Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we want you to be safe while you gather together with family and friends. With that in mind, we have some bonfire/fireplace best practices for you today:


  • Soot. Minimize the dangerous building up of soot and creosote by using seasoned hardwood or manufactured logs. These burn cleaner than real wood and keep you safe from chimney fires. Be sure to follow all the manufacturer recommendations, and take care to only burn wood and logs in your fireplace. 
  • Slow and Steady. The safest fire is a slow, steady burn. Those roaring fires look great but they can get out of control fast. 
  • Screens. Use a fireplace screen to keep sparks where they belong. A fire that is crackling means that sparks can be thrown out onto flammable materials, such as pillows, carpeting, and furniture. Keeping the area around the fire clear is also another good idea; don’t sit too close. Your Christmas tree should be far away, as well!
  • Sleep. Never leave your fire unattended; make sure to put it out before you go to bed. 
  • Safety Tools. Having a carbon monoxide detector installed is a great safety step, and we know you have a fire extinguisher handy! Everyone in your home should know how to use it. The best type to have is one that weighs 2 or 5 pounds; these are designed to handle most household fires. 


  • Space. Bonfires should be set up at least 50 feet from the nearest building, as well as any sheds, trees, fences, or other flammable structures. Also, never build a fire under a covered porch or low hanging tree branches. Take steps to ensure that there are no cables, telephone wires, etc. above the flames before you build your bonfire.
  • Surroundings. Clear all flammable materials away; there should be no dry leaves, paper, fabrics, or anything that can easily catch fire in a diameter of at least five feet around the fire. 
  • Set Up. Pile some rocks around the fire to prevent it from escaping; firefighters advise that your fire pit should be at least 6 inches deep at the center and 2 feet across to help keep the embers and flames contained.
  • Safety. Only burn dry materials. You can use paper and a safe firestarter to light your bonfire. NEVER USE GASOLINE. Be sure you have a fire extinguisher on hand and that you know how to use it properly. A few buckets of water or sand wouldn’t be a bad idea, either. 
  • Size. Keep your fire at a manageable size; everyone loves a huge bonfire, but in reality, these are very dangerous. A large fire throws large sparks that can catch fire in other places before you know it. 
  • Seasoned Wood. Only seasoned wood should be used; burning things with polishes - such as paneling, furniture, and other such items - can give off dangerous fumes. 
  • Smother. When it comes time to put out the fire, make sure it is completely smothered. Once your fire has burned to ash, spread the ashes over a larger area, but don’t bury them. Pour water over charred materials until you can’t hear anymore hissing or see any smoke. Monitor the area until you are sure there is no more danger of the fire reigniting. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, your safety is one of our primary concerns. If your home or business experiences damage that comes from fire, you can count on us to be there right away to help you recover. We handle water damage and mold remediation and we can get your premises Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too! Ask us how.

Do I Need To Worry About Mold In The Winter?

12/14/2020 (Permalink)

The short answer here is: Yes. But...

Mold is a serious issue, and it can get worse in the wintertime when damp conditions are common. The melting of snow and ice or heavy rain, paired with warm indoor temperatures, create the perfect conditions for the establishment of a mold colony. Mold spores are all around us in the air at all times, and it is difficult to completely remove them once they take hold; however, if you take early action, that mold growth can be stopped, and you can stop worrying! 

Here are some preventative measures you can take to ensure that mold won’t be a source of worry this winter:

  • Pipes can be a source of moisture, and if they freeze and burst that causes flooding and saturation of flooring and belongings. Keep your pipes well-insulated to avoid this situation.
  • Control moisture by drying leaks and any other wet areas immediately. Vacuum and clean regularly to remove sources of mold growth. 
  • Gutters and downspouts should be cleaned regularly to avoid excess water in your walls or attic spaces. 
  • Adequate air circulation and ventilation is important, and using fans can help increase ventilation. 
  • Well-insulated walls can not only prevent condensation and mold within your walls, but it will also cut down on your energy costs.
  • Make sure your doors and windows are properly sealed and that moisture is not coming in through the cracks, and make any necessary repairs to these areas as soon as you can to avoid leaks. 
  • If there is a room in your home or business that is prone to humidity, using a dehumidifier to counter that might be a helpful step to take. 

If you take these steps to prevent mold growth in your business, your chances of it occurring will greatly decrease and then you really won’t have to worry about mold! It is easier to take action early to prevent it than having to remove it. However, even with taking preventative steps, it is not 100% guaranteed that it will not grow. Mold growth can be dangerous, and if you spot any in your business, call the professionals! 

To guarantee that mold growth doesn’t endanger your business, be sure to contact us at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties for assistance. We are experts at mold removal and remediation and can handle your mold issues quickly and professionally. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too. Ask us how!

Maintaining Your HVAC In The Winter Months

12/14/2020 (Permalink)

The colder months are on their way, and now would be a good time to think about the maintenance of your HVAC system. You never really know when that first chilly cold front will roll in, so let’s get ready! The very best way to maintain your HVAC in the winter months is to have it in tiptop shape before winter even arrives. 

It’s always a good idea to hire a professional to come to inspect your HVAC system; if any maintenance is needed, that same company can take care of it right away. Schedule an inspection now while things are pleasant; having a routine inspection done every fall and again in spring will help your unit to recover from the more extreme weather months. A professional will inspect and clean all of your unit’s wiring and mechanisms, which would be a bit challenging for anyone without the training or expertise. Using a professional ensures that the future of your business’ HVAC is bright!

As a home or business owner, there are some simple maintenance chores that you can do to prolong your system’s life and increase its efficiency between those professional inspections and maintenance visits, such as:

Regularly (especially before winter and again ahead of summer heat):

  • Get a high-efficiency, pleated air filter for your system
  • Keep your heating units and AC free of pollen, leaves, and grass
  • Keep two feet of space clear around your outdoor AC and heating units
  • Inspect refrigerant lines every month
  • Replace air filters at least every 90 days
  • Turn off the water running to the furnace humidifier ahead of Summer
  • Replace the humidifier filter and turn the water back on in the Fall


  • Replace the carbon monoxide detector battery
  • Make sure your outdoor AC unit is on firm and level ground
  • Clean AC condensation with a bleach and water mixture

Inspecting, preparing, and maintaining your HVAC throughout the year will keep your environment air quality and atmosphere pleasant, and it will also make maintaining it during the winter months an easy task.

The team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is always ready to inspect and maintain your HVAC system, and we are here to answer any questions you might have. We are also experienced in large cleanup jobs such as those needed because of fire damage or water damage, and we are mold remediation experts. We can also get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned; ask us how!

Preparing For Winter Storms In Ohio

12/14/2020 (Permalink)

Wise homeowners here in Ohio will be thinking about preparing their homes and property for the coming winter storm season; they know that extreme weather can lead to power outages and disruption of communications, as well as damage of personal and business property and belongings. 

Here are some essential safety tips to help while preparing for winter storms in Ohio:

  • Landscaping. Trim all bushes and trees, and be sure to remove dead trees, tall bushes, and broken branches from around your home. These can fall and cause injury and damage the roof of your house during extreme weather involving wind, ice, or heavy snow accumulation. Windows are also vulnerable here. 
  • Gutters. Clear any clogged rain gutters. Melting snow and heavy rain need to be able to flow down your rain gutters and away from your roofing. Dirt and debris left in your gutters will force the water to pool and back up into your walls and attic, and possibly even cause structural issues. Such damp conditions in unreachable interior spaces can lead to mold growth, causing a need for mold removal in addition to any storm damage. A rain gutter that is full of debris is already going to be heavy, and when water weight is added it can tear away from the building, creating another set of issues for you to have to deal with. 
  • Heating. Have your chimney and all heating equipment inspected and cleaned before winter and then again when winter is over, to prevent future fires. Your HVAC system also needs to be inspected, and all ducts clear and ready for use, replacing filters and older parts, as well. If you will be using space heaters, make sure they are in good shape and also that everyone in the house knows the proper way to use them. They should never be left on if there is no one in the room. 
  • Travel. Winter storms in Ohio can make travel difficult, and sometimes it even becomes impossible. Make sure you have stocked up on necessary supplies, such as personal items, canned goods, batteries, warm clothing and blankets, and medical supplies, just in case you get snowed in or flooding happens in your area. 

Our team here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties cares about your safety and the safety of your loved ones and your property. We are here to help if you experience damage due to flooding or extreme weather conditions, and we handle fire damage, too. Our team is skilled in mold prevention and remediation, and we can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, as well. Ask us how!

Best Practices For Using A Space Heater

11/10/2020 (Permalink)

Your central heating system will be working hard this winter. You may only need to heat one room at times, so keep in mind that you can use a portable space heater to take the load off of your main heat source. Space heaters are high-wattage appliances and do have the potential to cause fires if they are not used correctly, however. With that in mind, we would like to share some best practices for using a space heater here:

When selecting your space heater:

  • Check to see that your heater is listed by a qualified testing laboratory.
  • Purchase one with a sensor that will shut it off automatically if it overheats or gets tipped over. 
  • Inspect your heater and its cord and plug. Do not purchase it if you think it could be defective. 

When setting up your space heater:

  • Place your heater on a solid flat surface, and make sure it’s at least 3 feet from anything flammable. If it is being used in the garage or workshop, keep it away from any paint, oil, and gas cans. 
  • Don’t place the heater on furniture or cover it up, and be careful of high-traffic areas and doorways, where someone could trip over it and get burned. Never run a power cord under carpets, rugs, or furniture. 
  • Plug your heater into an outlet directly rather than using an extension cord or power strip, and ensure that the plug fits well and is the only plug in the outlet.  
  • Always keep your heater away from water, and if you’re wet - don’t touch it. 

When using your space heater: 

  • Check your heater often to make sure that the plug, cord, outlet, or faceplate isn’t hot. If it is, stop using it immediately, and remember that a hot cord may mean it is defective and could ignite a fire. 
  • Don’t run your heater 24/7. It isn’t made to work for long periods of time. 
  • Never leave a space heater unattended or in a child’s room, and turn it off while you are sleeping. 
  • Install smoke detectors in your home, as well as carbon monoxide alarms. These need to be tested monthly. 

We hope these best practice tips will help you to use your space heater properly. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we want you, your family, and your friends to be safe. If you experience damage to your property, we’re here to help, 24/7. We are specialists when it comes to fire damage or water damage, and we can handle mold, too. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned if you need it, so ask us how.

What To Do When An Appliance Is Leaking

11/4/2020 (Permalink)

An appliance that develops a leak can cause big problems in your home or business. Many times we won’t even know that the appliance is experiencing issues until it’s too late, and by that time flooring, cabinetry, and other belongings have been affected or compromised. If the leak has been developing over time, slowly, with small amounts of water dripping, you may also find yourself with a mold infestation, as well. 

What are some best practices for you to consider when your appliance is leaking?

If you have discovered a small leak, the first step to take is to protect your flooring and any items around the leak that could be affected. This may be able to be done by using towels or other large pieces of absorbent material put in place as buffers. 

Take a good look at the appliance and see what part of the machine is at fault. If it is just a small leak on a hose or pipe, for example, you may be able to stop the water drip by using duct tape. Keep in mind, however, that this is not meant to be a permanent solution; call your appliance repair professional right away to get their opinion. Hoses and piping are usually fairly easy to replace and having the peace of mind that comes with knowing the job was done right will be worth it.

If, on the other hand, the leak is significant, turn off any source of water to the appliance immediately. Call your appliance repair person and have them come to take a look at the machine. In cases like these, it’s usually time for a new appliance, but the professionals will be able to give you the right recommendation.

Assess all the affected areas around the leak. If there has been a large amount of water standing for any period of time you may have some flooring damage. Your cleanup and repair professionals can be onsite in no time to get your home or business back to normal. 

SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties is always ready to help you with any kind of water-related problems, and in addition to handling water damage, we handle fire damage issues, as well. If you do find that you have developed a mold situation, we are mold remediation experts, so we can take care of that for you right away. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too. Ask us how!

How Do I Know When To Replace My Roof?

10/27/2020 (Permalink)

If you live or own a business in an older building, you know it will become necessary to replace the roof at some point. Have you seen some water stains in your attic or have you just gone through a season of really heavy weather and some shingles have disappeared? If you answered yes to either of these questions or if you have had other issues relating to your roof, keep reading! Today we are going to share some points to think about as you decide when you should replace your roof. 

Gutters/Rain Spouts. Gutters and rain spouts are part of the overall roofing system. They can pull away from the building if they are overloaded or clogged with water and debris, and this can cause damage to the corners of your roof and exterior walls. This kind of damage is easily seen from the ground, so take a walk around your building and see if you can find any of this kind of damage. If the damage has been evident for a while and no repairs were done, your roofing may have experienced enough damage that it needs to be replaced now. 

Signs and Symptoms. Curled, buckled or missing shingles are some of the first items that give you a clue to the health of your roof. They will need to be replaced if you are to avoid leaks and future water damages.  If a large number of shingles are compromised you are looking at a roof replacement. Water stains in the attic are a telltale sign that you might need to replace your roof, as well. If you are experiencing higher-than-average energy bills, that is yet another sign that you may need a new roof. Do you have critters in your attic? They must have found a way in, and that is most possibly due to an issue in your roofing system. 

Maintenance. Conducting regular inspections of all parts of your roofing will aid you when it comes to the condition of your roof. It can be easy to forget about it, but a damaged roof can quickly become a huge issue, allowing water to intrude into every part of your home or business and cause water damage. 

In addition to roofing issues, SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties handles water damage, fire damage, and mold remediation, so contact us right away if you have experienced any of these issues. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned; ask us how!

Do You Have A Fire Evacuation Plan For Your Business?

10/13/2020 (Permalink)

While a fire itself is dangerous enough, the threat of fire can be compounded by panic and chaos.   If you aren’t prepared, injuries and even more damage can result. The best prevention here is to have a detailed fire evacuation plan; a high-quality fire evacuation plan will not only prepare your business in the event of a fire but also for any other type of emergency that could happen on your business premises. 

Do you have a fire evacuation plan for your business? The law requires you to have a plan.  If the answer is no or if you need to revisit the one you have in place, we have some points to share with you while you are creating a fire evacuation plan.

Location. An average of 3,000 fires occur in office properties per year, and most of those fires were caused by faulty cooking equipment, intentional acts, or electrical malfunctions. These are the areas to pay special attention to in your business. 

Causes. Do you have a kitchen in your office or are people using portable space heaters or personal fridges? Do wildfires threaten your location during the summer? Make sure you understand the specific threats in your area and on your premises. 

  • Note: fires related to cooking are at the top of the list for office properties, so make sure to post rules about using the microwave and other office kitchen appliances where everyone can see them.

Leadership. Your employees will need leaders for guidance and reassurance during an evacuation. Choose those you believe you can rely on to be responsible and create a chain of command.  These people will be the ones who lead everyone to safety, handle calm communications, and ensure that even the most vulnerable on your team are safe. Designate volunteers who are willing to learn and operate fire extinguishers correctly, should the need arise. 

Communication. Designate someone to handle the job of calling the fire department and getting information to employees, customers, news media, and any other entities, such as the community, organizational management, suppliers, transportation partners, and government officials. Whoever you choose will need a robust, multi-channel communication system, as the chaos of a disaster, such as a fire, can result in people not necessarily thinking clearly and may miss important information. Being able to communicate through email, phone, text, and mobile app will ensure your communication gets to everyone in a timely manner. 

Route. A good fire evacuation plan for your business will use primary and secondary escape routes, and clear signage should mark all the exit routes. Make multiple maps and post them so all your employees know the evacuation routes to the safe spot(s) you have designated.

Tools. It is recommended that you refill reusable fire extinguishers every 10 years and replace disposable ones every 12 years. Also, make sure your employees know where the fire extinguishers are located in the workplace. While you’re at it, make sure these office tools are up-to-date and operational at all times wherever applicable:

  • Fire alarms
  • Emergency lighting
  • Fire doors 
  • Escape ladders 
  • Megaphone/Traffic Controller Wand 

Drills. Regular fire drills will minimize confusion through repetition, giving your employees a clear idea of how a real evacuation should work. A safe outcome is more likely when everyone knows what is happening. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties, we care about you and your business, and we care about the safety of your workforce, too. If you need help with cleanup after a fire or flood, or if you have experienced fire damage or water damage, we are here to help. We can get your home and business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too! Ask us how. 

What To Do After Finding Mold In Your Home

10/6/2020 (Permalink)

If you recently found mold in your house, you are aware that this is something to be taken seriously. Mold can be dangerous to your health, so it’s important to take the necessary steps in handling mold right away. Here are some tips on what to do after finding mold in your home.

Have your home tested by a trained mold tester; many people make the mistake of cleaning up the mold without testing. It is important to know the type of mold you are dealing with and how bad your problem actually is. If it’s a small problem, a professional may recommend that you clean the mold up yourself, and they can give you advice on best practices to use in removing it.

Cleaning up mold yourself may be a good idea if:

  • The mold only covers a small area.
  • The mold is growing on easy-to-clean surfaces like glass, metal, tile, tubs, or sinks.
  • The mold is growing on hard-to-clean materials, like carpet, that are easy to remove and replace and you know how to do it properly.
  • You don’t have any health problems likely to be made worse by increased exposure to mold (check with your doctor if you’re not sure if it’s safe for you to clean up a mold problem yourself).

If it is a large job, however, you will need to contact a professional mold remediation company. (Before any work is done, contact your insurance company and find out if mold removal is covered in your policy. In many cases it will be, although it often depends on the cause of the mold.) A professional will oversee the proper, and thorough, cleanup and removal process. When the job is done, they will come back and test again to make sure the removal was properly completed. 

Cleaning up mold yourself is probably not such a good idea if:

  • The mold covers a large area.
  • Mold develops after flooding with water that might be contaminated with sewage or other potentially hazardous substances.
  • There is mold in your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system.
  • You aren’t sure how to do all parts of the job correctly, For example, if there is mold in your wall interiors and you don’t know how to remove and replace drywall or if you don’t have all the tools required to do the job.
  • You have moldy wood that cannot be removed and replaced, so the moldy area needs to be sanded and encapsulated instead (it’s recommended that only mold remediation professionals sand moldy wood since it significantly increases one’s exposure to mold, which can lead to potentially serious illnesses).
  • You smell mold but can't find it. Mold can hide in the subfloors, attic, inside walls, under carpets, or crawl-spaces.

Identify the cause of the mold, and make sure that any issues are fixed so that the mold will not re-establish itself. For example, if you find that there was a leak in the roof that led to optimum damp conditions, make sure that leak is repaired. Another issue could be that the humidity level in your home is too high, so you may want to get a dehumidifier to bring it down to the proper levels. 

If you are going to hire a professional mold remediation company, make sure you get a few estimates and choose a company that you believe will do a thorough job. Be sure to check with your local Better Business Bureau or Health Department to find out if the company has a good reputation here in the Huron and East Seneca area.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties, we maintain the training and equipment that are necessary to handle a mold infestation. Call us today if you need help with a project of this kind, no matter the size. We are fire damage and water damage experts, too, and we are committed to getting your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned!

Smoke Removal From Your Kitchen

9/22/2020 (Permalink)

Damage from a fire in your kitchen can be significant and devastating. The smoke is a major issue as well, as its residue and odor are very hard to get rid of. In the event of an oven or stove fire in your kitchen, you can be left with a mess that requires the help of professionals to handle. The acidity of smoke and soot can make them difficult to remove, and also contain particles that are harmful to breathe. It is going to be essential to clean the smoke damage completely out of your kitchen as soon as possible, especially if anyone in your home or business suffers from asthma or other respiratory issues.

There are a few things a home or business owner can do themselves to remediate smoke damage by using household cleaners or substances that can often be found in a cupboard, such as rubbing alcohol, vinegar, and degreaser. The only other items you will need are hot water and a dry-cleaning sponge, so you may want to purchase a couple of the sponges to have on hand, just in case. 

If a fire occurs in your kitchen, open all windows once the fire has been put out, even if it’s cold outside - ventilation is essential. Use fans to get air moving and turn off your HVAC system to prevent the spread of the smoke, soot, and all harmful particles. 

Make sure you wear protection for yourself, such as long pants and long sleeves. Gloves and eye protection are important, as well, since you will be freeing soot as you clean. Lay down floor protection and remove furniture that is not damaged. You may be able to cover items with plastic if the area affected is small, but if it’s the whole kitchen it will be wise to simply remove everything and seal off undamaged areas. If the damage is too severe for you to handle, be sure to contact a professional. 

Remove loose soot particles with your shop vac. If you don’t have access to a shop vac, you can use a regular vacuum cleaner and its attachments.  

The next step is to wipe up soot and smoke stains using your dry-cleaning sponge. These sponges have special chemicals in them to lift stains, so they are ideal for this kind of project. Never use water or cleaners before you use this sponge, or you will spread the soot all over, making it impossible to remove. As the sponge gets discolored, you can slice the used parts off with a knife to get a fresh start, but make sure you are always using a clean portion of the sponge. 

You can now use a clean rag and any cleaning agents you have on hand. Soak your rag in the preferred cleaner and wipe all the walls throughout your kitchen, even if you don’t see soot or smoke damage. After this, soapy water should be used to wipe down everything, including light bulbs, so be sure to refresh your water throughout the process. Once you’ve finished, you will want to wash everything down with clean water to finalize this project to remove smoke from your kitchen. After your kitchen is clean, you will want to dry all the surfaces and run your fans, too. 

Cleanup after a fire can be very involved, so in order to save time and get your kitchen back to normal, you can call a professional for help. Here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties, we have all the necessary training and equipment needed to help you recover your kitchen from smoke damage. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned!

Steps To Take If Your Hotel Floods

9/8/2020 (Permalink)

Flooding is a serious issue, and the proper steps need to be taken to ensure both the safety of the residents and the integrity of the building. If there are high levels of flooding in your hotel, call SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties immediately to ensure that there is no additional damage being made. While it is hard to be prepared for flooding, know that it can happen at any place and at any time. 

  • Evacuate everyone from the premises as soon as possible before serious flooding happens, if at all possible, and find a dry, safe spot outside of the hotel while waiting for the flooding to stop. If flooding is caused by a natural disaster, call the authorities or listen to the local news to find a temporary shelter and relocate to that shelter when possible. Ensure that everyone who was evacuated is safe.
  • If the flooding is not from a natural disaster, find the source of the flooding and stop it at the source. Turning off the main water valve may solve the issue.
  • Turn off electricity, and be sure you do not attempt to reach the fuse box if you have to walk through standing water; water is a conductor of electricity and you could be shocked. If you cannot reach the fuse box without stepping on water, call an electrician.
  • Document everything: take photos and videos of all the affected areas. Use this information for insurance purposes.

Once the flooding has stopped, you can start the clean-up process.

  • Do not touch the water without the proper equipment as it may be contaminated with sewage or other hazardous material. If you have to enter the establishment, wear waders and waterproof boots.
  • All of the water has to be removed, then a wet vacuum or a pump can be used to dispose of any standing water.
  • Attempt to salvage any items that were not seriously damaged. Do not eat any food that has been contaminated by floodwater.
  • If the water damage is not too bad, dry the space out with fans and dehumidifiers. Anything that was touched by the water also needs to be disinfected.

Warm, wet spaces are a breeding ground for mold growth, so you will want to act as quickly as possible to prevent mold growth.

  • The property needs to be as dry as possible to prevent mold spores from growing. Once it starts growing, it is difficult to remove. To avoid mold from growing, keep the affected areas as dry as possible, and treat it with a strong cleaner, such as a bleach solution. 
  • Open any windows and doors to let fresh air in and circulate, unless the weather is humid. In the case of humid weather, you can use dehumidifiers and fans, instead. 

Flooding does not mean the end of the world. Even if your hotel was flooded, it can still be salvaged, and If the damage is critical or you are not capable of fixing the issue by yourself, don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties to aid you in returning your hotel back to peak condition. Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we are experts at water damage repair and restoration along with mold removal and remediation. We are committed to getting your home, hotel, or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned!

What To Do In Case Of A Flood In Your Home

9/1/2020 (Permalink)

If your home has been flooded, the first thing you will be wondering is what you can do about the damage. The good news is that we have help to offer you. Today, here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we will share some important steps that need to be taken to ensure the safety of your family along with the integrity of your house. 

Here are some steps to take if your house is flooded: 

  • Evacuate everyone from the premises as soon as possible if you see that flooding is imminent. Find a dry, safe spot away from the house while waiting for the flooding to stop. If flooding is caused by a natural disaster, call the authorities or listen to the local news to find a temporary shelter and relocate to that shelter when possible. Call 911 if anyone needs medical attention and make sure that everyone is accounted for and safe.
  • Attempt to find the source of the flooding if it is not from a natural disaster. Stop it at the source. Try to turn off any faucet or seal it up; turning off the main water valve may also solve the issue.
  • Turn off the electricity, but do not attempt to reach the fuse box if you have to walk through water to reach it! If you cannot reach the fuse box without stepping in water, call an electrician.
  • Document all the damage by taking photos and videos of all the affected areas. This information will be necessary for insurance purposes if you need to file a claim. 

The clean-up process:

  • Never touch the water without the proper equipment, as it may be contaminated with sewage or other hazardous material. If you have to enter the establishment, wear waders or waterproof boots.
  • All water must be removed and a wet vacuum or a pump must be used to dry things out.
  • Salvage any items that were not seriously damaged; do not eat any food that has been contaminated by floodwater.
  • If the water damage is not severe, you can dry the space out with fans and dehumidifiers. Keep in mind that anything that was touched by the water will also need to be disinfected.

Warm, damp spaces are an attractive breeding ground for mold colonies, so act as quickly as possible to prevent mold growth:

  • Your property needs to be as dry as possible to prevent mold from establishing a colony. Once a mold colony gets established, it will be difficult to remove it completely. Keep the affected areas as dry as possible and treat them with a strong cleaner, such as a bleach solution. 
  • Open all of your windows and doors to let fresh, dry air in to circulate. 

If the damage to your home is critical and you won’t be capable of fixing the issue by yourself, don’t hesitate to call us to assist you in getting your house back to normal. Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we are experts when it comes to water damage repair and restoration, and we are mold prevention and remediation pros, too. We can get your home and business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned!

We Offer Commercial Cleaning Services

8/25/2020 (Permalink)

If you own a business in the Huron and East Seneca area, you should consider the systems and processes you have in place to get your business back up and running again if disaster should strike. Disasters such as water damage or fire damage can take a significant amount of time and effort to clean, and cleaning and restoring commercial properties requires a unique blend of training, experience, and equipment. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has the resources and expertise to give you excellent results while minimizing the disruption to your clients. Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we offer commercial cleaning services to:

  • Small Office Buildings
  • Large Office/High-Rise Office Buildings
  • Apartment Buildings
  • Restaurants
  • Hotel/Motels
  • Small Retail Stores
  • Large Retail/Big-Box Stores
  • High-Rise Residential
  • Manufacturing & Industrial
  • Government/Military

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties offers professional cleaning and preventative maintenance for your carpet and upholstery that keeps your property looking its best. Our cleaning system offers a number of specialized cleaning options to match your needs. Whether your business needs a deep cleaning or a persistent odor removed, you can trust SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties.

You don’t have time to worry about the common wear and tear that gradually soils your business. When grime, odor, and moisture challenges go beyond the scope of your regular janitorial staff, you can call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties for prompt and professional service. Whether it’s removing an odor problem or deep cleaning flooring or carpets, you can rely on us to make your commercial workspace look its very best.

SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties offers commercial cleaning services ranging from cleaning restaurant hoods to removing biohazard contaminants. We have specialized training and products to get your property back to business. Our cleaning services include Air Duct and HVAC maintenance, biohazard and sewage cleanup, trauma and crime scene cleanup, drapes and blinds cleaning, odor removal and deodorization, and so much more! Contact us today to schedule your commercial cleaning.

Mold Prevention In Your Commercial Warehouse

8/11/2020 (Permalink)

If the odors associated with mildew or mold in your warehouse become apparent, don’t wait to investigate. Mold can live in walls, behind wallpaper, under flooring, and in ceilings, and these are just the most common places. After a period of wet weather, mold may have taken hold anywhere that has stayed damp.  You can hire a certified mold inspector to stop by and check it out; they will be able to run the necessary tests to determine if you have a mold problem in your warehouse. 

Practicing preventive measures will help to keep your commercial warehouse safe from the damage of a mold infestation. Inspecting those areas that are vulnerable is always the best step to take first, of course. 

Mold will take hold in low-lying areas that remain damp and the spores will be attracted there, especially if these areas are dark. Scheduling periodic visual inspections in these places will help to identify a mold colony before it becomes unmanageable. 

If your warehouse has recently undergone a flooding event or significant leaks have developed recently, these will be situations that could promote a mold issue. Always consider areas with moisture as places you need to pay attention to. 

Keeping everything as dry as possible is another way to practice mold prevention in your commercial warehouse. If your warehouse has air conditioning, keep it running during wet weather, or place dehumidifiers into use. If you are experiencing standing water, have it removed and the area dried out. 

When it comes to storage use storage shelving; the metal styles with grating will allow water to escape and air to reach the bottoms of boxes, etc. so that damp conditions don’t develop and create a haven for mold. 

If you need help with a mold infestation in your commercial warehouse, call the mold remediation experts here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties. Our team has the experience and skills needed to take care of the mold issues that can develop in your warehouse or business. We handle water damage and fire damage, too, and we are committed to getting your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned!

Preventing Water Damage In Your Basement

8/4/2020 (Permalink)

The best way to prevent water damage in your basement is to regularly assess the area. Take time to look around, especially after wet weather, and check for signs of any problem. Damage to the basement and foundation areas of a home are extremely important to repair as soon as possible in order for you to avoid larger structural and property damages in the future, which can end up costing you far more in the long run. Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we have compiled a list of preventative water damage best practices.

Here are some things to look for as you take steps to prevent water damage in your basement:

  • In a finished basement, wallpaper or paint might be peeling away or appear discolored. Check for bowing in the walls, which can be a result of long-term seepage. When the basement is unfinished, you will want to look for a white, salty substance known as “efflorescence,” which appears on foundational walls; this will tell you how high water has risen. If the basement flooring is swollen or removed from the subfloor, that is another indicator of water damages. If any of these signs appear, take the steps to find the source. 
  • Cracking can occur in the foundation and/or the floor, and it is often due to water damage. Look for cracks in window seals and door panes, as well. 
  • Odors are an indicator that there is an excess water problem. Oftentimes, it’s mold or mildew that causes those smells, which means you have water damage on your hands.
  • Keep drainage areas well-maintained in expectation of summer storms. Directing water away from your buildings will stop any problems before they even start!

In order to prevent water damage to your basement, it’s vital that you ensure your building has proper drainage to keep water from standing around your foundation and seeping in to create the issues mentioned above. 

If you store appliances that involve water in your basement, make sure they are kept in good repair to avoid floods. 

If you do experience water damage, it’s time to call the professionals who are experienced and trained to remediate and repair areas that have extensive damage from excess water due to leaky pipes, flooding, etc. 

Our team here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties is the team to call for cleanups after water damage or fire damage, whether small or large. We are also mold prevention and remediation experts, as well.

Best Practices For Preparing For Summer Storms

8/4/2020 (Permalink)

Every smart home or business owner knows to prepare for summer storms. You likely know that the lightning, high winds, and heavy rains that come with frequent summer storms can be damaging and dangerous. Proper summer storm preparation will keep you, your family, and your workforce safe, and can help to protect your property from the worst of the damage. With the proper preparation, even if you do experience storm damage, you will be able to recover more quickly, as well. We here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties have some tips for you in preparing your home or business for summer storms. 

Response Plan. Develop a response plan to prepare your business for those summer storm events. When a storm hits, communicating with your employees should be first on your list; they will need to know how you will handle the situation. People need to know where you are and what the next step will be. Letting people know what dangers may be in the neighborhood, for example, such as downed trees or flooded roads can help save them from injury or disaster. 

Vulnerable People. If you are caring for older people, or if you have small children, communication with those who are nearest will be key for the safety of these most vulnerable family members. If you are handling a business, make sure you think about those that have physical challenges, or those who travel a long way to get to work, for example. 

Back to Work. The goal of your business response plan should be to get your operations back up and running normally as fast as possible so that you can avoid any associated loss.  Creating a contingency plan will help support your business during an extended period of recovery or reduced operations. If your physical location is destroyed by summer storm damage and your workforce is able to do their jobs from home, that will be a huge plus. Think through all the possible issues and have a plan in place that will allow you to conduct your business as close to normal as you can. 

Stay at Home. A home-focused contingency plan will allow for family members to have somewhere to go in the event that your home is not accessible. An area hotel or the home of a close friend may work well for everyone, but make sure you put this in place in advance of a summer storm.

These are just a few ideas that can help you with your summer storm preparations. What your home or business needs will depend on your particular and unique family or business situation, and planning ahead with these things in mind will go a long way towards keeping everyone safe and as damage free as possible. 

If you do experience a severe weather event, remember that we are always here to help. The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team has years experience in handling storm damage, fire damage, and water damage from floods and other disastrous events. Call us today for help in preparing your home or business for summer storms.

Checking Your Commercial Property For Mold

7/14/2020 (Permalink)

From heavy rainstorms and thunderstorms to extreme heat and unstable weather, you’ve come to expect it all during the summers. High temperatures paired with humid conditions will create an environment that is just right for mold to establish itself in your commercial property, too. Mold thrives in dark, moist, and unventilated places such as closets, warehouses, and office storage, and since the spores are always in the air looking for a place to land, it’s smart to check your commercial property routinely to see if a colony has established itself. It’s really the best way, and often the only way, to stay on top of a possible mold issue, and we here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties. 

You will definitely want to take a look around a day or two after wet weather during the warmer months. Move machinery, furniture, and office equipment so you can see any of the places where the walls join the floor and in the corners. Check out the ceiling carefully, while you’re at it. This is a great time to schedule an upgrade of your interior lighting if that lighting is insufficient. Regular inspections can also keep you informed as to whether your roofing or walls have experienced any kind of damage that can result in leaks, which is another ideal spot for a mold colony to get started. 

The best way to handle mold - or any damage related situations - is to use preventive measures in the first place. Here are a few ideas that we here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties recommend that can help:

  • Keep all your workspaces well-ventilated
  • Use a dehumidifier, especially during the more humid months
  • Make sure exterior doors and windows are properly sealed
  • Organize all stored items on shelves, using the floor and walls as little as possible
  • Don’t store cardboard in storage areas - this can also attract spiders
  • Remove any standing water immediately and dry the area as thoroughly as possible
  • Trim back shrubs and plants near structures
  • Keep your roofing in good condition

If you suspect that your home or business has developed a mold problem, SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties has all the skills and training necessary to take care of it, so give us a call. We are also experienced in cleanup after water damage and fire damage.

HVAC Maintenance For Your Business

7/7/2020 (Permalink)

When you own a commercial property, you know that regular maintenance is an important part of keeping your organization running the way it should. Equipment and machinery need to be cared for properly so that you don’t lose business, time, or money. With summer coming, an important maintenance aspect of your business is the interior environmental climate you provide for your staff and clientele, so proper HVAC maintenance is certainly going to be high on your list of maintenance to-dos, and here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties.

You may want to consider setting up a contract with a professional HVAC company if you own a large amount of square footage. The owner of a smaller business might be able to maintain their system themselves, while larger companies are probably going to need professional assistance maintaining their HVAC systems.

A professional that handles large-scale maintenance of this kind will have a predetermined schedule that will include tune-ups, clean-and-checks, and other services whose purpose will be to keep your HVAC system and units performing at their best. 

Changing all the filters and humidifier pads on a regular basis is an important action that will prolong the life of your system, and your HVAC company will include that in your contract. 

Test your natural gas heating system to see if carbon monoxide is being released into spaces in your building. This is a project that would be difficult for anyone without the necessary training. With the right equipment, a professional HVAC maintenance company can determine oxygen levels, carbon monoxide levels, and flue temperature, allowing your furnaces to be adjusted for optimum performance.

Before you engage a professional on a maintenance contract, consider both the costs and the benefits. Some companies will provide priority service calls at reduced rates for customers who have maintenance contracts, and if you choose this option you will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing there is an experienced team doing all those regular inspections and necessary maintenance on your behalf, while you get on with the business doing business. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are HVAC system experts, and we have all the experience necessary to keep your system functioning properly year-round. We are fire damage and water damage specialists, and we handle mold remediation and prevention, too.

Sources of Fire Damage To Avoid This Summer

6/30/2020 (Permalink)

During the summer, we barbecue and use our firepits, and we have bonfires (if you live in an area where such activities are approved.)

Many of us spend time cleaning out our garages or getting our landscaping done, and this creates trash that will need to be disposed of, which often entails a call to the city waste management department. The trash will then be waiting curbside or near our homes or businesses for pickup, sometimes for several days or even weeks. 

Then there are those renovation and construction projects that get scheduled for summer, and these also create waste that can take time to remove. 

One stray spark from a Fourth of July sparkler near a dry pile of wood from fencing or roofing can turn a fun night into a disaster, and a lack of good sense near a fire pit can change everything in a second. Here are a few tips to help you avoid fire damage this summer. 

All of these scenarios are sources of fire damage to avoid this summer. Here are some ways to stay fire-safe:

  • Make sure your family and other loved ones understand fire safety before they start roasting marshmallows or cooking burgers. Everyone should wear shoes around a barbecue or fire pit, and young children will always need assistance. 
  • Schedule trash pickup immediately to avoid large amounts of dry material from sitting in your yard. 
  • Remove dry, dead vegetation from around your home or business premises so that if a fire breaks out this material won’t provide more fuel. 
  • Make sure the person responsible for filling the propane tank and using the barbecue understands how to properly handle volatile fuel sources. 
  • Follow the laws of your city and county when it comes to the use of fire, and this includes fireworks. Many people ignore these regulations, but keep in mind that one stray spark on a roof can bring down a house and threaten an entire neighborhood. 

If you do experience fire damage, the  SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties team is here to help. We are experts in cleanups after fire or water damage, no matter how big or small, and we are also mold remediation specialists. Call us today for assistance.

Fire Prevention Tips This Summer

6/23/2020 (Permalink)

Summer is all about cookouts, and we can hardly wait! Those long, warm nights are wonderful to sit out in, looking at the stars, and enjoying your friends and loved ones. The days can be pretty warm, too, and our HVAC systems will be working harder than usual. We’ll be cutting the grass and taking care of our yards, and all of these items we have just mentioned have one thing in common: they can each be a fire hazard. 

Here are a few tips that can help lower the likelihood of a summertime fire in your home or business. 

  • Caring for your HVAC. Dust is likely to settle on the electrical components of your HVAC unit during the dry weeks of summer, which causes tracking faults that can lead to fire. Running multiple units at the same time consistently over time can result in both overload and overheating, which are also opportunities for fires to start. Keeping your HVAC clean from dusty conditions is important so that you can prevent a fire. 
  • Servicing your lawnmower. Follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance and care schedule on your mowing equipment, and be sure to remove debris and grass clippings from the cutting units, mufflers, and engines on a routine basis. Never refuel your mower when it is overheated. 
  • Storing your gas properly. The risk from fire is heightened by high ambient temperatures and relief valves that open at pressures that are too low. Always store gas cylinders upright and always out of doors. 
  • Practicing safe grilling. If you keep a grill onsite at your business for company cookouts, make sure it is stored away from your buildings and away from overhanging branches. Be sure to maintain a safe zone of at least three feet around the grill, and regularly remove any grease or gas buildup from the grills and trays. Never leave your grill unattended under any circumstances, and keep an eye on small children while fires are burning.
  • Auditing fire alarms. Fire prevention should always include auditing all your fire alarms and fire extinguishers. Be sure to replace any old or burned out batteries, or recharge your extinguishers regularly.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties, we care about fire safety, and we care about you. If you have experienced damages from a fire, or from water or flooding, give us a call! We are experts in cleanups from all kinds of disasters, both large and small, and we are also mold remediation specialists.

Dealing With Water Damage In Your Attic

6/16/2020 (Permalink)

When you experience water damage in your attic, it can often go unnoticed. After all, no one goes up in their attic very often. If you DO have water damage and it isn’t addressed right away, it can cause even more damage to the areas below the attic,  and mold can even become an issue, as well. The signs of water damage usually include water stains or musty odors in your home. It is vital for you to take proactive steps to assess all damage as soon as you notice it, in order to avoid expensive repairs and health effects that can come from a mold colony.

Begin by evaluating the damage. Where is the water coming from? Could it be a pipe that burst or a hole in your roof? Make sure to check your roof for leaks on a regular basis. The water damage in your attic can also be caused by a lack of ventilation; humidity can get trapped in the attic and cause condensation buildup - an ideal breeding ground for mold. Be sure to turn off all electrical items before touching anything, just to be safe.

Next, inspect your attic for mold and fix any leaks. Mold can grow in as little as 24 to 48 hours after an area gets wet and stays that way. In case of mold, be sure to take protective measures and wear personal protective equipment, such as gloves and a facial mask in case your mold situation has become one that could cause health issues. 

If you discover that a mold colony has established itself in your attic and that it has grown way beyond your ability to handle it correctly, it’s best to contact the professionals. They will have the mold remediation skills necessary to get the situation under control as soon as possible. It is also advisable to contact a professional before attempting to fix any leaks unless you have the proper tools and skills to do so. 

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is always ready to help and assist you with any water damage, fire damage, or mold infestation. We are experts at all cleanup projects both large and small, too.

How To Prevent Mold Damage In Your Commercial Building

6/9/2020 (Permalink)

Mold can be beneficial; cheese and medicines are made from mold, and it plays a necessary part in the natural world, too, by decomposing organic matter. However, it can be a dangerous organism when it establishes a colony in your commercial building. The spores spread easily through the air and once a colony has started it can never be completely eradicated. It can grow anywhere: on the carpet, paper, inside walls, and on food. 

Here are three tips to help you in the prevention of mold damage in your commercial building:

  • Handle Issues Immediately: Leaks and flooding aftermath need to be cleaned up and dried as soon as possible. Keep an eye open for stains on ceilings and walls so that you can identify any leaks that may be happening behind the scenes. Keep your rain gutters clean and in good repair to ensure water is properly diverted from the foundations and low-lying areas around your commercial building. Mold grows where it’s wet and can take over within 24-48 hours. 
  • Proper Workspace Ventilation: Make sure all work areas are properly ventilated. Any appliances or machinery that produce moisture need to be vented to the outdoors. Using a dehumidifier can be a solution, especially during the more humid months of the year; today’s energy-efficient materials can actually cause a building to hold moisture indoors.
  • Mold-Resistant Products: When doing repairs or renovations, choose mold-resistant products, such as drywall or sheetrock. Many paints on the market today contain mold inhibitors, as well. These paints are especially good for use in bathrooms and other areas where the air stays moist most of the time.

In the event that a mold problem has developed in your commercial building, contact the team here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties for assistance. We are water damage, fire damage, and mold prevention experts.

Flood Damage Prevention Tips For Your Business

6/2/2020 (Permalink)

Damage from flooding can cause serious issues to your business, and you may experience everything from a weakening of the foundation of your building that causes structural damage or a mold infestation from all the damp areas left behind. Excess water easily creates mold and mildew in the right environment, which can become dangerous very quickly. 

Here are some flood damage prevention tips for you to help ensure that you and your business are prepared in case flooding occurs.

Keep your gutters clean. Clogged gutters will also cause water to back up and drain down inside the walls of your building, causing issues in the interior. By keeping the gutters clean, it ensures that they will not overflow and cause the water to go where it should not be. You may need to call the professionals if your gutters are out of reach of an average ladder, or if you just don’t have time. 

Direct your downspouts. Direct all downspouts to send water 5 to 10 feet away from the structure; you can install tiles below the flow that will direct the water and will prevent erosion.

Proper drainage. Make sure there is good drainage surrounding your business. It is definitely undesirable for rainwater to be standing in an area near the base of your establishment for any long periods of time. The yard or land surrounding your building should be properly sloped to ensure that flooding does not occur and affect your foundations.

Fix all water leaks. Check for any leaks both in and outside of your business, whether it is plumbing pipes, drainage, or appliances, and if you see those telltale signs of water damage, be sure to get any issues fixed right away. It is important to identify any leaks before they develop into a serious issue.

Roof Inspections. It is recommended that you inspect your roof at least once a year for leaks or missing shingles. Damaged shingles and deteriorating caulking will need to be handled as soon as possible, to avoid issues when heavy rains arrive. 

If you experience serious flooding on your business premises, be sure to evacuate everyone from the building as quickly and safely as possible to higher ground and call the necessary authorities, and remember that the SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties team is here for you when it comes to handling water damage, fire damage, and mold remediation.

Scheduling Regular Cleaning And Maintenance

5/29/2020 (Permalink)

The appearance and condition of your physical property speak volumes about you as a business person. When a client comes to see you in your place of business, what they see first will determine their opinion of what you do. It is a wise business decision to establish routine cleaning and maintenance for your organization, including all offices, warehouses, and entryways. 

For example, if your entries, walkways, and landscaping are well-kept and in good repair, your clientele will notice, and if the opposite is true, they will notice that, as well. Ensure that your waiting area, the first thing a customer will see when they step inside, is comfortable, cozy, and properly lit. The seating should be in the best shape possible, and it should not need to be cleaned from spots or spills. When your customer uses your public restroom, it should be a pleasant experience, as well. Your client will see all this and act accordingly. If you haven’t been paying enough attention to your property, you will probably pay a price through a loss of business. No smart business owner wants that.

When it comes to keeping your premises in top condition, the very best way to make sure it all gets done is by scheduling regular cleaning and maintenance. This way you can have peace of mind knowing that all your needs are being taken care of in a timely manner.

A professional cleaning and restoration company can sit down with you and create a schedule for a routine cleaning and maintenance schedule that will work just right for your business. They can come in and assess what needs to be done, and then get it done in your timeframe. No more concerns about the little things like light bulbs or dirty walkways, and if the carpet needs to be deep cleaned, they will schedule that with you and take care of it while you run your successful business. 

Our SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties team is skilled and experienced in completing all your cleanup and maintenance projects, and we have the expertise necessary to get the job done and get it done right. We are experts in water and fire damage, and we handle mold remediation, too.

What To Expect From A Fire Damage Restoration Project

5/19/2020 (Permalink)

A home or commercial fire is extremely disruptive to your life and the cleanup can be a nightmare to deal with. Once the fire is put out and you know that everyone is safe, you will have to start considering all the property damage. 

A fire creates corrosive byproducts when synthetic materials burn, and along with soot and smoke will cause serious damage to surfaces and furnishings. This damage will reach into areas that the fire did not actually burn, as well, so the fire damage restoration needs to begin right away.

Here’s what to expect from a fire damage restoration project:

  • Assessment. Your restoration professionals will start by thoroughly assessing your property, noting all the damage. Water damage will be noted, as well. 
  • Cleanup. All damaged items, including furniture, appliances, machinery, and personal belongings, will be removed from the premises. Your technicians will help you to determine if objects can be saved; if so, they will be taken to an off-site facility for cleaning and restoration. 
  • Stabilization. A fire can cause significant damage to the structural integrity of your building, which will cause it to be unstable and unsafe. The professionals will secure your home or business by covering any gaps in your roofing and by boarding other areas to ensure the premises are stabilized. 
  • Water Damage. Your restoration specialists will remove the water that was used to put out the fire and dry any affected areas using specialized equipment to prevent mold growth and other related issues. 
  • Soot and Smoke. The technicians then remove tarnishing that is caused by soot and corrosive byproducts using powerful restoration industry cleaning products. Smoke odor removal will also be done at this stage using hydroxyl technology and ozone generators to remove the odors, for example. 
  • Disinfection. Once the major damage has been handled, your restoration technicians will completely clean and disinfect your entire premises. This will include all structural elements, furniture and appliances, and all other items covered debris or residue.
  • Final Restoration. The last stage is the repair work that will be necessary to get your premises back to their pre-fire condition. This will include reconstruction of damaged structural elements, remodeling and painting, and installation of new drywall and flooring. 

If your home or business experiences a fire, call us here at  SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties right away. We are fire damage restoration professionals, and we are ready to help at a moment’s notice.

Why You Need To Act Quickly After Water Damage

5/5/2020 (Permalink)

Water damage to your home or business can be a devastating experience, and it can happen to anyone. Flooding can be caused by heavy rains, a sewer backup, appliance or sump pump malfunctions or broken pipelines. Knowing what to do beforehand and acting quickly will go a long way towards alleviating the panic and confusion that can often set in after this kind of disaster. 

Today, we would like to share a few of the immediate steps you should take after water damage occurs to your property. 

Safety is the first and foremost consideration for any homeowner. Take immediate steps to ensure that every person involved is safe from injury. You may be forced to leave the premises if the water damage is bad enough, so you’ll want to make sure right away that it’s also safe to return when you have to start dealing with the after-effects. 

Here are a few important steps you should consider taking right away that will help you: 

  • Turn off all power. Unless it will require you to enter wet areas or stand in water to do so, make sure that there is no power running to flooded areas. Call an electrician if this cannot be done safely. An electric shock can be debilitating and even deadly.  
  • Wash all dinnerware, glassware, and flatware that may have been affected by dirty water to right away avoid catching, and spreading, sickness. Water that comes from rivers or creeks may not be as pure as you might think, while we all know what a broken sewer line will do. Any standing water that is contaminated will cause issues and can cause some really unpleasant odors that you may not be able to easily eradicate, so getting this water removed quickly will help to keep that from happening. 
  • Dry out your home or business premises as soon as possible. Your home will probably remain damp for some time, even if you have been successful in removing standing water—especially if you live in an area that is humid already. Portable fans and dehumidifiers will be a big help here. 

If you need the help of a professional restoration company, call us here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties and we can be there right away to help you ensure that your home or business is safe and dry. We are proud to serve our friends and neighbors here in Huron and East Seneca Counties.

Odor Removal In Your Apartment Complex

2/25/2020 (Permalink)

You are very familiar with odor issues as the owner of an apartment complex. When there are lots of people living in close quarters, there are going to be situations that arise to create unpleasant and even overpowering odors. Many times, opening doors and windows to allow apartment units time to air out will solve the problem, such as when unpleasant cooking smells arise. If a tenant has had a leak or small flood in their unit and wet carpeting is causing a bad odor, the carpet can always be professionally dried and cleaned to alleviate unpleasant smells. You’ll need to ensure that damp carpeting gets dried as soon as possible, completely and thoroughly, because we all know what comes next in a damp environment: Mold, along with all its odors and unhealthy influence. 

You may want to consider renovation of all units to wood or linoleum floors to alleviate this kind of issue in the future. 

Sometimes an odor issue is just too serious, and it’s obvious that it is going to require professional help; that’s where your SERVPRO team comes in. We are experts in deodorization, and our team is trained to identify and eliminate offensive odors by determining the conditions that are causing the issue. Many times, the problem can be removed without a trace, given a little time. 

SERVPRO teaches IICRC technical classes for our crew members on the proper and thorough removal of odors. Our team members know that using shortcuts just won’t work when it comes to a serious and persistent odor problem.

The process of identifying and eliminating odors can be tricky, so let our SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties team help! We are here for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We’re experts when it comes to mold prevention and remediation, which will eliminate the unpleasant odors related to an infestation. We are proud to serve the homeowners and entrepreneurs of Huron and East Seneca Counties.

Water Damage Recovery Tips For Your Furniture

2/11/2020 (Permalink)

The damage your furniture may sustain from water can seem serious, but is often very manageable and can be repaired easily by taking some DIY steps. If you do experience a flooding or weather-related event happen to your home or business and furniture has been affected, here are some tips you can follow to restore your furniture and carpeting.

Wood. When wooden furniture is soaked in water, the first step to be taken will be to let it dry completely. Place it in a room that is warm and one that enjoys good circulation. You may decide to turn on the heat and fans, as well, and that can help the drying process. If the outdoor temperatures are warm, place the furniture outside while taking care that the temperature is just warm enough - cooler weather will cause the piece to dry more slowly and mold can establish a colony, while air that is too hot can end up causing cracks to form in the furniture.

White Spots. If you find white spots on the furniture from drips or leaks, mix a solution of toothpaste and baking soda in equal parts. After dipping a wet cloth in this solution, rub it on the spots and polish the area with a dry piece of fabric made from cotton.

Mildew. Black spots indicate that water has seeped through the finish into the wood itself, and that leads to mildew. If this happens, it will require you to remove the finish, clean the mildew with a bleach solution and put on a new layer of finish.

Buckled Veneer. The veneer on your furniture may have buckled or warped through contact with water. In this case, soak the veneer with a moisturizer to cause it to lie down flat and then wipe it clean and dry. Then you will fill a syringe with veneer glue, place the needle between the veneer and the body of the furniture, and express the glue into the space slowly. After you have removed the needle, place a wood block on top of the veneer and wait for the glue to dry while being sure to follow all the manufacturer’s directions.

The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team is always here to help when it comes to the recovery of your possessions from water damage. We are skilled experts in the area of restoration from the damages of fire or water, and we also handle mold remediation and prevention.

Why You Should Maintain Your HVAC In Your Condo

2/4/2020 (Permalink)

As the owner of a condo, maintenance is something you are concerned about. You know that equipment failure and malfunction are annoying and costly, and you are also aware that it is often avoidable. One of the most important benefits of owning your own home is that you have control over your interior environmental climate. That is a great reason why you should maintain your HVAC thoroughly and regularly. 

Changing filters and humidifier pads on a regular basis will go a long way to prolong the life of your system, that is something that you can do yourself. Keep notations so that you can be sure to do this chore regularly, and so that you always get the right brands and sizes. Regular upkeep will help you save both energy and replacement costs. 

You might want to consider setting up a contract with a professional HVAC company if you don’t have the time or the skills you need to maintain your HVAC. A business that handles maintenance of this kind will have a predetermined schedule that will include tune-ups, clean-and-checks, and other services whose purpose will be to keep your HVAC system and units performing at their best. 

When it comes to natural gas heaters, a professional can handle these easily and safely, alleviating the stress that can be a part of this particular maintenance. Your HVAC company will be able to test to see if carbon monoxide is being released into your living spaces due to gas not burning completely. This is a project that would be difficult for someone not familiar with this area. With the right equipment, they can determine oxygen levels as well as carbon monoxide levels and flue temperature, allowing your furnaces to be adjusted for optimum performance. 

You will want to calculate costs and benefits before you engage a professional on a maintenance contract. Some companies will promise priority service and reduced rates for service calls to customers who have maintenance contracts, and then there’s the peace of mind you will have from knowing there is an experienced eye doing regular inspections, alleviating any guesswork. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we have the knowledge needed to evaluate your HVAC system inside and out, and we have the experience necessary to keep it at top functionality. We are water and fire damage specialists, as well.

Common Winter Fire Hazards For Your Business

1/28/2020 (Permalink)

Fire damage in your business is always a concern. Even the most moderate damage can result in your operation being closed for repairs, costing you both time and money. The unfortunate reality is that no business is immune to the risk of fire, with some facilities more likely to endure damage from a fire, such as a restaurant that uses open flames throughout the day. There are many fire hazards that are present in most workplaces on a daily basis regardless of the type of activities that take place in the building, as well, and those risks can increase during the colder months of winter. Knowing what these hazards are will help you to take proper steps to address and mitigate those risks and prevent possible fire damage and smoke damage in the future. 

ELECTRICAL. Damage to your electrical wiring can result in sparks, leading to damaging fires. Electrical wiring damage may include frayed cords, such as those connecting desktop computers to the wall power outlets, and can also include damage to internal wiring inside the walls. These may be damaged by pests or weather-related issues. Electrical fires may also start when power sockets are overloaded through the use of space heaters or when equipment gets too hot. Periodically review your company's wiring to identify areas of concern that need to be addressed, and never leave independent heating units running while a room is unoccupied. 

MAINTENANCE. Other hazards in workplaces are related to poor equipment maintenance. For example, failing to service your furnace regularly may result in an accumulation of dust and other flammable debris, and a gas leak in the furnace could result in a fire or an explosion. Maintain your furnace on a regular basis, and be sure to do a check of the system before severe weather hits. Fire hazards related to poor maintenance may also include dusty, dirty or greasy components, such as air ducts and vents, kitchen exhaust vents and many other features that are used throughout your facility. Scheduling necessary maintenance can decrease fire risk in these areas. 

COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. Flammable and combustible materials are most commonly associated with industrial and warehouse environments, but even restaurants, hotels, dry cleaners and many other types of businesses often store combustible materials on-site. These materials should remain properly sealed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations at all times. Ensure that your property is compliant through regular inspections and checks. 

As you can see, there are numerous fire hazards that could result in serious damage to your business enterprise. If your organization has already experienced fire damage, it is essential that repair work is completed as soon as possible. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is your trusted source for quality repair services. We have the skills necessary to restore your building to its previous condition so that operations can resume in your place of business right away.

How To Protect Your Belongings If Your Home Floods

1/14/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is always looking for ways to help our community stay safe, and one of the best ways to ensure that your loved ones and your belongings are protected from disaster is to establish a mitigation strategy. (Mitigation means “The effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters and other hazards.”) For your strategy to be effective it needs to be established today, before the next disaster. Reports have determined that a homeowner will save up to $6 in damage expenses for ever $1 invested in protection - that’s a pretty good return! 

Flooding is one of the hazards that can occur here in our area, so today we wanted to share a few mitigation projects that you may want to complete before bad weather sets in and creates issues. 

  • Keep your rain gutters and drains free of all debris to allow water to escape freely. 
  • Stockpile emergency protective materials and equipment, such as shop vacs, materials to soak up standing water, sandbags, and items that can be used to block water.
  • Elevate your water heater, electric panel, and all heating and cooling systems if there is a chance they may be affected by rising water levels. 
  • Make your building watertight by using waterproof membranes and backflow valves, otherwise known as “dry flood-proofing.”
  • Modify uninhabited areas of your home to let floodwaters enter and exit. This is known as “wet flood-proofing.” 

Don’t be caught unaware. Be aware of your own unique hazards and do what you can to protect yourself. Make a disaster plan with your family and loved ones, and make sure to assemble an emergency supply kit to have on hand. Talk about designated shelters and ensure that everyone knows the best locations and sources for emergency information should the worst happen. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we care about you, your family, and your property. If you sustain damages from water or fire, we are here to help. We maintain the equipment and skills necessary to get you back to normal after any kind of disaster, no matter the size. We handle mold and mildew, too!

Cleaning Your Hotel Carpets

1/7/2020 (Permalink)

Dirt and germs that are tracked in by foot traffic and baggage accumulate on your hotel carpeting, accelerating the breakdown of fibers and matting. The clean and classy impression you want your hotel guests to experience is going to be negatively affected by unkempt carpeting. Today, we would like to share a few simple tips and reminders that can help you maintain your carpet to the highest standards possible. 

SPOTS AND STAINS. There isn’t really much difference between spots and stains. All that it takes for a spot to become a stain is to forget about it for a while! Any spot should be immediately soaked up with a paper towel or another absorbent material to soak up as much of the spill as possible. This should keep the spot from becoming a more unsightly stain. 

PRE-TREATMENTS. Carpet cleaning chemicals can leave behind residue that will actually collect even more dirt. The next thing you know, your carpeting is a dingy mess. Only properly diluted chemicals that break down these stains and rinse clean should be used for spots. Allow your pre-spray to penetrate the spots for a while so that they can do their work. 

REGULAR (DAILY) CARE. Regular cleaning, such as daily vacuuming, can vastly reduce your need for deep cleaning when it is done with high-quality equipment. Shop for properly dated filters and backpack-style vacuums, and remember that correctly completing periodic deep carpet extraction cleaning in your hotel is essential to keep carpeting dry, which prevents mold growth. Daily vacuuming removes dirt and dust quickly before it has time to get wet and become embedded in your carpeting. 

TEAMWORK. Make sure your team knows how to clean your hotel carpets correctly, using all the established machinery and cleaning solvents as per manufacturer’s directions. The most efficient way to ensure that your carpeting lasts is to establish a routine maintenance plan that is executed by properly trained cleaners. 

DEEP CLEANING. Call a professional cleaning company to come in and help you when it’s time for large-scale deep cleaning of your hotel carpets. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we have the expertise to ensure that your carpets are looking like new in a timely manner. 

What To Do When A Pipe Freezes And Bursts In Your Home

12/17/2019 (Permalink)

Winters in this area can last a while, and when you experience more than a few days of frigid weather in a row, you can end up with burst pipes when they freeze. This kind of event often will cost a lot of money if not handled quickly and can be pretty damaging. 

Be prepared ahead of time by educating yourself about what to do in case a pipe freezes and bursts in your home. One of the first things to know is the location of the main water shut-off valve. Make sure you and at least one other person in your house know where this is so that your personal property doesn’t experience more damage than necessary from that burst pipe.

If you suspect that you do have frozen pipes, here are some tips to handle the situation:

  • Turn off your water immediately, using the main shut-off valve.
  • Call the professionals. A professional company with the skills and equipment in place specifically for this kind of event is going to be able to help you quickly and efficiently. You may be tempted to try to defrost frozen pipes using a flame, but this is never a good idea. Any open flame in enclosed spaces is extremely dangerous, and this tactic also doesn’t actually work. A hairdryer might be a help, however. Apply the heat to the pipe gradually after you open the faucet. Begin near the end of the faucet and move towards the ice block. Ensure you don’t stand in water while using any electrical device, by the way.
  • If any rooms in your house are flooded, check carefully for live electrical outlets or cords that could be submerged before you step into the standing water. If you aren’t sure, wait for the professionals to arrive.

The SERVPRO Huron & East Seneca Counties team is here to help any time you have a water-related disaster. We’re available 24/7 for assistance with any water damage and fire damage, and we can handle cleanups of all sizes. We’re also experts in mold remediation and prevention. 

New Year’s Resolutions For Your Commercial Building

12/10/2019 (Permalink)

It’s the time of year when every commercial business owner is considering the future and deciding what they could do differently. One of the challenges any commercial building owner will face is that of keeping their property clean and in good repair so that their investment can be protected in the months to come. 

Here are some tips for New Year’s resolutions you can make to help keep your property in great shape:

  • Scheduled Cleaning. Establish a schedule for the year to have your commercial building cleaned. Contract a professional cleaning and restoration company to come in and do deep cleaning of floors, walls, and ceilings regularly. Deep cleaning of the public bathrooms and waiting areas will ensure that those who visit your building will want to come back. Your commercial building will be attractive to both tenants and their customers when it is sparkling clean and in tiptop shape, and that is just a great business practice. 
  • Flooring Refinished. The floors in your building will see a lot of traffic, so getting them redone at regular intervals will help save you money over time. If tile, linoleum, and wooden floors are not properly cared for, they will need to be replaced due to wear and damage. That can be an expensive proposition and will inconvenience your tenants. They may even lose money due to having areas of their space inaccessible while work is going on. A professional cleaning and renovation company will be able to care for your floors properly so that they will look great and last longer. 
  • Exterior Cleaning. Have your commercial building pressure washed after every season to ensure that your property presents a great image to everyone who passes by. Schedule a thorough cleaning of all exterior windows and doors, as well. 

The SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca team is ready to help you with your commercial property needs. Call us today for a consultation! We are experts at cleanups both large and small, as well as fire damage restoration and water damage restoration, and we offer mold inspection and mold remediation services, too.

How To Prepare Your Employees For A Weather Emergency

12/4/2019 (Permalink)

As you head into the winter months, take a minute to prepare your business and your employees for any possible winter weather emergencies. Doing this will hopefully minimize the amount of property damage, financial loss, and potential injuries or accidents to your business and workforce. 

When a weather emergency occurs, it will bring with it a lot of logistical and human resource challenges to your enterprise. Whether it’s a heavy snowfall or torrential downpour, the productivity of your employees will be affected, especially if they work outdoors or travel any distance to your location or outside of the area on projects. 

Here are some ways to prepare your employees for a weather emergency:

  • Policy. Set a fair and logical office policy that addresses the expectations you have for your staff when it comes to their attendance at work, and what allowances will be made when the weather has produced dangerous conditions for travel. If you require your employees to come in when the conditions are poor, that can, and will, adversely affect your employees’ morale. 
  • Plan. Ensure that you have an updated continuity plan for your business that clearly explains what will happen in the event of serious weather situations. It is important to address different weather scenarios and set the expectations for everyone involved. You should clearly spell out who is responsible for announcing any communication closures, for example, and you should have a clearly-defined place for everyone to go for further information. Your social media accounts or email threads need to be in the hands of a great communicator, someone who can be relied upon to keep everyone in the loop with correct information in a timely manner.
  • Pay. If your office or business closes due to bad weather, the issue of payment will be at the top of everyone’s mind, especially if they are paid on an hourly basis. Under federal law, you can establish these rules as you see fit, but keep in mind that in a hot job market, employees are going to be far more likely to look for a new job if you aren’t focused on their retention. Create your policies and procedures with this most important business consideration in mind, and think back to those days in your own past when you may have struggled financially. Remember, a happy workforce is a productive one!

Here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties, we are always ready to help in any weather-related emergencies. If your business has sustained damage from a flood, fire, or other circumstances beyond your control, give us a call. We are damage repair specialists!

How To Use Your Fireplace Properly And Safely

12/3/2019 (Permalink)

One of the best things about colder weather is being able to curl up in front of a roaring fire in the fireplace. Such a fire is beautiful, cozy, and aromatic, of course, but it can also be extremely dangerous if you don’t take the proper precautions. Almost half of all home-heating fire and emergency room visits every year are related to fireplace usage. 

Today we would like to share some tips on how to use your fireplace both properly and safely:

  • Inspection. Have your fireplace and its chimney inspected by a professional every year. They should examine:
    • The flue and its ability to open and close, as well as its seal
    • Whether there are cracks or loose bricks 
    • Whether the mortar is crumbling or missing 
    • If the chimney is leaning
    • If the chimney cap is present to keep out rain, animals and debris
  • Cleaning. Your chimney and fireplace should be cleaned before each winter by a certified chimney sweep. If any debris is present, inadequate venting can occur and toxic fumes may end up in the home. Soot and creosote buildup can also cause a chimney fire.   
  • Wood. Burn only dry and seasoned wood or fire logs that have been specially designed for the purpose.  
  • Spark Guard. Install a spark guard to prevent sparks or embers from coming out of the firebox and setting fire to anything near. Keep flammable materials, such as Christmas trees and decorations, at least three feet away from the fireplace and open flame. 
  • Build a safe fire. 
    • Open the flue before lighting for proper ventilation. 
    • Place logs at the rear of the fireplace on a metal grate. 
    • Use crumpled paper and kindling that is no thicker than a human thumb to start a small fire. Don’t use an excessive amount, as this can over-build the fire and ignite any soot in the chimney. 
    • Use matches or a commercial firelighter to start your fire. Never use gas or any other fuel for this purpose. 
    • Add logs gradually as your kindling ignites and as the fire builds. 
    • Ensure that your fireplace isn't overloaded. This is actually more dangerous than even a controlled burn. A large fire can crack your chimney.
    • Let ashes cool completely before you remove them, and add a bit of water to make sure no hidden embers reignite. 
    • Never leave your fire unattended.

If you should ever experience a house or building fire, be sure to call a fire and smoke damage restoration service for emergency cleaning. SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties is available 24/7 to help with all fire damage restoration emergencies, as well as cleanup from flooding and other water-related damage situations.

Steps To Take When Your Basement Is Flooded

11/13/2019 (Permalink)

If your basement is affected by wet weather or faulty equipment, it can be a real mess. We all store extra items in our basements, and boxes of soggy books, soaked carpets, ruined photos, and submerged electronics can be extremely daunting to face.

Acting quickly to remove the water and repair the damage is vital. Mold can take hold within two days, and many of your affected items can be saved if you act right away. 

Make sure safety is your first concern, however. If you have a large amount of standing water in your basement, call your power company, electrician, or your professional water damage cleanup team immediately. They will help you and take precautions by disconnecting electrical service to the area before stepping into that water.

You can use a wet vac to remove standing water, but if it is not doing the job call your professionals here at SERVPRO. 

Using dehumidifiers and fans will move air around, and that discourages mold and mildew. Keeping them at least 8 inches away from walls will allow for the best circulation. Your air conditioning can be a big help here, too, so keep it running. 

Scrub hard surfaces with a solution of one cup bleach to one gallon of water while wearing gloves and protective eyewear. Remember to keep the room ventilated, too.

If your valuable documents or papers have been affected, you can freeze them! This may stop the growth of mildew or deterioration until you can take a better look at them. In the future, it may be a good idea to not store anything valuable in the basement. If you don’t have space anywhere else, then using plastic bins should help protect your items if your basement floods again. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties, we are ready to help if you are affected by water damage, storm damage, or other disastrous events. We are available to homeowners and commercial business owners alike, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Top Three Places To Check For Mold Growth In Your Business

11/7/2019 (Permalink)

Did you know that mold can be found almost anywhere? To keep your business safe from mold and safety risks, make sure you’re taking every precaution. There are various types of mold, and all mold can cause potential health problems if present in large quantities. If health problems persist, it can have negative effects on your employees and business. In order to prevent the spread of mold within your business, you first have to know where to look for it. 

Here is a list of where to check for mold growth in your business:

  • Leaks. Mold needs water and oxygen in order to continue to grow. If a leak is not repaired correctly and in due time, it can cause the growth and expansion of mold. The source of water or moisture has to be completely eliminated in order for the problem to dissolve. This includes pipes, windows, and roofs.
  • Basements and areas affected by flooding. Any water-damaged area is at risk for mold. If it wasn’t assured before-hand that all water had been dried up and the area was repaired properly, it puts you at risk for mold. It’s important to check for any standing water lines on walls within your office building.
  • Plumbing. Watch out for any humid or musty-smelling areas within your business. Places like bathrooms tend to be affected by mold due to plumbing. If humidity and musty smells persist, be sure to have your business checked for mold to assure you and your employees are healthy and safe!

If you or your business suspect health issues caused by mold, contact a professional immediately to start the mold remediation process. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are mold remediation experts, and we’re here to help you 24/7.

Top Three Reasons To Deep Clean Your Office Building

11/7/2019 (Permalink)

Considering much of our time is spent in our offices, the environment and conditions in which employees work influence their attitudes and overall health. You want to assure that your employees work in a clean environment in order to feel healthy, happy, and efficiently complete their tasks and responsibilities. 

In busy and chaotic work seasons, it can be easy to forget the importance of keeping a clean and safe office. Here is a list of reasons to deep clean your office building to remind you of the significance of keeping the office clean and your employees happy!

  • Health. Commonly used spaces and workspaces can maximize the number of germs and potential mold if employees are not taking the proper precautions, like cleaning up after themselves and washing their hands often. This can lead to sickness and an increase in employees taking time off. Assuring that your office is at its best and safest is essential in order to keep a healthy and happy business. Employee productivity will also thrive in a clean and healthy working environment. SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties is happy to help you with any of your carpet cleaning or Air Duct cleaning needs!
  • First Impressions. First impressions are important and often make or break a client’s view of your business. Keeping your office building clean is necessary in order to keep your business looking professional and running smoothly. A clean workspace can influence a customer by allowing them to see that you take great care of your space and your employees.
  • Reducing injuries. The less mess and distractions, the less chance of accidents within your business. If liquids or items fall and spill, it can increase the chance of injuries like slips and falls. Encouraging employees to clean up after themselves and having the proper equipment to deep clean your office building is crucial to avoiding injury and increasing the productivity of your business. 

At SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties, we are always ready to help with any cleaning projects necessary to improve the well-being of your business! Call us at (419)-442-1790 to schedule an inspection, or for cleanup assistance!

Unpleasant Odors After Water Or Fire Damage? We Can Help!

11/7/2019 (Permalink)

Does a musty smell waft throughout your house? Would you describe it as earthy, mildewy, or moldy? Has your home recently experienced any kind of water damage? If so, then your home most likely suffers from mold. If you are not aware of your home having water damage or mold, then this particular smell is typically the first sign of a larger issue. However, here are some easy steps to identify the issue and remove the problem:

  • Track down the source of the smell. If this is difficult, look for places in your home that are dark, warm, and damp. That is the kind of environment that mold thrives in. These can be areas such as your bathroom or basement. 
  • If you have found the source, and it is a relatively small area of mold, you can clean it up by using a mixture of household detergent and water. Be careful around mold, and make sure you wear protective gloves while cleaning. Do NOT use bleach, as it can make the mold grow even more. However, if it is a large area of mold, call the professionals to safely remove it here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. If the smell is coming from an area that has been damaged from water, such as carpet or drywall, it will need to be removed and replaced. The source of the water will need to be repaired as well. 
  • After making sure the entire area is completely clean, be sure to fully dry the area with a fan or heater. If there is a window nearby and it is not damp outside or raining, then open the window to allow airflow and ventilation. If the smell still lingers, then mix water with baking soda into a paste and rub it into the area, and allow it to dry. When it does, then clean up the excess.

Remember, if the mold is extreme or your home has serious water damage, do not hesitate to call the professionals to safely and accurately remove and fix the dangers.

Smells from fire damage can be tough to remove because smoke is easily absorbed by fabrics and plastics. However, it is not impossible to get rid of it. Note, if you still have soot left in your home from fire damage, call the professionals to remove it as soot can be very dangerous.

For removing the smell of soot:

  • Have airflow going throughout your house by opening up any windows and doors. You should also turn on any and all fans you have to force any lingering smoke particles out of your home.
  • Collect all of your fabric items from the affected area such as pillows, clothing, blankets, etc. and have them washed and dried. Make sure you keep the fabric items away from the affected area until the smell is completely gone as to not have them reabsorb the smell.
  • If there is upholstery in the affected area that contains the smell, you will need to have that cleaned as well. We recommend calling the professionals in those cases.
  • For carpets, sprinkle baking soda and then leave for an extended amount of time - preferably overnight - to deodorize the area. After waiting, vacuum up the remainder. If that does not work, then you may try steam cleaning your carpet as well. If that does not work either, then you may have to have it deep cleaned by a professional or replace it altogether.
  • For hard areas such as wooden surfaces, countertops, appliances, windowsills, cabinets, walls, or doors, you should make a cleaning solution consisting of a gallon of warm water, half a cup of distilled white vinegar, and a teaspoon of dishwashing soap. Transfer the solution into a spray bottle, then spray onto any hard surface and wipe with a cloth or sponge afterward. However, do not spray the solution onto a stone surface, as the white vinegar will damage it.
  • As a final step, it is highly recommended that you change the air filter in your air conditioning unit and have your air ducts or ventilation system cleaned by professionals to ensure that all remaining smoke particles are cleared as to not cause any more danger to you or your family.

Remember, if your home contains a large amount of mold, any amount of soot, or suffers from severe water or fire damage, then your best option is calling the professionals! Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are experts at repairing and restoring fire damage and water damage and have what you need to get your home smelling brand new again!

Cleaning Up Your Home After Smoke Damage

11/7/2019 (Permalink)

After a fire in your home, it can seem almost impossible to get everything back in order and cleaned up. The effects on both your home and family can feel really overwhelming and like you’ll never get back to normal. However, SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is here to tell you that it is possible and we are here to help with any damage and restoration your home may need. In addition, we want to give you some tips to help you do what you can to repair your home on your own.

  • Evaluate the damage. 

If there is any active water damage from firefighters, clean up is essential to avoid mold from developing. If you suspect any mold, make sure to schedule a Mold Inspection with SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties as soon as possible to avoid health problems and further damage. Evaluate carpet and floors that may need attention from Fire damage and remove belongings that could be damaged from the remaining smoke.

  • Turn off the AC.

Leaving the AC running can have an effect on your health and continue to spread smoke, damaging items that weren’t previously touched by the fire.

  • Clean all items already affected by the fire.

Everything in your home during the fire, including countertops, furniture, and lights, needs to be cleaned

  • Suck out the smoke.

Use fans positioned towards windows and doors to eliminate some of the remaining smoke.

  • Don’t attempt to handle it alone.

Fire cleanup is a complex process and while you can handle the basics, the pros at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties are specialized in Fire Damage clean-up and want to be sure that your home is restored to the best condition possible. We care about your family and home and want to take some of the responsibility off your shoulders during this difficult time.

We are here to help you in any emergency, no matter the size. If you have experienced a disaster event, call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties for assistance. We will be there right away.

Steps To Take When Your Apartment Complex Floods

11/7/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage from flooding will have serious consequences for your apartment complex. It can make units impossible to live in and can also ruin personal property permanently. Even a smaller flood can have long-lasting consequences, both to you as the owner and to your residents. 

Here are some important steps for you to take when your apartment complex floods:

  • Make sure everyone is safe. This should always be the very first consideration in any emergency situation. Even the most minor flooding event can create unsafe conditions, such as washing out walkways or causing potholes in the parking lot, so you will want to inspect your grounds thoroughly to identify any unsafe situations that have become an issue. Log these observations and take plenty of pictures and videos, and make sure that your residents are notified to stay clear. 
  • Inspect unit interiors. Visit each and every affected unit to ascertain what damage has been experienced. Be on the lookout for mold, especially. Wet surfaces are fertile environments for mold which can further damage the apartment and create substantial health hazards.
  • Know your responsibilities. You will be responsible to repair the damage up to a point. Be aware of your tenants’ rights, as well, and be sure to always do the right thing. (It’s good advertising!) Some residents may be under the impression that the owner is liable for the replacement of personal property, for example, so knowing the laws will really help in such cases. The principles that support the rights of tenants are the same throughout the U.S., with each state varying in the details. You or your residents can consult the local housing authority or a tenants’ rights organization if there are any disagreements or if clarification is needed. 
  • And what about the rent? If a resident has to leave their unit due to severe water damage, they do not have to pay rent for that particular month, nor until their apartment is completely repaired. If the apartment is totally destroyed, they can request to cancel their lease. 
  • Call in the professionals. After you have ensured that the safety of all involved is secured and you know where the repairs need to be made, call in a professional repair company with the expertise and equipment needed to get you back to normal as soon as possible. You are required by law to get these repairs completed in a timely manner and to ensure that units are fit to live in, so make sure you use a company that has a great reputation for thorough and timely completion of all projects.

 Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we have the experience and skill you need to get your apartment complex back to pre-flood condition as soon as possible!

Preparing Your Yard/Property For Winter Storms

11/7/2019 (Permalink)

Even before the first frost, you’ll want to give your home and yard a good going-over to take stock of any winter preparation projects you need to complete. You won’t regret making sure both the exterior of your home and its surrounding landscaping are ready for the cold winds, snow, and ice that winter storms can bring. You’ll also enjoy lower energy costs, increased efficiency of your home’s components, and a safer property all around.

The windows and doors of your property are always a weak spot during a winter storm. Some preparation you can do here:

  • Check all weatherstripping and replace if necessary to prevent heat loss. 
  • Replace screen doors with storm doors and window screens with storm windows
  • Repair or replace wooden window frames if you see signs of rot or decay.
  • Caulk these areas inside and out if you find any drafts. 

Your yard will be affected by winter weather, of course, so here are some steps you can take to prepare this area for winter weather, too:

  • Overgrown branches should be trimmed back from the house and all electrical wires. This will help to guard against loss of power or property damage that can be caused by icy or wind-blown branches during a storm. 
  • Aerate and reseed your lawn, and be sure to apply a winterizing fertilizer that will promote deep-root growth when spring comes. 
  • Clean and dry your patio furniture and use a heavy covering if it is staying outdoors. You can also bring it into the garage or shed for protection. 
  • All your clay planters and pots won’t last well during winter, so they should be emptied and brought indoors. 
  • Now is the time to dig up your bulbs, remove loose soil, and label them for spring. Store them in a bag or a box with peat moss in a cool and dry location. 
  • Store any hoses to prevent cracks and preserve their shapes so they can be used again next year. Make sure all outdoor pipes, valves, and sprinkler heads are drained to guard against burst pipes. 
  • Look for decay, insect damage, or splintering in your deck. Taking care of those issues ahead of winter weather will prevent further deterioration. Clean away leaves and dirt from between the boards so that mold has nowhere to establish itself.

Your heating systems - whether they are an HVAC or a fireplace - will need to be in the best condition possible. They will be seeing a lot of use in the coming months! 

  • Inspect your fireplace, chimney, and flue system to ensure they are clean of soot or creosote and look for any cracks that could cause a fire hazard. Check your fireplace for drafts. If it is cold even when the damper is closed, the damper itself may be warped, worn, or rusted.
  • Clean or replace the air filter in your furnace for maximum efficiency and improved indoor air quality.
  • Check that smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are in working order.
  • If you have an older thermostat, consider replacing it with a programmable unit to save on heating costs.
  • Make sure fans are switched to the reverse or clockwise position, which will blow warm air down to the floor for enhanced energy efficiency and comfort.
  • Flush your hot water heater tank to remove sediment and check the pressure relief valve to make sure it’s in proper working order.

These are just a few helpful hints for you to use in preparing your yard/property for winter storms. If you need assistance with any of your projects, remember that the team here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties is always here to lend a hand. We are experts when it comes to clean up and repair after a weather event of any kind, and our team has the expertise and skills necessary to complete your projects quickly and professionally.

How To Prepare Your Roof For Winter Storms

11/7/2019 (Permalink)

Storm damage is something every homeowner is concerned about, and each season has its own specific issues. Winter brings the challenges of damage from ice, snow, and heavy rains. As a savvy area homeowner, we know you want to make sure that your property is in good shape and prepared for the freezing conditions of our winters, so today we are going to talk about how to prepare your roof for winter storms. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties we love our beautiful, snowy landscapes and enjoying the company of loved ones during the holiday festivities. Unfortunately, these comforts can come at a price if we experience a strong storm that leads to roof damage. A damaged roof can affect your entire home, so it’s going to be crucial that you protect your roof before and after winter storms.

  • The first thing you can do to prevent roof damage during winter storms is to monitor the weather. When a strong storm approaches, take time to prepare your roof in advance, and be ready for several consecutive days of freezing temperatures. Knowing the weather predictions ahead of time can help you identify and address those areas of your roof where ice is likely to build up.     
  • Snow will add extra weight, putting stress on framing and possibly warping the structure of your roof. If possible, use a tool like a snow rake or other grabbing mechanism to clean all debris off before a snowfall. If your roof isn’t easily accessible, call a professional to help you clear it.
  • Fallen branches can cause everything from broken shingles to a complete roof collapse, so trim all overhanging branches well before the winter storm season begins.  
  • Check for any gaps and areas without proper insulation coverage in your attic, and verify that your baffle vents aren’t obstructed if you have a vented soffit. A well-insulated roof can help distribute heat evenly throughout its surface, ensuring that snow and ice don’t build up in one specific area. Proper insulation will also prevent condensation which occurs if the warm and cold air masses are allowed to meet.
  • You’ll want to examine your roof before the storm to make sure there aren’t any weak points that will make it especially vulnerable.

If you need a professional consultation or repair work for your roof following a strong winter storm, contact  SERVPRO of Huron/East Seneca Counties today. We provide work with all major insurance companies and provide a full range of roofing services. We can help you restore your roof to its full operational condition if you suffer damages from a winter storm, and we can also ensure it stays protected against future winter storm threats.

How Mold Can Affect Your Health

10/29/2019 (Permalink)

Mold has always been with us, and always will be, both on surfaces and in our air. Mold is millions of years old and grows wherever there might be moisture—even in our homes and businesses. When we are exposed to damp, moldy environments, our health can often be adversely affected. Some of us are especially sensitive to mold and can experience serious problems.

In many cases, a person might experience skin or throat irritation, coughing or wheezing, nasal congestion, and even irritation to the skin and eyes. Someone who is allergic to molds and those with compromised immune systems or suffering from lung disease can contract serious infections in their lungs through mold exposure. These individuals should avoid areas that are prone to mold growth. These include the woods, cut grass, and composting piles.       

There is some evidence linking exposure to mold indoors with upper respiratory tract symptoms in otherwise healthy people, and the effects can be even more severe on children. In fact, some studies suggest that there may be a potential link of early mold exposure to a later development of asthma in some children, especially those who are already more susceptible to its development.    

Mold is found indoors and outdoors, and it can enter your home anywhere that air is able to. It will attach itself to you, your clothing and accessories, and even your pets. It grows anywhere there is a lot of moisture and can be found around roof leaks, piping, windows, or areas that have experienced flooding. It grows quickly on paper products, your ceiling and its tiles, and products made of wood, as well as on paint and wallpaper, insulation, carpet, and fabrics.     

You can control mold growth in your home or business by controlling humidity levels, cleaning and drying thoroughly after flooding, and promptly fixing leaks in roofs, windows, and piping. Ventilation in areas where you use a lot of water, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms will go a long way towards handling and preventing mold from establishing a colony. Once a colony has started, it can never be completely eradicated. After all, mold has been around for millions of years already; it’s a survivor.

If you or someone you know is dealing with health issues caused by mold, contact a professional immediately to start the mold remediation process. Don’t suffer from the effects of mold any longer! Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are mold remediation experts, and we’re here to help you 24/7.

What To Do After Your Home Or Business Experiences Fire Damage

10/15/2019 (Permalink)

After any fire damage situation, your primary focus should be on the safety of yourself and your loved ones. Once you contact a professional for help, there are some steps you can take yourself to make sure everyone is safe while you wait. Here are some tips on what to do after fire damage occurs in your home or business:

  • Determine if it is safe to remain in the building
  • Identify any electrical and "slip and fall" hazards immediately, and ensure that people stay away from these hazards
  • Only perform activities that are safe for you to complete
  • Wet materials can be extremely heavy, so use caution when moving any items 

You will want to:

  • Limit all movement in the building to prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpets
  • Keep hands clean so as not to further soil upholstery, walls, and woodwork.
  • Place clean towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery, and carpet traffic areas.
  • If electricity is off, empty your freezer and refrigerator and prop doors open to allow smoke-tainted air to escape.
  • Clean and protect chrome with a light coating of petroleum jelly or oil.
  • Wash houseplants on both sides of their leaves.
  • Change the HVAC filter.
  • Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers.

Some cautions:

  • Don't attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces, and don’t shampoo carpet or upholstery without contacting a professional.
  • Don't attempt to clean any electrical appliances that may have been close to fire, heat or water without consulting an authorized repair service.
  • Don't use any canned or packaged food or beverages that may have been stored near the fire, heat or water.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures, such as overhead fans, if your ceiling is wet; wiring could have been damaged during the fire.
  • Don't send garments to an ordinary dry cleaner, since improper cleaning may set the smoke odor in your clothing permanently, making them unwearable. 

We are here to help you in any emergency, no matter the size. If you have experienced a disaster event, call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties for assistance. We will be there right away.

Add Value With A Commercial Restoration

10/1/2019 (Permalink)

Our business restoration projects will require expertise that is necessary to deal with machinery and other specialized business equipment, so you will have to work with professionals—preferably professionals of a company that has a reputation for responding quickly if you experience flood, fire, or heavy weather-related issues. Every hour spent cleaning up your commercial property after a disaster is an hour lost when it comes to revenue and productivity, and it’s just good business to work with the best and the fastest in the restoration field. 

A commercial renovation done well will add value to your enterprise, as well. Using quality materials and highly skilled labor will give you premium results that translate into financial gain on more than one level. Your clients will appreciate attractive and well-done upgrades, and your workforce will be proud to work in premises that are safer, more user-friendly, and make their job easier to complete. 

Nationwide, SERVPRO handles large commercial loss for many types of clients, which include:

  • Hospitality Industry
  • Property Managers
  • Universities
  • Municipalities 
  • The Pentagon

We are proud to handle smaller situations, too. Our neighbors can always count on us! Whether you own a manufacturing business, an apartment complex, or a sales warehouse and showroom, we can be onsite to assist you with any restoration project quickly and get the job done correctly. 

When it comes to your business, you may face restoration projects at times that will include:

  • Flood Damage
  • Fire Damage
  • Inclement Weather Damage
  • Damage from Equipment Failure
  • Damage from Vandalism
  • Damage from Accidents 
  • Damage due to Aging of Property

These types of restoration projects are ones that we see often in the commercial business world, but we are trained and ready to help, 24/7. You will be happy with the results and the added value to your business. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. we are experts in restoration for businesses that experience a fire event, flooding or violent weather, and industry experts in mold prevention and remediation, as well. Call us today for assistance with your commercial restoration projects. 

Preparing For Fall Flash Floods

9/17/2019 (Permalink)

Flooding occurs in known floodplains when rain falls over several days or there is intense rainfall over a short period of time. Severe thunderstorms during the fall can bring heavy rain as well. Flash floods occur within six hours of a rain event or after a dam or levee failure, and they often can catch you unprepared. You will not always have a warning that these deadly, sudden fall floods are coming, so if you live in an area prone to flash floods, plan now to protect your family and property.

Learn more about flooding and flash flooding in your area by contacting your local emergency management office, the National Weather Service (NWS) office, or your local planning and zoning department office. If you are at risk, take steps to reduce damage and the risk of injury or loss to your family.

Know the difference between a WATCH and a WARNING.

  • A National Weather Service WATCH is a message letting you know that conditions favor the occurrence of a certain type of hazardous weather. For example, a severe thunderstorm watch means that a severe thunderstorm is expected in the next six hours or so within an area approximately 120 to 150 miles wide and 300 to 400 miles long (36,000 to 60,000 square miles). 
  • A WARNING indicates that a hazardous event is occurring or is imminent in about 30 minutes to an hour. Local NWS forecast offices issue warnings on a county-by-county basis. 
  • Many more WATCHES are issued than WARNINGS. A WATCH is the first sign a flood may occur, and when one is issued, you should be aware of potential fall flood hazards. Floods can roll boulders, tear out trees, destroy buildings and bridges, and scour out new channels, reaching heights of 10 to 20 feet. They also often carry a deadly cargo of debris and can trigger catastrophic debris slides.
  • Be prepared for fall flash floods and head for higher ground, staying away from flood waters. Even a shallow level of fast-moving flood water produces a lot of force, and the most dangerous thing you can do is to try walking, swimming, or driving through flood waters, since as little as two feet of water will carry away most automobiles.

Plan Ahead for a Fall Flash Flood

  • Develop a Family Disaster Plan, and learn about your area's flood risk and elevation above flood stage.
  • Contact your local Red Cross chapter, emergency management office, local National Weather Service office, or planning and zoning department to find out more about your area's flood risk.
  • Knowing the elevation of your property in relation to nearby streams and dams will let you know if forecasted flood levels will affect your home.

Handling Flash Flood Risk:

  • Talk to your insurance agent. Homeowners' policies do not cover flooding, so make sure you take steps to get covered.
  • Use a NOAA Weather Radio with a tone-alert feature or a portable, battery-powered radio or TV for updated emergency information.
  • Everyone in your family should know where to go if they have to leave. Trying to make plans at the last minute can be upsetting and create confusion.
  • Discuss flash floods with your family. Everyone should know what to do in case all family members are not together. Discussing floods ahead of time helps reduce fear and anxiety and lets everyone know how to respond.

Protect Your Property

  • Keep insurance policies, documents, and other valuables in a safe-deposit box. You may need quick, easy access to these documents. Keep them in a safe place less likely to be damaged during a flood.
  • Avoid building in a floodplain unless you elevate and reinforce your home. Some communities do not permit building in known floodplains. If there are no restrictions and you are building in a floodplain, take precautions.
  • Raise your furnace, water heater, and electric panel to higher floors or the attic if they are in areas of your home that may be flooded. Raising this equipment will prevent damage.
  • Install check valves in building sewer traps to prevent flood water from backing up into the drains of your home. As a last resort, when floods threaten, use large corks or stoppers to plug showers, tubs, or basins.
  • Build barriers, such as levees, berms, and flood walls, to stop flood water from entering the building. Permission to construct such barriers may be required by local building codes, so check local building codes and ordinances for safety requirements.
  • Seal walls in basements with waterproofing compounds to avoid seepage through any cracks.

Consult with a construction professional for further assistance. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we can help you with any issues you may experience both before and after a fall flash flood.  

How To Manage Storm Damage Before Professional Help Arrives

9/3/2019 (Permalink)

Dealing with damages to your home after a heavy storm, hurricane, or tornado can be difficult if you have to tackle them by yourself. Today we are sharing some tips that will help keep you and your family safe while you manage storm damages before the professionals arrive. 

Safety First

  • Listen to your radio or local news station to hear all the updates and advisories that will be aired for your area. Don’t go outside until it’s safe to do so, and when you do venture out, make sure you stay away from downed power lines and any metal objects nearby. 
  • Standing water isn’t safe either, so don’t wade or swim in these areas. Damaged trees with dangling or broken limbs also need to be avoided. 
  • Once you know that your own family members and loved ones are okay, be sure to check on your neighbors, especially the elderly or disabled. If you smell gas, turn your gas off, and avoid using candles or any other open flames indoors. 
  • Before using toilets, make sure your sewer system is working, and be careful when consuming any perishable foods. If they have been warmed up over 40 degrees, discard. Keep your pets indoors, and use leashes if they must go out. 
  • Keep an eye out for snakes and other wild creatures. They will be disturbed due to the weather and may be more aggressive than normal. 
  • Don’t attempt to drive unless you absolutely have to, and watch out for damaged bridges and undermined roadways. 

Cleaning Up

  • When climbing ladders, working on your damaged roof or using machinery like chainsaws to cut away tree branches, etc., use extreme caution. 
  • If your roof is damaged to the point of allowing more water indoors, cover it before more rain comes into your area. Open windows and run fans if your interior has suffered water damage.


  • Make sure you document all the damage to your home by video or photographs and build a list of all damaged items before you clean up. 
  • Your homeowner’s insurance policy should be read thoroughly so that you know what is and what is not covered before you ever contact the company. If you have trouble getting in touch with them, use any means available, such as phone, email, fax, and even letters.  

Hiring a Professional Contractor

  • With the exception of emergency repairs, check with your insurance representative before hiring a contractor, and avoid those companies that go door-to-door after a storm to drum up business.
  • Check your local homebuilder’s association to obtain recommendations for reputable contractors. 
  • Get more than one written bid, and make sure you understand what each bid includes. Be patient with reputable contractors after a storm, as they may be overwhelmed with projects. They will get to you as soon as possible!

If your home and property have suffered damage from storms or other extreme weather, the team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help!

Eliminating Odors from Your Home

8/23/2019 (Permalink)

Everyday scents are an inevitable part of life. No matter how often we mop or scrub, they are always with us. As long as we cook, play, and just plain live, we will be dealing with odors. Using your favorite products or natural remedies can help to make your home more comfortable and fresh-smelling. 


  • Sometimes it’s not the trash that smells so bad, it’s the actual trash can. You can clean the can by sprinkling it with baking soda or by using a deodorizing pack or pod under the liner or inside the lid. Spraying it with a disinfecting spray will also kill odor-causing bacteria. 
  • If the smells of last night’s dinner are still lingering in the fridge, store open boxes of baking soda both there and in the freezer. Be sure to double-wrap more pungent items and store your leftovers in containers with lids that fit properly. 
  • We often forget to clean the dishwasher, and that can cause some unpleasantness. Once a month, just use a dishwasher cleaning tablet, and always rinse your dirty dishes before placing them in the dishwasher to avoid dealing with food that sticks to the interior. 
  • Microwaves often have lingering smells as well. Boil one quart of water with lemon slices for a few minutes in your microwave, and leave the door open afterwards to air it out. 


  • Cleaning your toilets before they start to look dirty will help to combat odors and stains. Adding ½ cup of bleach into the water after cleansing for extra assistance. 


  • After some time, your mattress may start to smell musty. Use baking soda to refresh it; sprinkle it on and let it sit, and then vacuum it up. A simple fix, but very effective. 
  • Keeping your closet door open allows fresh air to circulate, discouraging unpleasant odors. 
  • Carpeting absorbs odors like no other floor covering. Baking soda can help here, too. Sprinkle it over all your carpeting and let it sit for a while. Vacuum it up, and odors will have vanished. You can use the same tactic for pet beds, as well—a common place for odors to linger. 

Here at SERVPRO of East Huron & Seneca Counties, we can help with all your household or business needs. If you are dealing with unhealthy or unpleasant odors, give us a call. We can investigate and take care of any issues you may have.

Summer Fire Prevention Tips

8/6/2019 (Permalink)

Keep fires at bay during the hottest months of the year!

Almost 5,000 fires happen every day during the summer season. Between all the cookouts and the extra loads on HVAC systems and landscaping machinery, commercial buildings and homes are both at risk for damage from fires. 

Here are a few tips that can help lower the likelihood of a summertime fire in your home or business. 

  • HVAC Care. Dust can settle on electrical components of these units, which causes tracking faults that lead to fire. Running multiple units at the same time consistently over time can result in both overload and overheating, which are also opportunities for fires to start. Keeping your HVAC clean from dusty conditions is one way to prevent fire. 
  • Exhaust Fans. Clean out exhaust fans regularly, too, and take all debris out of the vents. Try to avoid running these fans for long periods of time on a consistent basis. 
  • Lawn Mower. Follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance and care schedule on your mowing equipment, and remember to remove debris and grass clippings from the cutting units, mufflers, and engines on a routine basis. Remember to never refuel your mower when it is overheated. 
  • Gas storage. The risk from fire is heightened by high ambient temperatures and relief valves that open at pressures that are too low. Always store gas cylinders upright and always out of doors. 
  • Safety While Grilling. If you keep a grill onsite at your business for company cookouts, make sure it is stored away from your buildings and away from overhanging branches. Always maintain a safe zone of at least three feet around the grill, and regularly remove any grease or gas buildup from the grills and trays. Never leave your grill unattended under any circumstances. 
  • Alarm Audits. Fire prevention should always include fire alarm tests. Be sure to replace any old or burned out batteries regularly.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we care about your safety. If you have experienced damages from a fire, or from water or flooding, call us today. We are experts in cleanups from all kinds of disasters, both large and small, and we are also mold remediation specialists. We’re here to help!

Preparing Your Home for Summer Storms

7/23/2019 (Permalink)

Don't let summer storms wreak havoc on your home!

It seems like winter storms just stopped, and now we have to think about the storms of the summer! While rough summer weather is known to have a negative effect on Huron & East Seneca homes, a little preparation can save you a lot of time and money. We have a few helpful tips to get you ready for whatever happens.

Homeowners Insurance Updates. Many insurance policies will only pay you for what your home was worth before the storm, while replacement cost value insurance will pay you for the current market value of your property loss. We don’t usually consider our insurance until we need it, so taking the time to learn exactly what is covered and what isn’t will help you know if you need to update your policy. No homeowner wants to have a 300-year old tree crashing into their home to be the reason why they ultimately learn what type of insurance they have.

Tree Inspections. Sometimes, trees may not show any types of damage before a summer storm, but something unseen like a root problem can eventually make the tree fall over, and a severe summer storm can rapidly increase the likelihood of that. If your top branches are bare, there could also be issues with the health of your tree. Big hollows and dead wood on a tree is another indication that your tree may not be very healthy or stable. Taking the time to inspect the health of your trees is a great way to prevent damage to your home and vehicles.  If you aren’t sure exactly what you should be looking for, it will be worth your time to consult with an arborist to find out if you have any issues. If it turns out that you don’t, you will have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you, your family, and your home are protected. If you do, you will be glad to know that it is being taken care of before the summer storms!

Clean Rain Gutters. If you don’t clean out your gutters, you risk damage to your basement during a summer storm due to water overflow into walls, attics, and other areas.

When it comes to getting your home ready for severe weather, the team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help. We are experts in the field of water damage remediation, and we handle mold issues and fire damage, too. Call us today to schedule a consultation or cleanup at (419) 443-1790.

Three Tips to Avoid Summer Water Damage

7/9/2019 (Permalink)

Be on the lookout for water damage before it causes serious harm!

As we are in the middle of summer and the temperatures rise, the experts at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties want to make sure your home stays dry the whole summer long. With vacations, landscaping, and outdoor use at its height right now, it’s important to be aware of the many ways your home is vulnerable to water and flood damage. We’ve put together three tips to help you avoid summer water damage:

  • Maintain rain gutters and downspouts. Cleaning the gutters is one of those seasonal chores that’s always on the list, and it’s important not to put it off. Gutters need to be clean and clear of any debris and in good condition. Be sure to also maintain all your downspouts within ten feet of the foundation of your home. Clogged gutters can cause water to overflow into various spaces of your home, causing significant damage. Also, be sure to hire a professional if your gutters are too high to safely reach yourself.
  • Roof inspections are important. Spot check your roof for any missing or damaged shingles, and keep an eye on any water stains along the bottom of the roof at the sheathing, truss, and rafters. You also want to make sure all insulation is in good shape by looking for any holes in the attic. Any of these issues could leave the roof of your house vulnerable to a leak, and a strong summer thunderstorm can really create problems at that point.
  • Smart landscape locations. Be aware of the location of some of your landscaping. Stay away from any designs that require bedding material or mound soil to be set up against your home, and ensure that piles of leaves or compost don’t end up stacked in a place that is touching the foundation of your home. You also want to avoid vines that climb up the walls of the house because many times that type of vegetation can actually create cracks on exterior walls later on.

When you experience fire or water damage, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to help; you can call us at (419) 443-1790 to schedule a cleanup. Our team will quickly dry your property using state-of-the-art water removal equipment and advanced drying techniques, documenting the drying process to make sure your property is dry and the job is done right. And remember, we’re also mold remediation specialists!

Summer Cleaning Tips for your Business

6/25/2019 (Permalink)

Keeping your business clean is never underrated!

Keeping your work environment pleasant and healthy during the summer is a big, and important, job. The heat, dust, and insects can cause your workplace to look a bit less professional than it usually does, and with employees out on vacation more often, the normal maintenance might be overlooked. Here are some tips for you to use to keep your place of business looking great during the summer months:

Every Day

  • Dust surfaces daily.
  • Clean and disinfect all bathrooms, to include: mirror, countertop, sinks, and both the inside AND outside of toilets. 
  • Clean and disinfect doors, door handles, and light switches. 
  • Sweep and mop floors, using a disinfectant liquid. Make sure the mop head gets cleaned and/or replaced regularly. 
  • Clean cigarette trash from provided receptacles. 
  • Clean and polish drinking fountain.
  • Clean and disinfect kitchen area to include sinks and countertops. 
  • Clean all glass, especially entrance doors. 

Every Week

  • Install insect traps in places where they hide, and use fly strips near entrances. 
  • Wipe down and disinfect work desks and machinery such as phones, keyboards, printers, and filing cabinets. 
  • Sweep and vacuum all offices. 
  • Dust accessible window sills and baseboards. 
  • Dust artwork, framed certifications, and news articles, etc. 
  • Clean out the refrigerator and wash/disinfect microwave. 
  • Sweep exterior entrances, both front and back.
  • Make sure break areas are clean and presentable. 
  • Remove trash and debris from parking areas.
  • Ensure there is no standing water on the property that could attract mosquitoes.

End of Month

  • Inspect the roofing, exterior doors and windows, and parking areas for potential problems and maintenance needs, especially if there have been some heavy storms in the past few weeks.
  • Trim back large bushes and tree limbs on your property ahead of wet summer weather. This is a great time to remove leaves and branches from the area, as well, and get rid of weeds. 
  • Do a quick inspection of fencing and entrance gates.
  • Schedule periodic maintenance of HVAC and ductwork regularly during this season of heavy use. 

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are ready to help you handle all your cleaning and maintenance projects, both large and small, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Call us at (419) 442 1790 to schedule an inspection, or for cleanup assistance after water or fire damage. We are also experienced in mold remediation!

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips for your HVAC System

6/11/2019 (Permalink)

Proper HVAC maintenance is essential.

Dirty coils and clogged filters in your HVAC system could be costing you an extra $1,000 or more each season. We know you don’t want to spend that much extra money on your energy bills, so let’s talk about properly cleaning and maintaining your HVAC system.

Whether the seasonal changes are dramatic or mild, these systems require regular care, and it is vital to prepare your energy equipment for both colder and warmer weather in order to avoid breakdowns and those high costs. Today, we are going to share some tips with you for both cleaning and maintaining your HVAC system as well as some energy-saving tips:

  • Change Filters. Your air conditioning filters will need to be changed once a month. This enables your unit to run efficiently, causing less wear and tear.
  • Inspections. Take a close look at your ductwork to make sure it is not leaking.
  • Weather Stripping. Replace weather stripping around exterior doors and windows and install this wherever it is lacking. Cracked and worn weather stripping allows cool air to escape, and when you keep this from happening, you could save up to 15 percent of your energy costs every month.
  • Insulation. Make sure your home is properly insulated, using insulation with an R factor between 30 and 49 for the best savings.
  • Temperature Regulation. Keep the temperature in your home cool at night and warm during the day while everyone is gone. You can use a programmable thermostat to regulate your temperatures for optimal comfort and efficiency. Keep doors and windows closed when the air conditioning is on, and use ceiling fans to circulate cool air.

Mold, mildew, pollutants, and toxins (such as formaldehyde, pesticides, and cigarette smoke) can become issues if your HVAC system isn’t kept clean, causing health problems. When cleaning and maintaining your HVAC system proves to be too big of a job for just you, you can call our team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties. We have the experience and equipment necessary to take care of a job like this easily and quickly.

Preparing Your Business For Any Disaster

5/27/2019 (Permalink)

Follow these tips to be prepared in the face of the worst case scenario!

Disaster preparedness is a vital part of being a smart business owner. We all hope disaster never comes, but we need to be ready. If you don’t have a plan, it’s a good idea to consider one while everything is going well - once one occurs, it’s obviously too late, and it could be an extremely expensive omission. That’s a gamble that just isn’t worth taking.

A few steps you can take that will help prepare your business for any disaster:

  • Risk Assessment. This is an essential first step and will help you understand threats to your business and the corresponding potential costs. If anyone on your team is hesitant to spend time on emergency preparedness, showing them the business impact numbers may help them to get behind the project.
  • Team Building. Put together a cross-functional team that makes sense for your business, and clearly define the roles.
  • Action plan. Define how your organization will respond to any disaster.
  • Training. Train your staff to ensure that they have a clear understanding of what they are to do and that they are comfortable in carrying out their responsibilities. Live action practice can be invaluable here. Make sure you do regular updates and training to keep everyone ready.
  • Supply Chain. Your immediate operations will be top of mind, but don’t forget your suppliers. A supplier disaster could cause you huge issues in your own operation.
  • Monitor. Keep an eye on any threats that could be developing so that you can respond appropriately, and immediately, should the worst happen. Know what the threat is, and be ready for the worst. It may not be possible to have more than just a few minutes’ warning, but that can be essential when it comes to safety.

Being prepared for a disaster can seem overwhelming, but if you take it one step at a time, it can be accomplished. Call us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties for help with your plan, and if the worst happens, we are here to help. We are experts in fire and water damage, and mold remediation is one of our specialties.

First Steps in Recovering From Water Damage

5/14/2019 (Permalink)

Flooding often can’t be predicted, so educating yourself on the areas most susceptible to flood damage will help you be prepared to handle such an event and will be helpful in the necessary recovery. Some areas of your home or business are going to be more likely to experience water damage than others, such as rooms that have sinks, as in kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry areas, while low-lying areas like basements and cellars are also at risk. Keeping an eye on these spaces in your home or business will alert you to a developing issue and allow you to take the necessary steps to avoid further damage.

Here are some first steps you can take in recovering from water damage:

Basements and cellars, bathrooms and kitchens, workshops and garages, roofing and attics - all of these spaces either involve water or can be seriously affected by it. Pipes can become a real problem when they get clogged, leak, or wear out, and a roof that needs attention can allow damp conditions to develop, resulting in water damage.

  • When damages from water become an issue, turn off all water sources immediately and soak up standing water using mops, or towels, blankets, and rags, being sure to remove them as they become saturated. Employ a shop vac if you have one, and get fans started to dry the affected areas as soon as possible.
  • Remove and prop up all wet upholstery and cushions so that they can dry, and protect carpeting by placing wooden blocks or aluminum foil under furniture legs.
  • During the summer, turn your air conditioning on for additional drying.

Be safe! A few cautions:

  • Hang furs and leather goods and don’t leave wet fabrics lying on wet surfaces.
  • Remove books and magazines from wet carpets or floors; the colored inks will leave marks.
  • Refrain from using household appliances and ceiling fixtures.
  • Avoid rooms with sagging ceilings.
  • Wet materials are often extremely heavy; avoid moving anything that is difficult.

When you experience a water damage event, keep us in mind. Our team here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has the experience and expertise that you will need in this kind of situation. We are also experts when it comes to fire damage and mold remediation.

Space Heater Fire Damage Prevention Tips

4/30/2019 (Permalink)

If not used correctly, a portable space heater is a potential fire damage hazard. Following the manufacturer’s recommendations is essential to maintain a safe environment for you and your loved ones. If your living spaces cannot be adequately heated through the installed heating system for the building itself, contact your landlord or do research to upgrade your home HVAC system. Government assistance may be available for those of lower incomes, and if the upgrade is considered environmentally conscious, many times there are rebates available for these types of improvements.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when thinking about preventing fires and fire damage while using a space heater:

  • Your heater should be Underwriters Listed (UL) approved for intended use.
  • A thermostat with an automatic shutoff that activates at the desired temperature is a great safety feature.
  • Your heater should be kept at least 3 feet, or 36 inches, away from all combustible materials, such as cabinets, desks, trash cans, paper, and cardboard.
  • Never place a space heater under a desk or other enclosed area.
  • Your space heater must be monitored while in operation. If the heater is missing parts, such as control knobs, feet, or heat guards, take it out of service immediately and either have it repaired or replaced.
  • Plug any heater directly into a wall unit, never an extension cord.
  • Never use a space heater in areas that will not be occupied continually.
  • Never use portable space heaters in damp areas, such as bathrooms or kitchens, and only use away from exits, walkways, and paths of travel.
  • During use, check often to determine if the plug or cord of the heater, the wall outlet, or the faceplate is hot. If this is the case, discontinue the use of the heater immediately, and contact a qualified electrician to replace all faulty parts to help prevent possible fire damage.
  • Always make sure that your space heater is set up on a stable and level surface in an area where it won’t be knocked over or accidentally moved too close to combustible objects or materials to avoid possible fires and fire damage.  

During the winter months, over 79 percent of all home fire deaths involve the misuse of space heaters. Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we care about your safety. Call us for help with water damages or fire damages to your home or business, and don’t forget that we are experts in the area of mold remediation and prevention.

Scheduling Regular Mold Inspections for Your Business

4/17/2019 (Permalink)

We’ve all seen ugly mold patches in corners and smelled musty odor in the bathroom. We’ve also heard that mold can sometimes be harmful, and we know that it thrives in humid environments, spreading very quickly and easily. But do you know that mold colonies needs less than 48 hours to begin growing? Or that dead mold spores are just as harmful as live ones, and that modern-day building practices actually promote mold growth?

Mold is a fungi that reproduces by making tiny spores which can survive extremely harsh weather conditions and spread easily over large areas. Mold spores exist everywhere in the outdoor environment and can get indoors through open doors, windows, air ducts, vents, etc. or even attached to clothes, shoes, and bags. Once the mold spores get into your business, they will wait for the right conditions to start developing.

The purpose of mold colonies in our ecosystem is to decompose dead organic material, and so it thrives in warm, humid conditions where organic “food” such as wood, paper, leather, fabric and upholstery, grout, paint, drywall, insulation materials, carpet, etc. is available in abundance. As soon as there is any source of moisture – like flooding, leaky roofs, pipe leaks, condensation, storm damage, or steam from cooking, the mold spores will begin reproducing and spreading all over your business.

Mold will begin growing within 24 to 48 hours when the right conditions are present. However, it can often remain hidden until the spores have already affected large areas of your property and caused considerable structural damage. This is because mold usually starts growing in very inconspicuous areas of the house – inside walls, behind leaky appliances, within insulation, throughout the HVAC system, in crawl spaces, and in other damp, dark places that humans don’t normally see. Scheduling regular mold inspections for your business will help you identify these areas right away, along with practices that could be encouraging the growth of a mold colony in your business spaces. A few of the most important precautions you can take:

  • Ensuring good air circulation – keeping windows open, running bathroom fans, keeping air ducts clean and in good condition – can help reduce the risk of mold growth
  • Keeping indoor humidity levels below 45 percent can inhibit mold growth
  • Keeping your property in good repair (roofs and foundations, plumbing system, HVAC system) can prevent excessive moisture from entering your home and causing mold growth
  • Inspecting your property at regular intervals, especially after a damp weather season, can help detect mold growth in its early stages and prevent it from spreading any further
  • Adding mold-inhibitors to paints before the application can reduce the potential for mold growth

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are mold remediation experts as well as fire damage, water damage, and storm damage remediation professionals.

Checking for Winter Water Damages in Your Apartment Complex

4/2/2019 (Permalink)

During the winter months, homes of all types are more susceptible to water damage caused by icy conditions. Keeping an eye on potential problems that can be caused by wintry weather will go a long way in preventing water damages to your apartment complex.

Here are some examples of areas you will want to take note of:

If ice builds up in the gutters of your complex, as it melts it can create water damage issues in the ceilings, walls, and floors of affected units. If you notice ice dams forming in these gutters, or you have long icicles forming on the edge of your roof, it's time for some investigating.

The roof of a home or building that has a lot of ice buildup is one that is not properly insulated. If this is a condition that you are seeing in your complex, you will want to take steps to increase insulation there. The weight of snow and ice can cause buckling, which will allow water to stand there longer than is normal - this then can lead to rotting of the roofing materials, followed by leaks and drips.

Water damage can happen quickly, as in the event of a flood, or it can occur over a period of time as in the case of a slow leak from ice dams. No matter what happens, once you discover that water has infiltrated your apartment complex, you will need to get the water cleaned up. Standing water in parking areas and walkways can be damaging to all types of surfaces, as well as dangerous for your residents as they enter and exit your property.

Enlisting the services of a professional to ensure that any influx of water and its aftermath gets cleaned up as well will be a great proactive step to take, keeping your property safe from winter water damages. Such companies are skilled in finding water that has seeped into areas not easily visible, such as walls and crawlspaces. They will find the source of the water and have the damage cleaned up in a professional and timely manner. If you clean up the mess yourself, you can leave behind small amounts of moisture that could allow the establishment of a mold colony, and that can spell disaster for the owner of an apartment complex.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are experts in mold prevention and mold remediation. Call us for help with winter water damage this season. We are also professionals at water damage, fire damage, and storm damage remediation.

Tips for Stormproofing Your Basement to Prevent Storm Damage

3/19/2019 (Permalink)

Winter brings with it lots and lots of water, whether in the form of rain, snow, or ice and sleet. Flooding and storm damage can be a common occurrence in many areas of the country this time of year, and your home or business can suffer, with building structures being affected negatively. In these times, contacting a professional water restoration company will be a great help, since such companies are experts in water damage cleanup and repair.

While flooding can’t be predicted most of the time, being aware of the areas of your home or business that are most prone to flooding during or after a storm will help you be prepared to handle, and even to prevent, storm damage. The low-lying areas of homes and businesses are most at risk, so taking extra precautions to stormproof your basement and cellar areas will save you a lot of time and money over time.

Basements and cellars will need to be regularly inspected during wet weather since they have a number of easy entry points for water. If there is heavy rainfall during inclement weather, or if the building is near a body of water such as a lake or river, flooding is a real danger. Keep an eye open for cracks in the foundation, ceiling, and walls of these areas.

Ensure that the doors and windows of the basement or cellar area are well-sealed against wet and stormy conditions. Entryways are also a potential problem area; make sure they are free of standing water and debris so that people don’t get hurt. Extra precautions here will also go a long way towards the prevention of any mold colonies being established.

Take steps to make sure that water is drained away from the foundations of your buildings. Standing water in these areas can create weaknesses in walls and foundational elements, eventually allowing water to leak into your basement area.

Our team of professionals here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is experienced in all the repairs and cleanup needs that can come from storm damage, flood waters, water damage, and fire damage. Mold remediation is one of our specialties.

Top Water Damage Causes to Look for This Winter

3/5/2019 (Permalink)

Flooding is inconvenient, and a hazard, too. It can ruin your possessions and even affect the structure of your home or business. Contacting a professional water restoration company can greatly minimize any damages; such a company is able to complete all the necessary repairs in a timely and efficient manner.

While flooding often can’t be predicted, educating yourself on the most common areas to flood will help you be prepared to handle such an event, and even to prevent it! Some areas of your home or business are going to be more apt to experience water damage than others, such as rooms that have sinks, as in kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry areas; low-lying areas like basements and cellars are also at risk.

Here is a list of some of the top water damage causes to look for:

  • Bathrooms. The bathroom is the most likely area in your home to experience water damages. Sinks, toilets, showers and tubs...all involve H20, and they are all contained in one small area and connected to pipes, pipes that can be a source of problems if they become clogged, leak, freeze, or wear out. Human error can create an issue as well; we’ve all heard stories about the bath that overflowed or the toilet that sprung a serious leak due to foreign objects ending up there.
  • Basements/Cellars. Basements and cellars are the lowest part of a house or building and so have a number of easy entry points for water. If there is heavy rainfall during inclement weather, or if the building is near a body of water such as a lake or river, they are going to be in danger. Make sure all weather stripping is in place and in good condition during regular inspections.
    • Oftentimes the pipes for the bath and kitchen areas run through the basement, and sump pumps and drains are often found there. In addition, many homes have their water heating unit and laundry facilities in their basement or cellar. Keep an eye open for cracks in the foundation, ceiling, and walls of these areas.
  • Attics/Roofs. A damaged roof, either from weather or fire, is susceptible to water damage and flooding the areas underneath. A small leak can turn into a big problem fast! Regular visits to your attic area will let you know if there has been any damage that will allow a leak to begin.

Our team of professionals here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties are experienced in repairs and cleanup from damages caused by water, fire, and mold. Call us today for all your cleanup projects both large and small

Winter Mold Prevention Tips

2/25/2019 (Permalink)

Even during the colder winter months, your home maintenance routine should include preventive measures when it comes to mold.

The kitchen, bath, and laundry spaces have a higher moisture level than most of the other rooms in your house, of course, and surfaces and flooring can become moldy quickly if not kept dry, even during the colder months. Once mold has established a hold on an area, it can come back even more quickly every time the humidity rises and can become a serious problem when the temperatures begin to rise later in the year, which make regular mold inspections a necessity.

Here are some tips to preventing mold growth in the first place:

  • Paint your kitchen, bath, and laundry areas with mold resistant paint. Products of this type are readily accessible at your local hardware or home goods store.
  • When doing any type of repair or renovation, check with a professional to find any available products that contain mold-resistant ingredients.
  • Avoid standing water in any area of the home, both inside and out. During floor cleaning, use less water than you might otherwise, and always dry off countertops after cleaning, paying special attention to cracks and crevasses.
  • In all windows in your home, ensure that weather stripping is in good repair in advance of bad weather.
  • Keep an eye on older refrigerators for leaks from hoses and pipes leading to walls. Move them away from the wall periodically and clean behind and underneath them. Take a good look to make sure it’s in great shape while you’re back there. Use a flashlight if necessary to check for any water damage or mold growth.
  • Ensure your kitchen, bath, and laundry areas are well-ventilated; you can always use a dehumidifier to help keep those spaces dry during wet weather to further prevent water damage and mold growth.

Keeping mold out of your kitchen and other living spaces will contribute to an overall cleaner space for the preparation of food and for entertaining and socializing during celebrations and parties. The kitchen is always the gathering place of any home, and the bathrooms are extremely important to keep fresh and clean for guests.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we have the experience, knowledge, and expertise necessary to help you with any mold damage or preventive practices. We provide mold inspection and mold remediation services. We are also available for cleanup after fire damage and water damage, and we serve the greater East Seneca areas.

Winter Cleaning Tips to Keep You Safe from Fire Damage

2/5/2019 (Permalink)

A fireplace is a wonderful thing to have where people gather for warmth and companionship.  A lit fireplace provides a wonderful ambiance to any room, and even more fantastic to have during really severe cold weather, such as blizzards and ice storms. The mantel is a great place to display pictures of family and friends or decorations for celebrations like Valentine’s Day or birthdays.

But a fireplace can also be dangerous if not cared for properly. Animals can build nests in your chimney during the warmer months without you ever knowing, and we can all just imagine what can happen when the first fire of the season is lit in a case like that!

Here are some precautions to think about; being prepared can greatly reduce the chance of a chimney fire in your home fireplace.

  • First, do an inspection. (If you have a steep roof, then this isn’t a DIY project, and you need to enlist the help of a professional, for obvious safety reasons.) There are certified chimney sweeps throughout the country and they can easily be enlisted to help with your winter chimney cleaning project. During the inspection, you are looking for creosote buildup. It may not seem like a big deal, but it ignites at only 451 degrees and expands from there, possibly increasing temperatures to over 2,000 degrees. At that temperature, it can engulf your entire chimney and potentially destroy your home or cause some serious fire damage.
  • If you are in the habit of burning green wood, make sure you have your chimney cleaned or inspected every 50 burns or so. To know whether your wood is green or not, look for moisture bubbling out from the cut ends of the log. Wet, green wood doesn’t burn cleanly and will send particles up your chimney, which in turn builds up as creosote and soot. Choose hardwoods such as oak or birch, which burn hotter and cleaner.
  • A professional cleaning would include an inspection for soot build-up and for cracks or obstructions that could cause issues. Older chimneys can sometimes have gaps in the clay liner where mortar has fallen out, which causes water damage and can make your chimney unstable. If you do find yourself in need of a chimney sweep, look for someone who is insured and properly certified in your area. They will ensure that you are safe from fire damage due to an unkempt fireplace and chimney  

The  SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team has years of experience dealing with fire damage, and we’re here to handle any damages in your home or business, should the worst ever happen. We also take care of water damage restoration, and keep in mind that we are also mold prevention and remediation specialists able to offer mold inspection and mold remediation services, as well.

New Years Cleaning Resolutions for Your Business

1/22/2019 (Permalink)

It’s that time of year again. The time of year where everyone is thinking about what they can do to make the new year even better than the last one. Business owners are planning ways to do better business and how to succeed in bigger ways, and you’re no exception.

One of the challenges any business owner faces is that of keeping their place of work clean and tidy, presenting a great image to the rest of the world. Perhaps in your case, your processes haven’t been the best, or everyone has just gotten busy with other things. It’s understandable; there is so much that must be attended to when running a business, even if it’s a small, local organization.

Here are some tips for New Years cleaning resolutions you can make with your staff to help keep everything looking good:

  • Delegate. Put together committees made up of the people who work for you and delegate specific areas of your grounds to keep up. You may be in a position to add a pay incentive for a job well done, or perhaps staff members can go home a bit early on Friday. Incentives are always a good idea!
  • Organize. Have a cleaning schedule posted in a noticeable spot so that everyone knows what needs to be kept up. If you are having professional cleaners come in, make that schedule available so that your staff can do a bit of prepping before they come in, such as remove fragile personal items from desktops, or put up breakable items in the kitchen or break room.
  • Tidy. If your workspaces are neat and tidy, they will be much easier to keep clean. Encourage everyone to pick up after themselves and to limit the amount of clutter they keep at their desks and workspaces. Clutter is also a safety hazard and could save you money spent on injuries.
  • Sanitize. Keeping work areas clean and sanitized on a regular basis, like perhaps every Friday evening before going home, will go a long way towards preventing seasonal illnesses.

The SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca team is ready to help you with all cleaning needs for your business. Call us today for a consultation! We are experts at fire damage restoration and water damage restoration, and we offer mold inspection and mold remediation services, as well!

Preparing Your Business for Winter Storms

1/2/2019 (Permalink)

Preparing properly for an oncoming winter storm is essential as a business owner. You have invested lots of time, money, and effort into your business and property, and you will want to safeguard it against damages that can come from winter storms.

  • Pipes and water mains. Make sure that all of your pipes and water mains are thoroughly protected against freezing. Do an assessment of the condition of all your water-bearing pipes and fittings and replace anything that is not functioning properly before winter storms hit your area. Be sure to replace any pipes or fitting that are showing cracks or other signs of age.
  • Heating. Make sure that all of your heating systems are in good running order. If they need maintenance, you will need to see to this to help prevent possible fire damage. You can call on our team of experts to help you in this area.
  • Windows. If you haven’t already, install a new set of storm windows. These should be fitted with a plastic lining on the inside. These windows will help to provide an extra layer of insulation that will work to keep the cold outside air from entering your home during a storm.
  • Insulation. You will also need to make sure your business is properly insulated. It's a good idea to caulk your doors and windows and make sure the weather stripping is in good shape.
  • Winter storms can be extremely unpredictable. Pipes, fixtures, and sewage systems that lasted through a previous storm may not make it through the next one. If you have any doubts about the ability of your home to survive severe storm damage, call an expert for help with assessments and repairs.

SERVPRO of East Huron & Seneca Counties is here to help you to get your business ready for the colder months ahead. Call for an appointment and visit from our service team today. We are water damage and fire damage experts, and we provide mold inspection and mold remediation services, as well!

Keeping Your Hotel Mold-Free

12/27/2018 (Permalink)

Mold is unsightly and unhealthy, and it can cost your hotel business. Today, we are sharing some steps you can take to mold-proof your motel or hotel business so your guests can truly enjoy their stay with you.

  • IDENTIFY PROBLEM AREAS. Do an audit of your business premises to identify the problem areas. Are the windows in some rooms frequently damp? Are there any persistent leaks in ceilings or hallways? Preventing mold from taking hold and spreading can be as simple as ripping up carpet or using mold-resistant cleaning and renovation products, or just cleaning out rain gutters. If you are in need of mold inspection services, SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is available to assist you in your mold inspection and mold remediation needs!
  • KEEP THINGS DRY. Mold growth can’t occur without moisture, so take care of wet areas immediately. Seepage after heavy rainfalls or melting snow and ice, or even carpet spills or minor flooding due to broken pipes, etc. need to be fully dried within 24 to 48 hours. Make sure any bedding and furniture that may have been affected are either completely dried or removed from the area to prevent the need of mold remediation services.
  • VENTILATION. Make sure all your staff members are educated as to good practices in mold prevention. All areas need to be properly ventilated, from the kitchen to the on-site laundry, if you have one. Your housekeeping staff needs to be trained to keep a lookout for leaking AC units in guest areas, and everyone should know what to look for in break areas, bathrooms, and other areas where they work daily. Dehumidifiers might be appropriate to use, especially in more humid regions or during very wet seasons in your area to prevent water damage and mold growth.  
  • KEEP A WEATHER EYE OUT. Regular inspection of exterior doors, windows, and roofing can expose any leaks or improper fits right away. Even the smallest leaks can, over time, cause a mold issue that can be difficult to eradicate.
  • GREEN STUFF. Do you use live plants in your decorating scheme? We know they are beautiful and useful, too; they help to purify the air of indoor spaces, which is always helpful. However, they can also accumulate mold on their leaves and in their pots. Make sure that part of their regular care involves checking for mold. Natural food stores carry products that can be added to water for your plants to keep excess moisture down while being safe for the environment.
  • RESISTING MOLD. When it comes time to repair or renovate, keep in mind that there are many mold-resistant products on the market today, such as drywall or Sheetrock. Many paints now include mold-inhibitors, which are a great asset in the battle. Some cleaning products can be a benefit, as well in preventing mold growth.

Here at  SERVPRO of East Huron & Seneca Counties, we are experts when it comes to water damage, fire damage, and mold remediation, and are here for all of your emergency service needs. We are also available for any mold inspection needs that you have in the Seneca areas.

Keeping Your Pipes from Freezing this Winter

12/18/2018 (Permalink)

The colder months are almost upon us, and when temperatures plummet, the risk of pipes freezing and bursting becomes very real, and with it, water damage. Burst pipes are actually one of the most common property damages owners will experience during frigid weather, and can create thousands of dollars in water damages, and water damages can, in turn, lead to other issues, such as mold growth which require mold inspection and mold remediation services, as well. The pipes in basements, attics, and garages are most at risk since these spaces are generally unheated, but even those located under your cabinets or in exterior walls can freeze. Today, we will share some simple tips you can use to keep your home or business dry:

  • Insulation. Insulating your pipes can be fairly inexpensive, costing perhaps as little as fifty cents per linear foot when doing it yourself with products from your local hardware store. This investment could save you both time and frustration as well as money, saving your real estate and personal property from loss and damages.
  • Doors. Keep garage doors closed, especially if your garage hosts a water supply, while in the kitchen and bathroom you will want to keep the cabinet doors open; this allows warmer air to circulate around the plumbing.  
  • Faucets. Let cold water drip from your faucets if they are connected to exposed pipes. A trickle of water will help prevent those pipes from freezing by keeping it moving.
  • Thermostat. Set, and keep, your thermostat at the same temperature both day and night. A cold snap is not the time to turn the heat down to save money. If you are leaving home for an extended period of time during the holidays, leave the heat on using a temperature of nothing less than 55 degrees.
  • Insulation, again. Insulation added to attics, basements, and crawl spaces will help maintain higher temperatures in those spaces of your home or business. Sealing cracks and openings around all windows, doors, and sill plates will also be beneficial.

The SERVPRO of East Huron & Seneca Counties team cares about you and your home or business. We are here to help with all weather-related issues and concerns. Visit our website today to contact us or for more information about keeping your spaces safe and damage free. We are also available for mold inspection and mold remediation services as well as water damage and fire damage restoration!

Winter Fire Damage to Be Prepared for

12/11/2018 (Permalink)

A fireplace is one of the things most of us look forward to using when cold weather rolls around. They lend such a cozy ambiance to any home, no matter the size. We also will be pulling out the heavier blankets and space heaters and lighting the furnace for the first time in a while. Perhaps your home is even outfitted with an old-fashioned potbelly stove! All of these cold weather items can, if not properly cared for and used, can become a fire damage hazard. Here are some helpful suggestions to help keep your home and loved ones safe from winter fire damage:


  • Have smoke and carbon monoxide alarms installed throughout the home and keep them in working order at all times.
  • Ensure that materials such as carpet, drapes, and furniture are kept away from the fireplace, furnace, or space heaters while they are in use. All of these materials are combustible and must be watched carefully to avoid fire damage to your home. Use a firescreen to keep children and pets away from the fireplace flames and to make sure that sparks are not projected near anything that could catch fire.
  • Never leave space heaters running when you are not in the room and don’t use them during the night while everyone is sleeping. If something goes wrong, you will want to be awake and alert. Never leave a child or a pet in a room with a space heater unattended.
  • Check the cords and plugs for your space heaters thoroughly on a regular basis to make sure they are in good repair at all times.
  • Keep the ash accumulation in your fireplace or potbelly stove under control, cleaning them out when the ash reaches the bottom of the grate. An accumulation can impede airflow and also make building a fire more difficult. When removing ash, it’s a good idea to wear a dust mask and gloves.
  • A certified sweep in your area can inspect and clean your wood-burning fireplace and chimney; once a year or more can keep you and your family safe from fire damage and smoke damage. The Chimney Safety of America maintains a list of approximately 1500 chimney professionals that actively carry the Certified Chimney Sweep credentials, and they can be contacted in 49 of the 50 states.
  • A good way to test the safety of your fireplace is by lighting a few small pieces of seasoned wood. If the smoke doesn’t exit up into the chimney but goes out into the room, immediately troubleshoot and correct any problems. These can include creosote or soot buildup, debris in the chimney such as bird or animal nests, a closed or partially closed damper, or even wood that is damp; all of which can pose serious fire hazards and risk fire damage and smoke damage.
  • Make sure you burn only seasoned wood in your fireplace or potbelly stove. This should be wood that has been cut and dried under cover for 6 -12 months. Greenwood does not burn as thoroughly and creates more soot and creosote buildup, creating problems with your fireplace. Hardwoods, such as oak, ash, and maple are dense and heavy, delivering more heat than lighter softwoods, such as pine, poplar, and cedar; you should have no problems finding these woods from many area sources.

These simple tips can keep your home fire-safe all winter long. Remember to call SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties if you need any help with fire damage, water damage or mold cleanup around your home or office this winter season.

Checking Your Attic for Water Damage

12/4/2018 (Permalink)

Your attic will be one of the main places where damage from heavy rainfall can occur, and then mold growth becomes a possible concern - that’s not anything a homeowner wants. It is one of the places in your home that you won’t visit regularly; usually, a trip up to the attic is only made when you need something you have put up for a rainy day. It’s important to check your attic area periodically for leaks and water damage, especially after winter or other damp seasons, depending on your geographic location.

Some houses have water heaters in the attic, and they are known to leak as they age. Your attic will also take the brunt of storms, right along with your roof. When the roof sustains damage such as loose or missing roofing material, you will probably see water stains in the attic, letting you know a problem is developing.

Follow these tips to help you keep on top of any water damage to your attic:

  • Check your attic for damage regularly. It’s important to assess your attic space as often as you check other parts of your home. You’ll want to make sure this area isn’t holding water, which can spread to problems with your interior ceilings.
  • Check your roofing after extremely damp or severe weather. It’s crucial to check all roofing after a strong storm and/or high winds to ensure it is still intact.
  • Make sure a water heater located in the attic of your home is working properly. If your water heater isn’t functioning the way it should, or if it has seen better days, have it checked by a professional. A malfunctioning water heater can flood your home and cause major property damage.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are always ready to help with cleanup after water damage and fire damage and are experts in the area of mold remediation. Call us at (419) 442 1790 with questions or concerns, or to schedule an appointment if you are in the greater Seneca areas, including Bloomville, Green Springs, Greenwich, and many, many more!

The Difference Between Mold Removal and Mold Remediation

11/27/2018 (Permalink)

Mold spores exist naturally almost everywhere. They can be found both indoors and out, and since they are microscopic, they cannot be detected by the naked eye until an entire colony has formed. Removing all mold from a home or business is actually impossible to do, so mold remediation is the focus when it comes to mold.

Some professional restoration businesses choose to advertise mold removal, and even go so far as to guarantee total removal of all mold, but this is not really possible. A qualified restoration company understands the science behind mold and its growth. The SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties team has the training and expertise in remediation of the mold in your home or business; mold remediation means that the focus will be on getting mold back to its normal and natural level.

Every situation where mold damage is found is going to be totally different and therefore will require a specific solution, but in general, the mold remediation process remains the same.

If you believe that you have an unnatural mold situation, call our team at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties to schedule an inspection and mold damage assessment. We will take steps to contain the mold and filtrate the air of the area affected, and all mold and materials will be removed, and we’ll ensure that the contents and belongings of the area will be cleaned thoroughly. We will then undertake the restoration of your property and make sure you are mold-damage free.

Here are some things home and business owners need to be aware of when it comes to mold:

  • Mold spores float along in the air and can enter a home or business through windows, doors, or HVAC systems. They can even hitch a ride on your pet!
  • Mold is microscopic; don’t expect to always see it with your naked eye.
  • Mold growth can happen in as little as 48 hours. The spores thrive on moisture, so even a higher-than-normal humidity level indoors can encourage the growth of mold colonies.
  • Mold produces a strong musty odor.
  • Mold produces irritants and can be hazardous to your health.

Call us here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties at (419) 443 1790 to discuss mold remediation for your home or business. If you are in the Greater East Seneca area, such as in Port Clinton, Sandusky, or Huron, give us a call for any fire damage or water damage restoration needs!

Last Minute Home Cleaning Tips for Thanksgiving

11/20/2018 (Permalink)

The week before Thanksgiving is the time that you begin to wonder why in the world you offered to host this family event last year. How did 51 weeks pass so quickly? Now there’s the shopping to do, and the school events, and picking people up from the airport, and airing out the guest rooms….and the cleaning. It might seem difficult to see how this will all get done with your already busy schedule, but we want to share a few tips with you today that might be helpful for last-minute cleaning:

  • Kitchen Tips. Gather clutter together and put it in a laundry basket in the laundry room. Crisis cleaning is all about making things look tidy and forgetting about organization right at the moment. Spray the counters with cleaner and wipe down, and then attack the appliances, the sink bowl, and the faucets. Sweep or vacuum the floor, and spot clean. Spray air freshener. Check for any visible water damage or possible mold growth.
  • Bathroom Tips. Turn the fan on to remove odors and use fragrant candles before guests arrive. Put cleaner in the toilet bowl and let it sit for a while, while cleaning mirrors and polishing chrome. Wipe down the counters and clean the toilet thoroughly. Replace all the towels with ones that are freshly washed and sweep the floor; spot clean here. Spray air freshener. Like the kitchen, check for mold growth or visible water damage.
  • Guest Room Tips. Get rid of clutter by moving to the laundry area or a similar area of your home that guests will not frequent. Shake out curtains and change the sheets. Fluffing pillows will give the room a fresh look. Dust the furniture and don’t neglect the head and footboard of the bed. Polish reflective surfaces. Sweep or vacuum flooring, and spray air freshener. Scent sprayed onto a cool light bulb will freshen the room when the light is used. Fragrant candles are a nice touch here as well.
  • Living Room Tips. Toss the clutter into the laundry basket and remove any trash. Straighten and fluff pillows and fold blankets. Wipe away food spills and dust the furniture, polishing reflective surfaces. Make sure you remove pet hair with a damp cloth from seating and eating areas, especially. Move furniture to look neat and regular; this adds to the overall clean and neat look of the room. Vacuum or sweep the flooring, and spot clean. Spray air freshener.
  • Entryway Tips. First impressions are made here, so take care that it looks great. Shake off the Welcome mat, and polish the reflective surfaces. Sweep the front step, and clan all glass. Remove shoes and clutter from this area and place out of view.
  • Finishing Touch Tips. Empty all the trash bins throughout the house. Add a hospitality touch to the guest room by providing tissues, reading materials, and a water carafe with glass. For a welcoming scent when guests arrive, simmer two cups of water, two whole cloves, a cinnamon stick, and half an apple, orange, or lemon on the stove for an hour or so beforehand.
  • Start Cooking!

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we wish you the best 2018 holiday season ever! If you live in the greater Huron area, including Gibsonburg, Attica, Bloomville, or other surrounding areas, we are here to help with all of your water damage, fire damage, or mold growth restoration needs.

Mold Removal Tips for Your Bathroom

11/13/2018 (Permalink)

Due to the large amounts of water used in your bathroom, it is one of the most susceptible areas of your house when it comes to water damage and mold growth. You’ll need to practice preventive measures to ensure that you don’t develop serious mold growth in the bathing areas of your home, and have some cleaning tips on hand when mold takes hold. Once mold has established itself in an area, it can come back even more quickly every time the humidity rises.

Here are some tips to preventing mold in the first place:

  • Paint your bathroom with paint that is mold-resistant. Products of this type are readily accessible at your local hardware or home goods store.
  • When doing any type of repair or renovation in the bathroom area, check with a professional to find any available products that contain mold-resistant ingredients, such as flooring and drywall.
  • Avoid standing water in this area of the home. During floor cleaning, use less water than you might otherwise, and always dry off countertops after cleaning, paying special attention to cracks and crevasses. Another great tip is to keep your bath area well-ventilated to help further prevent long-standing water damage and mold growth.
  • Keep an eye on the cabinets under the sinks and around the toilet for leaks from hoses and pipes leading to walls. Clean behind and underneath them well on a regular basis and take a good look while you are completing this task.
  • There are products on the market that are great for cleaning mold, but some of the best might just be found around your home. Here are a few:

Using Hydrogen Peroxide:

    • Pour 3% concentration hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle and saturate the moldy surface completely. Let it sit for 10 minutes.
    • Scrub the area to remove all mold and mold stains and then wipe down surfaces to remove residual mold and spores.

Using Vinegar:

    • Pour white distilled vinegar into a spray bottle - do not water down. Spray the solution onto moldy surfaces and let it sit for one hour. Wipe the area clean with water and allow to dry thoroughly; any odors from the vinegar should be gone within a few hours.
    • Baking soda can also be used along with the vinegar to kill different mold species.

Using Baking Soda:

    • Add ¼ tablespoon baking soda to a spray bottle of water and shake until dissolved. Spray the moldy area with the solution and use the scrubbing brush to remove all mold from surfaces. Rinse the area with water to remove any residual mold.
    • Spray the surface a second time and let dry thoroughly; this will kill any left-over mold and prevent it from returning.

The team at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is ready to help you with any water damage concerns or mold growth or issues in your home or business in the greater Huron and Seneca areas, including Norwalk, Clyde, Bellevue, and more! We are also available for cleanup after fire damage. Call us today at (419) 443 1790.

Storm-Proofing Your Garage

11/6/2018 (Permalink)

Your garage is one of the most vulnerable areas in your home when it comes to the high winds, flying debris, and large amounts of water that come with violent weather. Here are some tips to stormproof your garage:

Install a garage door with a high wind-resistance rating. Storms that bring with them extreme levels of wind will cause the most damage; when a garage is breached, the winds will batter the rest of your home. Water will start to come in, and even just an inch of water can cause unwanted, and costly, damage. If you live in a tornado-prone area, it’s recommended that you invest in a door that can withstand winds of 130 mph or higher. Doors with high impact-ratings will protect your home and belongings from flying debris, as well.

Install a bracing system. You can reinforce your garage door with strong bracing. Most garage doors are secured only by the tracks or hinges, which will be vulnerable to damage during a powerful storm. A bracing system works by anchoring the door to the walls and floors and into each hinge, giving it the extra strength and protection necessary to withstand violent weather.   

Maintain your garage door. If there are any holes, cracks or breaches, these will allow storm winds through your garage door. Perform a monthly inspection, looking for any potential issues such as these, as well as problems with the weather stripping or any parts of the garage door mechanisms and functionality. Perform the needed maintenance as soon as possible to stay in storm-readiness, making sure the projects are completed before heavy weather hits your area.

Secure all windows. If you have windows in your garage, these will also be weak points during extreme weather. Ensure they are in good repair and that the weather stripping is doing its job. Having wrought-iron window protection installed can go a long way to protect your glass from flying debris, such as rocks or tree limbs, as well.

Install drainage and flood vents. Make sure that the garage of your home is properly outfitted for the drainage of large amounts of water. You can have a trench drain installed in front of this area and on the sides of your driveway to divert water, and flood vents inside the garage can drain any water coming inside quickly before levels rise and cause water damage or mold growth down the line, and thus preventing the need for mold removal!

Contact us here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca for help after house and business fires or if your property has sustained water damages. Mold remediation is also one of our specialties! Call us at (419) 443 1790, or visit our website for more information. We offer our services to a wide area across the greater East Seneca areas. If you are in the greater Tiffin area, including Fremont, Monroeville, and many others, we are here to assist you!

Utilizing a Dehumidifier in Your Home

10/30/2018 (Permalink)

Humid conditions can cause many health related issues; some can be severe. Optimal humidity levels are between 30 - 50%, with around 45% being the most desirable, and utilizing a dehumidifier can help to maintain indoor humidity at these comfortable levels, keeping the air in your indoor spaces healthy. This can both save you money and help you avoid any number of risks, such as potential mold growth.

Here are 3 ways dehumidifiers can help you at home:

  • MOLD AND MILDEW. Mildew emits a strong odor, which can affect your entire home. Leaving clothing in the washer too long when humidity is high, they can become "mildewy" and will need to be re-washed, which only adds to your water and energy bills, as well as that moldy smell. Since mold growth and mildew thrive in warm, moist environments, dehumidifiers help keep them in check and will prevent the need for mold remediation and mold removal in the future.
  • COMFORT. As your body temperature rises, your body releases sweat to help cool you down. When humidity is at an optimal level, your sweat evaporates into the air, leaving you cool and dry, but when air molecules that are already saturated with water have no room to absorb further water, you will feel wet, sticky, and uncomfortable. Bacteria is another organism that thrives in humid environments, and minor cuts and injuries are more susceptible to infection when that’s the case. Some minor medical issues can also be made worse by humidity, such as acne, athlete's foot and some respiratory conditions.
  • HVAC SUPPORT. When air molecules are ladened with water, it makes them harder to heat or cool down. For example: a pan only half full of water will heat and cool more quickly and efficiently than a pan that is full, and the same is true of air molecules that are half filled with water, like when humidity levels are at 50% or above. A dehumidifier will help your HVAC system heat up and cool down your home faster and more efficiently by reducing the water in the air, which can significantly save you cooling and heating costs.

Contact SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca for all your cleanup projects, both large and small, and remember that we are mold remediation experts! Our phone number is (419) 443 1790. We offer our services to a wide area across the greater East Seneca areas, including Sandusky, Castalia, Milan, and more!

Five Professional Methods Used to Clean Up Smoke Damage in Your Home

10/24/2018 (Permalink)

Fire, smoke, and soot will affect everything in your home, from the structure itself to your appliances and personal belongings. After a fire, contacting a cleaning professional will be very helpful. The SERVPRO team of Huron and East Seneca Counties knows how to get your home back to normal as quickly as possible.

SERVPRO specializes in restoring the contents of a home that have received fire damage or water damage. They will assess all your belongings carefully to determine what items can be restored to their “pre-fire” condition. Here are five steps that a professional cleaning company can use to get you back to normal after a fire:

  • Foam cleaning. This method is used for upholstery since it can shrink or bleed if water is used.
  • Dry cleaning. This method is used to clean light residue.
  • Wet cleaning. This is a very effective cleaning method used to remove moderate to heavy residues.
  • Immersion cleaning. This method is one where items are dipped into a bath of cleaning product.
  • Document/photo restoration. Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we are experienced in document and photo restoration. In the event that vital records or personal heirlooms have been damaged, we can use professional methods to bring these items back to their original state.

Electronics that have been damaged by fire present a serious hazard; never attempt to turn on or operate any electrical device that could possibly have been affected! Smoke residue contains acids that corrode metal and that can cause electronic failure in a device. You will want to be very careful with your computers (both PC and laptop), televisions, video game consoles, and cd/DVD players. When it comes to your smartphone, relay on a professional for help here, too.

If the damage to your home or business is such that it will need extensive restoration or cleaning, SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties can organize an efficient move-out process of all affected areas. Removing your items from places that have sustained smoke damages will aid in a quicker remodeling process and will protect your property. After the restoration is complete, move-in can be coordinated easily. If you have sustained fire damage to your home, visit us on our website or call us today for assistance: (419) 443 1790. We offer our services to a wide area across the greater East Seneca areas, including Milan, Lakeside Marblehead, New London, and more!

Caring for the HVAC in Your Commercial Buildings

10/16/2018 (Permalink)

For the care of your HVAC systems in your commercial buildings, engaging a professional HVAC company to do maintenance on your system every spring and fall will ensure that the heating and cooling of your property is running as efficiently as possible. Inspection and cleaning of the wiring and mechanisms of all your HVAC units will be completed, which requires the kind of training these professionals have. The experience and expertise of such a company is invaluable to any business owner since the comfort of all interiors and the energy efficiency of the buildings themselves is important to residents, tenants, and the owner alike.

Here are some things you can do yourself as a commercial business owner both monthly and seasonally to maintain and prolong the life and efficiency of all your units and systems in between professional maintenance visits:

  • Use high efficiency, pleated air filters. These types of filters have an electrostatic charge that works like a magnet to attract particles, such as those that carry bacteria.
  • Keep HVAC units free of grass, leaves, and pollen. Make sure landscaping companies don’t allow grass to shower on top of any exterior units on the grounds.
  • Clear two feet of space around all outdoor heating and cooling units.
  • Inspect refrigerant lines each month.
  • Replace air filter at least every 90 days.
  • In summer, turn off the water to the furnace humidifier.
  • In fall, replace the humidifier filter and turn on the water.
  • Replace your carbon monoxide detector battery.
  • Ensure outdoor AC unit is on firm and level ground.
  • Clean AC condensate drain with bleach/water mixture.

Have your professional maintenance company check all your ductwork to make sure it’s sealed properly when they come to tune-up your HVAC. For more energy savings, preprogram the thermostats in your building.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca, we care about you and your business. When it comes to caring for the HVAC system in your commercial building, we are here to help. Visit our website, or call us today at: (419) 443-1790. We offer our services to a wide area across the greater East Seneca areas, including Green Springs, Milan, Wakeman, and more!

Top Three Places to Check for Water Damage

10/9/2018 (Permalink)

Anywhere you use water on a regular basis in your home is a place that can sustain water damages. Doing regular inspections of areas in your home or business that are most likely to develop these damages due to leaks and spills will allow you to take care of issues before they can become serious.

Here are the top three areas to check regularly for water damage:

Your laundry room. With the large appliances that are found in your laundry room, you will also find those nooks and crannies that are not cleaned as often, since these appliances are not easy to move. A small leak behind your washing machine can go unnoticed for quite some time and create large issues down the road. Add to that little drip the humidity in the air, and you have a recipe for the establishment of a mold colony, causing the need for mold remediation. Enlist help, pull the washer and dryer out from the wall regularly, and make sure the areas behind them are clean, dry, and disinfected.

You bathroom. If you are like most people, your bathrooms are cleaned thoroughly at least once a week, and these times are great for checking for leaks and drips. Look in the least traveled spots, such as behind the toilet and under your sink. If there are any leaks in these places, they can be a danger until they are fully dry. You may want to invest in a dehumidifier, as well, to prevent mold growth.

Your kitchen. This room is often described as the most popular room in the house, where everyone tends to congregate, cooking and drinking beverages. Lots of liquids are used here! Keep an eye out for spills and clean them up immediately to ensure that they are not attracting mold spores and insects, and check under your sink regularly, to avoid damages. Underneath the sink and refrigerator are places that can be damaged by water without anyone noticing, so get out your flashlight and make sure you see every corner clearly. If you find any mold growth, you should begin mold removal treatment immediately.

In addition to these top three places, other areas that can experience water damage are basements and cellars, covered patios and decks, and closets.

The team at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is ready to help you with any water damage concerns or issues in your home or business in the greater Huron and Seneca areas, including Norwalk, Clyde, Bellevue, and more! Large-scale cleanups after flooding and fire are our specialties, and we are mold remediation experts, too. Call us at (419) 442 1790, or visit our website.

Preparing Your Home for Winter Storms in Ohio

10/2/2018 (Permalink)

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we advise area homeowners to prepare homes and property for the coming winter storm season. Extreme weather can lead to power outages and disruption of communications, while damaging personal and business property and belongings. People even lose their lives in winter weather. Auto accidents on icy or snowbound roads and fires from improper heating methods are some of the main ways these tragedies can happen, while flooding and large snow accumulations can cause travel to become extremely dangerous and even deadly. It’s important to be prepared for many different serious situations to occur during winter here in Ohio.

Here are some essential safety tips you can observe to get ready for the coming winter season:

  • Trim bushes and trees. Remove dead trees and tall bushes and all broken branches from around your home. These can cause injury and damage the roof of your house if they fall during extreme weather involving wind, ice, or heavy snow accumulation.
  • Clear clogged rain gutters. When snow melts, it needs to be able to flow down your rain gutters and away from your roofing. If there is dirt and debris left in your gutters from last spring, the water will pool and begin to back up, possibly damaging even interior wall spaces in your home, and this can even lead to mold growth, causing a need for mold removal on top of the storm damage. A rain gutter that is full of dirt can become heavy and can pull away from the building, creating another set of issues.
  • Check chimney and heating equipment. Have your chimney inspected and cleaned after winter and again before it comes around again, to prevent chimney fires. Your HVAC system also needs to be inspected, and all ducts clear and ready for use. Change out all your filters in the system, as well. If any space heaters are to be used, make sure they are in great shape and that everyone in the house knows the proper way to use them and when. They should never be left on if there is no one in the room.

The team at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties cares about your safety and the safety of your loved ones and your property, and we operate in the greater Tiffin and Sandusky areas, including Fremont, Willard, and many more cities in the area! We are experts in water damage restoration, as well as fire damage cleanup and restoration. You can call us any time at (419) 443 1790.

Tips for Environmentally Friendly Mold Cleaning

9/25/2018 (Permalink)

Commonly found in both homes and commercial buildings, mold growth can cause a lot of problems, including health issues if left untreated. It needs moisture to grow and thrives in damp conditions or in spaces that have poor circulation and high humidity. Bathrooms and showers are two places that can be attractive to mold colonies. The spores of mold can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat and create respiratory conditions, including asthma, in some individuals while long-term exposure can severely compromise human health.

Examine your home or business premises for mold growth. It may be obvious, but it can also go undetected in air-conditioning ducts and ceilings or other places that are often damp. If found, you can employ many mold remediation methods to get rid of it, but some of the more common ones contain toxic chemicals that are not friendly to the environment. There are some simple, cheap, and non-toxic methods that are not dangerous, however, and we will share them here with you.


If your affected area is small, such as the shower, you might want to go ahead and tackle it yourself. There are several DIY home remedies to kill mold that won’t harm the environment:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide. Dilute ½ part hydrogen peroxide to 1 part water and wash moldy surface.
  • Baking Soda and Vinegar. Dilute 1 part vinegar with 1 part water and mix in 2 parts of baking soda to 1 part of the vinegar solution, which will form a thick paste. Spread paste over the mold and let it dry, then scrub it off. Repeat if necessary.
  • Environmentally-friendly dish soap and Borax. 1 squirt of dishwashing liquid and 1 teaspoon of borax to 1 quart of water. Sponge solution onto moldy surfaces, rinse and let air dry.

Profession Grade Green Cleaning Solvents

If your problem is more severe, a commercial mold cleaning solvent may need to be employed. There are environmentally friendly mold remediation cleaning agents available that are typically biodegradable, pH neutral, and contain no toxic or harsh chemicals or pesticides.

If you are searching for more information on our services on mold removal and cleaning, click here.

Professional Help

We are always ready to help with your mold remediation projects. Call us here at (419) 443 1790, or visit our website: SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties.

Coming Up with a Family Emergency Plan

9/18/2018 (Permalink)

Make sure your loved ones are safe and their basic needs are met by developing a family emergency plan to put into place in the event of a disaster by having a plan. It is easy to panic during an emergency, so being prepared can help to minimize that panic and enable you to help your family in a calm and safe manner.

An emergency plan should include a disaster supply kit and essential supplies, and they should be easily accessible in a place that is pre-arranged.

A disaster supply kit should include medical supplies, medications, non-perishable foods and water, batteries, blankets and clothing. When you are putting your kit together, make sure the items you include meet basic needs - don’t worry about luxury items. The basic necessities are food, water, clothing, and shelter, so focus on making sure your family has these items.  

An emergency plan that is easy to follow is also a good idea. If your family includes older children or adults, you will want to make sure that they can remember what to do, so keep it as simple as you can, using places that are familiar if possible. In the event of a house fire, for example, direct your family to a safe meeting place that is close by, like a neighbor’s house, and for a large scale emergency, use a familiar building in the area such as a church or school, where the family can meet up.

Directives for each member will ensure that everyone knows what they are supposed to do during an emergency. Each family member can be assigned a partner to keep track of, for example, and someone can be in charge of carrying the emergency kit to the meeting place. Discuss it together and pick the best person for the job.

Create an emergency checklist and put it somewhere memorable. It should include emergency contacts such as addresses and phone numbers. Add important items to the list to take from the home, like spare car keys, vital records, and pets.

Natural disasters may knock out power, contaminate drinking water, or make it difficult for first responders to get to you. Have an emergency food supply, consisting of canned and non-perishable items, including bottled water. This is especially important for families that reside in areas prone to events such as blizzards, hurricanes, earthquakes and wildfires.

Click here for more information of our residential services for emergencies.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we care about you and your family. Be safe! (419) 441-1790.

Keeping Your Break Room Clean

9/11/2018 (Permalink)

The break room is a popular space, a place where the staff comes together to eat, visit, and relax during their lunch hours or mid-shift breaks. It’s the spot that will be used for the occasional potluck put together for holidays or staff birthdays, or perhaps a celebration of retirement or awards earned. Keeping this common area as clean and comfortable as possible is good for morale, and will play a part in the happy memories your employees will have of working for you.

When outfitting your break room and considering appliances and furniture, comfort should be the first word that comes to mind. This room needs to be the place your workers go to relax, so chairs and tables need to be large enough for a crossword puzzle game or to hold several trays of food during a potluck, and the chairs should be easy on the back and seat. Just as importantly, though, they should be constructed of materials that are easy to clean and disinfect and are able to stand heavy usage and the test of time.

The appliances chosen need to be user-friendly and placed so that anyone from the shortest to the tallest can use them conveniently, and they also should be simple to clean and maintain. No one likes to use a microwave that is covered with samples of the last week’s lunches inside!

A cleaning checklist should be available, and a team should be designated to care for this area of your business. You can get input from the whole team as to what should be done and when, and then everyone will be on the same page to keep your break room spic and span.

If water or fire damage happens, call a professional cleaning company to come in and get you back to normal. For heavy duty cleaning projects such as stripping and waxing floors or washing walls and ceilings, this type of company can be a great help, too.

The team at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is here to help with all your cleanup needs, large or small. Call us today at (419) 443 1790.

Top Three Places to Check for Mold

9/4/2018 (Permalink)

Mold is odorous, unsightly, and even dangerous to our health, and it can show up very quickly. Knowing where to look and what areas are most vulnerable can help keep you a step ahead of a mold issue.

Here are the top three areas to check regularly for mold growth in both home and business:

BATH AREA. Most bathrooms are cleaned thoroughly at least once a week, this is the perfect time to check for mold. Look in the least traveled areas, such as corners of the linen or storage closet, behind the toilet, under the sink. If there have been any leaks in these places in the past, these areas are in danger until they are fully dry. If you detect a brand new leak or drip, have it corrected immediately. You can invest in a dehumidifier for your bathroom, as well, and that can be a great tool in the fight against mold.

KITCHEN/BREAK AREA. The rooms of your home or business that are used for food prep are often as busy as the bathrooms, and water is a big part of that usage, of course. Keep an eye out for spills and leaks and clean them up immediately to ensure that they are not attracting mold spores, which are always in our air and cannot be removed.

The laundry room. This room in your home has nooks and crannies that are not cleaned as often since no one ever sees them. Add to that the humidity in the air and possible unseen leaks or drips, and you have elements present that will encourage the possible establishment of a mold colony. Enlist help to pull the washer and dryer out from the wall regularly and make sure the areas behind them are clean, dry, and disinfected.

Other areas to keep an eye on in your home and business: hall closets, garages, storage units, warehouses, and basement areas.

SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is always here to help you with any issues related to mold and its remediation.  Large-scale cleanups after flooding and fire are our specialties, as well. Call us at (419) 443 1790.  

Roof Repair to Prevent Water Damage

8/28/2018 (Permalink)

We all look forward to summer, with its pool parties and vacations. But summer also brings with it some unpredictable weather at times, and a home or business owner will want to be ready for water, and possibly lots of it. Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to the most vulnerable spot of your home or business: your roof!

Regular Maintenance: At least once a year, you should clean the cobwebs and dust from your ventilation and exhaust systems. Caulking around pipes and vents is always a good idea, and exposed metal will rust and deteriorate, so make sure those points get painted to protect them. Remove leaves, dirt, and debris from your gutters to avoid water damage from backed-up rainfall or melting snow and ice. Prevention is always a great idea!

Schedule Repairs Right Away: Don’t hesitate to call a professional immediately if you see curled or buckled shingles during your maintenance inspections. If shingles are missing, that’s something that will need to be repaired before storms hit. Putting these types of repairs off can be expensive in the long run, so don’t wait.

Attic/Crawl-space Inspection: Your attics and crawl-spaces can tell you a lot. If there is any developing issue with your roofing, one of the first places you will see water damage will be here. Look for discolorations and warping or buckling in the materials used, and if you see any signs of mold beginning or detect any musty odors, you will know that you may have some repairs that need to be done right away. Water stains in the attics and crawl-spaces might also be a sign that it’s time for a new roof.

UTILITY BILLS: As a home or business owner, you are always keeping an eye on your costs, and if you notice that your utility bills seem to be creeping up, it might not be higher prices. It could be that you are losing heat or cool air through a roof that needs attention. Enlist the help of a professional to see if that might be the case and to perform any necessary repairs.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we have a lot of experience in the area of cleanups after water and fire damage. Mold remediation is also one of our specialties. Call us today at (419) 443 1790.

Fire Safety in the Office

8/21/2018 (Permalink)

Practicing fire safety in your business will save you time and money and keep the people you work with safe. Here are some tips that will help you:

  • Have high-quality smoke detectors installed on or near the ceilings of your office in all areas where people gather to work and be sure to include storage areas, warehouses, and outlying buildings. Installing Carbon Monoxide alarms in the same areas is a wise choice, as well, since CO is an odorless and colorless gas produced by burning fuels and can be difficult to detect.
  • Ensure that you have multipurpose fire extinguishers readily accessible in several areas of your property, and make sure your staff knows where they are and how they are properly used.
  • Schedule HVAC unit inspections on a regular basis. Employ a professional for these types of specialized tasks.
  • Create an escape plan for your staff, and take the necessary steps to ensure that everyone understands it and can follow the plan in case of fire. Post your evacuation plan in public areas so that both your staff and customers are aware of where to go in the event of a fire. Second story buildings should have an escape ladder, and post warnings near any elevators that they are not to be used in case of a fire.
  • Contact your local fire department for tips and directions on the requirements for businesses in your area to promote fire safety. You can schedule an inspection by the Fire Marshall to ensure that you are compliant with all area rules.
  • There are remote monitors available today that can alert you if there is a fire in your buildings while you are absent. They can be plugged into an electrical outlet easily and connected to your internet, and the downloaded app will send you updates and notifications.
  • During repair or remodeling to your business property, make sure fire-resistant building materials are used whenever possible.

Call the team here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties for assistance with fire safety. We are always available for large-scale cleanups after fire and water damage in both residential and commercial properties, as well. Our phone number is (419) 443 1790. We’re here to help!

Keeping Your Home Stormproof Year Round

8/16/2018 (Permalink)

Inclement weather can happen any time of the year, whether it’s a summer tornado, fall hurricane, a winter snowstorm, or a heavy spring rain. You will want to make sure your home is stormproof all year

Here are some preventive tips that can help:

  • REGULAR INSPECTIONS.  Inspect your entire property every quarter, keeping the upcoming season in mind. The weakest spots in your home are the windows. Make sure your house has been equipped with highly-rated protective windows. Storm shutters are also extremely helpful as an additional layer of protection and security against high winds and airborne debris.
  • SAFETY FOR LOVED ONES.  Your loved ones need to know what to do in case of a storm. Have a plan of action and discuss it with those you care about. It’s vital to stay protected indoors, and if the weather gets extremely severe, such as with tornado or hurricane activity, you will want to retreat to the basement area or the most interior room of the house. Choose a space with no exterior windows.
  • MIND YOUR ROOF.  Another vulnerable point in your home is your roof. Use highly rated shingles that can withstand the harshest weather. Inspections of your attic can also tell you a lot about the condition of your roofing.
  • OUTDOOR TIPS.  When planting your garden and choosing garden furniture, keep storm seasons in mind. Maintain your trees by removing branches that are not strong; these can become dangerous when torn off and thrown around by high winds. Before ice storm season, make sure tree limbs are pruned back from all power lines. Get rid of rock and gravel landscaping as a strong wind can send these materials flying. A little extra work now can save time and money later. Be safe!

Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we are always concerned about your safety. We are equipped to assist with cleanup after fire or water damage, and mold remediation is one of our specialties.  Call us at (419) 443-1790 in the event of bad weather issues, or visit our website: SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties

Mold Prevention Tips for Your Kitchen

8/7/2018 (Permalink)

Your kitchen is one of the most susceptible areas of the house when it comes to mold growth since there is water in use here on a daily basis. Practicing preventive measures will ensure that you don’t develop a mold issue in one of the busiest rooms in your home.

The kitchen has a higher moisture level than most of the other rooms in your house, and surfaces both visible and out of the way can become moldy quickly if not kept dry. Once mold has established a hold on an area, it can come back even more quickly every time the humidity rises and make life miserable.  

Here are some tips to preventing mold:

  • Paint your kitchen with mold-resistant paint. Products of this type are readily accessible at your local hardware or home goods store. This is also a good practice for bath areas, as well.
  • When doing any type of repair or renovation in this area, check with a professional to find any available products that contain mold-resistant ingredients.
  • Avoid standing water in this area of the home. During floor cleaning, use less water than you might otherwise, and always dry off counter tops after cleaning, paying special attention to cracks and crevasses. Inspect underneath sinks and in cabinets on a regular basis and look for buckling woodwork or discolorations - both are telltale signs of water damage.
  • As with all windows in your home, ensure that all weather stripping is in good repair in advance of bad weather.
  • Keep an eye on older refrigerators for leaks from hoses and pipes leading to walls. Move them away from the wall periodically and clean behind and underneath them and take a good look while you are back there. This is a place where mold loves to hide and grow.
  • Ensure your kitchen area is well ventilated; you can always use a dehumidifier if you feel it will be beneficial.

Keeping mold out of your kitchen will contribute to a clean and pleasant space for the preparation of food and for entertaining and socializing. After all, the kitchen is the heart of a home!

Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we have the expertise necessary to help you with any mold damage or preventive practices. We are also available for cleanup after fire and water damage. Call us today at (419) 443-1790, or visit our website: SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties

A Cleaning Checklist for Your Business in the Fall

7/31/2018 (Permalink)

A wise business owner is always thinking about the future, making sure that material and product orders are placed well in advance, employee schedules are completed and posted weeks ahead of time, and customer complaints and concerns are dealt with in a timely manner. Keeping proper records of everything that needs to be done is a necessity, and checklists are helpful in this way. Keeping your business clean and your work environment pleasant and healthy will require a checklist, as well. Here’s a sample of what a cleaning checklist for Fall could look like:


  • Keep entryways neat and tidy; wet Fall weather means wet and muddy footprints as well as leaves and debris.
  • Clean and disinfect all bathrooms including: mirror, countertop, sinks, and both the inside and outer area of toilets, paying close attention to the flooring around the base, and the base itself.
  • Clean and disinfect doors, door handles, and light switches in preparation for the coming flu season.
  • Sweep and mop floors using a disinfectant liquid. Make sure the mop head gets cleaned and/or replaced regularly to keep mold from taking hold.
  • Clean cigarette trash from provided receptacles.
  • Clean and polish drinking fountain, if you have one.
  • Clean and disinfect kitchen area, including the sinks and countertops.
  • Clean all glass, especially entrance doors.


  • Wipe down and disinfect work desks and machinery such as phones, keyboards, printers, and filing cabinets.
  • Sweep and vacuum all offices.
  • Dust accessible window sills and baseboards.
  • Dust artwork, framed certifications and news articles, etc. You want your image to shine!
  • Clean out refrigerator and wash/disinfect microwave.
  • Sweep exterior entrances, both front and back.
  • Make sure break areas are clean and presentable.
  • Remove trash and debris from parking areas.


  • Inspect roofing, exterior doors and windows, and parking areas for potential problems and maintenance needs.
  • Trim back large bushes and tree limbs on your property before inclement Fall weather.
  • Do a quick inspection of fencing and entrance gates.
  • Schedule periodic maintenance of all HVAC systems and duct work.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we are prepared to help you handle all your cleaning and maintenance projects, both large and small. Call us at (419) 443-1790 for cleanup assistance after water or fire damage. We are also experienced in mold remediation. Visit our website: SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties

Preventing Water Damage Under Your Sink

7/24/2018 (Permalink)

Sometimes the quiet corners and unnoticed spots of your home or business are the places where the biggest problems can arise. While the home or business owner is checking the bigger areas such as roofs and parking lot drainage systems, a silent drip under the sink can be slowly creating a situation that will make life miserable in the future. Once an area such as the one under a sink becomes damp and stays that way, a colony of mold can spring up almost overnight, requiring the services of a mold remediation expert.

Creating a cleaning and maintenance schedule for your home or business can help you keep an eye on all the different areas of concern in your place of business or your home, both large and small.

Here are some scheduling  ideas:

  • Add the task of checking all areas under and around sinks for leaks to your cleaning/maintenance schedule. This will help you to stay on top of a potential water damage issue.
  • Replace visible water supply pipes and hardware as soon as they show significant signs of wear before they begin leaking.
  • Clean under sinks regularly and ensure that the areas are always completely dry and sanitary. Pay special attention to those places that don’t get much light: use a flashlight to check and clean all the dark corners in these areas.
  • Don’t ignore any signs of dampness: buckling wood or particle board sheeting under the sink, musty smells, discoloration - these are all signs that water is going where it shouldn’t. The smallest amounts can create significant problems down the road.
  • If a leak is found, take immediate steps to repair the cause. Call a professional plumber if necessary and engage a professional clean up company to come in and take care of the water damage once all is safe and sound.

Here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties, we have lots of experience in water damage cleanup projects both large and small. We also handle fire damage, and mold remediation is one of our specialties. Call us today at ((419) 443-1790, or visit our website: SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties

Preparing Your Basement for Storm Damage

7/17/2018 (Permalink)

In some parts of the country, rain can be an almost daily occurrence during the summer. Flooding is a very real hazard when this happens, and that’s inconvenient, and even dangerous, possibly causing a lot of damage. Your possession can be ruined, and building structures can often be affected negatively. In these times, you can contact a professional water restoration company for help. Such a company is an expert in water damage cleanup and repair.

While flooding can’t be predicted most of the time, educating yourself on the most common flood-prone areas of your home or business will help you be prepared to handle such an event, and even to prevent it. Some areas of your home or business are going to be more apt to experience water damage than others during storms, such as low-lying areas like basements and cellars.

Basements and cellars, the lowest parts of a house or building, need to be regularly inspected during wet weather since they have a number of easy entry points for water. If there is heavy rainfall during inclement weather, or if the building is near a body of water such as a lake or river, they are going to be in danger. Keep an eye open for cracks in the foundation, ceiling, and walls of these areas

Ensure that the doors and windows of the basement or cellar area are properly sealed against wet conditions. Entryways are also a potential problem area; make sure they are free of standing water and debris so that people don’t get hurt.

Take steps to make sure that water is drained away from the foundations of your buildings. Standing water in these areas can create weaknesses in walls and foundational elements, eventually allowing water to leak into your basement area.

Our team of professionals here at SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is experienced in all repairs and cleanup needs from damages caused by water and fire, and mold remediation is one of our specialties. You can call us at (419) 443-1790, or visit our website: SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties

Safety Tips for Using a Fire Extinguisher

7/10/2018 (Permalink)

Fire extinguishers are a valuable tool in the fight against smaller fires and can also be used to protect evacuation routes in the event of a larger fire when emergency personnel are on their way. OSHA has stated that the most common emergency occurrence owners of homes and small businesses should plan for is fire. Here are some tips that will help in the event of a fire.

Homeowners should take the time to know how to use the fire extinguisher kept in their home. OSHA requires employers to train their staff thoroughly on how to use a fire extinguisher correctly as well and to accurately assess the situation if a fire is to occur, properly determining when an evacuation needs to take place. OSHA has established annual training for employees as a minimal requirement for all places of business, and this training is helpful for homeowners as well.  

The PASS training technique can be used, and is outlined here:

  • P. Pull the pin on the extinguisher.
  • A. Aim the nozzle of the hose at the base of the fire.
  • S. Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent.
  • S. Sweep the nozzle from side to side, directed at the base of the flames, until the fire is extinguished.

Once someone knows how to properly operate a fire extinguisher, they should then also be trained to follow fire safety protocol. They should know how to:

  • Locate and activate the fire alarm.
  • Call the fire department and emergency responders immediately.
  • Determine a safe evacuation route that will direct people away from flames, excessive heat, and smoke. They should also know how to keep the route from becoming blocked,
  • Use the PASS technique for discharging a fire extinguisher (outlined above), and know the importance of backing away from the area if the fire flares up again.
  • Evacuate the area immediately if the fire is still going and the extinguisher is empty, or if the fire grows beyond what can be safely handled without fire department personnel.

Fire extinguishers are made to handle small fires only. If the environment becomes too dangerous or the fire becomes too large, everyone should know when and how to evacuate. Excessive smoke and heat, impaired evacuation routes, and poor visibility are all conditions that can arise really quickly, and people need to understand that safety comes first and foremost.

SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties is here to help in the event of cleanups both large and small, after fire and water damages have been sustained in your home or business. We also handle mold remediation. Call us today at (419) 443-1790, or visit our website: SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties

Tips to Help Stormproof Your Home

7/3/2018 (Permalink)

Whether you bundle up and enjoy the sights and sounds of stormy weather or you stand at the windows and watch for trouble, it’s important for you to know what to do to keep your home safe during storm season.

Here are some preventive practices to keep in mind:

  • MAINTAIN YOUR PROPERTY.  The weakest spots in your home are the windows. Make sure your house has been equipped with suitable protective windows; storm shutters are also extremely helpful as an additional layer of protection and security against high winds and debris.
  • HAVE A PLAN OF ACTION.  Make sure your loved ones know what to do in case of a storm. Have a plan of action and discuss it with those you care about. It’s vital to stay indoors, and if the weather gets extremely severe, you will want to retreat to the basement area or the most interior room of the house.
  • KEEP YOUR ROOFING STRONG.  Another vulnerable point in your home is your roof. Use highly rated shingles that can withstand the harshest weather.
  • CHOOSE SAFE OUTDOOR MATERIALS.  When planting and choosing garden furniture, keep storm season in mind. Maintain your trees by removing branches that are not strong; these can become dangerous when torn off and thrown around by high winds. Get rid of rock and gravel landscaping, as a strong wind can send these materials flying. A little extra work now can save time and money later. Be safe!

Here at SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties, we are always concerned about your safety. When bad weather or emergencies happen, we are equipped to assist with cleanup after fire or water damage, and mold remediation is one of our specialties.  Call us at (419) 443-1790, or visit our website: SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties

Faster to your Huron & East Seneca County Water Damage Event

11/10/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties provides 24 hour fire and water damage restoration service in Huron & East Seneca County

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of Santa Barbara provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.  SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – 419-443-1790

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

About SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Want to know who is coming:


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SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

How to Prevent Mold

11/8/2016 (Permalink)

You had a house flood and thought you did a pretty good clean up job (pat yourself on the back), until one day you notice a little something over in the corner under the carpet slowly creeping up the wall.  Panic sets in and you start pacing thinking to yourself, “How did this happen. What could I have done to prevent this?”  Well we have the answers and some simple tips to help you prevent mold.

  • Identify problem areas in your home and correct them. You can't mold-proof your home, but you can make it mold-resistant.  Check your house for areas of concern and face them head on.  It might cost money up front but it will save you money down the road.  Pull up that carpet and install mold proofing products, find that water leak and fix it so it doesn’t creep inside the house, or repair that broken rain gutter.
  • Dry wet areas immediately. Mold can't grow without moisture, so tackle wet areas right away.  Even spills should be cleaned up ASAP.  The key is the small daily task that makes the difference. Be sure to dry the floor and walls after a shower. Don't leave wet clothes in the washing machine, where mold can spread quickly. Get them in the dryer and make sure to leave the door open and let your washer dryer out
  • Prevent moisture with proper ventilation. It may be that your routine activities are encouraging the growth of mold in your home. Make sure an activity as simple as cooking dinner, taking a shower, or doing a load of laundry doesn't invite mold by providing proper ventilation in your bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, and any other high-moisture area. Your energy-efficient home may be holding moisture inside, so open a window when cooking or washing dishes or showering, or run an exhaust fan.
  • Equip your home with mold-resistant products. Building a new home or renovating an old one? Use mold-resistant products like mold-resistant drywall or mold-resistant Sheetrock, and mold inhibitors for paints. This is especially import in moisture prone areas like the bathroom and kitchen.
  • Monitor humidity indoors. The EPA recommends keeping indoor humidity between 30 and 60 percent. You can measure humidity with a moisture meter purchased from a hardware store or online. You'll also be able to detect high humidity by simply paying attention to problem areas in your home. Signs of excessive humidity include condensation on windows, pipes, and walls. If you notice condensation, dry the surface immediately and address the source of the moisture
  • Direct water away from your home. If the ground around your home isn't sufficiently sloped away from the foundation, water may collect there and seep into your crawlspace or basement.
  • Clean or repair roof gutters. A mold problem might be a simple matter of a roof that is leaking because of full or damaged gutters. Have your roof gutters cleaned regularly and inspected for damage. Repair them as necessary, and keep an eye out for water stains after storms that may indicate a leak.
  • Improve air flow in your home. According to the EPA, as temperatures drop, the air is able to hold less moisture. Without good air flow in your home, that extra moisture may appear on your walls, windows and floors. To increase circulation, open doors between rooms, move furniture away from walls, and open doors to closets that may be colder than the rooms they’re in. Let fresh air in to reduce moisture and keep mold at bay.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

Fire and Smoke Damage

11/8/2016 (Permalink)

One of the most predictable and most damaging types of disasters that can happen in your home is fire damage. Large or small, fires can start at just about any time of the year, and lead to costly and prominent damage in your home. Burned objects, rooms, and fixtures, smoke, water, ash, and other types of damage can result from the same fire. As a result, most residential fires come with some other problems as well, requiring professional advice and cleanup. In addition to demanding cleanup situations and complex damage scenarios, fires create safety hazards in homes releasing toxic chemicals and compromising structural integrity. As a result, unless the fire was put out quickly and caused little significant damage, experts recommend employing professional services for fire damage cleanup and restoration. 
Fire damage cleanup is not only difficult to clean up by yourself, but also dangerous. Fire can burn through most materials in houses, and often comes into contact with toxic or unstable substances along the way. It could be cooking materials, cleaning supplies, gardening chemicals, or even simply the insulation behind your walls. There is a variety of otherwise innocuous materials that can present a hazard, and some can be deadly. Soot is often a by-product of incomplete combustion of plastics, vinyl, and rubber materials leaving behind a sticky, oily residue and potentially harmful gases.
Additionally, water damage from fire hoses or superheated burst pipes can create safety hazards as well. Water can further weaken the structure itself, mix with spilled or dried chemicals around the house. Electrical cables or devices can shock users, and mold growths may present additional health hazards. Cleanup is best left to professionals from SERVPRO, who know how to deal with these issues and have appropriate safety gear along with industrial grade equipment ranging from water pumps, to ozone filtering devices, and air scrubbers.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

Lightning Safety

7/20/2016 (Permalink)

With these ups and downs in the weather, the atmosphere becomes quite unstable thus spurring thunderstorms. Most of the time, these are just heavy downpours that last about 20-30 minutes and leave the day feeling much more humid and hot than when it arrived. There are some of these afternoon visitors that can have some pretty severe components, including lightning.

Lightning is one of the leading causes of weather-related fatalities. Ohio has had 34 deaths from 1990-2003 ranking in at #4 for all 50 states according to data collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). You can easily avoid being a statistic by following these simple safety tips. 

Be aware. Check the forecast before participating in outdoor activities. If it calls for thunderstorms, postpone your trip or activity, or make sure adequate safe shelter is available.

Go indoors.Remember the phrase, “When thunder roars, go indoors.” Find a safe, enclosed shelter when you hear thunder. Safe shelters include homes, offices, shopping centers, and hard-top vehicles with the windows rolled up.

Avoid windows, doors, porches, and concrete. Do not lie on concrete floors and avoid leaning on concrete walls. Lightning can travel through any metal wires or bars in concrete walls or flooring.

Avoid water. Do not bathe, shower, wash dishes, or have any other contact with water during a thunderstorm because lightning can travel through a building’s plumbing. 

Avoid electronic equipment. Do not use computers, laptops, game systems, washers, dryers, stoves, or anything connected to an electrical outlet. Lightning can travel through electrical systems, radio and television reception systems, and any metal wires or bars in concrete walls or flooring. Equip homes and offices with whole-house surge protectors to protect appliances.

Watch for Developing Thunderstorms - Thunderstorms are most likely to develop on spring or summer days but can occur year round. As the sun heats the air, pockets of warmer air start to rise and cumulus clouds form. Continued heating can cause these clouds to grow vertically into towering cumulus clouds, often the first sign of a developing thunderstorm.

Seek shelter before an approaching thunderstorm - Lightning can strike as far as 10 miles away from where it is raining. That’s about the distance you can hear thunder. If you can hear thunder, you are within striking distance. Seek shelter immediately! When thunder roars, go indoors!

Minimize the risk of being struck during outdoor activities - Most lightning deaths and injuries occur in the summer. During organized outdoor sporting events, coaches, camp counselors and other adults must stop activities at the first clap of thunder to ensure that everyone has time to get to a large building or enclosed vehicle. Leaders of outdoor events should have a written emergency plan that all staff are aware of and enforce.

Things to avoid while indoors - While inside, stay off land lines or corded phones, computers and other electrical equipment that put you in direct contact with electricity. Stay away from indoor and outdoor pools, bathtubs, showers, and other plumbing. Buy surge suppressors for key equipment. Install ground fault protectors on circuits near water or outdoors. When inside, wait 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder and lightning before going out again.

Helping a Lightning Strike Victim. - If a person is struck by lightning, call 911 and get medical care immediately. Cardiac arrest and irregularities, burns and nerve damage are common injuries when people are struck by lightning. You are not in physical danger when helping a lightning victim. Knowing first aid measures, which include cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), can help lightning-strike victims survive. American Red Cross chapters and local fire departments often offer first aid and CPR classes.

Lightning is dangerous - By knowing what to do during severe weather incidents, you can greatly increase your safety and the safety of those around you. At the first clap of thunder, go inside a preferably large building or fully enclosed vehicle and wait 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder and lightning before going back outside. Remember: When thunder roars, go indoors!

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

Cleaning Myths and The Facts From Your Local SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties

6/16/2016 (Permalink)

When you just want to clean your house after everyday use you want it to be done quick and easy. Not confusing and hard. These 10 myths about cleaning will be explained to help you clean with a more effective product or to show you that the product you are using doesn't work as well as you thought. Enjoy!

Myth: Newspaper does windows well

Fact: Wet newspaper tears easily and the ink can transfer to window trim, leaving more to clean. Use microfiber cloths to clean glass. They’re the best at cleaning without streaking.

Myth: Coca-cola belongs in the toilet

Fact: Coke isn’t “it” when it comes to cleaning your toilet bowl. Coke is acidic, so it could be effective at removing hard water stains BUT soda could actually darken stains and the sugar could encourage bacteria.

Myth: Handwashing dishes is better than using a dishwasher

Fact: If your dishwasher is a decade old, this may be true, but today’s models beat handwashing by a mile. According to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star website, using a dishwasher that bears the Energy Star label can save some 5,000 gallons of water, more than $40 dollars in energy costs, and 230 hours in personal time over the course of a year, versus handwashing. And, because dishwashers heat the water to 140°F, they’ll sanitize the dishes, too.


Myth: Coffee freshens garbage disposers

Fact: Coffee grounds may act as a mild abrasive, removing gunk from disposer blades, but baking soda is a better choice: It’s also mildly abrasive, and because it’s a base it will counteract all the smelly acids that we put down the drain.

Myth: Vinegar cleans everything

Fact: Vinegar is an acid, so it can cut through dirt and can kill bacteria, but only if you use it at full or nearly full strength. Most people put a capful in a bucket of water, and that doesn’t do much. The acids in vinegar can damage natural stone and wood surfaces.

Myth: Hairspray removes ballpoint ink

Fact: This may have been true years ago, when hairsprays were formulated with more alcohol (which does remove ink) than they are today, but not anymore. Today’s hairsprays are full of stiffeners and hardeners that will just make the stain worse. Just use rubbing alcohol. It’s far less expensive than hairspray, and doesn’t include any extra ingredients.

Myth: Bleach cleans everything

Fact: Bleach actually doesn’t ‘clean’ anything—because it doesn’t remove soil. It can lighten stains, making things look cleaner, and it kills bacteria, so it’s better as a sanitizer than as a cleaner.


Myth: Feathers make great dusters

Fact: Genuine ostrich-feather dusters do attract dust, but they’re expensive and are generally not as effective as lambswool or microfiber options. Most feather dusters just spread the dust around. Also, they tend to drop feathers which is just leaving you more to pick up.

Myth: Cleaning solutions work instantly

Fact: Nope. We recommend allowing any cleaning solution to sit on the surface for two to three minutes. Always follow the directions on the product’s label. Some solutions, like disinfectants, need a full ten minutes to truly kill bacteria.

Myth: String makes the best mops

Fact: Industrial-style string mops may look impressive, but studies have shown that microfiber mops are about 20 percent more effective at removing dirt and bacteria. String mops are very absorbent, so they’re great at cleaning up big spills, but if you want to make sure you’re not leaving anything behind on the floor, use a microfiber mop.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

Knowing Who To Call After A Fire - SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties

6/14/2016 (Permalink)

When you find that your property has experienced fire damage, responding appropriately and immediately is important. If you don't take quick action, your home could be subjected to secondary water damage from the fire department's extinguishing efforts resulting in additional structural damage, and health hazards. The best course of action to take during the aftermath of a fire is to hire a fire damage restoration company. SERVPRO offers the following information to help you in your quest for a return to normalcy.

Obtain A Referral from Your Insurance Agent
One strategy you can use for gaining help from a fire damage restoration company is to request a referral from your insurance company. Insurance companies have a list of preferred vendors. SERVPRO is one such provider whose name is on over 315 lists from insurance companies, property management firms, and local, state, and federal agencies. An added benefit of acquiring a referral from your insurance provider is that it increases the likelihood that your insurance adjuster and the restoration representatives will work well together. We will gladly assist with the claims process, help manage the paperwork, and coordinate a concise plan of action to restore your home.

Do Your Research
After the fire, it's critically vital that you obtain services from the best company out there. Follow your agent's advice. But also, if you feel more comfortabe, research on your own. One thing to keep in mind during the research process is that each fire is unique and will have a distinct impact on your home. For this reason, you need to select a fire damage restoration company that offers a wide range of services.
• HVAC system cleaning of smoke and soot
• Debris safely removed
• Extensive water extraction and drying
• Potential structural rebuild, repair before replacing to mitigate costs

Why Choose SERVPRO?
After fire damage to your home, you want fast, professional service. To ensure that the fire remediation process is completed quickly and correctly to protect your personal property and to restore safety and sanitation, you need to hire a premier fire damage restoration company.
• 24/7 Emergency Services
• IICRC-Certified Fire Damage Clean Up Specialists
• Fast Response
• Trusted Industry Leader With More Than 1,650 Franchises, localized for your particular needs
• Preferred Vendor For Many Local And National Insurance  and Property Management Companies

Over the years, our company's professionals at SERVPRO have proven to provide outstanding value to our clients. Your property will be restored using the latest cleaning techniques and equipment. Our cutting edge services will return your home to pre-fire loss condition "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

Commercial Water Damage In Huron & East Seneca Counties

6/2/2016 (Permalink)

When it comes to dealing with commercial water damage, you'll need to hire a reputable local restoration service that can help you deal with the issue in an efficient and cost-effective manner. If your business or commercial office building has suffered water damage, whether due to flooding, overflowing sewage or a burst water main, we are here to help you.

Service Begins Immediately With Your Very First Call
When you contact us, your service will start immediately. The first step we take is to visit your property and make a quick and fully detailed assessment of the damage that has been done. It's critical to realize that the potential for danger does not abate simply because the emergency situation has been controlled. Leakage may persist in your structure for weeks and months after the incident, leading to further trouble such as mold growth and structural damage. This is exactly why a professional water damage restoration specialist is needed.

Dealing With Water Damage Is Our Personal Mission
Dealing professionally with commercial water damage in a local businesses is our personal mission. As soon as the extent of the damage has been established, we will begin draining out all of the leftover water. We can get water out of hard-to-reach nooks and crannies in the building where it may hide undetected and slowly become the cause of future problems.

Once all of the water is eliminated, we will start a comprehensive restoration and remediation program that includes carting away all the damage/debris and purifying the air of any remaining odors. We will check areas, such as air conditioning vents and filtration units, to make sure that mold growth hasn't occurred. Finally, we will double check everything to make sure the building is safe to inhabit.

The Full Restoration of Your Property Is Our First Priority
If you want your property to be fully restored and renovated, you'll need the assistance of a reputable water damage professional. This is why the full restoration of your property is our first and overriding priority. You don't want to wait weeks or even months while the insurance company weighs out your claims or lose money every day while your business is unable to function. You especially don't want to watch as all of your tenants leave the building in search of a safer location. Instead of completely demolishing the structure, it's better to let our team of professionals restore it.

Your One Stop Shop for Commercial Water Damage
When it comes to dealing with the commercial water damage  businesses sometimes sustain, you'll need to know the number of a reputable and professional local service that you can trust. When you need service quickly, SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is here to be your one-stop local restoration services provider.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

Water Damage Calls for SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties

5/27/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties is available 24 hours a day for water emergencies, large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the severity of the water damage.

We Answer the Phone Ready to Help
Call Today - 419-443-1790

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration—in fact, it's the cornerstone of our business.

What to Expect

When you call, we will ask several questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals may be needed.

Our SERVPRO Representative will ask several questions:

 -Here are some examples of what to expect-

  • Your name and contact information
  • Your insurance information (if applicable)
  • The street address of the water-damaged home or business
  • When did the flooding or water damage occur?
  • What caused the water damage (if known)?
  • Is there electricity available (on-site)?

About SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

Sewage Back-up

5/6/2016 (Permalink)

Sewer backups should be considered an emergency since the water may contain viruses, bacteria, and other microbes that cause serious illnesses. SERVPRO has specialized training and equipment to quickly and safely clean contaminants like sewage.

Water damage can be classified by the three types of contaminated water. SERVPRO will inspect your home or business to determine the appropriate plan of action for the type of water encountered.

Three types of contaminated water:

Category 1: "Clean Water"

Category 1 water is from a clean source like a broken water supply line or leaking faucet. If not treated quickly, this water can turn into category 2 or 3, depending on length of time, temperature, and contact with surrounding contaminants.

  • Water from a clean source like a broken water line
  • If left untreated, can degrade into category 2 or 3

Category 2: "Gray Water"

Category 2 water is contaminated and could cause discomfort or illness. Examples include washing machine overflow; toilet overflow with some urine, but no feces; or dishwasher overflow.

  • May contain bacteria and viruses
  • Can quickly degrade into category 3 if left untreated

Category 3: "Black Water"

Category 3 water is grossly contaminated and could cause severe illness or death if ingested and any contact should be avoided. Examples include flooding from rivers or streams, water from beyond the toilet trap, water from the toilet bowl with feces, or standing water that has begun to support microbial growth.

  • May contain untreated sewage, harsh chemicals, and microbes
  • Water from flooding rivers or sewer backup

24 Hour Emergency Service

Water contaminated with sewage backup should be considered an emergency situation and dealt with as quickly as possible. SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We water damage restoration specialists with specialized training, equipment and protective gear to safely restore your home or business.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

Flooded Basements

5/3/2016 (Permalink)

We know that a major flood damage can be one of the most destructive events your home can experience. We also it can be one of the most emotionally draining and physically exhausting events you will endure as a homeowner.

No matter what caused the flooding the water damage can significantly and negatively affect your walls, ceilings, the roof, your furniture and belongings and the overall foundation and structure of your home. If you and your home are subjected to flooding and water damage your first thought may be to pump the water out as quickly as possible and begin the cleanup process.

Before you rush into trying to do it yourself do your research or call a professional for assistance. It’s important to take the proper steps towards water removal and clean up in order to truly fix the problem.

Locate the Problem

There are many points of entry for water, but the main ones are your windows, the walls and the seams between the wall and the floor.

Once you have found out where it came from you must find a way to stop it. If it is a sump pump buy another and then buy a back-up. Another way to prevent flodding from sump pump failure is by buying a water detector and putting it a foot above your water line in the sump pump well.

Some of the main reasons behind basement leaks and floods are credited to extremely heavy storms and rain, rapid snow melts and believe it or not – dirty rain gutters. There are various preventive measures you can take to help you keep your home safe from these kinds of issues.

Get Ready for the Cleanup

Make sure to turn off all of the electricity that runs through the basement so you don’t hurt yourself while trying in your flooded basement. Also make sure to wear protective clothing such as gloves, waterproof boots, goggles and any other protective gear you may need to guard yourself from hot water, bacteria and dirty water.

Cleaning Up the Mess

A flooded basement means more than just a wet room in your home, which is bad enough as it is.

Most people use the basement for storage or as a bonus guest room, office or entertainment space. Once SERVPRO has safely  cleaned up the basement it is time to suck out the remaining water and completely sanitize the entire area to prevent hazardous mold growth.

Preventive Measures

Surviving a flooded basement once is one time too many, but having to do it again after you spent money to fix it and replaced your belongings is even worse.

Make sure that this never happens to you or your home ever again. Hiring a professional inspector to examine the space and to let you know what needs fixing is an option people use often. Hope fully a flooded basement never happens to you but if it does......

SERVPRO will make it "Like it never even happened!"

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

Dangers of Water Damage

4/28/2016 (Permalink)

Sometimes it happens in the middle of the night. Sometimes it happens when your at work or visiting family. Water Damage....it is a horrible term. You come home to being up to your ankles in standing water and you are frantic to figure out what caused it. Was it the sump pump, a broken pipe, or a run-off? Whatever the case may be, you need to act fast to complete the water damage repairs for the following reasons:

Your Structure

Water inside your home can be a destructive force. As the water piles up, it’s going to damage it. You may notice the floor start to bow, the walls begin to bend and crack, and the ceilings could begin to cave under the weight. If water threatens the structural integrity of your home, it could end up costing you thousands of dollars to make the much needed repair. When you act fast to remove the water and make the necessary repairs, you will limit the damage done to your home.

Oh no! .......Mold

It is shown that within 24 hours of exposure to water or moisture, mold will start to grow. Mold will leave an unpleasant odor in your home and will continue to grow as fast as it is capable to. The best way to stop mold growth is to remove the water and treat the area as quickly as possible. When mold is concerned faster action is always the best.

Safety Issues

If water has reached any electrical appliances or outlets, you’re going to have a safety issue to deal with. You don’t want to get electrocuted, so you need to turn off your power and have your home inspected. Make sure that you’re not at risk for any dangers pertaining to the electricity or other concerns in the area.

Damaged Possessions

Your home is filled with your memories, and all the material items you have collected throughout your life. How would you feel if some of your most prized possessions were damaged beyond repair? When your personal property is affected by water you want it restored not replaced. You want to preserve it for as long as possible. If these items get damaged by water, you can act quickly to restore those items. SERVPRO professionals can help you care for those items and make sure that the damage around your home is stopped when they get to the scene. 

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, flooded basements, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

Signs of Mold Growth

4/21/2016 (Permalink)

Mold can be disgusting to look at and can cause health effects.  So we will try to help you by covering some of the signs of mold growing inside your home.

One sign of mold is smell. A lot of times this is the first thing someone will notice. If you consistently smell something (typically a musty odor) in the same area, you may have some mold growth there.....even if you don't see it!

Obviously if you see mold growth you know you have it. For instance, if you are in the shower or the tub and you spot something that black, green, gray, slimy, powdery, etc.  Unfortunately, not all molds are as easy to detect as it is in the shower, damp places like a cellar or basement could very easily be home to mold as well.

It is also important to know your home’s history. If you had any water damage or leaking that wasn’t professionally taken care there could be a problem. Knowing how old you home is would be helpful. Do you live in a particularly humid area? Knowing these things could help you identify if mold has a possibility of being present.

If you do happen to stumble across mold, or if you don’t, but have a hunch that it’s there, please do not hesitate to give SERVPRO a call. If left untreated mold can continue to cause more damage to your home and can cause possible health effects. Instead, contact us. We are I.I.C.R.C. certified and ready to help.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, flooded basements, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

Duct Cleaning Information

4/19/2016 (Permalink)

Most people are not aware that indoor air pollution is an issue of growing concern and increased visibility. If you decide to have your dheating and cooling system cleaned it is important to make sure the service provider agrees to clean all components of the system and is qualified to do so.

- Duct cleaning refers to the cleaning of forced air systems, including the supply and return air ducts and registers, grills and diffusers, heat exchangers, heating and cooling coils, condensate drain pans, fan motor and fan housing, and the air handling unit housing.

Over time these components will start to fill with dust and debris. If moisture gets in the system the potential for microbial growth is increased drastically. Some of these contaminants can cause allergic reactions or many other symptoms.

Does duct cleaning prevent health problems? The correct answer so far is simply that no one knows. There are examples of ducts that have been so badly contaminated that it can affect your health or if the duct system is helping flow contaminants throughout your home. In these instances duct cleaning makes sense.

In the meantime just educate yourself and get education on whatever company you decide to use. Here at SERVPRO we met all the standards needed to correctly clean your entire system and we are always happy to help but, in the end doing what feels right for your specific needs is most important.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, flooded basements, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

The Mold Removal Process

4/14/2016 (Permalink)

The key to mold control is moisture control. Mold spores won’t grow if moisture isn’t present, so if there is a moisture problem in your home or office, you must fix the water issue or the mold will return.

Mold remediation is the process of cleanup and removal of mold from an indoor environment. First thing to do is determine if mold is present, where is it growing and how much remediation is needed. The assessment often involves moving furniture, lifting or removing carpets, checking behind wallpaper and in bad cases even opening up walls.

Sometimes, when occupants of the home or business are experiencing symptoms of illness, sampling of the mold spores may be performed to answer further questions. SERVPRO does air testing that can let us know how extensive the mold is and how much of it is in the air.

Never clean the mold with bleach since it is a water based chemical you will hide the presence but ultimately feed the mold. It is important to wear a respirator and protective clothing if trying to clean mold yourself. Better yet, playing it safe and calling SERVPRO will ensure the clean-up gets done right the first time. SERVPRO uses any number of high-tech mold removal methods and equipment in the remediation process, including:

  • Moisture meter
  • Humidity gauge
  • HEPA filtered vacuum
  • Borescope (to view potential mold problems inside walls without damaging them)
  • Themographic camera

To learn more about mold remediation, call us! If you suspect that mold is affecting the health of those in your home or office space, please don’t wait—mold problems should be addressed within 24 to 48 hours.

Sources: Department of Health and Human Services of North Carolina; Centers for Disease Control; Environmental Protection Agency; and Trask Research, Inc. (a bio-chemistry company that develops mold testing and cleaning solutions).

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, flooded basements, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.  

How To Deal: After A Fire

4/12/2016 (Permalink)

The time following a fire in your home or business can be very overwhelming. Surrounded by your soot-covered and flame-damaged possessions, it’s easy to feel exhausted and depressed. The biggest triumph was that hopefully everyone got out safely. A way to ensure this is by getting one of our E.R.P.'s in place before the disaster takes place. Once the smoke clears, you will need to deal with all of your things, and the sooner the better.

Right at the beginning, it’s important to keep calm and be organized. Take notes on every conversation and online correspondence with your insurance company and restoration professionals, because in any stressful situation, miscommunication can happen. Save all receipts and original documents; only give photocopies upon request.

Make sure to call a professional as soon as possible. The quicker work can get started the better! Either calling SERVPRO right off the bat or calling your agent and asking for SERVPRO to help you is best. That way the claim process can get started and SERVPRO will be notified to get the your home or business as soon as possible.

SERVPRO will work with your insurance company to initiate a fire damage recovery plan and closely with you and your adjustor to determine which of your possessions can be cleaned…and which need to be inventoried for replacement. Often these services can be provided on site, but in the event that your contents have to be removed SERVPRO offers the capability to inventory, package, transport and store your belongings in a safe, heated facility.

Now that you know the initial steps of the fire damage recovery process, here are a few tips on what NOT to do before the pros arrive:

  • Do not wipe or attempt to wash fire residue from walls, ceilings, or other absorbent surfaces
  • Do not use carpeting or upholstered furniture impacted by heavy smoke residues or debris
  • Do not use food items or canned goods exposed to heat
  • Do not turn on computers, televisions, stereos or electrical appliances until they have been professionally cleaned and checked

With preparation, resources and SERVPRO on your side; plus a healthy dose of patience and perspective, you will make it through the process of fire damage recovery.

SERVPRO of Huron and East Seneca Counties specializes in the complete repair of fire, smoke, wind, flooded basements, water and vandalism damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, the SERVPRO disaster team is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com/ or call 419-443-1790.

Insurance Policy Safe-Keeping

3/8/2016 (Permalink)

If you have home owners insurance do you know where it is? Do you know if it is safe from water or fire damage? Storing your insurance policies in a safe place is pivotal to making sure you will still have the information you need after a disaster has happened. Maybe store a copy of all your policies in another location? Some people store copies of their documents on thumb drives or in a safe at their office, etc.  Also make sure your paperwork has correct numbers and contacts to getting the claim process started as quickly as possible.

You have the right to chose your own contractor but the insurance company will offer to give you one or name off some of the ones they prefer. Obviously, SERVPRO will be there for you from beginning to end and will get you back on your feet as quick as possible.  If you do indeed need someone to help you after a disaster, you can trust us at SERVPRO to make it like it never even happened!

Soot Damage

3/1/2016 (Permalink)

Time is of the Essence when dealing with smoke or fire damage.

Within Minutes: Acid soot residues yellow plastics and can permanently discolor highly porous materials.

Within Hours: Fiber glass fixtures may yellow and uncoated metals tarnish. Furniture finishes may start to discolor.

Within Days: Painted walls can yellow permanently. Metal surfaces corrode and pit. Wood furniture requires refinishing and vinyl floors refinished or replaced.

No matter what the time frame you need to cover your hands when working with soot and smoke damage. The oils in your hands will set in the soot and make it more difficult to get out if at all. (List of do's and dont's for fire in previous blogs.)

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

Secondary Damage

2/23/2016 (Permalink)

Water damage is a serious issue that you need to deal with promptly when it happens.

There are some things you can do on you own to help while waiting for professionals and those tasks are in our previous post of do's and dont's for water damage.

If water damage is not fixed quickly can destroy the integrity of your house.

Structural Damage

The biggest problem faced by homeowners after their houses are damaged by water is structural damage. It might sound obvious, but when your house has been hit by a lot of water the whole structure can be weakened. That’s particularly true in any area where water was allowed to sit for more than a few hours.
If you have water sitting on the floors and on your walls for days, after a major catastrophe you could really be facing some serious structural issues. Hire a professional to look at your home and don’t walk on floors, else it could be very badly damaged.

Health Hazards

Even if your home doesn’t have significant structural damage, being in a home that’s been badly damaged by water can create some serious health issues. Mold and mildew are the most common problems, and walls and floors that have been soaked by water can start growing unpleasant and potentially harmful mold in just a few hours.

Homes in climates with high humidity are even more susceptible to mold and mildew.

Furnace Puffbacks

2/18/2016 (Permalink)

Furnace “puff backs” occur most often in the winter and can create a mess and smell that can permeate your entire home.  A puff back is a misfiring in the furnace that can send soot throughout your residents. All cases are never the same, the best way to approach the situation is to contact someone that has had experience with them. It may require expensive cleaning and restoration in addition to repairs on your heating system. 

A puff back can happen when an oil burner doesn't ignite immediately and oil fumes are allowed to build up before ignition, resulting in an explosion similar to the backfiring of a car. The soot this produces is an acidic substance that can permanently ruin electronics, household items, and cause structural damage as well. The results are similar to having a house fire without having the combustion of flames.

The most important thing to do if you experience a puff back is to not touch or try to clean anything yourself. The oils from your hands can actually set in the stains so instead of just a cleaning objects, materials may have to be replaced instead. Cleaning of the soot needs to be tested first in a small area to determine the correct method to remediate properly. This system can be a simple as a one stage cleaning or up to a three stage cleaning system and sealant process. Time is of the essence if this unfortunately occurs in your home contact your agent to get started on getting your home back to normal.

Defending Against Mold Growth

2/16/2016 (Permalink)

- Keep humidity between 30 to 60 percent.

-Provide for proper drainage away from building foundations.

-Regularly inspect plumbing and appliances for leaks.

- Keep gutters and drains clear of debris.

-Inspect the roof, windows, and other areas where water might enter the building, and perform necessary maintenance.

-Respond to all water intrusions immediately.

-Contact your local SERVPRO Franchise Professional for assistance after a water damage or if you discover mold.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

Emergency Fire Damage Tips

2/11/2016 (Permalink)

- Keep hands clean or wear gloves when dealing with fire damage.

-Limit movement in the home to prevent further damage.

-Place dry, colorfast towels or old linens on carpeted traffic areas to prevent more soiling.

-If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator and prop doors open.

- Wipe soot from chrome on faucets and appliances then protect with a light coat of lubricant.

- Do not attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces without first contacting a SERVPRO franchise professional.

-Do not attempt to shampoo carpet or upholstered furniture without first consulting a SERVPRO franchise professional.

-Do not attempt to clean any electrical appliances that may have been close to the fire or water without consulting a repair service.

SERVPRO of Huron & East Seneca Counties proudly serves you and specializes in fire, smoke, mold, water and biohazard damage to both commercial and residential properties. Capable of handling any size loss and working with all types of insurance providers, SERVPRO is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. We cover areas like Tiffin, Fremont, Norwalk, Willard, Bellevue, Carey, New London, Bloomville, Attica, and Monroeville. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROhuroneastsenecacounties.com or call us at 419-443-1790.

Mold Basics

2/2/2016 (Permalink)

Do not use bleach to clean mold. Use an anit-microbial soap such as Dial and as little water as possible instead. Bleach's base is water and it will actually feed the mold. It may look like it went away but in a short time it will come back; possibly stronger.


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